E566 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 9, 2019 NEO, Greater Akron Chamber of Commerce, tests in Dallas against President Trump’s Mus- Month. Throughout May, my colleagues and I Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education lim ban in 2017; led a group of clergy to the will bring attention to the impact of mental ill- (NOCHE) and Northeastern Educational Tele- Mexico border that intercepted a bus of chil- nesses on American society, as well as vision of Ohio Inc. (NETO). dren taken from their parents under the family Congress’s role in addressing mental President Warren distinguished herself as a separation policy; and has worked closely with healthcare issues facing the country. It is an warm and friendly face amongst the students the families of the victims of police brutality to honor to collaborate with my colleagues in the and staff of Kent State. Whether she’s cham- amplify their cause. Most recently, he was rec- Congressional Mental Health Caucus to raise pioning academics in the board room or ognized by CNN as one ofthe 25 most influen- awareness for mental illnesses, reduce the cheering on the Golden Flashes on the field, tial Muslims in America and included amongst stigma surrounding mental illness, and create her energy, presence, and compassion can be the Frederick Douglass 200 most influential legislation that improves mental health out- felt campus-wide. Americans whose modern day work embodies comes for Americans. I was proud to work with Dr. Warren to help the legacy of the great abolitionist. Mental illnesses have a devastating effect secure funding to advance research efforts at f on those struggling to live with them. This in- Kent State. With Dr. Warren’s leadership, the cludes changes in mood, social interactions, research being done at Kent State will go a COMMEMORATING THE FIFTIETH sleep patterns, and eating habits. Sadly, the long way to help solve real-world issues. ANNIVERSARY OF THE SOUTH- most extreme consequences of mental illness I thank President Warren for her service to ERN TIER CENTRAL REGIONAL are when an individual inflicts self-injury or the students and community and wish her the PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT takes their life. Suicide is the 10th leading best of luck in her retirement. BOARD cause of death in the United States and the f second leading cause of death among Ameri- HON. TOM REED cans age 24 and younger. Approximately 1.4 IN RECOGNITION OF IMAM OMAR OF NEW YORK million Americans attempt suicide each year SULEIMAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and over 47,000 Americans lose their lives to Thursday, May 9, 2019 suicide. The United States has 3,700 suicide HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON attempts daily and 129 suicide deaths per day. Mr. REED. Madam Speaker, today I rise to OF TEXAS This equates to one suicide every 12 minutes. commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Not only does suicide have severe emo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Southern Tier Central Regional Planning and tional costs on families and communities, but Thursday, May 9, 2019 Development Board. also on our economy. It is estimated suicide Southern Tier Central has been serving the Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. Madam Speaker, and self-injury reduce the economic output of communities of Chemung, Schuyler, and Steu- I rise today to recognize and thank Imam the United States by $69 billion per year. ben Counties since 1969. As a regional coun- Omar Suleiman for offering the opening prayer The suicide epidemic is responsible for cil, Southern Tier Central promotes coordina- before the House of Representatives this nearly the same amount of deaths in the tion between the neighboring counties to pro- afternoon. United States as another prevalent health cri- vide a regional approach to improving the Imam Suleiman is a world renowned scholar sis: the opioid epidemic. It is estimated opioids economy, the environment, and the quality of and theologically driven activist for human were the cause for 47,600 deaths in America, life for citizens of the Southern Tier. Their rights. He is the Founder and President of the only a few hundred more than suicide. While work to provide planning for economic devel- Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and a solving the opioid crisis has received ample opment, transportation, human services, and professor of Islamic Studies at Southern Meth- funding and attention, and rightfully so, reduc- flood assistance helps the communities of the odist University. He’s also the resident scholar ing suicide and improving mental health treat- Southern Tier grow and thrive. of the Valley Ranch Islamic Center and Co- ment deserves the same recognition. Con- The Southern Tier Central Regional Plan- Chair Emeritus of Faith Forward Dallas at gress has a responsibility to assist individuals ning and Development Board provides a vari- Thanks-Giving Square, a multi-faith coalition of experiencing mental health challenges through ety of services to the region. As the des- clergy for peace and justice. He frequently effective legislation and research subsidies. ignated Local Development District of the Ap- writes for CNN, USA Today, The Guardian, Congress should advance policies that in- palachian Regional Commission and an Eco- HuffPo, and The Dallas Morning News. crease Americans’ access to mental nomic Development District of the Economic His career started in his hometown of New healthcare treatment as a mechanism for pre- Development Administration, Southern Tier Orleans where he served as the Imam of the venting self-harm incidents and suicide at- Central is able to qualify for special grant Jefferson Muslim Association in New Orleans tempts. Just one third of Americans with men- funding and project assistance to promote im- for 6 years and directed the ‘‘Muslims for Hu- tal illness receive treatment. Our country is in portant local economic and community devel- manity’’ Hurricane Katrina Relief effort. It was desperate need of additional trained thera- opment projects. Over the last half century, during this time that he was recognized on a pists, psychologists, and counselors. This lack Southern Tier Central has helped to provide national level as being a strong advocate of of access can be partly attributed to a short- more than eighty-seven million dollars in grant community service, interfaith dialogue, and so- age of mental healthcare professionals in cer- funding and technical assistance to the region. cial justice. He co-founded the East Jefferson tain communities. In order to establish a more Fifty years of serving the community is cer- Interfaith Clergy Association and was awarded reliable supply of mental healthcare profes- tainly a cause for celebration. I congratulate for his outstanding civic achievement by the sionals, Congresswoman GRACE NAPOLITANO the Southern Tier Central Regional Planning Mayor and City Council of New Orleans in and I recently introduced the Mental Health and Development Board on this impressive 2010. He’s also the founder of MUHSEN, a Professionals Workforce Shortage Loan Re- milestone and look forward to their continued non-profit umbrella organization serving the payment Act of 2019. Our bill delivers profes- community to establish a more inclusive ‘‘Spe- success in the years to come. Given the above, I ask that this Legislative sionals to areas that require mental healthcare cial Friendly’’ environment for our brothers & Body pause in its deliberations and join me to experts the most by forgiving their secondary sisters of all disabilities. commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the education student loans. It invests in bol- In July 2016, he marched with demonstra- stering our mental health workforce, while ex- tors in Dallas against the killings of Alton Ster- Southern Tier Central Regional Planning and Development Board. panding treatment for Americans with mental ling and Philando Castile. In the wake of the illness. tragic shooting of officers after that protest, he f Americans across the country, regardless of was chosen to lead the invocation at the Pres- MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS age, social status, or background, are affected idential memorial alongside former Presidents MONTH by mental illnesses. Mental Health Awareness Barack Obama and George W. Bush. The D- Month serves as an opportunity for any of my Magazine published a feature on him titled SPEECH OF Congressional colleagues, Republican or ‘‘The Religious Leader Dallas Needs.’’ His HON. JOHN KATKO Democrat, to join the conversation. Together, work in bringing people together was the sub- OF NEW YORK we can improve mental health outcomes for ject of a BBC documentary in 2016, and work IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Americans across the country by engaging in with refugees in Syria featured in PBS in Jan- thoughtful discussion and crafting efficient poli- uary 2017, and in 2016, he was a recipient of Wednesday, May 8, 2019 cies. the United Nations Global Goals Award with Mr. KATKO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Finally, it is an honor to once again co-chair Faith Forward Dallas. He led the airport pro- recognition of Mental Health Awareness the Congressional Mental Health Caucus with VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:57 May 10, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09MY8.007 E09MYPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with REMARKS May 9, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E567 Congresswoman NAPOLITANO. I am grateful for No. 185; YEA Roll Call No. 186; YEA Roll Call mental principles and norms of American de- her continued leadership and commitment on No. 187; and YEA Roll Call No. 188. mocracy have been far more comprehensive. this issue and I look forward to further collabo- f In the last three months, more than 400 attor- rating with her. neys—including former federal and state CONGRATULATIONS TO TEXAS f judges, United States Attorneys, managing A&M UNIVERSITY-SAN ANTONIO partners of large law firms, law deans and HONORING NEW ROCHELLE YMCA other distinguished lawyers from around the 120TH ANNIVERSARY HON.
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