·­ Digitized from Box 5 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library '-....• Henry A. Kissinger Secretary ofState and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Henry A.Kissinger was sworn in as the 56th Secretal"Y of State Septem~ ber 22, 1973, in a ceremony in the East Room cE ';;j,lI! 'White 'Hou£'"~. He also continues to serve in his White House positiml as Assht~mt to the President for National Security Affairs. Dr. Kissinger became Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs in January 1969. Since 1954 he had been a member of the faculty at Harvard University both in the DepartTa.ent of Government and at the Center for Interr.ational Afiairs. He was Associate Director of the Center from 1957 to 1960. He se:rv~d as Study Director, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, for the Council on Foreign Relations from 1955 to 1956, and Director of the Harvard International Seminar in 1951. Dr. Kissinger is the author of six books and over forty articles on foreign policy. He is a recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship (1965-66) and the Woodrow Wilson prize (1958) for the best book in the fields of government, politics, and international affairs. A summa cum laude graduate of Harvard College, he received his M. A. in 1952 and Ph.D. in 1954 from the Harvard University Graduate Scool of Arts and Sciences. From 1943 to 1946 he served in the Army Intelligence Corps and from 1946 to 1949 was Captain of the Military Intelligence Reserve. Dr. Kissinger was born May 27, 1923, in Furth, Germany, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louts Kissinger, who now reside in New York City. He married the former Nancy M:;.ginness of New York City on March 30, 1974, and is the father of two children, Elizabeth and David, by a previous marriage. , James D. Hodgson U.S. Ambassador to Japan James D. Hodgson has served as U.S. Ambassador to Japan since June 20, 1974. During 1973-74 he was Senior Vice President of Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. He was appointed Under Secretary of Labor in 1969 and from 1970-73 he served as Secretary of Labor. A native of Dawson, Minnesota, he was born on December 3, 1915. He received an A. B. degree in 1938 from the University of Minnesota. He was a graduate student in 1940 and attended the University of Los Angeles as a graduate student from 1947-48. He served as a First Lieutenant in the United States Naval Reserve from 1943-46. From 1940-41 Ambassador Hodgson was Supervisor of Youth Employment at the Minnesota Department of Employment. He joined the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation in 1941 and served with that Company unti11969. He was Corporation Vice President for Industrial Relations from 1968-69. Ambassador Hodgson served as a Member of the Executive Committee of the Mayor of Los Angeles' Labor-Management Committee from 1962-69 and was a Consultant to the California Committee of Automation and Man­ power from 1965-67. He is married to the former Maria Denend and they have two children. Richard 1. Sneider U.S• .Ambassador to the Republic Of Korea Richard L. Sneider has served since August 23, 1974 as U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea. Born June 29, 1922 in New York, New York, he attended Brown University receiving an A.B. degree in 1943 and an M.A. in 1948 from Columbia. He served with the United States Army as a First Lieutenant from 1943-46. In 1941 he was a Research Intern with the Civil Service Commission. In 1947 he was a Junior Political Analyst, Council on Foreign Relations. In 1948-51 he was an Analyst, then Intelligence Research Specialist, Office of Intelligence, Department of State. From 1951-52 he was Far East Co­ ordinator, Psychological Intelligence Program, Office of Intelligence Research. In 1952-54 he was a Foreign Affairs Officer, United Nations Affairs; 1954-58 he was assigned as Politico-Military Officer, Tokyo; 1958-61 he was Officer in Charge of Japanese Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern .Affairs, Department; 1962-65 he was Political Counselor, Karachi. He was promoted in 1963 to \..... FSO-2. From 1965-69 he served as Public Affairs Adviser, then Country Director for Japan in the Department. He was promoted to FSO-l in 1968. In 1969 he was a Political Officer, National Security Council and from 1969-70 he was Special Assistant to Ambassador for Oldnawan Affairs, Tokyo; 1970-72 he was Deputy Chief of Mission, Tokyo and from 1972 to 1974 he was Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs. He received the Superior Honor Award in 1970. He is married to the former Ruth Leah Tartalsky and they have three children, Daniel, Dena and David. r I Walter J. Stoe••el, 11'. u.s. Amba••ador to the Union of Soviet Socialbt Repobllc. Walter J. Stoe••el, Jr., ha••erved a. U.S. Amba••ador to the Union of Soviet SociaU.t Republic. elnce December 19, 1973. Amba••ador Stoe••el, a Career Mtnl8ter in the Foreign Service, .erved a. A••i.tant Secretary of State for European Affair. from July 25, 1972, and .erved from 1968 to 1972 a. Amba••ador to Poland. He wa. Deputy Chief of Mb.ion in Mo.cow from 1963 to 1965, when he became Deputy A••i8taDt Secretary of State for European Affair•• He wa. born on January 24, 1920, in Manhattan, Kan.a•• Amba••ador Stoe••el received hb B.A. degree from Stanford Univer.ity in 1941. After graduation he worked a. a production control officer at Lockheed Aircraft Company and entered the Foreign Service in 1942. He wa. a Con.utar, Economic and Polltt.cal officer in Caraca. for two year. and tb_ .erved in the U.S. Navy from 1944 to 1946. Amba••ador Stoe••el wa. a.Bigned to the Department of Sta.t.e a!. ~.n AII.btant to the Country SpeciaUst for Eaatern European Affairs froln 194(, "0 1947, and then IIpent two year. in M08cow a. Chtef of the Consul.ar lIecl:ion. He .pent one year studying the Ru.elan language at Colunlbia University and .erved from 1950 to 1952 a. Chief of the Special Rellearch Division. Ambas.ador Stoes.el wa. Officer In. Chari.. of USSR Affair., Bureau of European Affairs, from 1952 to 1956. He wa. detailed to the White Houee in 1956 a. Special A••btant to the Pre.identtal Advi.or on ForeilD Affair•• He wa••ent to Pari. that .ame year when he headed the CommUDi.t Affair. Unit and later .erved all Chief of European AUall'. and Communbt Actl.ttte. until 1959. During 1959-60 Amba••ado~ !toe••el attended the Harvard Center for JDtenatlonal Affairs and from 1'960 to 1961 he wa. Depaty Director, then Director. of the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. He wa. PoUticalOfflcer POLAD/SHAPE in Pari. from 1961 to 1963. Amba••ador Stoe••ell. married to'the former Mary Ferrandoo and they havetbreeehUc1ren. Donald R umsfeld A sststant to the President Donald Rumsfeld has served since September 27, 1974 as Assistant to the President with Cabinet rank and with responsibility for the coordination of White House operations. Mr. Rumsfeld served from February 1973 as U.S. Pe:'mane!1t Repre­ sentative on the Council of the North Atlantic T:rcaty Organization (NATO) with the rank and status of Ambassador. Born on July 9, 1932, in Chicago, Mr. Rumofeld was elected to Congress from nltnois' ! 3th Congressional District in 1962 and was l'e-eleded thr~e times. Fr.:>m 1969 to 1973, he served in yarir)~.:.B exet~1.!tive positions, including Directo~ of the Office of Econcrnic Opportullity, Counsellor to the President, and Director of the Cost of Living Council during Phase II. After graduation from Princeton University in 1954, Mr. Rumsfeld served in the U.S. Navy as a pilot and flight instructor. He wa.s aJ,3o associated wi!:h an ;.l"vest~.ent banking firm in Chicago p:t'ior ~(\ h:i'l :r',~.~ "f~}:::(:t-!cn to CongresiJ. Mr. Rumsfeld is married to the former Joyce Pierf:<'!"l ana they have three children. i( vbcrt T. Hari;rnann Counsellor to the President Rv:>Cl·t T. Hcl.l'tmann, Chief of Pr::=~ident Ferdls Vice PreElidential Staff has been Counsellor to the President since August 9, 1974. Mr. Hartmann was Minority Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives ~n the 91st, 92nd, and 93rd Congresses and Legislative Assistant to then Minority Leader, Gerald R. Ford, before Mr. Ford became Vice President on December 6, 1973. Mr. Hartmann was formerly the Chief of the Washington Bureau of the Los Angeles Times from 1954 to 1964. MI'. Hartmann is a native of Rapid City, South Dakota. He spe:!t mo~~ of his lifetime in California and received his B. A. from Stanford Unh~:'::Jity in 1938. He served in the Pacific during World War n and is a reti;.~ed C:~ptain .from the United States Naval Reserve. He is married to the former Robel'ta Sankey. They res~.dp. :11 V{~e.tga~~, Mal'Y­ land, and have two children. " Philip C. Habib Assistant Secretary of State lot: East Asian and Pacific Affairs I Philip C. Habib has served as' Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs since Sept6mber 19, 1974. p Ambassador Habib, a career'i"oreign Service officer, has served since 1971 as Ambassador to Korea ~after serving from 1969 to 1971 as Senior Advisor, with the Personal Rank of Ambassador, to the United States Delegation at the Paris Meetings on Vietnam.
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