Distribution Weather 7 «4B. t*MMrat«rj 7J. Ctoaijr Today tatty wit*ac&K* «f themm. MiU la tipper J*. Owing t* 18,900 1 ud lair tomorrow. Trnwr- high pe«r ». See Weak- er, page 2. Dial SH 1.0010 toiud dui7. HondM ikrmo rrmty. Mtnl Ciui Po«u* RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1962 VOL. 85, NO. 35 Pali u BAt Buk ud u MdlUontl lUIUM Offieu. 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Eatontown Planner Eyes Big Blames 3/4-Acre Zoning Tax Cut Russian Astronauts For'Housing Shortage' In 1963 EATONTOWN-Planning Board The great present need here is Mr. Mangan reported that the President Holds May Land chairman Bruce Mangan said for houses in the $15,000 and $18,- interest in building more garden last night that a housing shortage 000 category, he said. apartments throughout this en- Quick Action MOSCOW (AP)—The Soviet Union's two newest exists in Eatontown. Talked With Builders tire area continues. TO HEAD MICROW&LO- ) More and more developers from mm He Indicated that three-quarter 'Builders have talked to me astronauts carried out "numerous difficult duties" as North Jersey are coming to this Not Advisable GISTS — Dr. Brinton M. Mil- h'- acre zoning is a major cause for about this," the planning chair- area, and particularly to Eaton- they hurtled on through space today for what a Soviet the scarcity of houses here. man said. "A lot of our land Is er, 159 Her Dr., Middletown, town, looking for available sites, WASHINGTON (AP)-President "The builders want half-acre; zoned for three-quarter acre lots. hat boon named preiident-' informant hinted may be an afternoon landing. he stated. Kennedy, rejecting an immediate roning." he steted. Builders fes! this is too large Below Estimates tax cut as an economic weapon elect of the Society (or In- - Official announcements gave no definite word of "People want to move to Eaton, even for a $20,000 home. rd member John Dietz, Jr., that might boomerang, has set his town and we just haven't. the "I live on a half acre," Mr. dustrial Microbiology for landing plans for the cosmonaut team of Maj. Andrian recalled that builders of the bor- sights on multibillion-dollar reduc- houses for them," he stated. Mangan stated, "and it's all I 1962-63. He hat been secre- ough's large existing garden tions and tax reform for 1963. Falcon Nikolayev and Lt "Borough residents who are look- can do to keep that up." apartment, development, Eaton- But he "told a nationwide tary of the 650-member na- Appeal Deadline ing for larger houses can't find Board member John Renter Col. Pavel Golden Eagle crest, had predicted it would have television-radio audience Monday tional society for four years. them. Fort Monmouth's new elec- pointed out that the philosophy Is Tomorrow Popovich. Their twin space- a relatively small number of night that if the unexpected hap- tronic command is going to bring behind zoning for larger lots is Dr. Miller it with Merck,! tschool age children among its pens—that if the nation slides to- FREEHOLD - The deadline ships raced around the more house-hunters to town. We involved with a municipality's tenants. He asked how the facts ward recession later this yeat^he Sharp & Dohme Laboratories.' for filing tax appeals IJ tomor- just don't have the available problem in providing schools and earth setting mileage and agreed with these predictions. will call Congress into special ses- row. homes, even at $20,000 and up." borough services for each family. orbital records. Mr. Mangan said he had in sion to lighten the "far too heavy" No appeals will be heard by Needs Careful Thought quired and been told that out of tax burden. the Monmouth County Board of A Soviet informant said some- Mr. Mangan said that certainly the first 80-odd families to move He described the present tax Taxation unless they have thing Interesting would happen in the whole matter deserves care- to Eatoncrest, there are only II system as "a drag on economic been filed on or before the the afternoon—Moscow Is 8 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time ful thought. school children, and eight pre- recovery and economic growth, deadline. —when both astronauts may be "These things are the keys to school children. biting heavily into the purchasing Forms for appeals may be the over-all growth of a com- in a position to descend. This shows a smaller percent- power of every taxpayer and obtained from local municipal munity," he said. "They should af,'j of new pupils for local every consumer." The day's first communique at be considered by the Planning buildings or at the Hall ot 6 a.m. contained a variation that schools than predictions had set, A number of Democrats in Con- Records here. Board." he pointed out. gress applauded his speech, A might signal something special number of Republicans accused was planned today—a landing, a Mm of playing election-year poli- close approach or even a linkup tics. They emphaszied a favorite Council. Says of the spaceships. Housing Authority GOP theme that slashes in gov- Acconing to Man ernment spending should accom- Omitting the usual slgnoff of pany tax reductions. PTA's Idea "the flight continues," the com- munique said: "At present, the < Save Of Borrow? Is Sound cosmonauts have started carrying Sued by Wilsons This theme was also stressed by To Wage War out their numerous difficult duties Sen. Harry F. Byrd, D-Va.. chair- FAIR HAVEN — A Parent- envisaged by the program of FREEHOLD — Mr. and Mrs. der against the Long Branch man of the Senate Finance Com- Teacher Association Safety com- space research planned for Aug. H. J. Wilson, owners of Wilson's Housing Authority. i.iittee. He said that when Kenne- mittee proposal, which received M. The group flight of spaceships Boat Works, 479 Atlantic Ave., The suit, filed yesterday in Su dy submits his tax, measure, and the endorsement of the Board of Vostok HI and Vostok IV contl- perior Court by Ralph Heuser, his budget, next year "he will On Mosquitoes Education, last night won ap- nues according to the planned Long Branch, have filed a suit Matawan, attorney for the Wil- have an opportunity to indicate proval of the Borough Council. program." Brace Mangan and obtained a restraining or- sons, asks that the appointment whether he plans to reduce ex- MIDDLETOWN — Dr. Marc Council authorized Councilman Sir Bernard Lovell, director of of the condemnation commis- penditures or pay for a tax cut Ten Commandments Krohn, Board of Health secre- John Damico, police committee Britain's Jodrell Bank radio tele- tary, has announced that the sioners be set aside, and that the with borrowed money." 1. Eliminate or oil all (land- chairman, to hire a crossing scope, told reporters Monday board is about to institute a drive orders to right of possession by Kennedy was serious of mien ing water. : , guard who would accompany night: "I would not be surprised School Parking Lot the authority be dissolved. and unsmiling as, with the aid ot toward reducing the mosquito groups of kindergarten young- if both men came down in one 2. Keep roof gutters open, population in the township. In the suit, the Wilsons ask specially prepared charts, he de- check flat roots for standing sters to their classes in the Fisk craft and left the other craft in :hat the authority be restrained veloped a two-fold thesis: water. He noted that this month "is St. Youth Center. orbit We believe either the space- fiom "disturbing" them until the That the nation has bounced ideal for'such a program" • in The committee has proposed men now are both together or are Bid Goes to Hesse a long way from the reces- 3. Empty, cover or crush all suit has been settled, claiming back view of the fact that in August the children would meet at extremely" close to each other," hat they learned July 20 thai sion he said held sway when his discarded water holding recep- not only the. household type, of Move Apart tacles (tires, tin cans). Knollwood o r Willow Street SHREWSBURY — Charles J Hesse, with bids of $7,735 and their property will be turned over term began in January, 1961. mosquito, but also the salt wa- Schools where they would be. The Sohlo Research Center In Hesse. Inc., of Belford, last nigh $6,553 for the two plans, under- to the city for a park and will not That it still has a considerable 4. Oil catch basins and exca- ter mush mosquitoes, are bred Cleveland, Ohio, reported, how- vations weekly. met by a crossing guard and es- won the construction contract for bid Shore Paving Company of be used by the authority for re- distance to go to attain- full em- In large numbers and are carried corted to the Youth Center. ever, that the two ships vere • paved parking area at the west Red Bank, Reichey Brothers o development. 5. Correct: septic tank and to populated areas by prevailing moving farther apart. The center (See TAX CUT, Page 2) 2 Guards Needed end of the borough school. Wanamassa and George Muellei The suit claims that the author- cesspool overflow and report winds. calculated that Vostok .m was Mr. Damico said he hopes to After designating the Hesse of ManaSquaS*. ity does not have the right to uncorrected overflow condi- Dr. Krohn said copies of the 970 miles in front of Its sister firm, the Board ot Education The plans differ in that one turn over condemned property to tions.
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