In Th_ News THIS MORNING ON CAMPUS- STATE REP. JOHN ELY JR., m.cedar Rapids) wJll address an open meeting for the Young Demo· crats at 7:30 tonight in the Senate Chamber of Old Capitol. His topic wiU be "Antiquo Cars and New Frontiers." • • • SOPRANO IRENE JORDAN and ail Iowan tenor Richard Lewis gave a con­ Serving the Mate Univer~ity of Iowa and the People of Iowa City cert here Wednesday eveniog. A Review wilJ appellr on page two e:stabllshed hi 1868 United Preas lnternl'tional and As8!K:lated Prell Leued WirCl aDd Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, Fehruary 14, 1963 1 01 Friday morning's Iowan. -------..:...---------- IN THE CITY- I "CRITIC'S CHOICI," a comedy presented by the Iowa City Com­ munity Theater, will open tonight at the 4·H Fairgrounds. The play will also be presented Friday and Saturday nights. Advance reserva­ De Gaulle. May Try tions may be obtained by calling 8-5493 • • • URIAN RENEWAL procedure was outlined for the City Council Wednesday by an urban renewal aluation official from Chicago. For the have an slory, see page six. British Reconciliati on evalu· and, IN THE ST ATE- rate. " Heights MOSTLY CLOUDY and cooler Soft-Pedals Bitter Rift the today with snow flurries in the sur east In the forenoon . Partly cloudy plan of and cooler tonight. Highs today 'Actually, the idea of INDEPENDENT WEEK control from 10 to 18. For Friday, the out­ On Common Market Bid . look is for partly cloudy skies witb seems kind of silly to mel' little temperature change. PA RIS (UPi ) - President Charles de Caullt: moved Wed- I • nesday to soft-pedal France's dispute with Britain i.n a possible I K d I h S k DES MOINES tA'I - Mentally re­ tarded children could start school prelude to a reconciliation with London following Ihe bitter enne y mpeac ment ee er in Iowa before the 5-year minimum rift over the veto of Britain's Common ~Iarket membership bid. I age set for normal children under French sources said De Gaulle may be preparing to offer ITh t T B b B -Id- a bill passed by the senate Wednes· Britain associate membership in the Common Market or propose day, rea ens 0 om UI Ing some sort of "bridge" between the Common Market and the • • "0 t . S n" I ad J d b B 'I . WASJIINGTON (UPll - A 33· suitcase lull 01 newspapers and a SPINCER (.fI - Two founders of 1I el eve r, e group e y rJ am . year.old Phoenix, Ariz., man call- number of gas cans police spotted an Iowa industry were killed in a Government sources saId De ing (or Impeachment o( President In Ide the auto were found to be plane crash Wednesday as they Gaulle personally ordered a com· in 15 months of negotiations. Kennedy and the cabinet drove his empty. Wise, who gave hIs name started out on a business trip. plete ciam~~wn on statements by French sources saw two possible automobile up the teps of the at one poilit as Nathan Wi kowsky, Killed were Glen GiUet, 52, of French .0Uleta's on the Common forms o( association: Justice Department Wednc day was taken to 8 ho pital and ordered C\)ttl\tI~ , and. 'Ray Nation, 40, o{ Market Issue. _ A direct association hctween and lay under it (or two tense Ileld for psychiatric examination, ~joux Rapids. A foreign affairs debate in the Britain and the Common Market, hours threatening to touch ofl a The well-dre ed "articulate" National Assembly was called orr similar to the agreement already bomb. man demanded that he be taken to DES MOINES· -tA'I - A. biU to In- Personality Profile- a was an expected statement by concluded between "The Six" and The man, identified from a driv· see FBI Director J_ JoAlgar Hoover crease pension benefits for mem­ . Greece. er's license as Nathan Wise of so he could present "evidence Cor berS of the Iowa Public Employes Foreign MJOIster Maurice Couve _ A more ambitious attempt to Phoenix, finally was routed when impeac1lment of Lho President, his Retirement System was recom· de Murville . agree on some form of "bridge" police lIushed him with a sudden cabineL and Chief Ju tice Earl mended for passage by the House I Information Mini~ter Alain Pey- between the Common Market and barrage of tear gas_ Warren . Ways and Means Committee We\1- I nesday. The Soft-Spoken Crusader refille cancel cd an interview on the "Outer Seven" European Free The "bomb" he held as he lay Police cleared a block-long h C M k t . i h Trade AssoelaUon. under the car turned oul Lo be a stretch of Pennsylvllnla Av('nuc t e ommon ar e crls s e ~as ~uring the time Wise lay under the By ERIC ZOECKLER "I tried to make the fraternity more of a com· to have r~corded for the Canadian automobile, diverted aJl traffic, reo IN THE NATION- News Editor munity service group and add to Lhe integrity of Broadcastmg Company. fused to leL people oul the front LOS ANGELES (UPll - Secre· Discrimination has been a real and important their acts for the good of helping others." U N PI A-d t C b tary oC State Dean Rusk Wednes­ The usual detailed summary of • • an s IOU ai entrances of shops and restaurants part of Walter Keller's life ever since he eotered IN THE SPRING of 1958, his senior year, he the foreign affai,rs report given. by and kept reporters back for fear day night called for early with· became acquainted with proponents of a discrim­ drawal of Soviet troops remaining junior high ,school and he has nev~r been aCraid Couve de MurvlUe to the cabmet U 5 V· I 0 l) lhrre might be an xplo ion. in Cuba, and said the Russian 10 do something about it. Ination test case on barber shops, his first experi· Wednesday morning was omilted. Igorous y .. ·leC'~ ts Th emergency began when forces constitute a danger to Cuba For Keller. a graduate student in English and ence with an anti-discrimination project. However, PeyreCitte merely told newsmen _. Wise's 1956 white Oldsmohile, sud· Itself. he didn't join the group. Couve de Murville had mentioned dcnly veercd ofC Pennsylvania Ave- strong 'civil rights proponent at sur, was born and the Common Markot among a num· UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. IA'I - The United Nations said Wednesday nue and bumped up the three broad "The authorities in Moscow and reared under the shadow oC both religious and "But two professors - Dr. Wendell Johnson in his ge neral semantics course and Rabbi Ben Zion ber of olher issues. He refused to it is going ahead with a controversial agricultural aid project lor Prime cement steps oC the Justice De· Havana must recogniZe that So­ racial discrimination iil New York City. viet military elements in Cuba do Gold of th e Religion Department - made a great be drawn out further on this . Minister Fidel Castro's Cuban Government despite vigorous objections partm nt's PennsylVania entrance. Dot insure the peace of Cuba, buL Religious discrimination has been experienced influence upon me in terms of my current paltern Officials said De Gaulle be. from the United Stales. Leonard Rosen, a Brockton, poison the atmosphere and increase first-hand by the 25-year-old SUIowan. He's a Jew. of thought," Keller explains. lIeves the furor touched off by Paui G, Holfman, U.S. managing director Cor the U.N. Special Fund, Mas.. , salesman who had just left the dangers," Rusk said. "This, coupled with the lacts that my family "I was always aware of racial discriminaUon his Jan, 14 news conferenu and told II news ~onference of the de. th building said Wise, who had his torpedoing of the Brun.ls cision, He added that the •• mil. soL out of the car and was lying • • • h1!s been very interested in politics and I have li~ In Iowa City as an undergrad," Keller recalls, "but ..,.. use of "one single American dol - I' t I be th't t ld KAPUSKASING, Onto IUPIl - Common Ma rk at ta Iks already II lion project would not require the on liS S omac I nea I, 0 among minority groups explains my interest in this I didn't do anything about it uotil I returned here beginning to cool clown . lar_" hi m "I am demanding to see J. More than 200 policemen on snow· problem," Keller says. does bunted Wednesday for 10 Cor my graduate work two years later (I n 1960 )," He wa said to have been en- Hoffman said no U.S. experts Edgar Hoov er to initiate Impeach. llimberjacks hiding in snow covered FROM THIS BASIC nurturing of a passionate "What really touched me off, was The Daily couraged by indications elsewhere Ant-I-Remap would be used in the project, and m nL proceeding against John F. bush country. The sought men dislike for discrimination in any form, Keller has Iowan's exposure of 10 cases of alleged discrimina­ of a lowering of the political tem- thereCore no American dollars Kennedy, the President of tbe t were hiding from vengeance-hent made his mark on SUI in supporting the cause of tion on this campus," he relates. "I decided righl perature. w.!!uld be required to pay them. United States." friends of three men killed in a minority groups. then and there to do something more concrete." Rosen said Wise "gave me a lit- gunbatUe.
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