DOCUMENT RESUME ED 345 922 RC 018 700 TITLE Color Your Classroom IV: A ReadingGuide on the Secondary Level. INSTITUTION Mississippi Materials & ResourceCenter, Gulfport. SPONS AGENCY Department of Education, Washington,DC.; Mississippi State Dept. of Education,Jackson. PUB DATE 86 NOTE 145p.; Product of MississippiMigrant Education. For related documents,see RC 018 699-703- PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use- Instructional Materials (For Learner) (051)-- Guides - Classroom Use - Teaching Guides (For Teacher) (052) EDRS PRICE XF01/PC06 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Class Activities; CurriculumGuides; *Functional Reading; *Learning Activities;*Migrant Education; Reading Comprehension; *ReadingGames; *Reading Instruction; Secondary Education;Structural Analysis (Linguistics); VocabularyDevelopment ABSTRACT This curriculum guide, designedfor use with secondary migrant students, contains activities in the readingareas of structural analysis,literal comprehension, inferential comprehension, vocabulary, andreading in the contentareas. Within these four broad areas, activities are presented in thefollowing specific skill areas: (1) hearing syllables; (2) usingsyllables; (3) root words; (4) compound words; (5) contractions; (6)prefixes; (7) suffixes; (8) main idea; (9)related details; (10)classification; (11) sequence; (12)conclusion; (13) followingdirections; (14) cause and effect; (15) generalization;(16) figurative language; (17) summarizing; (18) punctuation; (19)critical (creative) reading; (20) predicting outcomes; (21) sight words; (22) multiplemeanings; (23) time and identity signal words; (24)word meaninvs; (25) context; (26) appropriate reading speeds; (27) followingdirections; (28) chart, graph, and map reading; (29) locational skills;and (30) organizing. The skills are correlated with the numericalcoding of the Reading Skills Listpublished by the MigrantStudent Record Transfer System. Each activitypage contains the skill name and number, the objective, directions, and follow-upactivities. The pages are illustrated, with many suitable for reproductionfor classroom use. The functional reading activities arepresented in a high interest format, emphasizinggames and "hands on" approaches. (KS) **********************w**********4************************************* Reproductions supplied by EDRSare the best that can be made from the original document. ********************************************************************** ,1/44,1 Ebt %Is 0 or 0 our assroo A Reading Guide --Nscr......."- On the Secondary Level -PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS U.S. DEPARTMERT OF mom* Oltee re Educettonet Ressirch entl tonormemese MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER IERIC) Me document Pm seen reproduced es recessed nem the person or moonsietion enactors A 0 move chows nese msen made to morose reproductoon Queley Pewee men or comer* Stated en Ice deco. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES mere do not necominly reereeen/ ortt INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC! OEM doeshon or polies BEST COPYAVAIL LE 2 Level Secondary onthe Guide classroom Reading Your Education A ColorMigrant ofMississippi is aproduct ofEducation SuperintendentEC1A DepartmentState 1, StateBoyd, ChapterServices Richard Support Mississippi Jr.,Coordinator, Supervisor, J.Comfort, A. B.Parker, Sam through: District contractedSchool ServicesSeparateSuperintendent Superintendent MunicipalRayStrebeck, Director Asst.Project Gulfport R.Bishop, Illustrator David Pounds, and BrendaSpecialist Guide Curriculum the Alford, of Jeanette staffmember,Centers tothe ResourceBarnett, credit and JustineGetman, SpecialMaterialsLaycock,PeggyHolmes JoyceRandall,Betty MississippiMaryDebra Foster,ofMississippi DonnaState inthe Teachers theMigrant Center and Resource 220 and P.O.Box Materials Mississippi Mississippi Gulfport,39502-0220 t I 3. INFERENTIAL 580 Main Idea 56 600 Related Details 60 620 Cause/Effect 65 640 Generalization 67 660 Figurative Language. .70 680 Summarizing 79 700 Punctuation 81 720 Critical (Creative) Reading 86 740 Predicting Outcomes .92 1. STRUCTURAL 4. VOCABULARY ANALYSIS 760 Sight Words 95 320 Hearing Syllables 1 780 Multiple Meanings 98 340 Using Syllables 5 800 Time/Identity 360 Root Words 10 Signal Words 104 380 Compound Words 14 820 Word Meanings 109 400 Contractions 19 840 Context 114 420 Prefixes 22 440 Suffixes 26 5. READING IN CONTENT AREA 2. LITERAL 860 Appropriate Reading 460 Main Idea 30 Speeds 120 480 Related Details 34 880 Following Directions. .125 500 Classification 37 900 Chart, Graph, 520 Sequence 43 Map Reading 127 540 Conclusion 46 920 Locational Skills 129 137 560 Following Directions...51 940 Organizing 4 The Secondary Reading CurriculumGuide was developed in correlation withthe numerical coding of the Reading SkillsList published by the Migrant Student Record Transfer System. This publication has been paidfor through Chapter 1, ECIA, MigrantEducation Funds, Section 143. The opinionsexpressed herein do not necessarilyreflect the position or policy of the U. S. Departmentof Education, and no official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Educationshould be inferred. Examples of words to be used: giraffe gum order origami number nuclear investigate immense banana balloon Bingo! Skill #320 Objective: The student will identify the natural division of a word. Direction= Provide students with "Bingo" cards, like the one shown above, making sure the sequence of numerals isdifferent on each card. Using the dictionary as a reference,make a list of words containing a variety of syllables under eachletter. Call out words under each letter; for example,under "G," use "giraffe." If the student has a "2" under "G," he may put a token on it because giraffe contains two syllables.The student may only put one token downduring a turn. The winner is the first student to cover five squares horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Checkwords off the list as you go so students may be checked after winning. ( 1 Clapping Hands Skill #320 Objective The student will clap to identifysyllables. Directions: Have students clap to the syllablesof a song while either singingor listening to the lyrics. Then have the studentsclap out the syllables without themusic. Follows* Activities: 1. Have the student listento a song and record all words hehears containing a given number of syllables. 2. Without the music, havethe students clap to the syllablesof a song chosen from a list. Then have the otherstudents guess the chosensong. 2 7 Vir Syllable Square-Off Skill #320 Objective: The student wHI identify the number of syllables ina word. Directions: In alternating turns, each player draws a card and reads the word on it to his opponent. That player must tell the number of syllables he hears. With each correctanswer, a player may connect any two dots with a horizontal or vertical line. When the fourth line of a square is drawn, the player may write his initial inside thesquare, and he receives another turn. The player with more squares at the end of the game is the winner. Follow-up Activities: 1. In alternating turns, have each player give a word beginning with his initial. The winner of the above activity must give three-syllable words, therunner-up must give two-syllable words and any other players must give one-syllable words. 2. In alternating turns, have each student givea word that names a sport using one-syllable words for the first round and then addingone syllable with each additional round; for example, track, tennis, basketball, etc. 3 s Where's The Beef ? Skill #320 Objective: The student will identify the number of syllables in a word. Directions: In alternating turns, each player must spin the arrow and give a word containing the number of syllables shown on the spinner. For each correct response, the player may connect any two consecutively numbered dots to complete the pic- ture. An incorrect response passes the turn to the next player. The first player to connect three consecutive segments is the winner. If this is not accomplished during the play of the game, the winner is the player who connects the last two dots to complete the picture. Follow-up Activities: 1. In alternating turns, have each student give a sentence containing only one- syllable words. A player is eliminated when he makes a mistake or when he is unable to give another sentence. The winner is the last student in the game. 2. Have each student spin the arrow and give a sentence using only words with the number of syllables indicated on the spinner. 4 100%PUREBEEF The perfectlictiondess qtainv hambutger. Did you ENVonder hew If Vs tilit hiiricoansursolth swat adection. :WM mutt bed ha fillas)c=fo Includiel chuck. hots selected cuts round and WOO. ....VagIcan- Twofer than the monad cowmew pcoVie haw. mill is abaft themelOc/0- =ilA celibates! wherecorsraZ basiboftex *0cull slid pacidna. 1° lag211. to theinditst°44oretrolatztrogis Proem% to cdea =ftuipbers,:. "1" tOsPiltescrociliwisk. The toms amwoofed b, (they've ahem* beenIreattled mom specibuldri reserwargellmesituVentieddeg'IdiradMieed.-duds ow tamfor asownhllnil "maws:tb° tga= ittlitiroft411: :tasi iss"te - McSyllable Fun Skill #340 Objective: The student will apply generalizations of PICK OF THE CROP syllabication. MeDoonlefs duality French Frtects terelaril,woCrettercurnstrryollen Directions: crunchy outside. Mow We don't begin wit:II:Latta:: After the student has read the McDcnald's Wiry trerProtatocelled the Russet Badoutk. Then we placemat, have him draw a red line under IIIIPOVISD the *Ming arid ten words that contain two syllables each. A5d " blsY
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