ne of These Lovelies W611' Reign as CPS Homecoming Queen DONNA GRA'fl MARILYN HUrcHINs0N SUSIE SPRENGER SYLVIA FUNK Delta Detta Delta Chi Omega Independents Pi Beta Phi CPS Homecoming Queen To Be Elected This Week T E AlL By DAVE BIRKLAND Susan Sprenger, the P1 3ea : E 0 F F I C I A L P DF ASSOCIATEIO The annual election o h e candidate is a junior sociology ST UDENTS 0 T H F PUGET SOUND Homecoming Queen, by the male "" Anitrn M F half of the student body, started Sprenger's activities are the AdeL- today in upper class convocation phians and Sigma Alpha Iota. Last and will end at freshman convo year Miss Sprenger served as a cation Oct. 16. The voting this Spur and also worked on the 18-59—'co 3 Tuesday, October 7, 1958 Tacoma, Washington year will be somewhat changed Homecoming committee. rrom iasr yezr. IIISLCdU of the Barbara Keevil, the Alpha Phi i CommercG Club Will male students O!nc1:Stt? ndidate,isca , Mo n e y i S : ; B u d g e ts Pa ss e Hold First Meeting twice, once in the primaries on • . , i I . Keevi 5 activities•- inc ..i e t .e the The first fall meeting of the Oct. 7 and 9 and again in Methodist Student Movement, U rantea 'ror I ennis Courts finals on Oct. 14 and 16. AU vot Dh Dav.. CPS Commerce Club will be held appa i, an d th e Cam ps' Budgets of every department helped to simplify the budget pro- ing will be conducted in the con on Thursday, Oct. 9 in the Faculty rafters. Miss Keevil was a except the Tamanawas were ap- ceedings. vocation p eriods. In the primary dining room of the SUB at 8 p. m. :_ in her sophomore year. pr eyed b Central Board last - . election three of the five girls will . y . Finance committee announced Membership in the Commerce ek. The Tamanawas budget is be eliminated leaving two candi- Donna Grant fromShelton that $500 which had previously Cuib is open to all interested stu Chi Omega candidate. M:ss still being drawn up, and will be dates for the final voting. the been earmarked for Hungarian re- dents, as well as all departments Grant'sactivities include PanneL- ready in the near ruture. The candidates for the 195 lief has been set aside by Central of the College. president and Home . Homecoming Queen are Marilyn lenic vice Approval was, however, only Board for the tennis courts. Fi- The objectives of the Club are coming co-chairman. 1-lutchinson, Barbara KeeviL Don- semi-final. Final approvement can nance committee also revealed to promote group discussion of na Grant, Sylvia Funk, and Susan The Queen will begin her r&gn not be given until the Taniana- that sufficient funds had been al- business economic affairs to Sprenger. the evening of Oct. 23 when she was budget is approved. This located from the departmental bring in distinguished guest speak Marilyn Mutchinson, a senior will be officially crowned by Dr. came about as a result of a move budgets to make a total of $5,600 ers, an dto aid in the placement sociology major from Grandview R. Franklin Thompson between by Central Board to take a cer- which wil go towards the new of CPS graduates in the business i5 representing the Independents, the acts of the play, "The Man tain amount of the budget from tennis courts. world. Miss Hutchinson, having prey- Who Came to Dinner." The piay each organization that would be mush attended UW is a mmher is being presented by the Carroas spent on Tamanawas and put it of Kappa Phi and the Methodist Playcrafters Oct. 23-24 in Jones Student Movement. hail. The Queen and her escort ,. F Sylvia Funk, a junior education will be guests of honor at the Time Drawing Near Tor major from Bremerton, is the Homecoming game Saturday Oct. I Frosh Tu-of-War Delta Delta Delta candidate, Miss 25, and the annual Homecomtng ' Funk is a member of Sigma Al- dance that night in the CPS Fied- The time is drawing near when pha Iota. the Adelpliians. and the house, which will bring to a oLvie the frosh will have their oppor- - Madrigals. the 1958 Homecoming activitee, tunity to prove the strength of t!heir class. On Wednesday, Oct. 15, they will pull against the , sophomore class in the annual Lea d e rs h ii p Co n e re n ce TUg-Of-War. The east side of Todd hall will be the site of the battle, unless I • I . 1 1 -1 2 excavating has not been finished. - . Iii that case, the lawn across from The 1958 Leadership Confer- Perkins; Registration, .Vynn Hert- Todd will be used for that pur- Fo3d, ence will be held at Canp Say- zog and Howie Eastman; pose mour, the YMCA camp, [ocateJ Lorna Royal!; Publicity, Seca !Welve o clock noon will be the the Gig Harbor peninaua, Oct. Johnston and Ken McGili; Nfatr.e on fatal hour that will tell whether Tat's, Gail Pohela and Jay McCue. 11 and 12. or not the freshman class can Keynote speaker for the conf- The schedule for the leadership discard their beanies or if they ence will be Thor Toiletson, conference is as follows: must wear them until Homecom- Washington state representative Saturday, Oct. 11 log, Oct. 25. Both men and women to Congress, who will be prsent allowed to participate, as 8;3010;00 Registration in An.- are at the luncheon on Satur ai. , derson haIl lounge. every ounce of strength will be The conference themewiil c0:m- TOM JOVEL AND LES HALL look on while Dove Purchase tries new desk 9:00 Car caravan leaves needed. and as frosh president. Serving with Purchase throughout the year will be Jaa! centrate on campus aitairs for the camp. tco cars or tractors may be case siuds as first vice president and Hall as sergeant-al-arms. problems. Actual 10:05 Car caravan leavea used, just manpower. It would a!- will be made of the main camps for the camo, so he a 'ood idea to wear old so .' problems in an effort to fnd a 10:30 Get unpacked. clothes, as there is a certain ele- lution. 11:15 Welcome to Cartr.p ment of change one may get wet. Discussion groups will he held Seymour. in the Tamanawas budget. This Dave Purchase Elected to in order that students get further 11:30 Tour of camp. receive furthr 12:DO. 1:15 acquainted and Lunch ( K e v it o t e WAA Will Hold training concerning student g-- speech - Thor Tel- fireshmain Class Presidency ernment and its functions, lefson). Picn ic on Oct 9 Guest speakers will include Mr. 1:30- 2:30 Discussion group. Dave Purchase, a graduate of church member. Jim Nelson, director of menL; a- 2:30 Coffee break, The Women's Athletic Associa- Stadium High School and officer Angelea Hooley, who comes to fairs, Dr. Margarette Walker, As- 2:45- 3:45 Discussion group. tion will hold a picnic, Oct. 9, at of the Local Retailers Club, was CPS from England, won the race sociate Dean of Women. and Mr. 3:45 Coffee break.. Point Defiance Park from 4:30 to elected president of the Frosh for secretary-treasurer over Jack-- Gerard Banks, Bursar of the c- 4:00- 5:00 Discussion group. 7 p. m. class by a wide-margin in Thurs- ie Johnson, active Stadium grad. Miss Hoole'y's high school activi- iege. 5:00- 6:00 Free time. Activities at the picnic will in- day's convocation. Purchase, a Et is also hoped that De.rm Rich- 6 :00- 7:30 Dinner ( S p e a k e r, dude games, a weiner roast. and Sigma Nu pledge was president of ties centered around the orches-- . tra, choir and school plays. She ard Smith will he able to attenI. Dean Smith). 1 31lowing the meal, s i n g i n g Hi-Y and representative to stu- Mr. Nelson will explain the new 7:30 Entertainment. around the campfire. dent council. Since high school his was also vice president of her class three times. social setup and the puroose of 8:00 Free time - Game;, 'This is the first fall p i c n I c activities include vice president the Dean of Students. Dr. Walk- dancing. WAA has sponsored, but we hope of Washington State Retailers The position of sergeant-at-- arms, whose job is to maintain .,. er will be speaking on campus af- ???? Bed time. this will become an annual event," Club, and is currently the national fairs and etiquite. Mr. banks .iiI . • Sunday, Oct. 12 announced Carol Weeks,. WAA vice president of the DIstributive order at clas sconvocation and - be present to explain the financiat 730 Rise and shine.. president. Education Club of America. Pur meetings, is taken - by Les Hall,. system of the school. , . 8:00- . 9:00 Breakfast. All wonen students are invited, chases' opponent was Dave Smith, defeating Ron Newman. Hall's Delegates to the confereace 9:00-10:00 Thoughts of God, especially the new students. an active participant ofthe Meth- qualifications include representa.. will iaclude officers an members 9:30-10:30 College cases. Those who wish to attend and odist church. tive to student council, vice pres-- o Central Board, plus th presi- 10 .45-11:30 School finance and. have not yet signed up are asked Tom Jobe won the race for vice ident of Sports Club, and Wash- dents and vice presidents of out- , S p e a k e r, Gerard to contact Adele Lucchesi or Mau- president.
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