Labor Must Crush The Anti-Negro Terror Statement Of National Committee, Socialist Workers Party A series of assaults upon the Negro people throughout the country has reached a bloody-climax in Detroit. This latest fero­ cious lynch attack murdered 24 Negroes, beat and injured hun­ dreds, struck terror into the hearts of Detroit’s community of almost 200,000 Negroes. This was not a “race riot" but an un­ provoked attack by “ white supremacy” mobs. The hoodlums who constituted the lynch mobs in Detroit operated with comparative immunity. That is proven not only by the many eye-witness accounts testifying that the police either tolerated or directly aided the mobsters, but also by the official figures showing that 85% of those arrested were Negroes. Em­ boldened by their success, the hoodlums are undoubtedly ready for further lynch attacks against the Negro people. It is unfortunately all too plain that the anti-Negro elements have made advances in their aim of keeping the Negro “in his place” and halting his struggle for equality and emancipation. Large numbers of Negroes have been terrorized and intimidated. Many others are becoming attracted toward “ Negro nationalist” ANTI-UNION DRIVE CLIMAXED sentiments and feel hostility towards white people as a whole. There is great danger that these Negro workers w ill turn away in distrust and despair from the trade union movement. The attacks on the Negroes threaten the unity of the work­ ing class. And this threat to labor unity comes at the very mo­ ment when the labor movement must mobilize its full fighting strength to beat back the union-busting offensive of Big Business and Washington. BY OUTLAWING OF STRIKES Jim Crow Is Responsible Why has this epidemic of the lynch spirit broken out like a plague all over the nation ? Roosevelt Advocates The capitalist, liberal and Stalinist press claim that Axis agents and Japanese “fifth columnists” provoked these outbursts. Although the Axis powers unquestionably exploit these acts of D raft violence for their own reactionary ends, any informed person Work-Or-Fight knows that such an explanation is absolutely worthless and noth­ ing more than a fake alibi to cover up the real conditions and Murray-Green Continue Policy of Subservience to White House forces responsible for the crimes. But Rank and File of Unions Are Losing Faith in Roosevelt The real causes and cutyrits are here at home. Lynch as­ saults upon Negroes took place decades befoi-e the fascists came By E. R. Frank to power or the United States went to war with the Axis. These attacks are an inevitable outgrowth of the Jim Crow The furious lahor-baiting, union-busting campaign of Congress reached system fostered by reactionary capitalist interests, protected by its climax with the enactment of the Smitli-Connally slave-labor Bill on June 25. Congress was all set for the kill and les^ than two hours after receipt of Other articles on the anti-Negro Roosevelt’s veto message re-passed the bill. This infamous law makes it a crime terror in Detroit w ill be found on Page punishable by one year’s imprisonment and $5,000 fine to “ coerce, instigate, 3 of this issue. induce, conspire with or encourage any person to interfere by lockout, strike, slow-down or otlier inter­ the Democratic and Republican parties, and buttressed by the ruption with the opera­ They called off the third coal and bypiss the chief culprit him­ government’s policies of discrimination against Negroes in war strike and returned to work only self. industry and segregation in the armed forces. This vicious sys­ tions of plants in posses­ because it was their conviction It is generally realized in la­ tem breeds race hatred, officially sanctions and deliberately sharp­ sion of the government.” that it was best to support the bor ranks that Roosevelt’s oppo­ ens antagonisms between white and colored. The Jim Crow sys­ union Policy Committee, not be­ sition to the Smith-Connally bill tem provides the social basis for the poisonous propaganda and The provisions of this law are cause of fear of the slave-labor was hypocritical and perfunctory. activities of the Ku-Kluxers, Black Legions, Christian-Americans so general and broad as to make act. Immediately after its pas­ He just went through the mo­ it possible to jail every trade sage, the workers of the Detroit and other native, fascist cliques. The adherents, beneficiaries and tions in order to deceive labor. union official and shop militant Chrysler Highland Park plant iupes of the Jim Crow system take advantage of every source of As a matter of fact, in his veto who has the courage to fight for walked out in protest against the message to Congress he wrote friction between white and Negro to stimulate ill-feelings bétween labor’s rights. The law makes it suspension of a union steward. that he fully approved seven out ’ them, inflame their prejudices, incite and hurl them against each possible to harass the unions with The ending of the third coal of the nine points in the bill — other. civil damage suits in order to strike has not ended the labor the seven points that deprive la­ bankrupt the union treasuries. crisis. The crisis continues to bor of its right to. strike, that Aggravated by the War The industrialists and bankers rage. The capitalists have not make it possible to jail and fine are in deadly fear of the power­ solved their problems, they have union militants, that make it pos­ This carefully cultivated hostility has been aggravated by ful American labor movement. not stilled labor’s voice by the sible to bankrupt union treasuries the consequences of the war. Bad housing, poor transportation, They are aware of labor’s rising passage of the Smith-Connally “If the bill were limited to these dislocation of family life, juvenile delinquency, scarcity of food, resentment to Big Business’ war Act. Their problems are just be­ seven sections,” Roosevelt wrote, The Roosevelt-Congress profiteering and looting of the ginning. Labor ranks are seething “I would sign it.” frozen wages and burdensome taxes in the face of soaring prices, public treasury. The coal strikes, afflict all sections of the working masses and create enormous with bitterness, dissatisfaction the militancy and solidarity of (Continued on page 4) discontent and rebelliousness. Because of their no-strike pledge and hostility as never before. La­ the miners, the response of the bor’s voice is growing clearer, and slavish subservience to Roosevelt’s labor policies, the CIO-AFL Conspiracy Against Labor auto, rubber and other groups of louder and bolder in pressing for leadership has completely failed to provide the workers with any workers, threw them into a panic. its just demands. program of resistance to the encroachments of the capitalists, An Editorial Through their agents in Con­ CIO in Michigan to stop profiteering and the mounting cost of living. That is the gress they determined to push ROOSEVELT’S ROLE more actively their anti-labor of­ reason why fascist demagogues and preachers of race hate and The oppressive, tyrannical Smith-Connally anti­ And yet in the face of this conspiracy between Roosevelt has exposed his hand fensive. They determined to de­ Condemns Lynch violence are able to receive a hearing from some Workers. strike bill is now law. This brazen union-busting Roosevelt and Congress against the labor move­ in his struggle with the miners. stroy labor’s strike weapon. They For their own ends the ultra-reactionary forces are trying measure reestablishes the doctrine of'conspiracy. It is now clear to an increasing ment, this studied campaign to hamstring, hog- determined to reestablish the old to divert the justifiable indignation of the workers away from number of union militants that It makes legal the jailing of union militants and tie and disembowel the labor unions, Murray and relationship of masters and Mob Attacks Roosevelt is responsible for the the real causes and authors of their misery. The actual instiga- officials who have the courage to fight for their Green have the nerve to write Roosevelt thanking slaves. They determined to disem­ wage-freezing policy of the ad­ rights. It attempts to destroy the democratic him for his veto, praising him for his “states­ bowel the labor movement so that ministration. They see clearly (Continued on page 2) rights of labor by virtually abolishing the right manship” and “courage” and pledging to continue it would have no strength to fight now that Roosevelt aims to keep Delegates Assert against their rapacity and their to strike . their “ no-strike” policy. Is there no lim it to the the working, man in a debased crimes. In its hour of need labor was defenseless on cowardice, to the, grovelling, to the toadyism of condition while the cost-plus con­ Smith-Connally Act the political field. Labor did not possess one efr these sell-out artists ? Murray and Green implied FIRST REACTIONS tractors are growing fat and rich Smacks of Fascism Launch Drive To fective spokesman in the halls of Congress. Every that they might have to resign from the War and prices continue sky-rocket­ But the American capitalists corporation lackey was on hand to denounce labor. Labor Board if the Smith-Connally bill were en­ are reckoning without their host. ing. The time is past when labor’s Every millionaire lawyer was there to slander acted into law. Now that it is law, they are sing­ — BULLETIN — The miners were neither fright­ anger w ill vent itself upon Roose­ the workingman. All the timeservers of the bil­ ing another tune.
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