THE IRAQ WAR READER History, Documents, Opinions SUB Gflttingen 215 929 683 • IHIII ••• • mii IIHI mil in 2003 A 12035 Edited by Micah L. Sifry and Christopher Cerf A TOUCHSTONE BOOK Published by Simon & Schuster NEW YORK LONDON TORONTO SYDNEY SINGAPORE Contents Introduction and Acknowledgments be PART ONE SINS OF THE FATHERS ONE ROOTS OF CONFLICT: 1915-1989 3 Imperial Legacy Phillip Knightley 5 The Rise of Saddam Hussein Judith Miller and Laurie Mylroie 18 What Washington Gave Saddam for Christmas Murray Waas 30 The Men Who Helped the Man Who Gassed His Own People Joost R. Hiltermann 41 TWO THE FIRST GULF WAR 45 Realpolitik in the Gulf: A Game Gone Tilt Christopher Hitchens 47 U.S. Senators Chat with Saddam 58 The Glaspie Transcript: Saddam Meets the U.S. Ambassador 6 J The Experts Speak on the Coming Gulf War edited by Christopher Cerf and Victor Navasky 72 How Saddam Misread the United States Kenneth Pollack 76 PART TWO AFTERMATHS OF THE GULF WAR THREE SADDAM SURVIVES 89 "We Have Saddam Hussein Still Here" Andrew Cockburn and Patrick Cockburn 91 Why We Didn't Go to Baghdad George Bush and Brent Scowcroft 101 Why the Uprisings Failed FalehA.Jabar 103 xiv • Contents How Saddam Held On to Power Kanan Makiya 114 FOUR CASUALTIES OF WAR 127 What Bodies? Patrick]. Sloyan 129 Remember Nayirah, Witness for Kuwait? John R. MacArthur 13 5 "Thank God for the Patriot Missile!" edited by Christopher Cerf and Victor Navasky 138 Did Iraq Try to Assassinate ex-President Bush in 1993? A Case Not Closed Seymour M. Hersh 140 FIVE SANCTIONS AND INSPECTIONS 163 A Backgrounder on Inspections and Sanctions Sarah Graham-Brown and Chris Toensing 165 The Inspections and the U.N.: The Blackest of Comedies Richard Butler 174 The Hijacking of UNSCOM Susan Wright 186 Behind the Scenes with the Iraqi Nuclear Bomb Khidhir Hamza with Jeff Stein 191 six NEW STORMS BREWING 197 An Open Letter to President Clinton: "Remove Saddam from Power" Project for the New American Century 199 Statement: Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders World Islamic Front 202 Televised Address to the Nation: "The Costs of Action Must be Weighed Against the Price of Inaction" President Bill Clinton 205 Contents • xv PART THREE WAR WITH IRAQ SEVEN THE IMPACT OF SEPTEMBER 1 1TH 213 Reflections on September 11 th Susan Sontag 215 Voices of Moral Obtuseness Charles Krauthammer 217 Against the War Metaphor Hendrik Hertzberg 219 An Open Letter to President Bush: "Lead the World to Victory" Project for the New American Century 222 A Year Later: What the Right and Left Haven't Learned Marc Cooper 225 Better Safe Than Sorry Mona Charen 229 The Enemy Within Daniel Pipes 231 "First They Came for the Muslims . ." Anthony Lewis 233 Not the War We Needed Barbara Ehrenreich 238 EIGHT THE BUSH DOCTRINE 241 What to Do About Iraq Robert Kagan and William Kristol 243 State of the Union Speech: The Axis of Evil President George W. Bush 250 The Next World Order Nicholas Lemann 253 No Meeting in Prague Robert Novak 266 Remarks at West Point: "New Threats Require New Thinking" President George W. Bush 268 The New Bush Doctrine Richard Folk 272 xvi • Contents Inside the Secret War Council Mark Thompson 278 NINE THE COUNTRY DEBATES GOING TO WAR 281 War on What? The White House and the Debate About Whom to Fight Next Nicholas Lemann 283 Don't Attack Saddam Brent Scowcroft 295 Remarks to the Veterans of Foreign Wars: "The Risks of Inaction Are Far Greater Than the Risk of Action" Vice President Dick Cheney 298 Drain the Swamp and There Will Be No More Mosquitoes Noam Chomsky 301 Questions That Won't Be Asked About Iraq Congressman Ron Paul 304 The War Party's Imperial Plans Pat Buchanan 307 Speech to the UN General Assembly: "I Stand Before You Today a Multilaterialist" U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan 309 Speech to the UN General Assembly: "A Grave and Gathering Danger ..." President George W. Bush 313 Peace Puzzle Michael Berube 319 Stuck to the U.N. Tar Baby George Will 323 Against a Doctrine of Pre-emptive War Former Vice President Al Gore 325 Why We Hate Them Ann Coulter 333 What's Missing in the Iraq Debate Peggy Noonan 336 Wars Are Never Fought for Altruistic Reasons Arundhati Roy 339 Contents • xvii We Don't Need No Stinkin' Proof! Arianna Huffington 344 The President's Real Goal in Iraq Jay Bookman 347 The Imperialism Canard Andrew Sullivan 353 TEN THE DEBATE IN CONGRESS 357 Of Pre-emption and Appeasement, Box-Cutters and Liquid Gold: Excerpts from the October 10, 2002 House Debate Representatives Charles Rangel, Howard Berman, Dennis Kucinich, Nancy Pelosi, Tom DeLay, Richard Gephardt 359 Letter to Senator Bob Graham CIA Director George Tenet 367 Iraq's Disarmament is Impossible Without Regime Change Senator John McCain 3 70 No Place for Kings in America Senator Robert C.Byrd 375 Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 378 ELEVEN REGIME CHANGE: WHY AND WHY NOT 385 Two Faces, One Terror FouadAjami ,387 Deciphering the Bush Administration's Motives Michael T KUre '392 Can We Really Deter a Nuclear-Armed Saddam? Kenneth Pollack 403 Why Saddam Wants Weapons of Mass Destruction Charles A. Duelfer 412 An Unnecessary War JohnJ. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt 414 Suicide from Fear of Death? Richard K. Betts 425 Bring Back the Draft Representative Charles B. Rangel 434 xviii • Contents The United States Has Gone Mad John le Carre 436 Why I Am for Regime Change Christopher Hitchens 440 An Unacceptable Helplessness Edward Said 445 Why We Know Iraq Is Lying Condoleezza Rice 450 I'm Losing Patience with My Neighbors, Mr. Bush Terry Jones 453 TWELVE LAST DANCE AT THE U.N. 455 A Case for Concern, Not a Case for War Glen Rangwala, Nathaniel Hurd andAlistair Millar 457 Iraq Has No Interest in War Saddam Hussein (Interview with Tony Benn) 464 Presentation to the UN Security Council: A Threat to International Peace and Security Secretary of State Colin Powell 465 MI6 and CIA: The New Enemy Within Paul Lashmar and Raymond Whitaker 4 79 "Sleepwalking Through History" Senator Robert Byrd 482 The Second Superpower Micah L. Sifry 486 The Yes-But Parade William Safire 490 Hawks Have My Head, Doves Have My Heart, Guess Which Wins? lanMcEwan 492 Promises Abroad, While at Home Promises Go Forgotten Derrick Jackson 495 The Long Bomb Thomas L. Friedman 497 U.S.-British Draft Resolution On Iraq 499 Iraq's Disarmament Can Be Achieved By Peaceful Means (The Foreign Ministers of France, Russia, and Germany) 501 Contents • xix The War Begins: "The Tyrant Will Soon Be Gone" President George W. Bush 503 Pre-emptive Defeat, or How Not to Fight Proliferation Jonathan Schell 506 PART FOUR THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY THIRTEEN THE FUTURE OF IRAQ 529 Iraq: The Imperial Precedent Charles Tripp . 531 The Fifty-first State? James Fallows - 535 Speech at the American Enterprise Institute: "Iraq Is Fully Capable of Living in Freedom" President George W. Bush 557 The Post-Saddam Problem Dilip Him 560 Saddam's Real Opponents Frank Smyth 565 In Iraqi Kurdistan Timjudah 568 Post-Saddam Iraq: Linchpin of a New Oil Order Michael Renner 580 Our Hopes Betrayed: The U.S. Blueprint for Post-Saddam Government KananMakiya \ 588 FOURTEEN THE FUTURE OF PAX AMERICANA 591 The Unipolar Moment Revisited: America, the Benevolent Empire Charles Krauthammer 593 America's Mission, After Baghdad Lawrence F. Kaplan and William Kristol 608 America's Dreams of Empire Pervez Hoodbhoy 614 Catastrophe as the Generator of Historical Change: The Iraq Case Richard Butler 618 xx • Contents Regime Cbange Lewis H. Lapham 625 Hegemony, Hubris and Overreach Kevin Phillips 633 Appendixes 639 1. Key U.N. Resolutions 641 2. A Who's Who of the Iraqi Opposition 653 Permissions Acknowledgments 671 Index 677 About the Editors 716.
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