PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. Egl THREE- CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, 1900._iSZrSLiVSBKI _PRICE and Jane 27 as tbs dale of tk. REPEATED. plnoe _MUCHtAWOTIi STRANGER DIDN’T RETURN. OLD STORY oomlneUon of Ur. Hill. Chairman Man- of tba etato committee was of coarse That Alfred Milner Wee Kent to Africa NOT A CONTEST. ley far POWELL. And a 1,1 Man Is BADEN SOON BE A LAW. laco wry leaking on tbo ecane and with him oame tbe SKIN to ettr Up War. Ilka Horsr. Uon. K. N. Morrill of bkowhegan, who IRRITATIONS Korea, April 11.—Th* Naples tut will ho Mr. Man lay's competitor In tne UnriAi. to TBB run] poadent of the Tribune telegraphs an la. oonteot lor the speakerehip of tho Bourn Instantly Saoo, April 11.—The police hare bain terrlew ha baa had with Mr. Iflaobar, aa* in tho legislature next winter. Teat oou- Relieved by hunting In vain fcr a etraager who hired of tb* Boar poaoa oomaelaalooera, who tMt was one of tho great topics of nonver- CUTICURA a horse this morning at Dinnatt Broth- arrived there yesterday. Mr. Flseber eallon nnd tboas who prcdltitod that the Ilonse Passes the Porto er*' 11 vary (table, lie (aid be waa from From Pretoria That aald ha was oonelaoed that Sir Alfred Lewiston Convention Pro- battle would be a bard fought one with For irritation, Itch- Boston aad that be wanted tbe bone lot Report Mllaar,wbeii appelated Govmaor of Cap* tbe result not by any means a foregoat ing, and Inflaro- a abort drive, oat beyond tbe new bridge, Colony aad British high aoaanalaaloner la oonoluslon.wsre numerous. Tbs conven- of the mntion Rican Bill. end wonld retorn at noon. No treoa of He Is Dead. South Afrit*, want to Cop* Town with a ceeded Smoothly. tion, la the Absence of contests, locked foe (kin, him or tba team baa elnoe been found, g fixed intention, with a ml talon to bring very mush like u reunion of the lending He I* a thick eet man, rather pale, about tbs war, aad tbla was prorad by Republicans of tho etute and It was a about 5 feet, S Inobee In aad lb* faot that Milner bad llsaeant nnj sucousiful one. Tne prooaed- thin, and height, eyitematloaby had a loge of the convention lteslf wrre noore falling hair welgha eboot 160 ponndl; light oppoied tba Traneraal's “geaerooe for re mnetaobe, wore a light overcoat and a effort* aod oonoseel one to avoid war” aa earily without exoltemeht, but there sai and blaok bat. Tbe bene la an Iron gray tbongb be bnd reoelead preelee taitruo- plenty of enthusiasm for all that. The so 075 at were sad were heard with ishrs, nothing Adopted by Vote of mars, right years of age, welgha British Commander tlooa to follow thle llo* of policy. Over 11,000 Delegates eiieeohse good pure, so speedily poorida end bad two apllnts on bar for- "While tb* X'rassvaal wa* making many olvdenoos cf appreciation. Among effective as warm ward leg, between tbe knee and ankle, oonoMslons," mid Mr. Timber, “Great Present. the good thloge which bronght down the hath. with followed 161 to 153. Mafeking. CtrriconA by Uonee were rthe'haa a slim Deck, and oarrled bar bead Britain wae gatherlag troop* along the tho allualons of Attorney gentle anointings with Ccticcra, purest level with her Xbe oarrlaga Is a frontier." (JonsrnlJ Balnea to tbe tandldaoy of of emollients and greatest of skin cures. body. work and The Boer aoooied Sir Alfred Admiral Mr. Ualnee raised a •oM throa*h«rt tho world. Potto* n. a**C. Cort, top buggy, with green running envoy Dewey. •ole Prop*.. 'J-telrn. All About IL-t Seal pond HiUr.fr.ao. ride wlnga. The barneae la rubber Milner of falsifying dsspstohr*. In fnot laugb when be said that the Uon. Joseph to the ojiuih listeners aoensa- trimmed and la titled with a foar-rlng according U. Smith, whose nomination ee candi- tlona against 8lr Alfred Milner oonett- d date for be was second- bit.__ tnte one of tb* prlnolpal features la th* elector-at-large, | Discredits the peace negotiation* wblob the oommls- Them llic ing, bad told him that while be believed Will Probably Be Signed by Presi- STOLE BEER STAMPS. London Office Utterly Among Leading Republi- floner* aeok to oarrv through. Admiral Dewey was the greatest naval The Boar vovoye left Naples today, go- cans lie oomtnander of the age, be should not dent Rumor. In* of the Gothartl and of I State. Today. Government Robbetl of 910,000 by way tit. Pass without bar*. vote for Mrs. Dewey for President. Mr. Worth. Hopping Manley In presenting Uon. William T. CHICAGO M~EN HELD UP. Cobh of Kcokland ss tbe temporary chair- New York, April 11.—Within the pact man, spoke of him In terms of high few m ontba two mysterious robber I* a of Onr “Ambulance" Corps Finally Hot praise, additional Interest being given to brer by whloh tbe All stamps government Through Hlght. this utterance of tbe chairman of tbe loet (16,0)0 have coebrred. One of these Voted Gatacre’s Removal Caus. London, April IS.—The correspondent Selected to •late committee by the understanding Nine Republicans tbefta ocoarred while tbe ware In Delegates stamp* of the Hally Mall at Loursnxo Marquee, that.after Ur. Ulll has served two terms transit between the treasury department es lelsgrapblng Wednesday says: "Xhe Convention. as governor, the young Rookland man Measure. and the ollloe to Speculation. Phila. Against general Waablngton.and departure of the Cblotgo ambulanoe will be In line for tbe nomination. Gov- aad the other between tbe poet ollloe for on corps Pretoria wa* delayed sosplo- ernor Powers was present and turds one the Internal revenue ollloe lo Chicago. Irn of filibustering. Th* member* left by of tbe nominating speeches, presenting The stamps stolen In Washington ware train thle epeolal afternoon aooompenled the name of Ucn. Gecrge A. Murcble as worth and tboee In Chicago, (10,001 by a motley follow log of Frenoh aod candidate for delegate to tbe national 10 007. Germans. one hundred li all. The de- convention. The nominations nude by Information oonoernlng tbeea thefts Outflank Ilritish at rnrture only nenurred after many stormy Senate Passes the Pacific Cable Attempt to Electors Wlio Will Vote for twe convention were ns follow •> was kepi from tbe publle but the Inter- laterrlew* with tb* Porlnguets authori- ties. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. Kill. nal revenue agents and oollsotcrs Elanthlaagte. "Xhe members have no passport* and McKinley Next Winter. Uon. O. Smith of tbrougnont the country were eecretly no credentials beyond a letter from MUt Joseph Skowhegan warned to be on tbe loookut. Internal Clara Barton to the effect that *ne knowe some of them Hevenne Agect Thompson of tbe New personally and believes them to be bat have that genuine; many York dletrlot, recently euepeoted openly expretesd their lDtentlon of light- the atolen beer etempe were hidden In ing. The Boars are paying from £33 to Waitt and Bond’s I Brooklyn Be learned that tbe thieve* £H) per month for snob recruits. Thirty- 10.—It la re- 11.—'The and Pretoria, Tuesday, April five thousand Boer* with gun* TO THE IE AES. J Washington, April long had for the eale of a large quan- ninety UrEClAL arranged are oonoentrated on the rang* of bill* be- bitter Ftrugglv over the Porto Kloan tar- at hen that Col. Baden-Powell (the 11 —About 1500 snthu- tity of the stamps to a brewer's rgent ported tween Kroonetad and Winburg. The Lewiston, April when Uouaa a iff bill ended today, tbe by the As tor boose. Late today Thomas British commander at Mateklng), li whole line la fortified aod 1* almost Im- slastla Kepublloans made l<ewlston lies- BLACKSTONES. vote of lti) to 165 concurred In all tbe a pregnable." Eleven hundred cf them were Blaney.a bar tender employed In saloon dead. Ijr today, amendments. Tha bill now re- cou- Good Renata la Brosklyn, was seen to enter the hotel KITCHKNEH AX WEPKNEK. delegatee tof the Kepubllaan Stats Tobacco, tbe cf tbe Speaker were sevrral hundred quires only signature with a paper handle. Be seemingly failed yentlon and there S a. Is AUffal North, April II.—Lord Kit- Like Wine, e With of the llousa and the President of the London, April li.— 10 m.—There other men of Mai ne who had improv Age. to meet the prospective purchaser, and chener arrived here and l»ft aeon promlneut the seat ot today Senate before to tha President for little freeh Intelligence from after iv arus. to watob the It have the cream of WELL DRESSED. going afterward was arrested by Mr. Thomp- gathered proceedings. We kept bis These signatures will be war. It looks as enough Lord Koberts A Uoer tlz pun waa knocked over wss cam- approval. son. The bundle Wes found to contain U>e first gun In the Presidential our Fine Old Havana, bought time when Gen- fall to take a forcn jeeterdav at Wepener. ‘ihe garrUoo le Now is the Ladies, attached tomoriow and before night worth of beer may be preparing strong of 1100 In Maine for the oonveniion ntout $10,UK) stamps. bolding ita own. there has paign before the war, refusi all ■ tleman. Misses and Children are tha him. A been heavy g putliug the bill will be a law. As to dear the Beers from behind was oalled for the cf probably Blaney was taken before U.
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