Ie EJ *H Fgefssg

Ie EJ *H Fgefssg

$4.50,0"r person personor more EJ zJ. fr-+Ll ) Pork tr 7.5 iE *H Fgefssg 24.+trFi LunchHam B 55 I . € *f,I Shrimpwith Head D 6 5 -##.Efr z.iifiJe h FlounderFillet E7 25. MiniSausages tr 55 3.iE +|'| 6 lt FuzhouFish Ball D7 ,A roE Egg tr 15 a'a XILAJ q.iLtfi.jt" cuttleFish Barr tr 5.5 z | . Ja n'f PorkLiver tr 5.5 s. Hf;tJlti HouseMade Pork Ball D 6.5 6.^a.lEffi oilGlutenBall tr6 E+ffi XHV"g.tarian 7.ffifrfriL codFish Batl D7 B.Eig FishDumpting tr 5.5 lr Lettuce tr 3.5 v. EH4. tfff tempura B 5.5 29.-+:+F ChineseNapa Cabbage tr 3.5 10.a -a,E FishTofu tr 6.5 11.trftF.-"tr FishTofu w. Shrimp E7 30.;ltx Spinach tr 3.5 irF'tT i* 12t$i^Jt+ crabSticks tr5 31 El =J- t tt) Tomato D3 B.ei.e# SquidRolls D 55 32. l-:F/l\EE BabyBok Choy tr 3.5 14.)iN'I* LobsterFlavored Balls tr 6.5 33.Hry I- Turnip tr3 15. Mussel tr Etr 6.5 34.-r i7 Potato tr3 16.;€6++fft SeafoodPlatter tr 13.45 35.E+ -!i /itl FreshTofu tr3 (qI eH 9Cejr Etr Ste#) (Shrimp,Fish Fillet, Mussel, Cod Fish Balls, Squid) 36.t;l'alt*t FrozenBean Curd tr3 37.tqa.altfl FriedBean Curd tr 3.5 P-r/.|. 38.IIf]IJ DriedTofu Skin tr3 39.;8ffi SeaweedKnot tr3 17F,E+ PremiumBeef tr 8.5 40 H -:J- >r BeanSprout tr3 18.BE+ PremiumLamo tr 8.5 A4 __l.: /t\ Corn tr3 19.+H[t BeefTrrpe D6 a=. 20.EEEfr PorkIntestine n 6.5 +2. Taro tr 4.5 21.ffiftffid.j-Premium Pork tr 6.5 +J. LotusRoot tr 4.5 rfh -- - 22.7.qtrlF ChickenBreast tr 5.5 44. r-:t /-1- 7t< Watercress tr 3.5 E+ V.getarian f8 ffi #F ^tfiE + E Allttiti€t;t. Er-q+R Fl. ,Telg^. Et E t|t+th I l + +A\)A{. +niI,\llt-;*e+ ^tlzr|. trj.+€. 45.iHffiFi oil Gluten tr 4.5 i4. *fl,srr&, E€l-"1{+. E€^tE. nt^e^fi'&.i20ti2g!. F rr. .ri.r-. Elu ;H.iti+,\F.E 5 Et - l5ttF Hiii iilt $. H!*;HF44. * gH + 4,!5-r-rit€,\ftE Etrf ,L'. ft:F!+,t. ftta.j4,L.rJ.+nJ;T Ifl 46. SnowPea Sprouts tr 5.5 EF 9 A\p\ilt Ao\iFEA' ),11111^9 ft^i6H!f43. tt1}?E+E+ ql E!l.r 141& & sE€ 4 l-l!^ E A!tr 0*, Flt,t' Hl;S+E€+t. ft *fi!+ Fi 6r . tfr,lK SweetPotato tr3 1!d6* A,EiEl;. 0*A! €+2'F! it13 E ltr\+li. #9nI r)6'4e 13lo* - I!,1' i i =lF,l Alr;ff," ae.ffi **#ftVeggie Platter D 9.45 Hot Pot. one of the most trad t onal Chrnese food, has been oooular over ihousands of years in Chrna We are sLrrethat you wr I have (Choose a I ltems from MushroornSect on or VeqetaflanSection) wonderlu exper ence n tryrng Chinese Hot Pot r 1+e,if+*iE, 6tr 14,*4,itJi. tEit20^+4,t+96{+ . t41!\+'t'al *Ifir1.{df;rlilE n4m,5t. +rU. t*. 6+. 6+-{A +*m4*r1,tr.6 mT;fiBii.!+6p^.. n,E+8. E+fiB]t. Eri-r H+/fr}+ a\rcH, )19,1t+ha#. qrtt;fi;a Hot Pot One Spicy Hoi Pot Wilh our secrel reope. we carefully select over ten k nds of herbs and sprces. and paecook the soup slow y for +tHtF hours Therefore. Yys::er the flavored soup rs mrxed with freshness. spiciness qe. EAffi KingMushroom tr 4.5 and smoolhing aroma. wh ch we comes you a second vrsit 2 Ett^)4ta, ;tE' * fi 4'F,ltt+lmrt. t-;14;Hnit. r"d+metF so S$ttrE EnokiMushroom D 4.5 Hot Pot Two L ght Broth Pot: Chef s specra soup cooked lrom ch cken bones and pork pones beef bones lt s de icate. m ld and flavored st *!E BlackMushroom tr 3 5 3 44fE, ++@.Ei+*+8= AW.)hJti A1r 6 [^ +ri Hol Pol ThreeTwo-F avored Hot Pot: Comb ned bv two rndivrdualhot sZ.frE WoodEar tr 3 pots (Pot 1&.2),a good choicefor personsw th var ed tasles 4 qffit\,, A+ JLt4+4+tr)19.1+Adi. *^f*+lm,5t rj tsr4, $. nI'lilEIT5!4. ?'-)lt[H. +tur.l'J€. JBtai€mfi'H'E.{Effm ;@'{ffir. tL E+{lh+t +4tf ,q Alft iE Ft Hot Pot Four Herba Pot With over len k nds of herbsand pre-cooked Rice& Noodle soup tor hours HerbalPot featuresin energy provdence. speedy f'r)*F body crrculationand healthmaintenance s 4)^+:t, ;h|\ft)*l,il. 868€5#i'q. i6,tn]tr Hot Pot Five Vegetar an Pot Mrxed wrlh green on ons and tomatoes. sa.4#ff RiceCake tr 3.5 thrs hot pot s characterized by lght flavored w thout greasiness. 6 Aa*EtE,kA. 6. 8+,i*.t ^t1r\Ai*h+, Aauc6. =ft1 sq fr)itlF^ ThickFlat Vermicelti tr 3.5 mFI. rn-L F it € #.Ee*4.)as+wE. ,EtEt1f+f . !f.Et Hot Pot Six Sour CabbageFish Pot: In th s hot pot. sour cabbageand ss tJglfh SweetPotato Jellv Noodle tr 3.5 fish soup are rr xed togelherto provideyou the tasteol sourness. freshness.and sp c ness. 1 s a good way to meet your tastedesire. 56.+rlLt Vermicelli tr3 St. +'I7Ki:iHand Made Dumpling tr 3.5 ti4t1'^ Xl,*, 58.+1++ffi HandmadeNoodle tr 3.5 DeTasty Hot Pot Restaurant Inc. 59.-q4 JapaneseUdon Noodle tr 3.5 422EddySt, lthaca, NY 14850 Tel: 607-821-2312 60 Etfi whiteRice tr 15 APPETIZERS/ DIM SUM 4'."I ;T# zkftd !fiFA A 1. SteamedorPan Fried Dumpligs {8pcs) $5.75 fr ;* zKtr A 2.( DumplinginRed Chili Oil (8 pcs) $6.95 * = ffi H A 3.( Beef&BeefTendonw.Chili&PepperOil $8'95 fi F + l*J A 4. PoachedTenderBeefw,FiveSpices$9.95 ++ t+ * a s.( BangbangChicken $7'95 ffi )E E li A 6. SlicedPork w. Fresh Garlic & SoySauce $8.95 nfrtr * /R A 7. CucumberSaladw.Garlic $6.95 JC tC 6 A 8.(. DanOan Noodle $6.95 Ft #ll ;f; *i) A 9.( ChengduSgle Cold Rice Jelly $6.50 tJII ffi A10. FriedPancaxe $3.50 H zk 4 s A11. Edamame $3.95 * # A12. SpringRolls (2 pcs) $2.50 Af** t E ffi A13.( Spicy& SourShredded Potato $6.50 *ittlnlE A14. GreenBeanSheetJellyw.SpecialSauce$12.95 souP )h*F f E 4t )e S 2. EggDrop Soup (S)1.95 (L) $3'50 *fif;*6t;; S 3. TomatoSpinach Laver Egg Drop Soup (L)$8.SS GiE-6,H;t S 4. FishFilletw.TomatoSoup (L)$9.95 E * ^ n + S 5. MeatBall w. Cabbage Soup (L)$12.95 tr )tt+ l-4E S 6. EggDrop Soup w. Minced Beef (L)S10.95 CASSEROLE E,fiFI /tl H ti B 1. BoiledSour Cabbage Pork w. Rice Noodles $13.95 R jt Et'B B 2. MixedDongBeiSgle $15.95 fiFBHgfr B 3. PorkChop&StringBeansin Casserole $13.95 Ei*#+ E B 4.( Pig'sFeet in Casserole $13.95 E**+ffiE B 5.( BeefBrisket in Casserole $15.95 R6ti+1fr B 6.( Eggplantw.Garlic Sauce in Casserole $9.95 ( Hot& Spicy VEGETABLES***N *#IAEfrfi V 1.( ShteddedPotato w. Fresh Hot Pepper $8.95 +ftil+eF V 2.( DryBeanCurdw.FreshHotPepper $10.95 t6#-E-E V 3. SauteedPea Sprouts w. Chopped Garlic $12.95 di6,*iR V 4. SauteedSpinach w. Chopped Garlic $9.95 +t,ifiE + _? V 5. DrySauteedStringBeans $10.95 IE = F"+ V 6. SauteedPotaioes Green Pepper& Eggplant $9.95 €fi*,1' V 7. HeartofCabbageTopped w.Mushroom inHouse Sauce 010.95 6firr'E V 8. SauteedTomato & Eggs $9.95 ^6,8nffi V 9. ( Broccoliw. Garlic Sauce $9.95 Effi)C*q V10.( KungPao Lotus $12.95 6 6fift-etr V11.r CrispyTofy w. Carlic Sauce $12.9s SEAFoODi&frt*A /< fi ^c. F 1.t EoiledFish Fillet Vegetable w.Roasted Chili $13.95 glLfr. F 2.t' FishFilet & Tofuw. Roasted Chili $14.95 )+ffi^6,H F 3.( FishFillet Vermicelli Veg. w, Red Chili Sauce $16.95 ffis^$fi F 4. SaltBaked Prawns w. Pepper $14.95 lrlifl+H $fi F 5.( Stir.FriedPrawns w. Pickled Chili & MincedPork $14.95 tfitrt4fi F 6. FriedJumbo Shrimps w. Sweet Sauce $14,95 AESATFi F 7. JumboShrimp w. Broccoli $13.95 E**t{e F 8.r. Hot& SpicyJumbo Shrimp (,t ( oE m*F, F L Fishw. Pickled Muslard Green $16.95 EffifrH Fl0.( TwiceCooked Fish Fillet $14.95 IFi CE ffi F11. Shrimow, Lobster Sauce $14.95 ,r+ d"+ 1{ s F12. SeafoodDelight $16.95 t. t* 4fi F13. Shrimow. Walnut $16.95 rfi+*Effii6!+F'|4.( SeafoodHot & SpicyPot $19.95 .9jtlEF 115.r. FishFilet w. Bean Curd Sauce $14.95 + ,t* ^6, H 116,t' BraisedFish w. Chili Sauce $14.9s MEAT 'A N*H ^e.EFtM T 1.t, ShreddedPork in Garlic Sauce $10.95 E $Er In T 2.( TwiceCooked Pork w. Garlic, Leek $12.95 tr Fr{* 6 T 3.( StirFriedSkinlessPorkBellyw.Chili$12.95 iErAA T 4. FriedSliced Pork w. Orange Sauce $12.95 fr**AEE T 5. BraisedSliced Intestine $13.95 E+fr88ffi T 6.( DrySliced Intestine w. Fresh Hot Pepper $13.95 rgn++ I 7. SauteedPork Liver $11.95 tJ t*, l*J T 8. BraisedPork $13.95 ;g ftj fi T 9. FriedPork Chunk in Special Sauce $13.95 ffi*8ffi T10.( MaPuo Tofu $10.95 t 4 4'tl' tt Tl'1.( SlicedBraised Porkw.

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