SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 2018 $160,000 X marks going a the spot in long way Marblehead in Saugus By Bridget Turcotte By Bella diGrazia ITEM STAFF ITEM STAFF SAUGUS — The town is set to MARBLEHEAD — Residents might spend $160,000 to replace the fuel- see pirates oating around Riverhead ing system that powers re trucks Beach on Sunday, but they shouldn’t and other vehicles. The project was feel alarmed. approved by Town Meeting in May. A oating harbor hunt will take The fuel dispensers are locat- place at the beach on Sunday as ed at the Department of Public part of a family-friendly event, spon- Works (DPW) and the Public sored by the Marblehead Recreation Safety Building. Town Manager & Parks Department and SUP East Scott Crabtree says the upgrades Coast Style, which runs the paddle will ensure the system’s reliabili- boards at the beach as part of a sum- ty, consistency, and cost ef ciency. mer contract they hold with the town. The dispensers provide gas for Residents are invited to enjoy the pi- vehicles in many town depart- rate-themed scavenger hunt as they ments, including police, re, pub- oat along the water from clue to clue. lic works, building maintenance, “They’ll oat to three different docks, youth and recreation, the Senior get a clue, and then earn something Center, Inspectional Services, pirate-themed that will lead them to custodial, conservation, and solid the next clue,” said Jaime Bloch, as- waste and recycling. sistant superintendent of the town’s The Board of Selectmen, Finance recreation and parks. Committee, and Town Meeting Bloch brainstormed with Cristie each supported spending for the im- Broad and Leah Goodman of SUP provements. East Coast Style to generate a num- The project includes replace- ber of ideas for a water-themed event ment of approximately 18-year- that was both kid friendly and fun for old pumps that were no longer all families. repairable with brand-new, sub- “We wanted to do a fun summer mersible pumps for both diesel event together, so we threw out a and gasoline tanks. Full cabinet bunch of water ideas and we began to dispensers and all accessories get creative,” said Bloch. “The three for the diesel and gasoline tanks of us were just having a little bit of Lynn, Lynn, will also be included as part of the fun.” project. Those who register can either bring “The fuel pumps and dispens- their own boards, kayaks, or in at- ers at the DPW and Public Safe- ables or rent one at the beach for $10. city of art ty Building had been in need of In atable arm swimmies and noodles replacement for some time now,” are not allowed during the event, giv- By Thor Jourgensen Hanover and Franklin streets. Rickey Schwed said Crabtree. “This work will en participants need to be on some- ITEM EDITORIAL DIRECTOR “I absolutely love different cul- and Dr. El- drastically increase the reliability thing that can hold them fully above tures and I learn from them. You eanor Fisher of these systems, especially during LYNN — Even as artists from water. have everything here in Lynn,” discuss Fisher’s emergency situations, especially “We want people to have fun and around the world put the nish- Prost said. piece entitled during emergency situations like feel a sense of community,” said Bloch. ing touches on giant murals for Joined by other exhibiting art- snowstorms and extreme weather “This event is just a way to celebrate Beyond Walls, North Shore art- “Red Sky in ists, Prost made her way through the Morning” events.” summer and it’s such a beautiful wa- ists debuted their impressions of A trench was dug outside the terfront community, so we wanted to Lynn at an exhibit that opened the exhibit Friday evening as a during the steady stream of gallery-goers opening of the Public Safety Building to install do something different.” Friday and runs through Sept. conduits for the new system. Elec- Residents can register on the day 14. entered to view the artworks, exhibit “Lynn, talk to artists, and sample treats Lynn ...” at Lyn- trical work is underway to remove of the event, which begins at 4 p.m. “Lynn, Lynn…” features 40 the existing circuits and install like “rainbow Jello” topped with nArts on Friday. and ends at 6:30 p.m., at $5 per par- artworks on display in Lyn- new wires. Similar work began at whipped cream. ticipant. Attendees will be split up nArts’ 25 Exchange St. main Schwed was the DPW. LynnArts’ curatorial commit- into teams of two and all ages are gallery. They were created by 19 also an artist The project is expected to be tee had this month’s Beyond welcome. There are plenty of pirate artists, including Maris Prost, represented in completed by September. prizes to be had and pizza will be who combined bright colors to Walls mural creation project the show. provided. Those who register can depict Lynn storefronts like in mind even back in January Bridget Turcotte can be reached participate in the game or oat freely “Nike African Market” and “Ca- PHOTO | PAULA MULLER at [email protected]. Follow around the water. ribe” painted at the corner of ART, A3 her on Twitter @BridgetTurcotte. Lynn eld riding high with a $500,000 rail trail grant By Thor Jourgensen eld connecting to Wake eld’s 1.9-mile bike path is in ITEM EDITORIAL DIRECTOR a preliminary design study stage. The community advocacy group, Friends of the Lynn- BOSTON — Money to pay for design work on the eld Rail Trail, supports the project but Town Admin- proposed Lynn eld rail trail is included in a state istrator Robert Dolan said the Board of Selectmen has spending priority list if — and when — the trail proj- not endorsed the trail or weighed in against it. ect moves forward. “The Friends of the Lynn eld Rail Trail have been State Sen. Brendan Crighton and state Reps Bradley working for many years to build community support Jones Jr. and Donald Wong succeeded in getting the for this project,” Jones said in a joint statement with $500,000 allocation included as part of a $2.4 billion fellow legislators. “This feasibility study will bring environmental bond bill recently signed into law. them one step closer to realizing their goal of creating Bond bills are legislative spending wish lists outlin- a multi-use rail trail that can be enjoyed by people of ing priorities for future spending, but not making im- all ages and abilities on a year-round basis.” mediate or time-speci c recommendations for spend- Because the funding is included as part of a bond au- ing. thorization, there is no rm timeline for when Lynn- Approved by Town Meeting by a one-vote margin eld and Wake eld will actually receive the money. It in April 2017, the proposal of a 2.5-mile right of way Item reporter earns along the former Newburyport Railroad line in Lynn- LYNNFIELD, A3 prestigious fellowship Item reporter Bridget Turcotte The Item’s Lynn man charged with is one of 25 journalists selected Bridget Tur- INSIDE to attend the 2018 New England cotte is a 2018 First Amendment Institute. New England Opinion nine counts of child rape The three-day conference, run First Amend- Jourgensen: Seen, heard each year by the New England ment Institute and remembered. A4 A Lynn man already being held on Moore was arrested on July 17 and First Amendment Coalition, pro- fellow. charges of child pornography now fac- charged with distributing child por- vides a select group of young jour- Shribman: 2020 vision. A4 es allegations of child rape and sexual nography. nalists with the opportunity to ITEM PHOTO | assault. He was arrested after Rowley Police learn skills and techniques used SPENSER HASAK Sports Darryl Moore, 37, who has listed ad- received a tip from the National Cen- in investigative journalism. Lynn Invitational dresses in Lynn and Rowley, was ar- ter for Missing and Exploited Chil- “I’m excited for the chance to Baseball Tournament raigned in Newbury District Court Fri- dren. West Newbury Police, George- learn from very successful jour- opens at Fraser. B1 day on nine counts of aggravated rape town Police, Newbury Police, Lynn nalists, and to network and meet of a child under 16, posing a child in Police, and the Massachusetts State Danvers edges Lynn some other local journalists who sexual acts, drugging a person for sex- Police all took part in the investiga- in extras to move on in are learning, too,” Turcotte said. ual intercourse, and indecent assault tion. Gallant Tournament. B1 on a child under 14, according to the REPORTER, A3 Essex County District Attorney’s of ce. RAPE, A3 OBITUARIES ..............................A2 LOOK! .......................................A8 CLASSIFIED ...............................B7 HIGH 84° VOL. 140, ISSUE 213 OPINION ...................................A4 SPORTS ................................ B1-3 REAL ESTATE .............................B8 LOW 65° POLICE/FIRE .............................A6 COMICS/DIVERSIONS ........... B4-5 PAGE A8 ONE DOLLAR A2 THE DAILY ITEM SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 2018 OBITUARIES Barbara A. Waugh, 83 Stocks jump as hopes rise for 1934-2018 progress on China trade talks LYNN — Barbara tal in helping Barb Ann Waugh, age 83, spend her sunset passed away peace- years in the comfort By Marley Jay spite of weak results for maker Caterpillar rose 2.3 week due to worries about fully in her home on of her own home. ASSOCIATED PRESS several chipmakers. Elec- percent to $139.34 and en- Turkey’s currency crisis, Aug. 16. Service informa- tric car maker Tesla took gine maker Paccar added and later investors fretted A lifelong resident tion: There will be NEW YORK — Stocks its biggest drop in two 2.3 percent to $67.16.
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