557 Gic&^JiO\ 5uuu).vjiwiAJ^M IL6of 1986-1 HflNOfS GEOLOG*G#L SURVEY LIBRARY ILLINOIS 33051 00007 0296 Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology 1986 Selected from Publications Indexed in GeoRef in 1986 Open File Series 1986-1 Illinois State Geological Survey 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, IL 61820 ItMNOIS GEOLQGtCWk SURVEY LIBRARY GeoRef Information System American Geological Institute 4220 King Street Alexandria, VA 22302 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF ILLINOIS GEOLOGY SERIALS LIST Denver, CO: Computer Petroleum COGS Computer Contributions. AAPG Bulletin. Tulsa, OK: American Association of Oriented Geological Society, 1985-. ISSN: 07433786. Geologists. ISSN: 01491423, CODEN: AABUD2. Earth Science News (Earth Science Club of Northern D- Explorer. Tulsa, OK: American Association of Petroleum The AAPG Northern Illinois. ISSN: llnols). s. 1.: Earth Science Club of Geologists, 1979-. ISSN: 01952986. 07308558. Clay Abstract Volume - Annual Meeting, Clrcum-Paclflc Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Minerals Society, s. 1.: s. n.. Com- Geologists. L-mcaster, PA: Economic Geology Publisliing - Society of America. Abstracts with Programs Geological pany. ISSN: 03610128, CODEN: ECGLAL. 00167592, Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America. ISSN: Urbana, IL: Illinois Slate CODEN: GAAPBC. Environmental Geology Notes. Geological Survey, 1965-. ISSN: 00735086, CODEN: IEGNAH. ACS Symposium Series. Washington, DC: American Chemical Pollution. Series B: Chemical and Physical. Society, 1974-. ISSN: 00976156, CODEN: ACSMC8. Environmental ISSN: London: Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, Ltd., 1980-. Lawrence, KS: Botanical Society American Journal of Botany. 0143148X. of America, 19 14-. ISSN: 00029122, CODEN: AJBOAA. Wasliington, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. American Geographers. Wash- Annals of the Association of DC: American Geophysical Union. ISSN: 00963941. CODEN: American Geographers. ISSN: ington. DC: Association of EOSTAJ. 00045608, CODEN: AAAGAK. Geologi- Geological Society of America Bulletin. Boulder, CO: Annual Field Conference - Society of Economic Paleontologists CODEN: BUG- cal Society of America, 1890-. ISSN: 00167606, Lakes Section, s.l.: Society of and Mineralogists. Great MAP. Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Great Lakes Section. U.S. Geological Sur- ISSN: 0275293X. Geological Survey Circular. Reston, VA: CODEN: XIC1A5. vey, 1950- . ISSN! 03646017, Annual Meeting -Association of Engineering Geologists, s. 1.: Association of Engineering Geologists. ISSN: 0375572X, Geological Survey Occasional Paper (Bloomington). CODEN: CAGPAV. Bloomington, IN: Indiana, Department of Natural Resources, OPGSD8. Geological Survey, 1974-. ISSN: 01492470, CODEN: Annual Trl-State Geological Field Conference Guidebook. GATGAB. Res- Iowa City, IA: Iowa Geological Survey. CODEN: Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper (Washington). Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, de Physique et d*- ton, VA: U.S. Archives des Sciences. Geneve: Sociele XIWSAX. CODEN: 1908-. 1SSN:/00831 131, CODEN: Histoire Naturelle de Geneve, 1948-. ISSN: 00039705, ASGVAH. Geology (Boulder). Boulder, CO: Geological Society of GLGYBA. of America, 1973-. ISSN: 00917613. CODEN: Botanical Gazette (Chicago). Chicago, IL: University 00068071, CODEN: BOGAA5. Chicago Press, 1876-. ISSN: Geophysics. Tulsa, OK: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Dallas, 1936-. "ISSN: 00168033, CODEN: GPYSA7. Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists. Geologists. ISSN: 00045691, TX: Association of Engineering Ground Water. Urbnna. TL: National Waler Well Association, CODEN: CODEN: ENGEA9. Ground-Water Technology Division. ISSN: O017467X. U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular. Washington, DC: GRWAAP. Bureau of Mines, 1925-. ISSN: Department of the Interior, Ground Water Monitoring Review. Worthington. OH: Water 00961914, CODEN: X1MIAL. 02771926. Well Journal Publishing Co.. 1981-. ISSN: Elsevier Scientific Publisliing Chemical Geology. Amsterdam: of Wisconsin, Institute for CHGEAD. IES Report. Madison, WI: University Company, 1 966-. ISSN: 00092541, CODEN: Environmental Studies. Chemical Geology; Isotope Geoscience Section. Amsterdam: Mineral Note. Urbana. IL: Illinois State Geological Sur- 01689622. Bllnois Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.ISSN: Resources. 1972-. ISSN: vey Division, Illinois Institute of Natural Chung Kuo Tl Ch"lh Hsueh Hui Chuan Kan = Memoir of the 00949442. Society of China. Taipei: Chung Kuo Ti Ch"ih Hsueh Geological State Geological Survey, Illinois Petroleum. Urbana, IL: Illinois Hui, 1962-. ISSN: 05781825. 1926-. ISSN: 00735108, CODEN: 1LGPA4. - Geological Survey. Urbana, IL: Illinois Circular Ullnols State Stratigraphy and CODEN: International Congress on Carboniferous Slate Geological Survey, 1906-. ISSN: 0073506X. s. n.. ILGCAX. Geology, s. 1.: I Bibliography SERIALS International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes. New Program and Abstracts - American Quaternary Association. York, NY: Pergamon Press. ISSN: 0020708X. Conference. Seattle, WA: American Quaternary Association, 1982-. ISSN: 074 1059X, CODEN: AMQUAM. International Journal of Coal Geology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1980-. LSSN: 01665162. Quaternary Research (New York). New York, NY: Academic Press, 1970-. ISSN: 00335894, CODEN: QRESAV. International Journal of Mining and Geological Engineering. London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd.. 1986-. ISSN: 02690136. Radiocarbon. New Haven, CT: The American Journal of Sci- Journal - American Water Works Association. Denver, CO, ence. ISSN: 00338222, CODEN: RACAAT. etc.: American Water Works Association, 19 14-. ISSN: Review of Paleobotany and Palynology. Amsterdam: Elsevier 0003150X, CODEN: JAWWA5. Scientific Publishing Company, 1967-. ISSN: 00346667, Jonrnul of Geology. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago CODEN: RPPYAX. Press, 1893-. ISSN: 00221376, CODEN: JGEOAZ. Science. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advan- Journal of Geotechnlcal Engineering. New York, NY: cement of Science, 1 883-. ISSN: 00368075, CODEN: SCIEAS. American Society of Civil Engineers, 1983-. ISSN: 07339410, CODEN: JGENDZ. Scientific Papers - Illinois State Museum. Springfield, JL: II- linois Slate Museum. ISSN: 04453395. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. Tulsa, OK: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 193 1-. ISSN: Sedimentology. Oxford-Boston: Blackwell Scientific Publishers, 00224472, CODEN: JSEPAK. 1962-. ISSN: 00370746, CODEN: SEDIAT. Lapidary Journal. San Diego, CA: Lapidary Journal, Inc., 1947- Shore & Beach. Berkeley, CA: American Shore and Beach . ISSN: 00238457, CODEN: LAJOA6. Preservation Association, 1933-. ISSN: 00374237, CODEN: Marine Chemistry. Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific Publishing SHBEAS. Company, 1972-. ISSN: 03044203, CODEN: MRCHBD. Soil Science. Baltimore, MD: The Williams & Wilkins Company, Meteorltlcs. Tempe, AZ: Center for Meteorite Studies, Arizona 1916-. ISSN: 0038075X, CODEN: SOSCAK. State University, 1953-. ISSN: 00261114, CODEN: MERTAW. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Madison, WI: Soil Nature (London). London: Macniillan Journals, 1869-. ISSN: Science Society of America, 1976-. ISSN: 03615995, CODEN: 00280836, CODEN: NATUAS. SSSJD4. Northeast Oil World. Denver, CO: Hart Publications, Inc., 1985- SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers of A1ME. Dallas, TX: . ISSN: 08844771. Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. ISSN: 0560642X. Oil and Gas Journal. Tulsa, OK: PennWell Publishing Co., 1910-. ISSN: 00301388, CODEN: OIGJAV. Studies In Speleology. Newbury: William Pengelly Cave Studies Tiusl Ltd., 1964-. ISSN: 05857 18X, CODEN: STSPAQ. Open-Elle Report (United States Geological Survey. 1978). Reston, VA: U.S. Geological Survey. ISSN: 01961497, CODEN: Technical Publication Series - American Water Resources As- XGROAG. sociation. Minneapolis, MN: American Water Resources As- sociation, 1979-. ISSN: 07319789. Organic Geochemistry. Oxford-New York: Pergamon Press, 1977-. ISSN: 01466380. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science. Springfield, IL: Illinois State Academy of Science. ISSN: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 00192252, CODEN: TISAAH. Series B: Biological Sciences. London: Royal Society of London, 1887-. ISSN: 00804622. CODEN: PTRBAE. Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science. Columbia, Proceedings - Symposium on Rock Mechanics. New York, NY: MO: Missouri Academy of Science, 1967-. ISSN: 0544540X, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum En- CODEN: M1STBW. gineers. ISSN: 05863031, CODEN: PSRMA6. U. S. Geol. Surv., Misc. Field Stud. Map. U. S. Geological Proceedings of the International Conference on Soli Mechanics Survey, Miscellaneous Field Studies Map. Reston, Vir- and Foundation Engineering = Comptes Rendus du Congres ginia.CODEN: XMFSDD. International de Mecanique des Sols et des Travaux de Fonda- tlons. Rotterdam-Boston: A.A. Balkema. CODEN: PCSMB2. Water Well Journal. Columbus, OH: Water Well Journal Publishing Co., 1947-. ISSN: 00431443, CODEN: WWJOA9. The Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science. Des Moines, IA: Iowa Academy of Science, 1887-. ISSN: 00852236, CODEN: Water-Resources Investigations. Reston, VA: U.S. Geological PIAIA9. Survey, 1972-. ISSN: 0092332X, CODEN: WRIND3. Bibliography and Index of Illinois Geology BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEX OF ILLINOIS GEOLOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY annual tri-state field 40. p. 1-5, sketch maps, 1976. Meeting: 40th Aiken, O. W. (Univ. Tex. El Paso, Dep. Geol. Sci.. El Paso, conference, Oct. 9-10, 1976, Macomb, IL, United States. TX, United
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