DOCUMENT RESUME ED 253 29A. PS 014 598 AUTHOR - Wright, Mary J. TITLE CompensatorykEducation in the Preschool: A Canadian Approach. The University of Western Ontario Preschool Project. INSTITUTION High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, Ypsilanti, Mich. SPONS AGENCY Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services, Toronto. REPORT NO ISBM-0-931114-20-9 PUB DATE 83 4 NOTE 391p. AVAILABLE FROMThe High/Scope Press, 600 North River Street, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (Paper, $15.00). PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use Guides (For Teachers) (052) -- Reports --Research/Technical (143) 9 EDRS PRICE MFO1 /PC16 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Classification;-Cognitive Ability; Comparative Analysis; *Compensatory' Education; Curriculum Guides; Early Childhood Education; *Economically Disadvantaged; Follbw Up Studies;' Foreign Countries; Grade1; Grade 2 Grade 31 Grade 4; *Intellectual Development; Interpersonal Competence; Kindergarten Children; Longitudinal Studies; Measures (Individuals); Number Concepts; Preschool Children; *Preschool-Education; Problem Solving; *Program Descriptions; *Program Development; Spatial Ability; Summative Evaluation 1#* IDENTIFIERS Social Policy; *University of Western Ontario Preschool Project ABSTRACT Written for a variety of audiences, this volume describes the University of Western Ontario Preschool Project in 4 sufficient detail to permit its replication; findings of formative and summative program evaluations are reported ilong with research developing new criterion measures of social competence. Begun in 1973, the program was primarily designed to meet the needs of economically disadvantaged preschool -age children in Canada. For comparative purposes, high income/high ability and low income/average ability groups attended the preschool. The children were tested for grolth on intellectual and cognitiim abilities, problem-solving styles and strategies, and.social competence. Findings revealed that all three ability groups made significant gains over time on all measures. Chapter 1 of the present volume provides background information about intervention and research programs. Chapters 2 through_5 provVle curriculum materialsan the areas of number, classification, and spatial, relations. Chapter 6 describes program modifichtions,and special studies conducted in'the third and fourth- project years. Chapter 7 describes the development of a measure of social competence. Chapters 8 trough 11 'describe methods and discuss results of the summative evaluation of immediate and long term program impacts. Chapter 12 presents a summary and conclusions. Completing the document is an epilogue viewing the project and related issues from an updated (1983) perspective and exploring. implications for social policy. (RH) U.B. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION XISIspos changes have been made to enpsove EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION reproduction quality CENTER (EittC1 'TORII* of view is OIRTIKnIS stated in this docu I his dot unions has been reseed's( ad as rant do nut net essanty represent othual NIE received from the person or organuation position op police se mating it 110 so 1. lb I $ "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEENGRANTED BY C.Ackelts V..444Ltir4 itt4tScar4. Eck Rea.V-eiL TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFOINATION CENTER tERIC)." 2 *A CANADIAN APPROACH COMPENSATORY IP, EDUCATION IN THE PRESCHOOL THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO PRESCHOOL PROJECT MARY J. WRIGHT * THE HIGH/SCOPE PRESS 3 II Published 1w THE HIGH/SOS/PE PRESS (AK) North River Sheet Ypsiliiiiti.'Ntichigan 4819" (3131 -WS 2000 (ipyight Nlary Wright 1983 by the I ligh Sc4le Educational Research Foulidatiimi.,AJI lights rescied No pan of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in anv form or by any means, demonic or mechanical, including phikl ipyilig and let% wiling. or l am intcwmatiiin storage retrieval system, without permission in witing from the publisher. library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Wright, Mary J., 1915- Compensatorx education in the preschool. Bibliograplw: p Includes index I. :t )111riellsal WV Cdt )11 ()tit:irk )Cast studies , , rutliati011. INTeNtiltx1thuarioCase studies. I ;title 1X:20.3A2206HI9t3i .3'2' 211)9713 83.127. ISBN 0 93111* 20 9 Primed in the I bited States )1 America. t Contents . '.3 Acknowledgments .. xiii -, . Preface , xv PROLOGUE 3 it INTRODUCTION The Need fin. Canadian Research The Cc mwept of Disadvantage r . 8 '111(. Cause of Concern 9 Tl Needs of .Low. Income Children 12 1Usic Asst unii 12 Implications for Program Planning 13 REFERENCES It 15 2 THE PRESCHOOL AND THE PROGRAM 19 111F PRESCIRX)1. 19 PlIfsical Facilities 19 The Children 20 The Teaching Staff 21 Preliminary Planning 24 Continuous Planning 24 "' 1111: PROCNAM 25. Base 25 Program Model 26 Objectives of the Program -Strakgies for Achieving the Objectives ./.1 Organ iZatiOn of Space 30 Organization of Time 33 Organization of the Staff 36 Kt 1e and Toaching Styles language 43 Approach to Parents' 45. REFERENCES 6 '4 4 41,11X.I1N.It4 41\I11411:1114 )fl IL.I'14'8lat It)! (..itt.111.11t Apittkkit AMEN! )IX A Bask Limits :111t1 ReilltifCtilcIltin the I IlliVelSitV 1;11k cit4xy Prescho( APPENDIX B 1 luverstly Li1Lx watt my 1'resclux4 Timetabk- 1 'iliversiqe la! xatory l'iesch(x )1 'leacher 'timetables 52 APPENDIX I): 1 tlivetsitV labor.itory Presh(x)1 Guidelines tor Student 'leachers SR HELPING THE PRESCHOOL CHILD DEVELOP 3NUMBER ABILITIES .1111: GI )E 1:( Mt PR( )M( YFIN( ; Nl !NMI:it ( ()N( ACQ1lsnoN 0- Free Nay: centers and Equipment (;roup At-mines (the Traditional (:ircle) 69 Individual or Small Gropp Teacher Guided Activities 11 APVENDI X A. Manl), for the t r1XI) Laboratory Prescht)I Number Abilities Assessment and Currictilum Guide 81 APPENI)IN B: The l'WO lab( waton West-hoot Number Abilities Assessment mid Curriculum Guide, Record of Performance Form () APPENDIX References to the Research literature 95 4 HELPING THE PRESCHOOL CHILD DEVELOP CLASSIFICATION ABILITIES . '1111 (;l'11)F 99 A(11VITIES FOR PR( )M( YnNG .11IF. 1)I VELOPMBNI. OF .CIASSIFI(hON ABILITIES 1(X) Free Play: '11w Play Areas 101 Group Activities ( the Traditional Circle) Individtial or Small Group TeacherGuided Activities yPEN1)1X Manual for the IWO Laboratory Preschool Classification Abilities Assessment and Curriculum Guide 141 APPENDIX B: '11w 1 TWO laboratory Preschool Classification Abilities Assessment and Curriculum Guide, Record of Perfix-mance Form 116 APPENIMX C: References to the Research Literature . 119 1 5 HELPING THE PRESCHOOL CHILD DEVELOP KNOWLEDGE ABOUT SPATIAL RELATIONS 121 1114: 123 :fit Cla'rrlt.` 1OK koNk WING THE ACQI!isrt)N ( W SPATIAL REIAEIONS CONCEPTS 12 # Free Play -equipinent M the Play Atta 124 ( iroup Activities ( the Tratlitional Circle) 125 c >1- Small Grtiup Tt.:114..hc.r Guided Activities 126 t APPENDIX A . Manual for the I. 'WO laBoraion Preschoitl Spatial Relations As.sessitttnt and Curriculum Guide 131 APPENDIX B: $ :Mc ) lab( ir-ai6ry PreschixSI Sp2111,-Relations Asscssintnt and Curriculum Guide, Record of 4 l'erforittance*Foriti ( I and 2) 136 4 APPENDrX C: Ractitces to the Research Literature 138 6 PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL STUDIES 139 PRQ(;RAM MOI)1ERATIOINgi 6' 139 ht First Project Year 139 11w .Second Project Year 12 The, Third and Fourth Project Years 145 ' Program Modifications: Sununaty 14'7 SPECIAL .141111)1ES 148 Situational Factors as Critical Variables 148 '1 Use of Dramatic Nay Centers 150 Dramatic Play Training Effects 152 Etfc'xis of the Program on Cognitive Styles 153 The lievapment of Spntiblic Play- 154 REFERENCE NOTES 155 RP.FERF.NCES .155 APPENDIX A: Parent Rept rt1 Morin 056 7 DEVELOPMENT OF A MEASURE OF SOCIAL COMPETENCE 159 111FORF11CAL CONSI1)ERAI1ONS 159 .NIET110D 161 Stage 1- --Frequency Analysis 161 Su!se FJkvelopritent of Criterion 14 asures 163 Stage 3Social Cognition and the P 1..? ES ., 169 Stage Preschoeil.Exivrience, Ag.Sex and SES 172 SI:MMARY AND (X)NCLUS10.1)1$ 173 7 unpilmitor) ytic.d14fil ut th Pirsdkx4 Ata+tadialtApo' h ADDMONAL INR)RMAI1ON ABOi11IE PIQ- ES 1' Normative 1)ata The l'I,Q ES and Other Seores Obtained from the Data A New Checklist and Manual tor the PLQ ES I7() .RPERENCE NO11. 1'6 REFERENCES 176 APPENIAX A: A Supplement to the Manual for Assessing Social Abilities .1'8 APPENDIX 1%: ial Behavior Checklist, (IWO Preshook 191 APPENDIX C: Si oriilg Manual for the Peer Intetictioit, Quality.Effectiveness Score ( PI,Q ES). 1979 Revision 192 8 SUMMATIVE EVALUATION: THE IMMEDIATE IMPACTMETHOD AND PRELIMINARY ANALYSES..199 m101) 19') Subjects 201 Assessment Policy 20' Assessment Instruments 208 Data Collection Pr( wedure )12 PRELIMINARY ANAINSES 213 Pn)gram Mtxliticatit Al Effects 213 Subject Source. Family Support and Fee Funding Effects 21 f Ability I :M.(1s 21 I )isussion and Conclusions REFERENCE NOIT 218 REFERENCES 218 APPENDIX A: Manual for the IWO Preschool Behavior Rating Scale 219 APPENDIX 1%: I'WO Preschool Behavior Rating Scale' 223 9 SUMMATIVE EVALUATION: THE IMMEDIATE IMPACT RESULTS )2 Comparison Groups 22-1 Presentation of Results, 228 Data Analysis Procedures SEMON 1: INTELLE:CII 'AL AND ax;Nnwr. mums 229 l%inet IQ 229 Preschool Inventoty 232 Circus "Say and Tell," Form A (Prodtkliv Language') 2r circus 'I low Much. and I low Many" 240 Summary: Intellectual and Cognitive Abilities 2-#3 8 ( t Hitctils tS SECI1ON 2: )131EM SOWING AND CA X iiNflIVE . )45 Circus -Think It Through- (Problin Solving) 245 t'Srcils ''Makedi l'ree" ((:reativity) The Kansas Reflection Impulsivity Stale tot Prescho$ ilets KRISP ) 248 'Teacher Ratings 251 Summary- Problem Solving and Cognitivc'Stylas 255 SR7110!; 3- S( VIAL COMPETENCE The -A- Groups 256 The II Average Ability Group 258 ,x I >itlerences 258 !Cummaty: Social (:onl2etence Across Groups 259 SECTION -4,1)1SO'S,SION 260 Tvm Years in Preschool: :lhe -A- Groups 260 One Year vs. *1\vo Years in Prescluiol: The -11- vs. the -A- Groups )26 AIi A. Tables and Figures 269 10 SUMMATIVE EVALUATION: THE LONG-TERM IMPACTOlUECTIVES AND METHOD, WITH RESULTS AT THE KINDERGARTEN LEVEL 281 NIE11101) 282 Subjects 282 Schools Attended and School Changes 28f (kieral I) scripti(mi of the Total Samplc 285 1 Number of Post Kindergarten Years Studied 286 &WWI lel II IItstrunittts 28" Procedure 288 RESITIN: FIRST YEAR IN SCI1001.
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