Department of the Army, DoD § 578.48 (b) Requirements. Service between De- can-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal cember 7, 1941, and December 31, 1946, was awarded for service prior to May 9, both dates inclusive. 1945.) [13 FR 6802, Nov. 19, 1948] (5) Army of Occupation of Japan be- tween September 3, 1945, and April 27, § 578.48 Army of Occupation Medal. 1952, in the four main islands of Established by section I, WD General Hokkaido, Honshu, Shokoku, and Orders 32, 1946: Kyushu, the surrounding small islands (a) Requirements. Service for 30 con- of the Japanese homeland, the Ryukyu secutive days at a normal post of duty Islands, and the Bonin-Volcano Islands. (as contrasted to inspector, visitor, (Service between September 3, 1945, and courier, escort, passenger status, tem- March 2, 1946, will be counted only if porary duty, or detached service) while the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal assigned to any of the following armies was awarded for service prior to Sep- of occupation: tember 3, 1945. In addition, service (1) Army of Occupation of Germany which meets the requirements for the (exclusive of Berlin) between May 9, Korean Service Medal as prescribed in 1945, and May 5, 1955. (Service between § 578.48b will not be counted in deter- May 9, and November 8, 1945, will be mining eligibility for this medal.) counted only if the European-African- Middle Eastern Campaign Medal was (6) Army Occupation of Korea be- awarded for service prior to May 8, tween September 3, 1945, and June 29, 1945.) 1949, inclusive. (Service between Sep- (i) Service for the prescribed period tember 3, 1945, and March 2, 1946, will with an organization which has been be counted only if the Asiatic-Pacific designated in Department of the Army Campaign Medal was awarded for serv- general orders as having met the re- ice prior to September 3, 1945.) quirements for the Berlin airlift device (b) Description. The medal of bronze is on an individual basis in orders issued 11⁄4 inches in diameter. On the obverse by appropriate field authority will the Remagen Bridge abutments below qualify the individual for the award. the words ‘‘Army of Occupation.’’ On (ii) The orders announcing the award the reverse Fujiyama with a low hang- of the Berlin airlift device will specifi- ing cloud over two Japanese junks cally award the Army of Occupation above a wave scroll and the date Medal to persons not otherwise eligible ‘‘1945.’’ The medal is suspended by a therefor. 3 (2) Army of Occupation of Austria be- ring from a silk moire ribbon 1 ⁄8 inches 3 tween May 9, 1945, and July 27, 1955. in length and 1 ⁄8 inches in width com- 3 (Service between May 9, and November posed of a white stripe ( ⁄16inch), black 8, 1945, will be counted only if the Eu- band (1⁄2inch), red band (1⁄2inch), and ropean-African-Middle Eastern Cam- white stripe (3⁄16inch). paign Medal was awarded for service (c) Clasps—(1) Requirements. A clasp prior to May 9, 1945.) appropriately inscribed will be issued (3) Army of Occupation of Berlin be- with each award of the Army of Occu- tween May 9, 1945, and a terminal date pation Medal to denote the area in to be announced later. (Service be- which occupation duty was rendered. tween May 9, and November 8, 1945, will (2) Description. The clasp is a bronze be counted only if the European-Afri- bar 1⁄8 inch in width and 11⁄2 inches in can-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal length with the word ‘‘Germany’’ or was awarded for service prior to May 9, ‘‘Japan’’ inscribed thereon. 1945.) (d) Berlin airlift device—(1) Require- (4) Army of Occupation of Italy be- ments. Service for 90 consecutive days tween May 9, 1945, and September 15, with a unit credited with participation 1947, in the compartment of Venezia in the Berlin airlift, or awarded the de- Giulia E Zara or Province of Udine, or with a unit in Italy as designated in vice by competent field authority on DA General Orders 4, 1947. (Service be- an individual basis. tween May 9, and November 8, 1945, will (2) Description. The Berlin airlift de- be counted only if the European-Afri- vice is a gold colored metal miniature 421 VerDate jul<14>2003 10:08 Aug 07, 2003 Jkt 200121 PO 00000 Frm 00421 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\200121T.XXX 200121T § 578.48a 32 CFR Ch. V (7–1–03 Edition) of a C–54 type aircraft of 3⁄8-inch wing (3) Southern boundary. 48th parallel span, other dimensions proportionate. north latitude. (4) Western boundary. 5th meridian [17 FR 912, Jan. 31, 1952, as amended at 20 FR 8190, Nov. 1, 1955] west longitude. (d) Awards. No individual will be § 578.48a Medal for Humane Action. awarded more than one Medal for Hu- mane Action, regardless of the number Established by the Act of July 20, of times he may qualify for an award. 1949 (63 Stat. 447; 10 U.S.C. 1430d, Supp. III). [15 FR 5993, Sept. 6, 1950, as amended at 16 (a) Description. The medal of bronze is FR 391, Jan. 16, 1951] 11⁄4 inches in diameter. On the obverse is a facsimile of a C–54 airplane within § 578.48b Korean Service Medal. a wreath of wheat centering at the bot- Established by Executive Order 10179, tom of the coat of arms of the city of November 9, 1950 (3 CFR, 1950 Supp.). Berlin, Germany. The reverse bears the (a) Requirements. Service between eagle, shield, and arrows from the seal June 27, 1950, and July 27, 1954, under of the Department of Defense beneath any of the following conditions: the words ‘‘For Humane Action’’ and (1) Within the territorial limits of above the quotation ‘‘To Supply Neces- Korea or in the waters immediately ad- sities Of Life To The People of Berlin, jacent thereto; or Germany.’’ The medal is suspended by (2) With a unit under the operational a ring from a silk moire ribbon control of CINCFE, other than one 13⁄8 inches in length and 13⁄8 inches in within the territorial limits of Korea, width, banded in black (9⁄32 inch) on which has been designated by the Com- each edge symmetrically inclosing mander in Chief, Far East, as having white strips (1⁄16 inch) outside blue directly supported the military effort bands (9⁄32 inch) followed by white in Korea; or stripes (3⁄64 inch) centering one stripe of (3) Was furnished an individual cer- red (1⁄32 inch). tificate by the Commander in Chief, (b) Requirements—(1) General. Service Far East, testifying to material con- for at least 120 days during the period tribution made in direct support of the June 26, 1948, and September 30, 1949, military effort in Korea. inclusive, within the boundaries of the (4) The service prescribed must have Berlin airlift operations prescribed in been performed while: paragraph (c) of this section, while par- (i) On permanent assignment; or ticipating in the Berlin airlift or in di- (ii) On temporary duty for 30 con- rect support thereof, by the following secutive days or 60 days not consecu- individuals: tive; or (i) Members of the Armed Forces of (iii) In active combat against the the United States. enemy under conditions other than (ii) Persons other than members of those prescribed in paragraphs (a)(4)(i) the Armed Forces of the United States and (ii) of this section, provided a com- when recommended for meritorious bat decoration has been awarded or an participation. individual certificate has been fur- (2) Posthumous. Awards may be made nished by the commander of an inde- to those persons who lost their lives pendent force or of a division, ship, or while participating in the Berlin air- air group, or comparable or higher lift, or as a direct result of partici- unit, testifying to such combat credit. pating therein, without regard to the (b) Description. The medal of bronze is length of such service, provided all 11⁄4 inches in diameter. (Design to be other requirements prescribed in sub- announced later.) The medal is sus- paragraph (1) of this paragraph have pended by a ring from a silk moire rib- been complied with. bon 13⁄8 inches in length and 13⁄8 inches (c) Boundaries of area of Berlin airlift in width composed of a white stripe operations—(1) Northern Boundary. 54th (1⁄32 inch), United Nations blue band parallel north latitude. (19⁄32 inch), white stripe (1⁄8 inch), United (2) Eastern boundary. 14th meridian Nations blue band (19⁄32 inch), and white east longitude. stripe (1⁄32 inch). 422 VerDate jul<14>2003 06:08 Aug 12, 2003 Jkt 200121 PO 00000 Frm 00422 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\200121T.XXX 200121T.
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