
If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. - 1iIt" ..' i· ! 1",,1 ------------...-, ------------------'-""-- - SURVEY OF JUDICIAL SALARIES IN STATE COURT SYSTEM~ A Publication of the National Center for State Courts 1660 Lincoln Street-Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80203 April 1977 Volume 3 Number 4 Volume 3 will extend through calendar year 1977. ,; ------------------------------------------------------------------~-~------------------------- CONTENTS Page Fore\':(;rd .................................................... v Board of Directors ............................................ vi Rank Order of Judicial Salaries, Population, and Per Capita Income in the Fifty States ........................ Judicial Salaries In Appellate and Trial Courts ..................... 3 Key to Abbreviations. 5 Salaries -- Courts of Appellate and General Jurisdictions and State Court Administrators .................................. 6 Salarit's - Courts of Special or Limited Jurisdiction. .. 12 Apr'l'ndix I -- Future Salaries and Pending Legislation .............. 20 Copyright 1977 Apppndix II - Floating Salary Statutes ............................ 24 Nationdl ("pnler for Stalt' Courh Council of State Court Representatives ............................ 26 This publication is supported by Grant Number 77-DF-99-0021, awarded by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, United States Department of Justice. LEAA bears no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained herein. ii iii National Center for State Courts Foreword The National Center for Stat~ Courts is a non-profit organization dl'dictltpd to the modernization of court operations and the improvement of justice at tilt' This ,urwy of judicial sdlaril's lists salary figures as of April 3U, 1977. Bold state and local level throughout the country. It functions as an extension of till' fan' figures in the charts ("Salaries-Courts of Appellate «nd General Jurisdic­ state court systems, working for them at their direction and providing them ,Hl tions and State Court Administrators" and "Salaries-Courts of Special or effective voice in matters of national importance. Limit(ld jurisdirtion") indicate changes since the 1anuary 1977 issue. In carrying out its purpose, the National Center acts as a focal point for ~tdtp 1 he "Judicial SalMies in Appellate and Trial Courts" table lists for each state judicial reform, serves as a catalyst for setting and implementing standards of ((lurt system the date of last salary change for highest, intermediate appellate fair and expeditious judicial administration, and finds and disseminates ,In­ and genmal trial court judges. This table, like the "Rank Order of Judicial swers to the problems of state judicial systems. In sum, the National Center Salaries" table, utili7es saiaries paid to associate justices for the highest courts provides the means for reinvesting in all states the profits gained from judicial and intermediate appellate courts. The general trial court salaries refer to the advdnres i;, any state. statll-paid salary without supplements. Salaries including supplements appear in parentheses immediately beneath the figures for the state paid salary. TIll' "'edion dealing with judicial salaries in courts of limited or special juri"diction is divided into seven categories on a jurisdictional bJsis. Apppnclix I lists salMies schedull'd to take effect in the future and pf.'nding Il'gislation which could affect judicial salaries. Appendix /I indicates the states wilith provide for "floating" judicial salaries on the consumer pritt' index or other co"t of living tldjustN. Every effurt h,lS been made to ensure tlw accuracy of the survey data; tiglJl"Ps for l'dch statp have been obtained from its office of court admini~tra­ tion. If errors have on:urrt,d or ii the data is not completely accurate, please notify us promptly. Sur\l'y of ludicial Salaries in Statl' Court Systems Nationdl Cf'nter for Statt' Court.., 16b(] Lincoln Street. Suite 2110 DenVl'r, Colorado 80203 Survpy Editor: N<'ncy Allbe(> (303) BY2-1261 iv v BOARD OF DIRECTORS RANI< ORDER OF JUDICIAL SALARIES, POPULATION, AND PER CAPITA PERSONAL Sylvi.l Baron, Associate Judge, Superior Court, District of Columbi<l INCOME IN THE FIFTY STATES Rol,md J. F,Hi<:y, Judge, Ramsey County Municipal Court, Sl. f'.wl, ."~inm'S()t,l James A. Finch, Jr., Justice, Supremp Court of Mh,souri M. Michelel Cordon, Judge, Municipal Court of Houston, T(>xas Ih:, ".II.1ri('" rpporl('d ior Ihl' higlw,1 ,1P!wll,ltP courl rpit'r 10 11ll' ""Idrip' ptlid 10 Robert H. Hall, Justice, Supreme Court of Georgia ,1';,OCidlp jU.,tiCl''', Thl' genl'f,ll Irial {ourl "tll,Hi{" rpit'r to \Ill' ~tt1ndt1rd .,t,ltp-paid ',ll,HV L.lwrpno: W. I' Anson, Chief Justice, Virginia Supreme Court tor r,lIlJ.,ing purpIN·,. Thl' C:ommollwP<llth oj PlH'rto Rico, Di,lrict of Columbia ,1I1d Unitl'd St,lip, (oUrl, ,lrl' r,lI1kE'd rpl,Hivl' 10 111(' ,1,11(',. but did not iigurp in thp initi,)i E. l.eo Milonas, Supervising Judge, Criminal Court of the City of New York. numlH'ring. C. William O'Neill, Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Ohio, Vice President Edward E. Pringle, Chi'i!f Justice, Supreme Court of Colorado, President William S. Richardson, Chief J.ustice, Supreme Court of Hdwaii JUDICIAL SALARIES Joseph R. Weisberger, Presiding Justice, Superior Court of Rhode 1"land Robert A. Wenke, Superior Court, Los Angeles, California Highest General Per Capita Appellate Trial Personal State Courts Courts Income" Population J ALABAMA 4()* 47* 46 21 Alice L. O'Donnell, Federal Judicial Cfmter, Wcl~hingt()n, D.C., Spcrei.lr)'­ ALASKA 4 .3 1 'in TrPdsurpr ARIZONA .W 24* 32 L2 John S. Clark, Esq., Petoskey, Michigan, Chairman, Advisory Council ARKANSAS 4') 39 49 .n Lyman M. Tondel, Jr., Esq., New York, New York, Vice Chairman, Advisory 7 Council CALIFORNIA COLORADO 17'" 24~ 22 2B Nathan S. Heffernan, Jus~ice, Wisconsin Supreme Court Chairman, Council of CONNECTICUT .J4 TI) 24 State Court Representatives DElAWARE 1 S 12 47 flORIDA 17'" 16 28 B 1" GEORGIA 17* ~, 37 1·1 HAWAII 11 S* 10 40 41 Edward B. McConnt.'ll, Dire(·tor, Denver, Colorado IDAHO 44 40 35 Arne L. Schoeller, Deputy Director, Washington, D.C. IlliNOIS 5* n 4 '; William J. Conner, Associate Director for Administration, Denver, Colorado, INDIANA 28 43 b 27 12 Assi~ttlnt Secretary-Tn'asurt'r IOWA 25* 23 18 2, Barry Mahoney, Associate Director for Programs, Denver, Colorado KANSAS 38* 33 15 31 Alexander B. Aikman, Director, Mid-Atl'lntie Regional Office, Williamsburg, KENTUCKY 25* 18 45 2~ Virginia LOUISIANA 5* 5* 44 2(1 Charles D. Cole, Director, SoutlwclstE>rn Regional Office, Atlanta, Ceorgia MAINE 50 46 42 3H Samuel D. Conti, Director, Northpdstern Regional Officl" Bo~t()n. MARYLAND 13 11 C) 1B Massachusetts Grant Davb, Director, South Central Regional Office, Norman, Okldhorr:~~ Francis L. Bremson, Director, North Central Regional Office, St. Paul, Minnesota Ldrry L. Sipps, Director, WestNn Rpgional Offi((', San Francisco, California .1 U.S. Department of Commerce and Bureau of the Censu~, Stati~t/t,ll Ab.ltrart of thE' United Stales 1976 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976); 1975 rncom(! figures p. 402, 1975 population figures p. 11, h R.lnk is based on lower figure of ~illilry range. '" Another ,tate hil'i thE' ~arr1t' rank. vi Q Highest Gt'neral Per Capitol JUDICIAL SALARIES IN APPELLATE AND Appell.1te Trial Persolhll Slate Courts Courts Innlme ()opul.llioll TRIAL COURTS MASSACHUSETTS 16 15 14 ](I MICHIGAN r,* 41 II MINNESOTA ~1* 29 n 1'1 Inlt'rIlll'diatl' Geller.ll D,lte of L,l~t MISSISSIPPI m* .~4* 'ill "I ApPl·llatl· Tri'll Salary Stah' SUprl'IlW ( our! Court ('ourt Ch,lIlge MISSOURI .i 1 * ~ 1 * W I, MONTANA 49 47* 29 ,Ii , NEBRASKA 22 l·t H 1 , S 11.:JIIII .;, IUliHI S ,";,IHII) NEVADA 15* ~4* H 411 AlABAMA 1i 20/:-''1 ({fl,7()OI NEW HAMPSHIRE ,~7 22 II 4'J ALASKA 'j,?' Jf I .. ' ,W:;7h 7/1175 ," q l' ~, .. NEW JERSEY n B ,I ARIZONA l~ ,(lilt I ';.1 It III \ Ult)() rl'; ) NEW MEXICO 40* ~ 1· 4/\ i .. , ARKANSAS II, ill'! .H), til \ -:' 17(' NEW YORK 2 h CALIFORNIA h2,tH') 'i<J,(}02 ·llJ 1(,(, 9/1 !'7b L',IIIII) l \,t)( It) NORTH CAROLINA 21 2B 41 II COLORADO ,l(l,lltHI :- 1'711 NORTH DAKOTA 4J ~4· 21 ,I'; (,ONNI:CTlCU r {b,ill)( I \.\:;(l(l I .171 OHIO 17· 4lJ h Jl) h DLlAWARE 4.!,(){l() 1'1,\hl(1 '7 I 7'; 29 ]4 , .. OKLAHOMA SIl" flORIDA ·W,I HlI) HI,(H)!) \ l! ,I)(){) 1 'I 7') ;. Iii"; OREGON .!-:' 1- 211 m GEORGIA ,lll,llI III 1') :il)( I \ ,! ,'it II) PENNSYlVANIA 3 4 20 ,I i·I·l,hl)()1 RHODE ISLAND n .11 17 )q HAWAII ·l dlllO ·I.'.'il)( ) 1 L7h SOUTH CAROLINA 24 10 47 .1h IDAHO 11:,[)1l .:,LiliO :' '1; 7(' ILLINOIS ill,IHHI .\';,I\(H) 1;- ,(Ill() :--',1/7:> SOUTH DAKOTA 411 44 ~h I,j HI,Hltl HI. Ii III .'",'jlll}. hi1:7) 'I I) 1" INDIANA TENNESSEE 4~ 11,1(}() TEXAS 10 2tl jl {'J,t)l HI ~fl,llt)O ~ l,u7.! 7/1/711 UTAH ·~h 42 N ih IOWA KANSAS I·UHlfl I Ul(lll ]0,500 1/10/77 VERMONT -t-, 4S {II iii KENTUCKY ,",(H)II 17,1){ III Fi,llllli h!Wi7h VIRGINIA 14 24 11 LOUISIANA ill,(IUU ,F,','I(I ·U:i(l(l 7/1176 WASHINGTON LI 211 ., 12 MAINE .'h,tHl(1 .' 'i, 'i()!l 41;74 WEST VIRGINIA Fi* \ll 411 \., MARYLAND ,H, J()I) 41..f(l() l'),,!(l{) 7"1/7:> WISCONSIN 12 38 25 Ii. MASSACHUSETTS 4(1,71111 \-,771 Ih,.!!ll 11174 WYOMING 4.! 34" 16 1'1 MICHIGAN '10,000 -1·lA7H 27,700 1/1/77 (45,622) COMMONWEALTH 41' • 44' MINNESOTA Ill, 'i(1I1 L!,()()(l 7173 OF PUERTO RICO MISSISSIPPI I,U lilt I ltJ,tHH I 71174 DISTRICT OF Ii' Y MISSOURI I h, "illil {,l,tll)(l 11,IHH! (lI2H/iS COLUMBIA MONTANA ,.
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