Volume July 1976 Number 2 PROCEEDINGS '* " ' "•-' ""' ' - ^ \~ ' '':'-'''' ' - ~ .•' - ' ' '*'' '* ' — "- - '• '' • The Helminthologieal Society of Washington ., , ,; . ,-. A semiannual journal of research devoted io He/m/nfho/ogy and aJ/ branches of Parasifo/ogy ''^--, '^ -^ -'/ 'lj,,:':'--' •• r\.L; / .'-•;..•• ' , -N Supported in partly the % BraytonH. Ransom :Memorial Trust Fund r ;':' />•!',"••-•, .' .'.• • V''' ". .r -,'"'/-..•" - V .. ; Subscription $15.00 x« Volume; Foreign, $15J50 ACHOLONU, AtEXANDER D. Hehnihth Fauria of Saurians from Puertox Rico>with \s on the liife Cycle of Lueheifr inscripta (Weslrurrib, 1821 ) and Description of Allopharynx puertoficensis sp. n ....... — — — ,... _.J.-i.__L,.. 106 BERGSTROM, R. C., L. R. tE^AKi AND B. A. WERNER. ^JSmall Dung , Beetles as Biolpgical Control Agents: laboratory Studies of Beetle Action on Tricho- strongylid Eggs in Sheep and Cattle Feces „ ____ ---i.--— .— _..r-..........,_: ______ .... ,171 ^CAKE, EDVWN W., JR. A Key" to Iiarval;Cestodes of Shallow-water, Benthic , ~ . Mollusks of the Northern Gulf 'bf Mexico ... .„'„_ „». -L......^....:,...^;.... _____ ..1.^..... 160 DAVIDSON, WILLIAM R. Endopa'rasjites of Selected Populations of Gray Squir- rels ( Sciurus carolinensis) in the Southeastern United States „;.„.„ ____ i ____ .... 211 DORAN, D. J. AND P: C. AUGUSTINE. / Eimeria tenella: Comparative Oocyst ;> i; Production in Primary Cultures of Chicken Kidney Cells Maintained in •\s Media Systems ^.......^.L...,.....J..^hL.. ____; C.^i,.^^..... ____ ..7._u......;. 126 cEssER,^R. P., V. Q.^PERRY AND A. L. TAYLOR. A '-Diagnostic Compendium of the _ Genus Meloidogyne ([Nematoda: Heteroderidae ) .... .... ... y— ..L_^...-...,_... ___ ...v , 138 EISCHTHAL, JACOB H. AND .ALEXANDER D. AciiOLONy. Some Digenetic Trem- ' atodes from the Atlantic UHawksbill Turtle,' Eretmochdys inibricata ^ /irribrieaia (L.), from Puerto Rico ~L^ _____ ,:,.......„._: ____ , _______ . ___ . _____ .T......_..._.i... /174 'HASS, p.fK. /AND J. A. COLLINS./ Comparative AntheLtnintic Efficacy jn Dogs _ Treated witli Vincofos, Ticarbodine, or1 Mebendazole .—r~— _____ .._!__. ____ ..... -135 HATHAWAY, RONALD P^AND JOHN C. HEHLEVICH. ^AHistochemical Study of " x;- Egg; Shell Formation in thev :Monogenetic Trematode Octomacrum 'lanceatum Mueller, 1934 ______ .„. ________ ..:...i. ____ —L__— _...__^_...... _____ ^ ____ ,203 ;• ',)'•:' , ;//' •'_!-.': : ] (Continued on Back Cover) . 0 , ^ ' / " {'•- Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington ^ THE HEUVUNTHOtOGICAl: SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON • •• THE SOCIETY 'meets once a month from October through May for,the presentation and -discussion of papers }inaiiy andrall branches of parasitology or related sciences^' All interested persons are ; invited to attend. : -;/ ' / '•'" ,; '•'"• -; V f Persons interested in membership in the Helniinthological Society 6f Washington may, obtain ,apjplication^ blanks from the Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer, JprrWilliam R. Nickle- Nema- tology Laboratory, Plant Protection Institute, ARS-USDA, Beitsville, Maryland 20705. 'A year's subscription to 'the .Proceedings is included in the annual dues ($8.00). A "; , ./' /..-';. "J?'.:^'V'^v- •••*••• ^ ^ '"* ' fe X:Vc'\ ;.V ;--'\-. '••'.'•)•.'./• -"-.• f OFFICERS Of THE SOCIETY FOR 197& ;, V \ A. MORGAN .GOLDEN ^ J " \ '- ;i:,."\; ' ''•, ^;'\>'-";/i T"- Vice President: JCENDALL G. POWERS j ; / ; ,/ \' ^~ r , Corresponding]Secretary-Treasurer: WILLIAM' R, NIGKLE ' ^ V ; Assistant Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer: BARLEY? G. -SHEFFIELD, ''"•• > <]R&ording Secretary: J, RALPH^L'ICHTENFELS V > - \ ! y •. r ,^ Librarian:' JUDITH M.SHAW 1(1962- )v : v V ,, .: , ftf', 'JUDITH M. SHAW (1970- ) ^- ; ; ~ x , ^ W^-W:^mgipnAG^^ ROBERT S. ISENSTEIN (1976-:; );' ^Representative to \the American iSoci'ety of Parasitologists: J^KKKy HERLICH (1&15-+ ); ' ,\_U .'.V^.-./.-v. ••'.'-'•-6i;;'. •.,-''' VRON^LD PAYER, J1977 is :: V V'V'S.V ;'•'• ' y >/.: -. />• i v' MILFORD LUNDE, 1976 • ' ' ^ ->\_ ''4 ' ^ •,' ' .v ;;; '";7y". ^U .-''•' EDGAR •••A,;-STEGK,M97fr:Xr '//,:,;..• ,/ '- PROCEEDINGS OF THE HEtM1NTHOU>felCAL SOCIETY OF m \ AC, THE^PRbGEEpINGS are published semiannually at Lawence, Kansas by the Helmintho- ~ j logical Society of ; Washington. PapersJ/heed not be "presented at a /meeting to be published ; in the Proceedings, However, non-members rnay vpublish in the Proceedings only /if they icontribute the 'full; cost of ^publication. "'Member's, ^yill be requested to, pay a standard charge of K $10vOO per ,pageVx ^v^ : '',• '• ' 1 .' ': 'K';V.y; 7V--.'. ' : .^ - . ,^: £_ ^MANUSCRIPTS should :be sent to the ^EDITOR, A: James /Haley, Department of -Zoology, 'IJniversity;,of Maryland, College- Park, Maryland f 20742. 'Manuscripts .must be typewritten, double; spaced, /and/ in finished form. The .original arid -twoVcopies^are required. Photocopies \f figures and drawings may be /Submitted for review/purposes; ( originals will be 'requested l . -,v ^fter. acceptance of, the manuscript.' ^Papers are accepted with the understanding ,tiiat "they will •'• Jbe published only in the Prbceedings. j ~ ' , . "'' ': ,' r ;<> REPRINTS may be ordered from the PRINTER at? the same : time -the corrected proof is returned toVthe EDITOR. '''/' '' ""' ' " *'/ '' ' ' '- .,'; '{•''(•/'.: /'•' / ' ' .'-;•• •l.-:^-. ••' , .., ,' : ;::]-'. :• r .; 7 ". , •.' :' ^.-- • '/' ' - -' . .- \.--. : •";." BA.GK VOLUMES bf the /Proceedings are7 available. Inquiries concerning back volumes /(• and rcurrent subscriptions should be directed to: jHelminthological Society , of Washington, \c/oAjlen Press, ;Jnc., 1041 New ^Hampshire Sti, /liawrenee, Kansas 66044, U.S:A. • . '' ."'•^BUSINESS OFFICE. , The Society's business office is ajt Lawrence, Kansas. All/inquiries IcOncermng subscriptions or back issues and all ipaymerits for dues, ^subscriptions, and back .-issues should be aiddressed to: Helminthological Society of Wasl\ingtoh, c/o lAlleri Press, Iric., V , 1041 New .Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kansas 66044, U.S.A. i s_ r ! x\' ' EDITORIAL BOARD ^ ; •'I: ;A._JAMES HALEYy,Editor ^ -^ ;^; i/re^/'-Vt'^ ''v'/ ' (:'/J' /'-.'>;1>; >4976 ^c' ''/ <:/(/!^'/^v^;: -s .^977'',.. L•::' I' i;:: ^'-;f£ • /;'"-V:;;:';;1978-." '- ' ^ ?(;•-'-.'-'/Vj WILBUR L: BULLOCK : ;M^RRAYX).-DAtLE:Y ' ^ ^EWTON KINGSTON ''."'':';>/'' , IACOB H. FISCHTHAI, , JOHN E. HALL r C "RALPH J./LICHTENFELS'7 U ILLIAM /R. BETTY JUNE MYERS/ v JOHN S. MACKIEWICZ ^ '• . GILBERT F. OTTO STEWART C. SCHELL ROBIN M. OVERSTRJEET >/ 1 EVERETT L. SCHILLER C GENE B. SOLOMON GERALD D. SCHMIDT Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VOLUME 43 JULY 1976 NUMBER 2 Body Wall Organization of the Acanthocephalan, Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus: A Reexamination of the Lacunar System1 DONALD M. MILLER AND T. T. DUNAGAN Department of Physiology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois 62901 ABSTRACT: New components observed in the lacunar system of Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus (Acanthocephala) in relation to other body layers have indicated that the system is much more extensive than previously described. Using Procion dyes and India ink in inverted and injected living worms, the flow pattern from the dorsal or ventral longitudinal lacunar channel has been followed. A model of this system shows a major new pair of channels, the medial longitudinal lacunar channels, located adjacent to the pseudocoel and approximately equidistant from the dorsal and ventral longitudinal lacunar channels. Canals are also observed which interconnect the two major canals. In addition, an anastomosing canal system covers the medial surface of the longitudinal muscle layer. This canal system is separate from the lacunar system previously described and is much more fragile. The relationships between these new components of the body wall and those previously described indicate that the contents of the pseudocoel are readily accessible to the "circulatory" system of the worm. The body wall and the associated muscu- attempt to understand the infrastructure of the lature of acanthocephala has been of interest outer most layers which in general terms con- to biologists since the early studies of Goeze sists of the tegument or epidermis (hypodermis (1782) and Zeder (1800) who represented of some authors). Butterworth (1969), both circular and longitudinal muscle layers as Crompton and Lee (1963, 1965), and Ham- a single homogeneous tissue. Later authors mond (1968) described the surface as consist- such as Schneider (1868) and Kaiser (1893) ing of a system of surface pores and canals recognized and described a complex body wall which penetrate into shallow hypodermal consisting of different contractile elements, cavities. Wright and Lumsden (1961, 1970) tubular channels, and fibrous epidermis. How- and Byram and Fisher (1973) further report ever, from the earliest studies authors have that these peripheral canals are continuous with recognized the importance of the outer surface canalicular crypts. Work completed on the sur- in the uptake of nutrients and regulation of face of Moniliformis dubius indicates that it is osmotic balance and many of the more recent also covered by an extraneous coat which acts studies are directed to this end. The interest as a molecular sieve screening larger particles that has been generated in recent years in the from the surface (Wright and Lumsden, 1968; construction of the body wall of Acantho- Byram and Fisher, 1974). The cuticle itself is cephala is the result of renewed
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