- HAVERFORD NEWS VOLUME 29—NUMBER 4 HAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE), PA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1937 $2.00 A YEAR Robert Frost, Poet, Paquet Will Speak Goal For Charity Explains Programs II Dean Brown Gives Will Lecture Here On Penn Tomorrow Chest Fund Drive Details Of Athletic Dr. Alfons Paquet, well knovin editor of the German National On Monday, Oct. 25 Socialist paper, Frankfurter Zei- Raised To $2000 Course To Juniors rung, will speak on William Pens tomorrow night in the Received Degrees From Union at 8:15. Prominent in Clement Names Comm. Participation Required Quaker circles in his native land, Ten Universities; Was he has been visiting this coun- Of Collectors; Nov. 5 Two Out Of Three try for the World Friends Con- School Seasons Teacher And Farmer ference, held early this fall on Is Date Of Opening the Swarthmore and Haverferd campuses. Will Recite Own Poems Author of several books and Pledges Sought Nov. 2 Allowed Liberal Choice pamphlets, Dr. Paquet is well fitted to speak on his chosen November 5 is the date which Dean H. Tataall Brown, Jr., Robert Frost, distinguished poet, called the Junior Class into a meet- will lecture here Monday night, topic, having written one of the has been-definitely net fee the op- few German works on William ing Wednesday after lunch and ex- October 26, at 8.15, under the aus- ening of the Charity Chest Penn. He has been awarded the Cam- plained the objects and methods of pices of the Thomas Shipley Foun- paign. In addition to making this the junior athletic program. dation. Many invitations to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Heidelberg University. announcement, R. A. Clement, '38, Dean Brown explained that up lecture, which is open to the pub- to now college men thought lic, have been sent out to literary director of the campaign, has chos- en the committee of collectors that themselves through with any'form people and friends of the College. will aid him in the drive. of athletics as soon as they got Although the subject of the lec- George Roemmert The committe is composed of the through with sophomore physical ture has not been announced, following students: L. R. Seely, Jr. education. Consequently, he said, Frost is expected to present a re- '36; 1). S. Childs, Jr.; T. N. Cook, the physical condition of some of cital and discussion of some of his To Lecture Oct. 26 J. M. George, S. IC, Harker, J. L. IL TATNALL BROWN, JR. the graduates of this institution poems. Rich, R. J. Thompson, Jr., all of was very poor. The purpose of the Frost's career has been an extra- '38, G. De W. Boron, J. H. Greedy, Who gave the Class of '39 the program is to give the Junior Class ordinary one marked by voluntary Noted Biologist-To Show D, M. Larson L. H. Palmer, Jr., "bad news" Wednesday on the an opportunity to partake f some , swings from intellectual positions and H. P. Thomas, all of '39. There new compulsory third-pear form of regular exercise. mean '.to laboring jobs; and back again. Enlarged Views Of will probably be two more mem- athletic program. Brown emphasized that the com- He had- little use for elementary bers selected next week. mittee drawing up the program schools and left Dartmouth soon Living Microbes The goal named for this year's did not want members of the Jun- after to become a milihand. He lat- campaign is $2000. This is $600 ior Class to feel that they were be- er married and then at Harvard, Dr. George Roemmert will gi-es more than it has been in the past Glee Club Accepts ing forced to get out and do some- again began to work for a. degree, a demonstration of the Micro-Vi- few years but Clement stated that thing they do not want to do. With list he gave it up in favor of shoe- varium M Roberts Hall Tuesday the increasing support of the cam- this view, Dean Brown said, the making and newspaper reporting. night, October 26, at 8.15. paign in the last two years indi- Twenty _New Men committee decided to allow the in- His grandfather gave him a New By means of the complicated ap- cates that the new goal is not im- dividual a great deal of freedom in Hampshire farm and he became a paratus developed by Dr. Roem- possible. It has been lower in re- the selection of his athletic activ- farmer. Five years later he began mert in collaboration with Zeiss of cent years then it was several years Two Concerts 'Planned ities. to teach English at a local acad- Jena, Hasterfordiatis will be able to ego owing to the depression. Juniors will be required to par- emy and then at the State Normal see the wonders of microbe life ex- Definitely For 49 ticipate in some' ort of exercise for School, Even that was tiresome, actly as the biologist sees them Two Collections Allotted two of the three athletic seasons. and, in 1912, he went to England. through the microscope, enlarged Clement stated that two Collec- Club Members Three hours a week are to be spent thousands of millions of times. tion periods have been allotted to during the fall and spring seasons, In England frost published his Out of eight-seven - men trying first book of poems. Two years Dr. Roemmert has solved the the committee for the purpose of two hours a week during the win- later, "North of Boston" establish- technical-problems of projection by presenting and explaining the cam- out, forty-nine, including old and ter season. Duringthe fall the pos- ed his reputation both abroad and using mirrors or prisms to reflect paign to the student body. The first new members, were selected for sible activities include track, cross in America. Since then he has the microscope slide on which the Collection will be Friday, October country, Isoccer, intramural sports, living specimens repose, and by 29, preceding the opening of the the Glee Club after the testa held bowling, hunting, fishing. The win- published several collections of last week in the Union. Twenty poems, the latest of which, "A. Fur- passing his projection beam campaign. A definite program has ter activity may he chosen from a ther Range," -wan published last through coaling liquids in trans- not been made out as yet but it is new men were selected. list which includes badminton, 1.nd year. parent condensers, to filter out the hoped that a Speaker may be se- According to R, N. Bird, Jr., '98, ball, -wrestling, skating, gymnas- Since Frost has become known deadly heat rays. cured who will represent one of the manager of the Club, the material tics. During the spring baettett as a poet, he has been associated Living cells enlarged as big as beneficiaries of the campaign's track, tennis, and hiking are cease footballs are a commonplace sight proceeds. is better this year than it has been of the possibilities. with The University of Michigan • ..sand Amherst College, and has re- by means of this apparatus, which On the following Tuesday, No- for some years past, and the dab If a junior wishes to participate ceived degrees from ten colleges reveals the beauty and wonder of vember 2, the program will prob- is better balanced but bigger with in some sport or form of exercise and universities. Twice he has giv- microscopic life, and the ruthless- ably be in charge of the students eleven first tenors, twelve second that is not on the list, Dean Brown en up the duties of a professor and ness of nature in tiny cosmos who are working on the campaign. said he would be glad to talk it where massacre is the rule and the On that day the pledges will be se- tenors, thirteen baritones, and over with him and find something returned to farming, but not for thirteen basses. longer than a year. fittest survive. cured. It has been the custom in which would be to his liking. As- The apparatus was demenstrat- previous years to pass out the Two concerts have been planned sistant managers and managers Frosts Live Simply ed at the Chicago World Fair, pledge cards to the students at the so far. The Glee Club will sing at are to-be give. credit for the melt- and the American Museum of Nat- Tuesday morning collection, at the Seaman's Institute sometime son of the sport for which they are The Frosts live simply in a ural History, New York, is now whin time they make their pledges. before Christmas vacation and at the manager. rough atone house. Frost is a preparing to establish the first Mi- Clement stated that the committee a concert-dance at Hamm School quiet, soft-voiced, friendly, gray- cro Vivarium in the world, under would decide at their first meeting on January 14. haired man who does a great deal his direction. whether to follow. this plan or to Bird declared that the club at REPRESENTS COLLEGE of his work late at night. He never inaugurate a new one. present is too big to take on trips forces himself to write and always Professor William B. Meldrum So that the director of next and there will be cuts. If necessary, represented Haverford College and waits until he can do his best. It Tea Dance Will Follow year's campaign may have had these alterations will be made be- takes me two days to unscrew and the Philadelphia Chapter of the some experience before taking fore Christmas.
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