In TN. New. ·fHIS Serving the State University of Iowa and the P60ple of Iowa City • MORNING Associated Prell Leased Wires and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Wednesday, lay 1, 1963 ON CAMPUS-- SlXTY·FOUR outstanding SUI· Iowans who have been invited to join freshman honor societies will be lIIitlated this afternoon. N.H. Passes Lottery For Education Alpha Lambda Delta will initiate S1 roeds whose grade point average I CONCORD, N.H. t.4't - New Hampshire ear· followed by the problem of counterfeit tickets ap· They said New Hampsbire now gets 70 per cent for their first semester in oollege I marked an estimated $4 million for education by pearing in Maine. of ils revenue from so-called "sin laxes" on tobac· 1fU 3.5 Cor better. Phi Eta Sigma I sanctioning a loltery as a revenue measure. rn Washington, government officials said it would co, liquor and race tracks. 1rilI iIIitiate ~ men who main· The legislation - the fi rst lottery approved by be illegal to ship the New Hampshire lottery tickets Dramatically appearing before the Republican· tained a 3.5 in their £irst or first a state In the 20th century - provides lor two or relaled material In interstate commerce or dominated legislature, King announced he signed two semesters. sweepstakes a year on races at Rockingham Park through the malls. the bill "at a time when our people are carrying • • • horse race track near the Massachu tts border . A Justice Department spoke man said federal a cross oC taxation unequalled in Am ricsn his· LOUIS D. RUBIN JR., of Hollins II becomes eflective in 60 days. law specirically prohibits shipment of such rna· tory." (Va.) College, a writer and critic The tickets, which would sell at no more than terial and a postal orliclal said lottery tickets would Much of the revenue is expected to cortle from of Southern literature, will speak I $3, may be purchased only at ew Hampshire race be confiscated If found in the mail. out·of.slate residents - a fact that King touched DO "What is Autobiographical Fie· tracks ond liquor stores by visitors from other upon in his 25-minute speech. Opponents, led by Protestant clergymen, blast· tloo?" at 8 tonight in the Senate states as wl'lI as state residents. After telling the legislature he had been as· Chamber of Old Capitol. A sponsor estimated that a winning ticket holder ed it as an immoral somethiug·for .nothing gim· sured that a properly regulated sweepstakes would This afternoon at 4 he will meet mick that would turn the staid old state Into "the I might collect as much as $50,000. not collide with federal law, King said, "It is per· illformally with interested students LllS Vegas of the East." Anti-Negro? in UniGD Temporary A to speak on Gov. John W. King, a Democrat, signed the fectly lawful for our neighbors to come here on "Notes-aD Writing a First Novel." sweepstakes bill into law Tuesday. But King told the legislature that he sees nothing vacation, buy sweepstakes ticket, and collect their Arnold M.r.mont, cNilrm.n of tho IlIlnots Public Aid CommlulM, Rubin's visit is sponsored by New Hampshire authorities said federal laws will immoral about the Issue. prizes if they win." luue. 0 flnot .'.'omon' .t • prell conf.ronce .fter the tlllnol. Writers' Workshop. be observed and that tickets will not be distributed Proponents said that the state vitally needs the Xing's aetion is almost certain to result in in. Sen,t. voted to withdr.w its confirmation of him for ... oHlco. • • • by mail, or aero s the state Une. revenue and that the moral is ue had been set· tensified drives among other revenue·hungry The letlon was In r.t.llatlon for Maremonl'. cherge5 th.t somo A DIBAlIE on Medicare, spon· But a police official in neighboring Maine prompt. lied with the sanctioning of pari mutuel betting states to legalize lotteries or in some way extend GOP Senators are ".n'I·NflrO" .nd w.r. opposed '0 public aid sored by the SUI Young Demo· ly predicted the New Hampshire lottery would be in that state 30 years ago. race track belling. I .pproprl.tlons bee.use N.groo. "helped 10 ,I,ct" Chic.llo'. D,mo· crats. will be oonducted tonight at cr.tlc M.yOl' Rlch.rd J. O.tty. SH palle , for slory, 7:30 iu the Senate Chamber of Old II III , II It I.HII~1t Capitol. --~~--. ------.--~~~--~~~~==~~~~~==~~------~ ,~, Dr, George Bedell, associate professor of internal medicine, Peace Corps will speak for the Democrats and Dr. Robert Kret~schmar, assistant - In A 15-7 Vote professor of obstetrics and gynec· - ; ology, will speak for the Republl· cans, ( Increases SUI IN THE STA TE- Scope: Blakely OYIRRIDE HUGHES, Iowa 's r S'eoate overrode Gov. Harold Physical Education, Hughes' veto of an appointment blll Tuesday. Hughes' reaction : Politi· Voluntary ROTC Coaching Positions c.alIy iDspired, he cried. The mea· Are Training Objects sure was sent to the House which ~ expected to follow suit. See page By HARRIETT HtNDMAN S for story. In other legislative ac· St.H Writer tioD: The great~st value of the cur­ ! . ' A blll to set up a state em· rl'nt Peace Corps program to SUI ployment safety commission to make sorety rules for industries is giving the Unlv ~ rsity a larger received a favorable 53-<17 vote in international dimen ion, Robert .1. lIle House but failed to pass be· Urg d by S~nate Blakely, SUl Adult Educaliol] con· cause It did not receive a consti· _... sultant, told the members of the tutlonal majority, Kiwanis Club Tuesday. • And. the Senate discussed "SUI does not have a deep inter· three possible approaches for Hancher May Request .~ City Council national dimension , probably not as eqwalizing property assessments, d ep 8S other Big Ten universities, but reached no conclusions. and our Peace Corp program is a great opportunily to improve this . Regents' Modification Hears C-MA situation ," said Blakely, project IN THE NATION- director of th e SUI Peace Corps , DON'T BOMB. Sen. Mike Mans· I __ The Student Senate Tuesday night voted 15·7 to recom· Pros, Cons , program. "(ield m·Mont.) says bombing Com· "We spend years living down the bumpkin hit mend the abolishment of com~lIlsory ROT at SUI. Blakely explain d that the inter· n tionot Pe • 'orp . whk:/1 began ,munist clties, S.llpply Jiu~s and de· _ alld now IIOU lwve ttl go and 91Jggest we The resolution urge SUI President Virgil M. Hancher "to 8y CELl! FERNEIt pots In North Viet ~ Nom could ;J St.H Writ., with President Kennedy 's cxecutlve :pluDlle the United States into a change the nationa' emblem to (/ corn tassI'//" support a voluntary Reserve or- -----------------­ order March I, t961, has a two·fold Thc Iowa City Council·Manager ,Korean·type war paid for with - -- licers Training Corps program at a the men who are intl'rested In purpose In promoting understand· Board oC Regents mel'Ung this ROTC." Association I C·MA ) was both criti· ing bet ween foreign countrl and American J1ves. He made his reo C 5UI B d spring." Jim KeUey , A4 , Le Mal s, Town I cited and lauded at its biennial the U.S. :tnarb in ~ Senat: speec.h Tuesday. U t l! . get I Hancher is expected to recom· Men representative, opposed the meeting Tue day night. "There are now about 4,000 vol· mend either oboll shment of com· bill on the basis that a "lot oC peo_ Apparently most of the cl'iticism unt~e rs. in 40 countries particl. GOOD PRY Teamsters Union . potmg tn the Peace Corps, and this President Jimmy HofCa has given pulsory ROTC or its continuance pie would be eliminated from the was because oC mIsunderstanding number Is expected to remain 1116 Boy Scouts $336,000 on behalf on a one· or two·year basis at one f th I f h C " B S I of the Regents' meetings this' advanced program because they 0 e goa sot e ·lnA. en . tabte over th next few years," of his union. The money will be spring. wouldn't ho~e" the opportunity to Summerwill, chairman of the I he continu d. "Ovl'r 50 per cent used for construction of a new Regents Advised THE SENATE RESOLUTION learn about It. C·MA, explaincd the actual goals I ~he cu~~ e nt volunteer ore in scout center In the nation's capital. f' A Boy Scout spokesman said the was the latest In a series oC tN OTHER actton Tuesday night, oC the organization in response to I .lIttn Amerl a. Scouts were "deeply grateful." Phil Connell, assistant to SUI President Virgil M. Hancher, said chonges in the SUI ROTC program the St,udent Se~ate approved. 8 CARSTEN LEIKVOLD criticism by some council memo "SUI was the first to request a Tuesday night a legislative commlltee's request that the Board oC which began with a switch Crom a resolutIon 16·0 With one abstentIon, His C'MA Comments, P..... , bers Eventuall the differences Pea.ce Corps exchange with Indo· Regents revise its budget presents a "serious problem for the Unl· to prevent tlte exclusion of Senate 1 ... , y nesla ," Blakely stated. " It was • • • two· year compulsory training pe. - were partIally reconciled . arranged through special talks be. TWISTIR AFTERMATH. Eleven versity." riod to the present one· year com. and Union. Board members fr~m are dead and more than 50 Injured A J'ol'nt approprl'atl'ons sub·com· th· b d t t f' .
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