r . Average Daily Circulation The Weather Forcraat of I?. 8. Waatkar Fnr Ih* Month of Septembrr, 1941 Fair and rontinnnd eoM toolglit; 6,880 Thursday Inricaaing clowglariM Mrmber of th« AiMlil € i L ? r i t t t 5 and wamirr; gnntle V a r la h I • ivind*. Burma of Circulation* Manchester— A City of 1’Hinge Charm (ria**lflrd Advertising On Page IS) MA.NCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. 0( TOBER 29. ]9tl (EIGHTEEN PAGES) )L. LXL. !^0. 25 PRICE THREE CEN'TS Another Submarine for I filled Stale# Navv erman Units Smash Nye Sees Neutrality 't ' . iCrimea Defense Line; Shift Bid to Attack; Soviet Danger Great Lewis Taylor Parley ravda Declares (jeenian DivinioiiH RoporliMl Driv­ (lijuffr for Threr Hour# Oppoiirnt of .Yflniini#- Black Sea Ifivaiiee Nf>l Halleil; ing .\ h f‘U(l ill Effort i III Effort to Sf'lllr Huge Losses tralioii*# Eorrign Pol­ VIosenw, Donets Basin, To .Seize Whole IVnin- (iaptiie 0»al .Miiir icy Open# Third Day of Still Held Seen Unless (Irimea ami Rostov in hiila; Break Through .Strike; .\iiy .\nn«»iiiire- Debate on l,egi8lation .real Peril; Says Hil­ By Soviet Believed Made Near nieiit at lyea#t Hour Row Halted To Repeal Provision# ler's Hopes ft>r Victory Perekop: liupreHMioii ^ .\ml Half Distant: Barring .Arming of lefore Winter G,oI- Russians Could Cut ,ljri# ( h v i ' ii .•\#!4aiill Troop# Ellemh'r I rgei* Labor Coal Strike in (.apt ire Ship#, Banning Entry .Are Cjaiiiiiig (iroiind. ^psed; Lillie Ghaiige. Com m u n ieation s if .\rt lo Oust I,4>i4i#. Mines Has Immediate To Belligerent Port#. Anv M ater-Round Ex- Bi-rlin. 0<'t. ‘29.—1/7’)— fjer- Effect an Output: I i- iMfiscnw, Oct. '29,— (,4’)— \\’a.<iiingt<in, Oct. 29.—iA’i W'a.shington. Oct. 29.— (/P) ravda, organ of the Comn)u- pedition Tried hy yazis nian division.^ which the tal Points Are Ttdd. — John 1,. Lpwi;; and Myron —Senator .Nye (R., N. D.), lat party, declared today , high command declared had ( ’. Tailor conferred for three a.s.serted toda\ that enact­ pat the advance of powerful I/mdon, Oct 2D 4*' The .'So­ sma.shed through tiie I’ere-. N>w Y’ork, Oct, 29 4' H#*avy hours toda;. in an effort to ment of neutrality revision lerman armie.s iia.s not \et viet fleet IS In complete cohtcfd of kop i.-ithmus line guarding .settle the captive coal mine los.ses in vitally needed steet pm- legislation would "invite at­ pen halted, that .Moscow, the the Bln< k Sea. an aulhorilatlve the Crimea were reported d!;ction will be reported soon un- strike in\olving .5.”,,000 work- tack hy sending merchant lonet.s hasiii, the Crimea amin e said today, anti < Oiild c»it driving aliead tonight in an lias the present stnke m the cap- i ers. )>ut at the end of that shi().<, armed with sling-shots id Bo.stov are in great dan- Axi.*i communi( alions if Germany effort to .seize .speedili th“ , Itime l,pwis told reporters anv without against torpedoes, straight |er, hut said Hitler's hope.s attempted any sea expedition cor­ whol<‘ peninsula, \ilal (o con- related with her land drive to*the announcement was at least v.eekly review of the steel indus­ into a .submarine blockade.” \'1rtor\' before winter hHd rol- trol of the Blat k The break 'another hour and a half distant., Nye. consi.*tent opponent of ad- en.st tiirough heavilv fortiheii lb*<i try. • Th^ Pravria ^OilorlRl. Even the lo.s.*i of Sevastopol the . At 1 p m lest I thev ordered mini.slralion foreign policy, open­ Army line.a m who h the lier- Discusamg the general situatil'n , lun< n sent to the meeting place, ed the Senate's third day of de­ roadenat hy Ta»H. .>4aul the (#er- mam Kmasian t)Q-*^r which ih an mans said they 'aptured IT).Tot) facing the indu.stry the trade pub­ I Taylor * room in the .Mayflowei bate on the momentous legislation ^an high command had hurled in- ohje< tive of the German drive prisoners, was believed to have lication said agam.st So\1et defense.^ of the ; hotel "The coal strike sc, dangerou- to to repeal pre.ient neutrality • law Ihe battle against Riisaia al- been matle near the t'»wn of pere- I rgr* Ousting l>ewi« provi.*ions forbidding the arming host it.s entire lartd army, artil- kop the northern end r>f the i While Taylor and. Lewis weM- (( ontlmied On Page Tw rlie) of ships and preventing them . iry and tanks, anti ftine-tenlh.^ uf Kontinuex] On Page Slxtf'rni -four-nule wude land bruise th-*- I meeting .‘Senator Ellender ' D , from entering belligerent ports or |s Air Force, a.s well th»* '< 'rimen I I-a I, urged in ■ .Senate spei-ih de.signated combat zone*. Ga|<- rmies of Germany’s "va.aaal.t. ‘ l-'ollow Ku^siiln TriHqm that" labor organi7,ations ■ act to Iene.« were crowded. Rnemy PrpMing On The high 'oimnand s .slat«'inenl oust l>*wis a.* a leader "before it Bomhrrs British Want Only Six Senator* Liston * "This spurt created great <lan* that P,ii5-sian troops were bnn;: ■ IS ' -io late.' It w'aa a different situation on rr for Moscow, for the I>onets fn(|oW’e«l up ga\e the impres.aion De.-rnbmg t-ewia as a traitor the floor where at ona time dur­ »ain. for the Crimea and Rostov/' here that the German a.HsauU , to our merit an ideals and a ing Nye's speech there were only Penetrate Far War Matters Iravda said * 'rhe enemy has not triHip.M were gaming ground stead- ' menace to the peace and prosperi­ “ix senators in his audience. et been halted. He i.s still press- , liy. (.Vremonies highlighting Navy Pay at Groton Int lu,.b d launching ty ol our nation, ' Hllender said No admini.*tration speakers ■ Jig on de.spite heroic, resistarue The break in U:e strong deiense the SC.ikhlodg submarine djiiiupe-i.' ''ihoy**' h4*'l^'mfhed at public patience had reached the sou'kht to reply but earlier Sena­ Ind roiinter-attacka by the Red Into (irrmaiiv line was said to have been made The Electric B'lSt f.'nmpany'fi shij.yaid .«m''e Mr.'. Albert T. breaking point because of the in­ Kept See ret I tor Connally iD . Tex i. told re- ^rmy w.hlch Ls utrewing the route after 10 days of heavy lighting Ghurch w i.K sfTon.vir. terruption threatened b' defense ---- ' porters that the beat answer to advance of the Nazi tn>opg with dunng which Russian position.** production by the atrike in mines D ffM * ia U ( i r a v p i v cha'-g*'’' ‘ h*- •'‘ ministration sought leaps of German corpses Brilish .\ltark Ohjer- were battered almost (on.slanlly supplying steel nulla uniciai# tpraipij i.oii- united by German bomlxus "Do not force CTongre** ' Kllen- "Neverthelet*. we can say that P P n iP t l Over Ereetloni state* stlll was at peace. If Presl- tivr# ill South and ^German di.spaUhes .said the K u.h- Ur.der aaid in a plea addre.ssed to ^itler'a plan ha.s collapsed, for it la **-• i' *VM • 1 I S Rnuacvelt really wanted to erfectly clear that no tempo?ary Soiilhi4r#l; Fighlrr# sions on ihe peninauia w ere in con- Roosevelt Has Ample tiie laboring man. "into a position ” tin ” llirh Itliorinil- , get the country into war. Connally .*uderablf force an*! Kerbn com- iJCCMMoa can bring Nazi Germany v.heer It may be compelled to pass Raid Ghrrhoiirg Dork, m m u io r* in.,ist>ci the lefenders legislation that isull take away lion Now CirnilalPfl. “ “1' |ei deatred victory and peace. " ■ __ . were trappeU. from you some of your most Cher­ The communique of the .Soviet "There Comes a eftver word I»ticlon. O il 79 '4’ Kixhtinx 1‘ushlng Lnrin) Into Sea Proof on \ assal Plan ished right*.' London, Oct. 29 J') British pureau of Information Indicated from the weat." Nye declared, Four Furnace* #kut Down nere had been little i hange in the their way thniugh a northerly <Jn< e more, the commentaloiH • officials were reliably reported to­ "that the betting thereTa lO tn on* pml-ctrcular battle line weat of gale, hip foiir-motoreo Briti.-h di'iiated. the Germans were push­ Meanwhile, as a result of tbe day to be gravely concerned over that if we approve IhL* repealer, loscow Ruj»ian counter-attacks ing their enemy mto (he sea s.« Disrlohiire of .*iiipport- . :rtallment of coal and coke pro­ the United States will be in the bomber* penetrated far into Ger ; the freedom with which military le re said to have recaptured four • . *w x.* . ** % they did ai Dunkerque, in Greece, iiig Doriiiiiriit# W ill Admits Acts duction. The Camegie-Illinol* Steel war before Great Britain is m the Image* northwest of the capital '‘ '" ’■"K ami al Tallinn. They s.aid German : Corporation announced at Pitts­ information is circulated in the war. ' FlgtlUng, the communique said, bomhers were ready for their burgh four of its 33 operating United .9tate* and to be seeking h.ntinued in the Volokolamsk, •'■'''hw-'-s , the Air Mini.stry an- Have lo W ait. I*»*rhap« "The nasty looking clafs of war, familiar work of battering what­ Of Sabotage ' b,a»t furnaces in the Plttaburgh- further step., by Washington to with all their meanings, wer* ItoxhaLsk and-Malovaroalavigji sec- ’ '‘’’‘‘"'■f'' ^ ever shipping alteinpleil to extri­ .1 niil After ar I# Oxer I Vour.a*town district had been or- keep war matters secret overlooked as the ears were charm­ ma northwest west and .south- , ‘ he same time, small Bntisli cate the trapped tr<K>pa.
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