20 Pages Thursday, May 9, 2019 ◆ Pacific Palisades, California $1.50 Local Leaders Plan Different Palisadians Rally to Wildfire Strategies Support Victims of Racially Charged Attack By JAMES GAGE Reporter undreds of Palisadians from all walks of life, of all differ- Hent faiths and cultures filled the pews of Pacific Palisades Lutheran Church last Sunday, May 5 in sup- port of Pastor Kenneth Davis and his daughter, Cassadi. The two were accosted in the local Ralph’s parking lot the eve- ning of April 18 by a woman who hurled racial epithets and threats of gun violence against the Pastor and Supporting Pastor Davis Photo by James Gage his daughter. Pastor Davis filed a police re- hate has to stop and that’s what behalf of the Jewish and interfaith port on April 22 and a detective we’re here for today.” communities of the Palisades, of- with the West LA Bureau was as- Pastor Davis thanked the law fering support and a blessing in He- signed to the case, but local law enforcement officers in attendance, brew to Pastor Davis and his family. enforcement did not immediately including local figures Capt. Vic “Jewish tradition teaches us respond to requests for comment. Davalos and Officer Rusty Redican. that a community is too heavy for Ralph’s has yet to release or “It’s a shame that you have to anyone to carry it alone,” Rabbi confirm the existence of any foot- bring law enforcement to places of Reuben told the congregation. “And age of the incident. faith but there are no sacred spaces that’s why we’re all here today, to The Highlands On Sunday, the pastor started anymore,” said Davis. carry the community together.” his service with a word to his con- After members of the Star Pre- After the service, Pastor Davis By CHRISTIAN MONTERROSA homes, they’re fools,” Kahn said. Safe Council who will be spon- gregation, which had swelled the school Children’s Choir sang sev- and his family were thronged by Reporter Inspired by the recent Wool- soring a Home Ignition Zone building to max capacity and in- eral popular songs of faith and after well-wishers. sey and Camp fires, Kahn de- Evaluation Program, a class on cluded Co-Honorary Mayors Janice opening remarks from Pastor Davis, “It was a great turnout from the ommunity leaders in neigh- cided to do something about her making homes more resistant to and Billy Crystal. Cassadi Davis took the pulpit to ad- community,” Pastor Davis told the boring Mandeville Canyon community who she sees could wildfires, and is seeking 40 Pal- “My daughters and I are over- dress those in attendance and issue Palisadian-Post. “I think some peo- Chave planned their second prac- easily be put in a similar situation isadians to attend, free of charge. whelmed with the outpouring of a thanks to the community. ple showed up today to say that if tice evacuation since 2014, band- and has an ultimate goal of get- She is expected to present love and support that this incident “I wish this experience had they’d experienced something like ing together with fire officials to ting city officials to create alter- more of the details at the May 23 has brought about,” Davis said at never happened to me or anyone be- that they would have helped. practice a neighborhood-wide nate routes out of the canyon. PPCC meeting. the service. “You are here because cause of their race, gender, religion, “I grew up in Los Angeles and evacuation on May 19. “Our problem [in Mandeville “My goal is to try to keep you represent the 90 percent of peo- or orientation,” Davis said. “I have have experienced racism on a regu- On Thursday, May 2, several Canyon] is this narrow road and houses from burning down,” said ple who do not view others differ- learned a lot and am still learning lar basis. I did not expect my daugh- hundred Mandeville Canyon resi- so that’s why we’ve practiced,” Schulman, who believes all of ently. I would be just as appalled a lot from this. It will take a long ters to inherit an America like that. dents filled the auditorium at Paul said John Binder, president of the Pacific Palisades needs a plan of if this happened to someone in the time for me to heal and find a way That’s what’s disheartening. But it Revere Charter Middle school to Upper Mandeville Canyon Asso- action. LGBTQ+ community. to use this in a positive way in the was a great response from the com- listen to the latest presentation on ciation, who helped Kahn plan Up in the Highlands, the pri- “I would be just as appalled future. Thank you for your help in munity affirming 99 percent of us wildfire safety and go over the the evacuation. orities change. if this happened to my sisters and my healing process.” don’t want to live in a world filled details of the practice drill. Binder said close to 900 peo- “I’ve actually been in touch brothers of the Jewish faith…The Rabbi Steven Reuben spoke on with hate.” Safety officials from the Los ple participated in the 2014 evac- with [Teri Redman Kahn] of the Angeles Fire Department like uation and is hoping more people, Brentwood/Mandeville practice Chief Armando Hogan, LAPD especially the younger residents, evacuation, and we’ve decided to and Department of Water and participate this time around. talk after May 19 so we can see Hundreds Walk for Sickle Power, to name a few, stated their “The middle of the canyon how it goes,” said Steve Cron, roles in emergency situations and has no cell phone availability at Highlands representative for the explained the best course of ac- all,” said Binder who cited sev- PPCC when asked for an update Cell Disease Awareness tion for residents to take before a eral challenges that face Man- on any wildfire safety initiatives. large-scale fire comes roaring in. deville. “If one of those wind “I don’t think that the entire By CHRISTIAN MONTERROSA For Teri Redman Kahn, a driven fires comes, we have to Palisades needs a practice evac- Reporter Mandeville Canyon resident and just get the hell out early.” uation, but I think the Highlands environmental science teacher, it Similar to Mandeville Can- does. I’ve also been in touch lose to 400 people filled Te- was time to put words into action yon, the infamous Palisades again with the LAFD, and they’re mescal Gateway Park on Sat- again and invited fire officials Drive holds drivers hostage as also willing to do a practice evac- Curday, May 4 as part of the Sickle and neighborhood leaders to sit at cell reception drops for many uation in the Highlands.” Cell Disease Foundation’s 10th the same table back in December. in the middle of the two mile But talks about a Palisadian Annual Walk-A-Thon. “We live in a five mile long stretch. practice evacuation have long The foundation, which hosts dead end street, no-one is going But unlike Mandeville, Pal- been circulating as continuous the annual Camp Crescent Moon, a to save us but us,” she said. isadian leaders are still trying to fuels cover the Palisadian topog- week-long overnight summer camp “Anybody who is living up figure out the best course of ac- raphy that hasn’t burned since for chronically ill children living there who isn’t clearing their tion. 1978. When several teenagers set with sickle cell disease, brought brush preparing a ‘go bag’ of “I am trying really hard to get fire to nearly five acres in May of their fundraising walk to the Pali- some sort, and stocking their the Palisades as organized as To- 2014, fire officials held a com- sades for the first time. panga and Mandeville apparently munity meeting in the Palisades Normally held at Los Ange- are,” said Miriam Schulman, who Library and proposed a practice les Southwest College, organizer was appointed the wildfire advi- evacuation after Highlands resi- Patrice Ragin and her team thought sor to the Pacific Palisades Com- dents illegally used a fire road to Temescal Gateway Park better munity Council and is the vice get back to their homes. suited this year’s walk in honor president of the Palisair Home- In January, Chief Hogan and of Palisadian Jeff Smith who was owners Association. company gave a similar presen- Chairman of the Board of Directors She believes that in the event tation at a PPCC meeting as the for their foundation. of a wildfire, many Palisadians one given to Mandeville Canyon “Every year it kind of gives could become trapped in their residents and promised to work me chills to see such a number of neighborhood and is stressing the with local leaders to organize a people get together for the same hardening of their homes with ig- practice. cause,” said Ragin in an interview nition resistant materials and ret- As the 2019 fire season be- with the Palisadian-Post. rofitted vents. gins, a comprehensive commu- Sickle cell disease is a group of Schulman has paired up with nity plan in Pacific Palisades re- inherited red blood cell disorders the North Topanga Canyon Fire mains to be seen. that causes abnormal proteins in the body and results in chronic pain or infections throughout the body. Ragin, who lived in Atlanta, lost her husband in 2012 to sickle Photos by Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer cell disease and decided to move back to California to give back to Camp Crescent Moon happen.
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