Wednesday, April2, 2003 Womens THE softball team sweeps Purdue page 21 The Independent Newspaper Seroing Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXVII NO. 122 HTTP://OBSERVER.ND.FDU Students feel connected to Iraq war • Community Although I'm glad that my cousin is serving his country, I + Students send comes to grips still hope that we stop the war care packages to with military loved and send our troops home," said U.S. troops ones in Iraq Olsen. Unfortunately, there are many By ANGELA SAOUD among us who have more cause News Writer to worry about the well being of By MIKE CHAMBLISS friends and relatives. Although News Wmcr troops are able to communicate Saint Mary's students in via e-mail, they arc frequently Susan Baxter's classes recently With hundreds of thousands of prohibited from disclosing their begun an effort to send letters and collect items on a wish list troops in Iraq. and U.S. ol1icials exact location and from dis­ for Michiana Marines. dc~claring that the United States cussing the activities in which is prepared to pay a "high they are currently engaged. Baxter, a professor in the price" in order to oust Iraqi Sophomore Michael communication studies depart­ president Saddam llussein, mil­ Poffenberger has a brother ment, first found out about the lions of Americans are anxiously serving as a lieutenant junior project through her daughter's wailing and pray- grade on a high school English class. ing for tlw safe N a v y Mothers of Marines from the rPturn of their minesweeper South Bend area are sponsor­ friPnds. children. ship in the ing the effort. siblings and sig­ Persian Gulf. The mothers compiled a list nificant others. Poffenberger. of items that area troops Likt> any other who strongly would like to receive. Items include, among a variety of Anwric~an com- opposes the munity, Notre Dame has its war. says that his brother's other things, chapstick, home­ share of individuals with loved presence in Iraq has created made cookies, playing cards ones currently serving their tension within his family. and Pringles potato chips. cciuntry in the Middle East. "It has caused a rift in the These items are given to For those people, the war relationship between my par­ Baxter who then passes them takes on a greater, personal ents and myself. They don't to be sent overseas. meaning than for those whose think that my actions and ideas The most important item personal lives remain unafl'ect­ are supportive of my brother Marines included on the list is l'd. being in the war," said written letters. "I had a dad [who was) in Many of those in Iraq fulfill Poffenberger. roles in which they will probably Don Balka, a mathematics the army during World War II, not be put into harm's way. For professor at Saint Mary's and two brothers in the Navy," example, sophomore Colleen College, has a son serving as a Baxter said. "All three spoke Olsen has a cousin serving as a lieutenant in the Navy. Balka over and over about the lawyer in the U.S. Army. believes that his son, who pilots KRT importance of mail call, espe­ cially when they were "I am proud that he is doing a P3 aircraft. is currently in U.S. Marine Phillip Korth carries several received care pack­ deployed." his duty although I don't think Kuwait although he has n? way ages. Notre Dame students have expressed concern about then~ is a grnat chance that any­ loved ones In Iraq, while SMC students are making care pack­ thing will happen to him. see RELATIVES/page 4 ages for soldiers In Iraq. see PACKAGES/page 4 Design students try to meet demands Fentinist denounces • Project aims to redesign urban practice of abortion delivery truck McQuade. "Unfortunately. By EMILY BRAMMER efforts have done very little to By HIMANSHU KOTHARI News Writer achieve this cause." News Writer McQuade also talked about Deirdre McQuade, National the feminists who spearheaded I>Psign students are working Program Director of Feminists the original women's rights on a new project to redesign an for Life of America, said movement, and how Second urban delivery truck that can be women deserve a better option Wave feminists, when they used in industries from general than abortion Tuesday. adopted abortion righlc; as the delivery to specialist manufac­ Students, faculty, and mem­ central issue in the 1960s and tun~rs. bers of the surrounding com­ 70s, abandoned the core femi­ The project is beirrg led by art munity were in attendance for nist principles of justice, nonvi­ professor Paul Down, the vice the talk, which was sponsored olence and nondiscrimination. president for national education by the Center for Women's "The original feminist move­ of the Industrial Designers Intercultural Leadership, the ment did not even mention Society of America (IDSA). and Center for Spirituality, and abortion," said McQuade. "The John Caruso. an assistant pro­ Saint Mary's Right to Life. Second Wave feminists com­ fessor of the indus trial design "We FeministS for Life stand pletely abandoned the work of group and also the midwestern behind women who have had the original feminist move­ district edueation representative an abortion and say, 'No ment. Instead of changing of IDSA. woman should ever have to go society to accept women, they Two teams of students - led fought for women to accept LAUREN FORBES/The Observer through what you went by graduate student Michael society." Senior Kurt Maclaurin works on an exterior design project. through,"' McQuade said. Kahwaji and senior Joseph She quoted original women's Design students have been working on a new project to She aims to bring people Villalvazo - will work on differ­ together who differ on contro­ rights activists such as Susan redesign a multi-purpose urban delivery truck. ent aspects of the design. versial issues like abortion, so B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady "We are trying to make the said. "We are 'dealing with the entire project though is to cut that the conflicting sides may Stanton. and Elizabeth truek such that it can accommo­ usability aspects, we have to costs and increase efficiency in fmd common ground. Blackwell, who considered date any type of engine, electric, design the dashboard and figure the assembly line. "While many Americans dis­ abortion a great injustice to hydrogen etc.," said Khwaji, out ways to make it easier to "I would say that the patent agree on the issue of abortion, both the unborn child and who is leading the team that will load the truck for many differ­ design is to have better aesthet­ both sides agree that we mother. look at future changes. ent industries like mail delivery, ics and design and produce a should work on limiting the "The activists of the first Villalvazo. who is leading the food manufacturing and such." number of abortions that warn to monitor the truck's use, The ultimate purpose of the see DESIGN/page 6 occur each year," said see ABORTION/page 4 page 2 The Observer+ WHAT'S UP Wednesday, April 2, 2003 INSIDE COLUMN WHAT'S INSIDE CAMPUS WORLD& BUSINESS Fuzzy math NEWS NATION NEWS VIEWPOINT SCENE SPORTS Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court Suffering talk Troops clash Airline aid Inquiry is Bienvenidos a Offensive began to review the University of ends Lenten near Karbala package patriotic Fiesta Tapatia explosion Michigan affirmative action case. If this case is good for anything, it is Lecture series in approach to proposed the fact that it shines a spotlight on the Baghdad still present prob- lem of people's atti­ tude toward race and ethnicity in A couple discuss­ An American Congress debat­ Guest columnist Scene reviews Notre Dame's academics. es the positive out­ POW is rescued ed on a proposed Andy McMillen of Mishawaka's inex­ baseball team beat The plaintiffs in comes of suffering after U.S. Army $3.2 billion package The Shorthorn of pensive Mexican the University of the Michigan case in the final lecture ground forces in aid to offset the the University of restaurant, Fiesta Detroit Mercy 15 to are former appli­ of the Lenten attacked cost of war and ter­ Texas challenges Tapatia. 5, with a nine-run cants who were Lecture series. Republican Guard rorism on the air­ those who say criti­ second inning. rejected from units 50 miles from lines. cism of Bush dur­ Michigan. It hap­ the Iraqi capital. ing the war is pened to be that Helena Payne unpatriotic. they were white. It happened to be Senior staff that Michigan was page 6 page 5 page 7 page 11 page 12 page 24 a supporter of writer affirmative action. Even though out of 150 points on the Michigan undergraduate admissions WHAT'S GOING DOWN scale, one could attack several areas where certain groups of people have a greater advantage than others, the Student falls iil Dillon, goes to hospital plaintiffs decided to play the race card After a fall in Dillon Hall. NDSP took a student to as the reason for why they were not St. Joseph Medical Center for injuries early admitted. Tuesday morning. Never mind the fact that there are 110 points that are strictly academic, Student reports suspicious person including GPA, standardized tests, aca­ A student reported to NDSP that a suspicious demic strength of schools and curricu­ person was on Holy Cross Drive Sunday at 5 p.m. lum. Most know that the last three are The case is pending. advantageous to the wealthy of any race because of their access to better Wallet of student missing since Oct.
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