On the cover: U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Ian Vanvranken, crew chief with the 177th Fighter Wing of the New Jersey Air National Guard, marshals an F-16C Fighting Falcon to its parking spot at the Atlantic City Air National Guard Base in Egg Harbor Township, N.J. on Jan. 29, 2016. The F-16 pilot, Capt. Michael Gallinoto, just completed his final flight with the unit. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Master Sgt. Andrew J. Moseley/Released) FEBRUARY 2016, VOL. 50 NO. 2 THE CONTRAIL STAFF 177TH FW COMMANDER COL . JOHN R. DiDONNA CHIEF, PUBLIC AFFAIRS CAPT. AMANDA BATIZ EDITOR/SUPERINTENDENT, PUBLIC AFFAIRS MASTER SGT. ANDREW J. MOSELEY PHOTOJOURNALIST TECH. SGT. ANDREW J. MERLOCK PHOTOJOURNALIST SENIOR AIRMAN SHANE S. KARP AVIATION HISTORIAN DR. RICHARD PORCELLI WWW.177FW.ANG.AF.MIL This funded newspaper is an authorized monthly publication for members of the U.S. Military Services. Contents of The Contrail are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the 177th Fighter Wing, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Depart- On desktop computers, click For back issues of The Contrail, ment of the Air Force. The editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the Public Affairs Office of the 177th Fighter Wing. All Ctrl+L for full screen. On mobile, and other multimedia products photographs are Air Force photographs unless otherwise indicated. tablet, or touch screen device, from the 177th Fighter Wing, tap or swipe to flip the page. please visit us at DVIDS! “Capability” is the extent of someone’s or Lets' explore a short list of how to excel in all areas something’s ability. Are you capable of per- discussed: EO based on FMCP forming the tasks of your assigned position, 1. Take initiative and explore better ways to do your duties and responsibilities? Are you able to by Lt. Col. Diana Brown, Mission Support Group Commander job do your job? If the answer is no, why not? Have you discussed the limitations you 2. Team effort is best accomplished with good com- In keeping with these principles, we want to have with your supervisor, Chief, First Ser- munication develop our Airman. All service members are geant or Commander? If not, you need 3. Maintain and demonstrate a positive attitude afforded equal opportunity in an environment to. Allow them to assist you in your efforts to free from harassment and unlawful discrimi- become capable. 4. Act professionally in all situations nation on the basis of race, color, national “Performance” is the action or process of car- 5. Give 100% from the minute you start working un- origin, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. Ser- rying out or accomplishing an action, task or til you leave at night vice member promotions, awards and promo- function. Are you performing your job? Are tion potential are evaluated solely based on 6. Learn how to handle constructive criticism you being a productive member of your flight/ their individual Fitness, Merit, Capability, and squadron/work center? Are you giving 100% 7. Be a problem solver Performance – FMCP (an easy way to remem- every time you come to drill? Do you know ber the FMCP acronym – Fully Mission Capa- 8. Single task. Multi-tasking slows you what your responsibilities are, and are you ble Personnel). So, what does the concept of down, increases stress and causes mistakes meeting and exceeding defined standards? FMCP really mean? 9. Organize and prioritize: identify the top two criti- The definition of “Fitness” is the condition of cal projects being physically fit and healthy, being suitable 10. Aim for clarity and ask if you aren't totally sure to fulfill a particular role or task. Fitness for duty is holistic. It includes mental, physical 11. Keep a journal of your professional and personal and emotional health. Fitness is not just development passing the annual Fitness Assessment, alt- 12. Passion for what you do is the most important Subject: You’ve heard Confucius say, hough that is a mandatory requirement for way to succeed: love your work “Choose a job you love, and you will never promotion/AGR tours/reassignment potential, have to work a day in your life.” 13. Write a capability statement unique to your job etc. As a member of the Armed forces, you description Approximately 1.4 million people serve in have an obligation to perform at peak profi- 14. Schedule a fitness program and demonstrate to the U.S. armed forces; that equates to ciency. It’s an inherent responsibly to take roughly 0.4% of the American population. care of yourself so you can take care of your yourself the discipline to maintain the effort responsibilities. We are an elite group of people with com- mon goals. Our goals are to meet the AF “Merit” means quality of being particularly In summary, Fitness is the ability to be physi- We are an all-volunteer force. Each and every one of Mission to Fly, Fight and Win in Air, Space good or worthy, especially so as to deserve cally/mentally fit and healthy. Mer- you who are reading this and who are members of and Cyberspace. Our unit mission is to praise or reward, excellence, quality, caliber, it involves getting a raise or promotion based this Wing serve here of your own volition. 177 FW “Provide Highly Qualified/Combat-Ready worth. You’ve heard the saying “quality over on past performance and future poten- Leadership/Supervisors/Wingmen are here to sup- Citizen Airmen, Mission-capable Aircraft/ quantity”; so in everything you do, you need tial. The five key areas of capability are Core port your goals, we are here to meet our mission and Equipment to Support National and State to strive for quality competencies; Past performance; Differentia- we must support you. It won’t be easy, but as Tom Objectives”. So, how are we going to do and excellence. “Excellence” is an Air Force, tors; Data and Contact information. Perfor- Hanks said in A League of Their Own… “It’s supposed that? We follow our vision statement “From and therefore our, Core Val- mance is based on Knowledge of work; Quali- to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would be do- the Home Front to the Front Lines, Commu- ue. Consideration for a job/promotion/etc. ty of work; Situational Responsiveness and ing it, the hard makes it great!" nity-based, Professional Airmen, working as when measuring merit includes consistently Dependability. One Team, delivering State, National, & trying to perform all of your duties with excel- Global impact as Full Partners in the Total lence. Force”. ESCAPE to a safe location that provides protection from small arms fire, even if it’s a nearby building. When safe, notify first ACTIVE SHOOTER AWARENESS: responders and provide the location, number of shooters, de- 3 options to live scription of shooters, type of weapons and number of poten- tial victims. Above all else, stay under cover. Article by Chief Master Sgt. Mike Allen, 177th Fighter Wing Security Forces Squadron, photos by MSgt. Andrew Moseley 177th FW/PA BARRICADE is not another word for hiding. It is affirmative steps to delay or deter a shooter from entering a room. Re- member, in most active shooter incidents, time is on your An active shooter is a national epidemic and is When you hear the order LOCK DOWN, follow your Consider all points of egress, but do a little pre- th side. Close and lock doors and move heavy objects to barri- considered the number one threat to the 177 procedures and proceed to a safe room. But, if planning in your workstation. If you have a means to cade the door. Sometimes barricading a door is not possible, Fighter Wing. Some statistics estimate in 2015 you’re directly confronted with a shooter and an es- escape, DO IT regardless if others agree to follow and such as when doors open out from the room you are in. In alone, over 380 Americans were killed in about cape route is available, use it. All options are on the don’t waste precious time gathering belongings like this case use objects in the room to create obstacles to slow 294 mass shootings. Another sobering thought… table; consider windows, doors, or roof hatches. jackets or backpacks. down or block the view of the shooter. Turn lights off, silence according to the FBI, an average active shooter cell phones and limit movement. Don’t even whisper, unless incident lasts 12 minutes and 37% of these inci- absolutely necessary. dents last less than 5 minutes; 43% of the time, the event is over before law enforcement arrives. Individual action is the key to survival and accord- FIGHT if you must and if it offers the best chance for survival. Violence of action is key in this situation. If you are unarmed, ing to AFTTP 3-4.6, Active Shooter, you have three options to live; ESCAPE, BARRICADE or FIGHT. use improvised weapons, such as scissors, fire extinguishers, But before all that, you must be prepared to re- and/or anything heavy. Try to coordinate an attack with an- ceive an alert. other airman by throwing things at the shooter’s to distract and flank them out. Most importantly, if fighting is your only Active shooter incidents occur without warning. option, COMMIT to the fight; nothing is foul play when you As these incidents unfold rapidly, it is important are trying to survive. Groin strikes and biting are not taboo that you receive and follow instructions an- when confronted by an active shooter. If you are able to sub- nounced through the Command Post.
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