The agrifood system of Emilia-Romagna region Structure, Economy, Excellence Agricultural data Farms and utilized area (1961-2013) (Source: Istat - 6° General Agricultural Census) Years Farms Total Agricultural Area (TAA) Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA) n. % change (ha) % change (ha) % change mean 1961* 242,770 - 1,964,955 - - - - 1970* 198,216 -18.4 1,845,405 -6.1 1,348,279 - 6.8 • The reduction of UAA has been significant from 1990 to 2010 1982 171,482 -13.5 1,760,279 -4.6 1,290,712 -4.3 7.5 • The reduction of TAA and UAA are manly concentrated in 1990 148,057 -13.7 1,705,896 -3.1 1,249,164 -3.2 8.4 mountain and hill areas 2000 106,102 -28.3 1,462,505 -14.3 1,129,280 -9.6 10.6 • Increase of farm’s average size : 16.1 hectares in 2013 2010 73,466 -30.8 1,361,153 -6.9 1,064,214 -5.8 14.5 (almost double than national average). 2013 64,480 -12.2 1,348,363 -0.9 1,038,052 -2.5 16.1 Territorial data * Italy Universe Land and population (Source: Istat) Farms by size of UAA (2013) Structural data: Employment trends (2008-2015) (Source: Istat - SPA 2013) (Source: 2015 Report) Land area % of % of Inhabitants % of % of Density Emilia-Romagna • 66,000% Emil iworkersa-Roma gnin agriculturea in 2015 (75,000 in 2009) (sq.km) land Italy as from inhabitants Italy (inhabitants < 5 ha Class of UAA /Italy st • Stronger reduction of self-employed farmers 1 Jan 2015 /sq.km) 6% 5-10 ha farms UAA (ha) farms UAA (ha) 10% Emilia-Romagna 22,453 100.0 7.4 4,457,115 100.0 7.5 198.5 < 5 ha 26,525 57,494 2.5 3.3 Mountains 5,677 25.3 5.3 190,108 4.3 2.5 33.5 5-10 ha 14,570 105,316 8.5 8.6 > 50 ha 45% Utilised Employees Self-employed Total Hills 6,202 27.6 4.9 1,234,157 27.7 5.3 199.0 15% 10-20 ha 10-20 ha 11,252 157,293 10.0 9.9 An European Region with : Agricultural Lowlands 10,573 47.1 15.1 3,032,850 68.0 10.5 286.8 Area20 (UAA)-50 ha 7,879 245,82780 9.4 9.4 • Continental and Mediterranean > 50 ha 4,254 472,122 70 9.5 8.9 products and excellences 24% Total 64,480 1,038,05260 4.4 8.4 • Leader in Italy and Europe in food 20-50 ha 50 • Open to the world 40 Thousand Agriculture value added Emilia-Romagna % Emilia-Romagna 30 Main features: < 5 ha Class of UAA /Italy 20 • Territory and agriculture 6% 5-10 ha farms UAA (ha) farms UAA (ha) 10 • The food industry in Emilia-Romagna 2015 10% < 5 ha 26,525 57,494 2.5 3.3 • Agricultural output (Source: ISTAT, Territorial Economic Accounts) 0 5-10 ha 14,570 105,316 8.5 8.6 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 • Foreign trade and export > 50 ha 45% TOTAL REGIONAL VALUE ADDED : AGRICULTURAL VALUE ADDED (current prices) : 15% 10-20 ha 10-20 ha 11,252 157,293 10.0 9.9 • Sustainable agriculture • 134,041 Mio Euro • 3,387 Mio of Euro 20-50 ha 7,879 245,827 9.4 9.4 • 9.1% of Italy VA • 2.5% of regional VA > 50 ha 4,254 472,122 9.5 8.9 • 10.2% of agricultural VA in Italy 24% Total 64,480 1,038,052 4.4 8.4 20-50 ha Food and beverage industry data Agriculture, food and drinks industry, and related sectors (Structural data: Firms and employment) The agrifood system in Emilia-Romagna 2011 (number of workers) Workers % on Top 10 European Regions for number of employed and firms (2014) (number) Italy Food and drinks industries 53,396 12.7 Employment level Top 10 European R egions Agrifood system: considering related for number of workers and rms Agricultural Machinery, food industry equipments .. 33,512 36.6 sectors upwards and downwards. Region Employees Local Units Activities related to agriculture, forestry .. 6,885 10.7 More than 300,000 workers 7 1 Bretagne 81,175 4,751 8 Chemistry for agrifood 2,550 15.1 (16.7% of regional total). 2 Île de France 80,470 8,346 Packaging materials 2,892 12.7 3 Cataluña 76,327 3,428 2 1 Food distribution (Wholesale) 43,691 9.2 4 Lombardia 69,734 6,625 5 Food retail 21,169 7.0 5 Pays de la Loire 66,285 4,142 9 4 6 6 Emilia-Romagna 61,251 5,603 Restaurants 52,018 9.2 7 Mazowieckie 60,658 2,511 Collective catering services 12,554 10.4 3 Services for food industries 2,246 11.0 8 Wielk opolskie 54,604 2,030 Total number of workers (without agriculture) 230,913 9 Rhône-Alpes 53,737 7,497 Total number of workers (with agriculture)* 76,000 10 Andalucía 50,512 5,415 10 Total workers in agrifood and related sectors 306,913 Source: Eurostat Source: work force. * For the agricolture the units of labor employed was 206,000, including part time workers. Share of crafts food-producing firms by sectors (%) Shares of industrial food-producing firms by sectors (%) 1.0% 7.5% 1.2% 5.0% 14.5% 0.2% 3.3% 1.4% 28.4% 12.7% 0.4% 6.7% Food-processing firms: 4,910 (2015) 2.1% - 8% of food-processing firms in Italy 0.9% Food and beverage industries in Emilia-Romagna - 10.9% of manufacturing firms in the region 18.3% 6.3% 1.8% (Source: Istat) 17.1% 67.5% 3.4% Value of turnover in 2014 Value added in 2014 Internationalization Performance in 2014 / 2015 Cured meat Fish Tinned vegetables Cured meat Fish Tinned vegetables More than 25 billions euro 3.8 billions euro 18% of exporting firms (2010) Production +0.6% Olive and seed oil Dairy Milling Olive and seed oil Dairy Milling 19.7% of the national turnover Value of export: 4.9 Mio euro (2015) Export +6.5% (2015) Pastry and farinaceous Others Animal feed Pastry and farinaceous Others Animal feed Drinks Drinks Agricultural output by product group Agriculture, Forest and Fishing (Source: 2015 Report) Source: Istat, regional economic accounts Continental and Mediterranean types of products: Value of Agricultural output and value added 2014-2015 Agricultural output and value added: trends 1980-2015 (000 euro at basic prices) Positive trend of agriculture output before the recent economic crisis. A 14% cereals and industrial crops Increase of value of intermediate consumption after 2000. 2014 2015 B 41% fruit and vegetable The Value added shows a moderate declining trend after 2000. Production 6,212,189 6,172,062 C 45% animal production 8,000 Intermediate Consumption 3,000,3212014 2,984,7902015 7,000 ProductionValue added 6,212,1893,214,845 6,172,0623,189,908 Intermediate Consumption 3,000,321 2,984,790 A 6,000 ValueValue of added Agricultural output and 3,214,845 value added3,189,908 2014-2015 Agriculture output 2014 2015 s (000 euro previous year prices) n 5,000 o i Production 7,248,495 6,706,801 l C l Other livestock Cereals and i Eggs M Intermediate Consumption 3,563,3632014 3,376,5502015 1% Industrial crops 4,000 6% 14% ProductionValue added 7,248,4953,685,133 6,706,8013,330,251 Value Added Milk Potatoes and Intermediate Consumption 3,563,363 3,376,550 3,000 21% vegetables Value added 3,685,133 3,330,251 2,000 11% Intermediate consumption 1,000 Support to agriculture and Secondary activities 1998 2003 1987 1989 1990 1992 1993 1996 2002 2005 2008 2010 2012 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1988 1991 1994 1995 1997 1999 2000 2001 2004 2006 2007 2009 2011 2014 2015 Other 0 2013 herbaceous 4% Poultry and Agricolture diversification: support and secondary activities - 2015 rabbits 7% 744 Mio € 488 Mio € Emilia-Romagna 1,232,582 EMILIA-ROMAGNA Pigsmeat Lombardia 1,106,823 The value of support and secondary activities has increased to around 7% Tree crops 17% Veneto 976,928 the 19% of the production in 2015. Sicilia 910,299 n Support activities: Beef Wine Puglia 860,299 mechanical outsoursing, primary processing of agricultural 4% 8% Piemonte 678,043 products ecc. Toscana 674,518 n Secondary activities: B Trentino Alto Adige 629,186 agritourism, renewable energies, care of parks and gardens, Campania 620,443 social activities ecc. Lazio 573,983 35 29.3 6,000 30 5,000 25 4,000 20 3,000 15 2,000 10 8.3 4.9 4.8 4.6 3.8 1,000 Agrifood import-export Agrifood import-export in E-R 5 2.9 2.5 2.5 0 0 Top 10 items of export in E-R and Italy (2015) Main origins of export Agricultural sector (in %) Food and beverage sector (in %) (Source: 2015 Report) (Source: 2015 Report) (894 Mio of Euro) (4,898 Mio of Euro) 35 29.3 20 Emilia-Romagna Italy 30 17.5 18 1,200 6,000 25 16 15.0 14 1,000 5,000 20 12 800 4,000 15 10 7.9 7.4 8 600 3,000 8.3 10 6 4.4 4.9 4.8 4.6 3.8 4 2.6 2.6 2.5 400 2,000 5 2.9 2.5 2.5 2.4 2 200 1,000 0 0 16 14.8 0 0 14 12 10.0 10 9.2 8 6.9 5.4 20 Foreign trade of the agro-food products (2015) 6 5.1 4.9 4.6 17.5 4.1 18 4 16 15.0 (Source: 2015 Report) 1,200 2 14 Main origins of import in E-R 12 1,000 0 10 AGRICOLTURE FOOD INDUSTRY AGRI-FOOD SYSTEM 7.9 7.4 (Source: 2015 Report) 8 800 7,000 6 4.4 6,117 Agricultural sector (in600 %) Food and beverage sector (in %) 4 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.4 5,792 2 6,000 (1,474 Mio of Euro) (4,643 Mio of Euro) 400 0 4,898 4,643 16 200 12 5,000 14.8 10.7 14 0 10 4,000 12 8.5 8.2 10.0 7.6 10 9.2 8 3,000 8 6.9 6 5.4 4.4 6 5.1 4.9 4.6 4.2 2,000 4.1 4 3.3 3.3 1,474 4 3.0 894 2 2 1,000 0 0 0 Import Export 12 10.7 10 8.5 8.2 7.6 8 6 4.4 4.2 4 3.3 3.3 3.0 2 0 Emilia-Romagna a leading agricultural region in Italy and Europe Sustainable agriculture: • PDO and PGI products PDO and PGI products • Organic agriculture Emilia-Romagna is the most representetive region in Italy for quality • QC - Controlled Quality (Integrated production) agrifood productions, both in terms of geographical indications (44 • Agritourist structures PDO and PGI of 291) and economic value • Food and Wine roads • Organization and planning Best regional Turnover Importance origin denominations 2014 (M€) % Grana Padano PDO * 1,361 21% Foreign trade in E-R Parmigiano-Reggiano PDO 1,205 19% Prosciutto di Parma PDO 701 11% Aceto Balsamico di Modena PGI 292 5% Mortadella di Bologna PGI * 277 4% Interchange agrifood, years 2014-2015 Interchange agrifood, years 2014-2015 Total Best four PDO-PGI turnover (M€) 3,836 60% (Mio of euro) (Mio of euro) TOTAL ITALIAN TURNOVER (M€) 6,378 100% Exports 2015/2014 Imports 2015/2014 7.000 * The production area covers others regions (Source: Ismea-Qualivita Observatory; 2015 Report) Agrifood Total + 6.2% - 6.5% 6.000 Agriculture + 4.9% - 8.9% Food industry +6.4% - 5.8% 5.000 4.000 3.000 Number of certifications 2.000 PDO PGI Total 1.000 % E-R to Italy 6.7 14.2 9.1 % Italy to UE 32.5 21.2 27.6 0 2002 1998 2005 2006 2007 2000 2001 2008 1999 2004 2009 2010 2011 2012 2014 2015 2003 2013 Import Export PDO and PGI products in Emilia-Romagna List of Emilia-Romagna P.D.O.
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