TOKYO Sept./Oct. NUKE INFO 1997 Citizens' Nuclear Information Center No. 61 Kotobuki Bldg. 3F,1-58-15, Higashi-nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164, Japan Phone:81-3-5330-9520, Fax:81-3-5330-9530,<http://www.kiwi-us.com/~cnic/> NIT Enters Second Decade A Step Further Toward Nuclear Free World CNIC Staff: Clockwise from top left - Mitsuko Yanakita, Baku Nishio, Masako Sawai, Mika Ohbayashi, Hideyuki Ban, Satoshi Fujino, Akiko Fukami, Jinzaburo Takagi, Mikiko Watanabe, Chihiro Kamisawa IN THIS ISSUE This issue of Nuke Info Tokyo (No.61) marks the NIT Enters Second Decade 1-3 start of the second decade of our newsletter, which N uclear Developments in Asia - Indonesia 4 Yet Another PNC Flop 5 started in October 1987. We are pleased that we have CGEMA's Final Report on Monju 6 been able to continue issuing NIT for 10 years despite Agenda on Coming Energy Conf. 7 persistent difficulties in securing financial support and DATA: Incidents, July-Dec., 1996 8 working staff. NEWS WATCH 9-10 Attending the Anti-Atom International Conference Fuel Storage Capacity Expansion/Hitachi Filed False Report/Russians Against Waste organized by Austrian anti-nuke groups in Vienna in Disposal Plan/Spent Fuel Shipment Protest- September 1986 to counter the IAEA Assembly on ed/SDF Mobilized for Terrorist Control/ Chernobyl, I shared with participants from around the Peace Declaration say Leave Nuc. Umbrella world the feeling that the world was just entering the 2 NUKE INFO TOKYO Sept./Oct. 1997 No.61 age of "the beginning of the end", i.e. the beginning We now send about 500 copies to people of about of the age of the nuclear phase out ("Ausstieg" in 48 countries and regions. Readers include activists, German). At that time, I strongly felt the necessity for researchers and journalists as well as government a strengthening of international cooperation between officials and legislators. anti-nuke movements, and for exchange of expertise During the past decade, our topics and emphases for the phase out. I also discovered and was shocked have evolved naturally. In the first few years, we ded- by the fact that very little was known about Japan's icated ourselves to reporting the Japanese situation in nuclear industry and even less about its anti-nuke general regarding nuclear power developments and movements. anti-nuke movements from an objective viewpoint. After returning from Vienna, I therefore started We then focused on Japan's plutonium programs, preparing for the publication of CNIC's English as CNIC became deeply involved in the campaigns newsletter. It took more than half a year for the first against it. issue of the newsletter, titled Nuke Info Tokyo, to be Looking back on those years, I believe NIT published. I clearly remember the discussions we played an important role in the international cam- had in the publishing committee during this prepara- paign against the civil use and transport of plutonium. tory period in which not only CNIC staff members But we are also aware that NIT's key role should be but also activists from other citizens' groups were to provide accurate reporting of nuclear issues and involved. Everybody was aware of the importance of citizens' movements, and that a proper balance in the transmitting information and messages from Japan to coverage of varying issues is required. overseas, but no one was sure how it could be made Now our concern is, among others, Asian nuclear financially viable and maintainable in terms of the power programs, as indicated in the last two issues labor force. of NIT. This is largely because the world nuclear At the last stage of the discussions, an activ- industry is working hard to capture the last untapped ist said, "Let us try just 5 or 6 issues and then think market in Asian countries, and also because there is a again whether to continue." This was how Nuke Info lack of international newsletters covering this region Tokyo actually started. Yet, I wrote in the Foreword from the citizens' perspective. Perhaps this will be the to the very first issue: "We are determined, however, most important issue NIT should address in its sec- to continue Nuke Info Tokyo for the foreseeable ond decade, provided that it can survive for another future." decade. I was not certain what "foreseeable future" We would like to ask all readers to give us advice meant, but I was thinking, "at least several years." and suggestions that will help us make this small The greatest reason NIT has managed to survive and newsletter more useful for those who are working enter its second decade is obviously the continuing hard toward a nuclear free world. encouragement and support of international readers. (by Jinzaburo Takagi) Nuke Info Tokyo: A Beacon In The Nuclear Darkness by Paul Leventhal, President, Nuclear Control Institute (NCI) As Nuke Info Tokyo observes its tenth language Nuke Info Tokyo three years later, it anniversary, it can take great pride in the role it became immediately apparent that this would has played as a highly authoritative source of become an invaluable tool for organizing inter- information for activists throughout the world national collaborations among arms-control, on Japan's nuclear program and on the growth safe-energy and environmental organiza- of the Japanese movement in opposition to this tions in opposing Japanese plans to introduce program. separated plutonium, an atom bomb material, Since 1984, I have been privileged to col- as fuel in nuclear power reactors. He wisely laborate with Dr. Jinzaburo Takagi and his understood that international as well as domes- colleagues at the Citizens Nuclear Informa- tic pressure would be needed if this exceed- tion Center. When he started up the English- ingly dangerous program was to be stopped. NUKE INFO TOKYO Sept./Oct. 1997 No.61 3 Now the Japanese plutonium program is in defective canisters used for international trans- deep trouble. These troubles can be attributed port and domestic storage of vitrified repro- in large measure to the "watchdog role" of cessing wastes, the large imbalances in pluto- CNIC and the accurate reporting in Nuke Info nium accounting at the Tokai MOX fuel plant, Tokyo of CNIC's disclosures of the many safe- and the ludicrous inaccuracies in PNC's "Pluto ty and security problems and deceptions by Boy" video - all have been faithfully reported the government and industry associated with in Nuke Info Tokyo to good effect. the plutonium program over the years. If the Japanese plutonium industry is The fruits of the CNIC-NCI collaboration - eventually shut down - and I believe it will documenting the false plutonium supply-and- be - much of the credit should go to CNIC demand data used by the Japanese plutonium and Nuke Info Tokyo. To paraphrase Winston industry to justify plutonium imports from Churchill, rarely have so few done so much to Europe, the safety defects in the packaging halt such a great danger. Congratulations on a and transport of plutonium by air and sea, the job superbly done! CNIC - Japan's Best Source of Nuclear Information by Tom Clements Greenpeace International Nuclear Campaign With consistency, one of the files which I turn technical information on Japan's nuclear program. to most often in my international work is labeled In particular, graphs and charts on the projected "CNIC." With a turn of my chair, I can quickly pull plutonium supply and demand have debunked mis- out the collection of Nuke Info Tokyo newsletters leading and inaccurate information supplied by STA from the Citizen' Nuclear Information Center. Reach- and PNC, arming critics with strong arguments as to ing for that file is the highest praise that I can give to why Japan's plutonium program is to be questioned. CNIC and its work - the information is timely and Researchers, activists,and journalists alike have useful, and there is no doubt that it has had a posi- shared with me the same appreciation of CNIC's tive impact in the debate over nuclear and plutonium information. issues in both Japan and throughout the world. Happy Beyond providing information on Japan, Nuke 10th anniversary! Info Tokyo is a good source of information on other I first became associated with CNIC at the countries in the east Asia region. As the region's econ- International Conference on Plutonium in Omiya, omy grows and reliance on nuclear energy expands, Japan, in November 1991, held in anticipation of the reports on the nuclear situation in China, Korea and controversial plutonium shipment of 1.5 tonnes from Taiwan are of increasing importance. Clear maps of France to Japan. With CNIC providing important location of nuclear plants in the region have proven technical and political information and organiz- helpful in my responses to inquiries - and they are ing international protest over the shipment literally only an arm's length away. changed the way the world looked at plutonium. A I certainly speak for my entire organization when new skepticism over uneconomic nuclear policies I extend a thanks to Dr. Takagi and the staff of CNIC built around weapon-usable plutonium emerged for the informative publication that now celebrates and the industry has been hiding behind weaker and its 10th anniversary. Along with our thanks we also weaker justification ever since. express the desire that CNIC and Nuke Info Tokyo From articles on the accident at Monju, to gov- celebrate many more such anniversaries. I'm already ernment White Papers on nuclear energy, to nuclear looking forward to the valuable information con- shipments and the rash of problems at Tokai, CNIC tained in the next issue! has been the main source of reliable and accurate 4 NUKE INFO TOKYO Sept./Oct.
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