The Westfield— Serving the Town Since 1890 — Leader USPS 680020 Published OUR 109th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 48-99 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. Thursday, December 2, 1999 Every Thursday 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Revamp of TV-36 Moves Closer to Reality; Council OKs Purchase of Entrance Signs By PAUL J. PEYTON Sullivan, who served as council liai- Comcast, the town’s cable television town of their interests of serving on Specially Written for The Westfield Leader son to the ad hoc committee, referred provider, into the station’s opera- the board. In what is seen as the first step in to the establishment of the TV advi- tions. The initial board will consist of the development of a community- sory board as the “first step towards The ordinance was introduced at three members appointed to one-year wide cable television station in ultimately having a very robust com- the town council’s meeting on No- terms, three members who will be Westfield, the Town Council has in- munity television within our com- vember 23. appointed for a period of two years, troduced an ordinance to form a tele- munity.” Under the ordinance, the station and three members who will serve vision advisory board. Mr. Sullivan said the town will be will be designated as Westfield Com- for terms of three years each. The 11-member board, which will making a “quantum leap” in the way munity Television or WCTV. The The council and school board rep- consist of nine at-large members it communicates with its residents advisory board also will recommend resentatives will be appointed annu- along with representatives from the through the restructure of the TV-36 to the council the name of a candi- ally. Darielle Walsh, Board of Edu- Town Council and the Board of Edu- operation, the town’s local cable tele- date to serve as Director of Opera- cation President, has said she will Cheri Rogowsky for The Westfield Leader cation, resulted from an ad hoc com- vision access channel. tions, a paid position to be created by appoint herself as the board’s repre- HOLIDAY MUSIC IS THE THEME...The Westfield Community Band per- mittee that was created by Mayor Noting that the station, currently the council. sentative on the advisory panel. forms during Sunday’s ceremony which attracted large crowds to northside Thomas C. Jardim earlier this year. known as TV-36, reaches 80 percent Mayor Jardim said a public hear- Once formed, the new board will train station. Third Ward Councilman Neil F. of Westfield households, Mr. Sullivan ing and council adoption vote on the appoint a Chairman and Vice Chair- said the council will be “called to the ordinance is scheduled for Tuesday, man. The board will have the author- plate next spring to put some money December 7. ity to form standing committees, the behind this (ordinance).” He asked council members to give members of which will be appointed He noted that this funding will be him the names of individuals who by the board’s chairman. accomplished by designating all fran- might like to serve on the board. He According to the ordinance, the chise fees received by the town from also invited residents to contact the CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 Building Department Okays Return Of Franklin Pupils to Home School By KIM KINTER were to be notified in writing today pected to be housed in the schools Specially Written for The Westfield Leader about the move, he said. Teachers, just through September, but the large Franklin Elementary School first meanwhile, will be expected to com- project has moved more slowly than graders, who have been temporarily pletely pack up their temporary class- anticipated, preventing their return. housed at various schools through- rooms at the end of the week. All of Two first grades were bused to Edison, out Westfield since September, are their materials must be moved back while one first grade each was housed expected to return to their home to Franklin over the weekend. at Wilson, Washington and Tamaques school on Monday, December 6. Mr. Berman said plans for relocat- Schools. Robert A. Berman, Westfield Pub- ing the children back to Franklin Mr. Berman said he has been work- lic Schools Business Administrator have been ready for some time, but ing with town building and fire in- and Board Secretary, said students that he now has only three days to spectors and the construction com- should return on Monday, but pointed implement them. pany to return the students as soon as out that a lot of work has to occur over Final approval from the Westfield possible. the weekend for that to happen. If Building Department occurred Tues- Westfield Fire Chief Paul A. something goes awry, the move may day afternoon for the students to be Battiloro, Jr. said his main concern Cheri Rogowsky for The Westfield Leader SANTA’S HERE...Santa Claus gets the crowd going during Westfield’s official Christmas tree lighting last Sunday. have to be slightly delayed, he said. moved back to Franklin. has been safety and that he has worked Playing the role of Santa’s helper was Mayor Thomas C. Jardim, shown holding his daughter, Cecile. Parents of the first-grade students Approximately 91 students from with the contractors and schools to five first grades normally housed in iron out some unspecified problems. the so-called “new wing” of Franklin He said he is allowing children to School have been bused since the return, but has notified the schools Proposed K-8 Language Arts, Grants Director beginning of the school year to Edison that people may need to be posted to Intermediate School and Wilson, assist children in the halls in case of Washington and Tamaques Elemen- an emergency. Positions Broached By Board of Education tary Schools while a second story has Mr. Berman said that he was aware been added to the one-story wing at of Chief Battiloro’s suggestion about By MICHELLE H. LePOIDEVIN members to give their opinions on Dr. Foley advised Board Vice Presi- would be “uneasy without elemen- Franklin. hall monitors, but that he understood Specially Written for The Westfield Leader the drafted and tentative job descrip- dent Arlene Gardner, who also tary expertise.” The students originally were ex- CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 The retirement of Elizabeth Willett, tions, stating, “I’m the guy that’s pressed for alternatives to the pro- “In the old days, none of this would Coordinator of Elementary Educa- responsible and I’d like a little atti- posed job descriptions, that the re- have been necessary,” encouraged tion and Assessment, at the end of tude in how this is structured.” tirement of Ms. Willett now allows Dr. Foley, pointing to what he calls the year has served as a catalyst for Board Member Thomas Taylor told the board to better articulate the po- “high stakes testing” and new Core the creation of two new positions, Dr. Foley that he puts the fate of these sition, making it K-8, instead of split- Curriculum Standards that have now Kindergarden to Grade 8 (K-8) Lan- decisions in his hands, quipping, ting the position into a K-5, 6-12 been mandated by the state. “We guage Arts Supervisor and Director “Basically, I leave it up to you. Just grade structure or pursuing a K-12 need to adapt our management struc- of State and Federal Programs, by the don’t screw up.” structure. ture to whatever is happening in the Westfield Board of Education. Despite urging by Board President When Board Member William environment.” Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Darielle Walsh and Dr. Foley to reach Wallace asked Dr. Foley how similar “We need the subject area exper- William J. Foley, commenced an accord regarding the new posi- school districts are creating such a tise,” he maintained. Dr. Foley added Tuesday’s regular meeting pointing tions, Board Member Annmarie position, the superintendent re- that he envisions such a K-8 supervi- to a large pile of reports compiled Puleio remained concerned about the sponded that several districts such as sory position for other areas such as annually by Ms. Willett and sent to job descriptions. She said that the East Brunswick have maintained a science. A K-8 Math Supervisor po- the State Department of Education. new hires’ involvement in the K-12 position. sition has already been created by the The reports include several compo- district’s new Teacher Institute is However, Dr. Foley added that such school district. nents, such as the school district’s unclear. districts may have their own tradi- Assistant Superintendent Janie P. objectives, state test results and Qual- “The references are obtuse,” main- tions and staff that can make a K-12 Edmonds added, “The K-8 model is ity Assurance Annual Report. tained Ms. Puleio. She also felt structure work versus a K-8. appropriate to get the work done that Dr. Foley outlined the reasons for strongly that the job description of Board Members Carol Molnar and we need now.” creating the two new positions, not- the K-8 Language Arts Supervisor Eileen Satkin concurred with Ms. When a group of students from David B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader ing the need for supervision, exam- must include elementary education Puleio regarding the need for el- Roosevelt Intermediate School who SENIOR POWER!...Westfield High School seniors travel down East Broad ining the testing and evaluation pro- experience. Currently, the require- ementary education experience for were present to observe a Board of Street during the high school Home Coming Parade on November 24.
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