ENGLISH-LANGUAGE WEEKLY EDITION . VOL. LXXXVI. No. ioo THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 6.1979 25 CENTS VALENTYN MOROZ FREED Arrives in U.S. with four other dissidents; U.S. arranges exchange for two Soviet spies; Moroz emotionally greeted by Ukrainians in New York, Philadelphia, South Bound Brook, Jersey City Photo by Roma Sochan-Htdzrwyc? A smiling valentyn Moroz in his hotel room Friday. April 27, several hours after his arrival in New York City. NEW YORK. NY. - valentyn Moroz. the leading spokesman of national and human rights movements in Ukraine, who has been the subject of intense concern for Ukrainians in the free world, is - after 13 years of imprisonment in Soviet concentration camps - free. The 43-year-old Mr. Moroz, who was the focus of scores of demonstrations throughout the West, arrived at John F. Kennedy international Airport here on the afternoon of April 27 along with four other Soviet dissidents in a White House-arranged exchange with the Soviet government for two convicted Soviet spies. The historic exchange included, in addition to Mr. Moroz. Baptist activist Pastor Georgi vins. Aleksandr Gin?burg. a leading member of the Moscow Public Group to Promote the implementation of the Helsinki Accords: Edxard Kuznetspv and Mark Dymshyts. both of whom were convicted in 1970 of attempting to hijack a Soviet airliner in hopes of flying to lsracl. They were exchanged for valdik A. finger and Rudolf Chernya– yev. who were convicted of espionage. A wall of secrecy and intrigue surrounded the event, and news of Photo by lhor Dtaboha the exchange was not released by the White House until after it was valentyn Moroz made history when he became a free man on April 27 and with his subsequent completed, in a secluded corner of Kennedy Airport, the five dissi– pronouncements against Soviet Russian colonialism in Ukraine he proved, as he wrote on the dents from the Soviet Union emerged from the rear of an Aeroflot final day of his second trial on June 1, 1970, that anything Moscow does will boomerang. At a airliner and were met by Jessica Tuchman Matthews and Reginald rally celebrating his release in Philadelphia, Pa., on April 28, Mr. Moroz kissed the Ukrainian - . (Continued on psgf 3) blue and flag as a sign of "respect and piety" for the flag which he said he is seeing for the first time. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SDNPAV, MAY 6,1979 No. 100 14th National Plast Congress meets atSoyurfvka Story and photo by Roma Sochan-Hadzewycz KERHONKSON, N.Y. - The 14th dom. Now we must continue this work, national congress of Plast in the United he said, and help other persecuted States was held here at Soyuzivka fighters for Ukrainian national rights. Saturday and Sunday, April 28-29. with Congress participants resolved to the participation of 263 delegates and send greetings and best wishes on behalf members of the National Plast Com– of Plast to Mr. Moroz. and telegrams of mand and Council and 19 registered thanks to President Jimmy Carter and guests. Uppermost in the minds of the Zbigniew Brzezinski. his national secu– congress participants, however, was rity adviser. The congress also called on neither the election of new officers, nor all Plast members to send personal the formulation of plans for the next messages of thanks to the U.S. govern– two years, but the unexpected and ment officials. joyous news that valentyn Moroz. the Eustachia Hoydysh was elected head foremost Ukrainian national rights of the National Plast Command and defender, hud been released. lhor Sochan was chosen head of the The joy was evident not only in the National Plast Council. й private conversations of the delegates Others elected to the National Plast and guests, but also in the official command arc: Wo!odymyr Swyntuch, speeches and greetings delivered during first deputy in charge of liaison and the course of the biennial congress, organization; Mykola Panchenko. From left are: lhor Socha.i and Eustachia Hoydysh, newly elected heads of the most notably in addresses by "Nachal– Plastpryiat: Michael Turchyn. organi– National Plast Council and Command, respectively; Yuriy Starosolsky, nyi Plastun" Yuriy Starosolsky, Plast zation; Oksana Kuzyszyn. press: Усга "Nachalnyi Plastun"; and Lubomyr Romankiw, head of the Supreme Plast Chaplain the Rev. Bohdan Smyk. and Shekhovych. Plast publications; Yarko "Bulava." newly elected head of the National Plast Levytsky, liaison with scouts; Natalia administration and finances; Bohdan konechny and alternate members Ste– Command Eustachia Hoydysh. Koropecky, second deputy in charge of Kuzyszyn, finances; volodymyr Safian, fa Korol and Serhiy Zapolenko. Perhaps і he most moving were the education and training; George Tara– administration; Olha Stasiuk, dues; During the opening ceremonies on words of ODUM representative Andriy siuk, commander of "plastuny"; lrene Neonila Sochan. general secretary in Saturday morning, the recently deceas– Shevchcnko who delivered his organi– Kurowycky. commander of "plastun– charge of administration and archives; cd members of Plast — among them zation's greetings at the congress ban– ky": Michael Mochula. camps commit– Eugene Kotyk, secretary; Myroslav Andriy Mycio, head of the National quet Saturday evening Mr. Shevchcn– tee; Romana Hadzewycz, training of Labunka, citations committee. Plast Command — were honored. A ko stressed that many of the members of "yunatstvo"; Marusia Darmohray, New members of the National Plast plaque honoring the late Mr. Mycio for Ukrainian youth organizations had training of "novatstvo"; Andrew Had– Council are: Mykhailo Belendiuk. his dedicated work for Plast and the taken part in demonstrations in defense' zewycz. physical education: Dmytro Olha Kuzmowycz. Pavlo Dorozyn– Ukrainian nation was presented to his of Moroz and had called for his frce– Kosovych. third deputy in charge of sky, Yuriy Bohachevsky, Petro Na– (Continued on page 14) Julian Revay, former prime minister Wolodymyr Hentisz dies, was of Carpatho-Ukraine, dies at 79 former Soyuzivka master of ceremonies NEW YORK. N.Y. Julian Revay. ASTOR1A, N.Y. - Wolodymyr former prime minister of Carpatho- Hentisz, who for many years was the Ukraine and member of the. Czecho– lovable master of ceremonies at the Slovak Parliament in the 1930s, died on Saturday evening programs at Soyuziv– April 30 as a result of severe head in– ka and recently a guest performed at the juries sustained during a fall on steps at UNA estate, died in his home Monday the Ukrainian institute of America. 2E. night. April 30. He was 60 years old. 79th St.. where he had been executive Mr. Hentisz. was born on August 10, director since 1957. He was 79. 1918, in Khyriv, western Ukraine. After Mr. Revay was born on July 26. 1899, World War 11 he emigrated from in the village of Myrcha in Carpatho- Ukraine to the West, first living in Ukraine. then under Austria-Hungary, Austria and then permanently settling where his parents, lvan and veronica down with his family in New York. Revay. were teachers. His adeptness at the piano and his Since his student years Mr. Revay talent for writing humorous songs won was involved in the Ukrainian national for him the hearts of many guests at and cultural movement for the rebirth Soyuzivka over the years. Mr. Hentisz's of the Ukrainian land. After his gradua– name became synonymous with the job tion from the teachers'seminary, he was of emceeing and he was often called a departmental director in the Ministry upon by parish and civic groups to of Education and Enlightenment of the conduct their programs for them. On Wolodymyr Hentisz Czecho-Slovak government in Prague Sunday. April 29, Mr. Hentisz served as ta. grandchildren. Lesia and Danylo. and kept abreast with the Ukrainian master ceremonies at his parish's "Svia– brother. Myroslaw. sister Lidia. and national development in Carpatho- chene." near and distant relatives. Ukraine. He was editor of "Uchytel" Julian Revay Recent years saw Mr. Hentisz writing (Teacher) magazine and author of a The funeral was held Thursday, May Hungary sent several thousands of several revues and other humorous 3, from the Holy Cross Ukrainian number of Ukrainian school textbooks. plays for Soyuzivka's programs. Eventually he was elected a member of troops to invade. Carpatho-Ukraine. Catholic Church in Astoria to the Holy The Diet of Carpatho-Ukraine. elected Surviving him are his wife, Olena, Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery in the Czecho-Slovak Parliament from the son, Roman, daughter in law, Chryzan– Social-Democratic Party. in a general election, hastily proclaimed Hamptonburgh. N.Y. independence, with Msgr. Augustin in 1938-1939. during the Munich voloshyn as president and with Mr. crisis, he joined the local government of Revay becoming prime minister. Carpatho-Ukraine. when it became a Several hundreds of young Ukrainian part of the Czech and Slovak federative soldiers, organized into Carpatho- CBOFOAA^kSvOBODA УПРАІМСЬЛИЙ щодінник ЧН?г UIIII їй о t 11 v state as an autonomous country. But Ukrainian "Sich" army units, died in the future of the tiny state was foresha– defense of their young state, and the FOUNDED 1893 dowed. when in November 1938. Hitler country was annexed as a Hungarian Ukrainian newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association, inc., at 30 Montgomery and Mussolini allowed Hungary to Street, Jersey City, N.J.07302, daily except Mondays and holidays. province, in 1945. after the defeat of the carve out a part of Carpatho-Ukrainian і Axis Powers. Carpatho-Ukraine was TELEPHONES: territory with its principal cities. Svoboda U.N.A. incorporated into the Ukrainian SSR as Uzhhorod and Mukachiv. (201)434-0237 (201)451-2200 the Transcarpathian oblast. (201)4344)807 During World War 11. Mr. Revay from New York (212) 227-5250 Mr. Revay. a cabinet minister of the tromNeu York (212)227-1125 (212)227-5251 central government in Prague, was also held the post of director at a health a member of the.
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