THE Daih SKIFF Volume 70, Number 21 Texas Christian University Fort Worth, Texas 76129 Tuesday, October 5, 1971 Harris Talk Approved, Cancelled Draft resister David Harris, The Administration's reversal Glenn Johnson said he was hopes the cancellation does not Harris will speak at 7:30 p.m. who Friday was granted permis (f its decision was made only pleased with the administration's embarrass the Administration or Thursday in SML's Student Cen- sicn by tht Administration t 0 upon assurance by Canterbury new decision but added "there Canterbury. tor Assembly Room. speak on campus following pre- that Harris would not counsel arc other issues at stake w h i c n vious refusal of permission and students to break the law. need to be resolved and hopefully much controversy, yesterday The Rev. Pool said of this de- the new committee on speaker cancelled his scheduled Thursday cision, "Canterbury was pleased policy can come up w i t h con- appearance. to be able to assure the Admin- structive ideas and policies." Editorial Opinion The Rev. Gayland Pool of Can- istration that Mr. Hrris would In action taken by the Activi- terbury Club, which was to spon- rot call for the vio! ion of the ties Council Thursday afternoon sor Harris' appearance, said law, having checked with the it was voted unanimously to "the publicity and attention faculty and admini ations o f abolish the required speaker brought to the speaker (by the other colleges w h e ■ he h a s clearance form for the Forums XK" cor>trovtrsy over whether he spoken. Committee would be allowed to speak) and "My only hope is that Harris According to Johnson, other the schedule requirements placed committees such as the Films on Mr. Harris by his parole board does not take a negative attitude Committee do not require such a both determined the cancella- toward the University and Can- form. tion." terbury because of the conflicts The Rev. Pool said he believes He said Harris expressed hope and publicity involved to get him the emergence of a clear speak lhat he could speak here in the here." er's policy will be a long-term future. Forums Committee chairman gain of the controversy and Speaker Policy Urged By ROSALIND ROUTT Student House of Representatives. which refers to whom the speak- IjieCriartrellrjrs little fmger(AJ.twitches sending News Editor Student Life Division and chan- er policy statement should be re- cellor's responsibility of achiev- Dird oi tricky legality(B.) on. a neiuance unique course The Faculty Senate, in a spe sponsible. "It is this kind of lack As bird ' ing a process of granting or re- cial meeting Thursday afternoon, ol specificity which has gotten us fusing permission for outside passed a resolution urging Chan- into trouble before," Dr. Ludvig- speakers to appear before s t u- peiK; Tied to arm IE.) forms loopL.. cellor James M Moudy, the Stu- son said. dent groups on University prem- Labeling this section "wishy- L—- I 'iAick is \ar6n p.niigkfor tHeCKance/V dent Life Division and the Stu- ises. tj ' bii .'..and a staff of Wry competent laurycrs to do dent House of Representatives washy," "down-the-center" and v "to redouble their efforts to com- Dr. Moudy also noted that the "stale," Dr. Ludvigson said that " > / -vn,but instead closes on Harris' neck.(n>nab' resolution failed to include the •>' of His messad i \ efetot/t. ° plete a statement of policy and he would "rather have the Sen- Senate's Trustee Relations Com procedures regarding speaker ate speak more positievely;" mittee in making "this topic a selection and approval." however, Ludvigson's amend matter of urgent discussion with Dr. John L. Wortham, presi ment failed its counterpart committee from dent of th: Faculty Senate, called the Trustees." Resolution Passed upon Senator Hunter Bcekelhy- It was then voted to suspend mer, associate professor of hom- The Faculty Senate finally ACLU Group Asks Robert's Rules of Order to allow iletics, to present the first resolu- passed the original resolution for more flexible- discussion lion with Dr Moudy's amendment Senator Murray Rohman ques- R"snonding to this resolution. and Dr Rohman's amendment tioned whether the Senate had Chancellor Moudy said the reso- concerning the time restraint, and Speaker Guidelines convened to discuss the Harris lution was "too general, though this appears below controversy specifically or to In the hectic days prior to the tion about the speaker or his cre- very kind." He indicated that the "The Faculty Senate is trou consider speaker policy present Administration's reversal of its dentials, the sponsoring organi statnment shewed no acknowl- bled by the periodic disquiet in and future. To this Dr. Wortham decision to permit David Harris edgement rf the Faculty Senate, the University community atten- zation shall be required to ge'. replied that the Senate was dis- to speak on campus, members of background material on the dant upon the process of granting cussing forming a small ad hoc the TCU chapter of the American speaker and present it to the Ac- cr refusing permission for o u t- committee on the philosophy un- Civil Liberties Union were ac- tivities Office. side speakers to appear before derlying speaker policy. tively accumulating 744 signa- If the office desires a higher Referendum student groups on University Dr. William H. Watson of the tures on a petition. premises. We feel that the pres- approval, the request and back Chemistry Department asked how The purpose of the petition, ground information will bo ent vague and incomplete pro- Resolution many years a committee had presented to Chancellor James passed on to the Vice Chancellor cess itseif contributes to the been working on speaker policy. Moudy Thursday, was to 'gather of Student Life If he desires probability that such disquiet Dr Howard O Wible. vice-chan- student opinion favoring b ot h higher approval, the Chancellor Gets 'Yes' wi'l occur frequently in the fu cellor for Student Life, explained Mr Harris and speakers in shall review the case. Last Thursday, the student ref- ture. This will work to the detri erendum resulted in 991 "yes" •hat th- committee which drafted general," according to Jeremy At this point, the Chaneelloi ths Statement en Student Rights ment cf the entire University, and Main, president of the student may okay the request or refer it ve.tes, advocating that the ad- will create undue friction in tht end Respinsibilites has been the chapter to the Controversial Speakers ministration reverse its decision university community instead cf first tripartite effort. Since 196i In a letter to Dr. Moudy Thurs- Committee. This committee shall on the Harris issue, to 171 votes the harmony which all desire. against. TCU's speaker policy has been day, the TCUCLU said it con- be made up of two students ap Roughly averaging 8 1 for the th; guidelines established by the "Therefore we urge the chan- curred with the resolutions passed pointed by the President of t h e resolution. 20 22 per cent of t h e Frrums Committee, according to ellor, the Student Life Division, by the TCU Student House of Student House, two tenured fac- students eligible voted with 17 Dr. Wible. and the Student House cf Repre Representatives and urged "the ulty members (non-department sentatives to redouble their ef- development of an updated and chairmen) appointed by the per cent vc'ing "no" and 83 ,>er Time Restraint cent voting "yes." Anything over forts to complete a statement of more specific guideline concern- Chairman of the Faculty Senate. policy and procedures regarding BO per cent, according to the In an effort to simplify the ing speakers." and two administrators (of dean f speaker selection and approval election committee chairman, is wording c the two previously Tht following is a letter from status or higher) appointed by which would be more responsive considered I landslide. presentr I resolutions. Dr. Rnh the TCUCLU to Dr. Moudy of- the Chancellor. The controversi r to the legitimate interest cf the Nancy Inglefield, election com- ■nen r f-rc"l a third resolution fering its suggestion for future al Speakers Committee shall be students to hear controversial mittee chairman, said: 'It was a which called for a progress re- speaker selection: chaired by one of the members strong vote and a perfect election port to be made to the Senate viewpoints, and at the same time Dear Dr. Moudy: chosen by the committee itself. would recognize the administra- with no votes lost or there being within 30 days. This resolution In its educational role in so- A majority vote of any four tion's inalienable responsibilities any extras." She also said most did not pass but Dr Floyd Dur- ciety, a university should never members shall be necessary for and necessary sensitivity to th" stude n' officer and varsity ham moved that the time re- he scar c d of or apologize for a decision to be made. The com opinion of the University's whole cheerleader elections aver- straint in it be incorporated ir. opinions that differ from ac- mittee shall make their decision constituency. We also pledge th" age 7C0-S00 votca in comparison Dr Moudy's statement. cepted norms. With this thought ol approval or disapproval, list with the 1165 vo'es cast in t h e Debt'? continued as Dr M. host efforts of this Senate toward in mind the TCU Chapter of the ing the reasons for their decision referendum election. Jack Suggs, professor of New this goal, and we instruct the American Civil Uberties Union This shall be presented to t h c The breakdown of the votes T"s;am"nt, observed that a r"s-- Trustee Relations Committee to advocates a change" in the pres- Chancellor who shall give the de was: Student CentT, 777 "yes" to liMion such as this < nc which make this topic a matter of ur ently used form of speaker selec- cision his signature.
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