University ofCinctnnati NE:WS",RE"'CO:R- ~ ", ,~_ • ' i_ "" _ _ ';":" ~, .~.i -~FoLkSinger, SheiLa McKenzie To-Give ConcettFriday: Oct. 18 _This Friday: afternoon, Oct. 18, at 4 p.m., .Sheila Me- Kenzie, Cincinnati's popular female folk singer, will sing on UC':s 1963 Homecoming; "South 'behalf of the West End Educational Project. This perform- Seas' Holiday;" will, beglriFriday nightv Oet . 18, with a pep-rally ance will mark Miss McKenzie:s last appearance in Cincinnati' sponsored by the.,sfjii;i,t _Glub~'At prior to leaving for an extended .engagernent in New York. 9:15 the ;UC hand,. .cheerleaders The concert will last from '4 to 5: 30 andwill be held ill the' arid students will meetatthe-gate- house .and m~rchen -rnasse down main lounge of the Student Union. Admission 'at .thedocr Clifton-Avenue to, 'Wilson "Audi- will be $.25 pet person. torium. Atthe -pep rally the five This program sponsored by WEEP, has two main .pui- finalists 'fo1' queenrwillvbe :ail:' poses: 1) to raise money for nounced. "- - Saturday morning at 10:30 WEEP; a.nd2) to, initiate the may be either on an individual ffieflci'a-t par'ilde "will -start on or group basis. " recruitment program of this fall, Clifton Avenue, progressing to WEEP volunteers serve as tutors In addition to Friday's enter-- Brooki'ine to Woodside and then for two 1%-hour teaching ses- tainment, .a WEEP booth in the to:. Nippert, Stadium. Last year's sions each week in -the late after- Union' 'on -Thursday -and Friday queen, 'Miss Ju'lie Snarr' of Kap- ' noon or early evening. Sessions afternoons of this and-next week pa Alpha- Theta wiH~pe, thecpa .• will provide complete: details 'on raae·ma'rshall., Following' her ---.....,.. the program of this project. wi IJ be this yea r's 'five' final isfs, IU(' 5 y,e,arbook A.lso ,appearing in the par ade wi U be-the UC Band under the' , U,GBand Elects direction of ~Mr.' R~bert ..Horn- l yak, several local, nigh ~(;hoo'I" AII·A,m;eir,ican -,Year sOfficers bands, arid' the Army and Air Force'R.O.T.C. marching units. "A very fine yearbook that re- Bandsmen at U. C announce Competing for prizes will be \ mains at the 'head of the class' " their new officers for 1'963-64. twenty-five 'floatS in the men's is a description of the Cincin- E I e c ted President was Ken and women's divisions. , natian. For 'thes'econd year i~ a Graves, Bus. Ad. '65, a ~ercus~ At 2p.m: the Bearcats will face row - Chris Damakes was editor sionist. His Vice-President IS Ken the --Detroit Titan's in Nippert of the first in 1962 -last year's Sams, A and S '65, a clarinetist, .Stadium- If we have the 'turnout yearbook received an All-Ameri- Trombonist Rodney Rupp, ,A and that we had, at theXaviervgame, can ratin~. This -r a tin~~:~,~s,for S"6-6,. ~as n~med to_ h,a,l}dle the it,~h~)J}?,be ,;a really..••good!·gam.e.., "seen-,Satu.rda '-moritin .. (Secf'~ irge .7 .forpictu,a:e~ 'of ~on:tec~ml.ng ~.. schools with enrollments of ov~r .,Band F u~d~. Se~retary,. ofth.~_"i',1;2Iiqo,r"ro~tlY~1,;I5-ame,;-.the,flo:a~~r~JU-""::t"-'•.,iti'f;">;:";- ;~"IF"'1~~'·'~'1~.'~'_if,~<o,.,' -f......,. ~"" , , 10,000, and, there were- only SIX ", Band is Leslie Minor, A and S' be on dispUiy",arolirict 'the" fieid.' Queen 5e11J1 ,Iru.rhsts • in the country, that made the '66, also a clarinetist. - '.' -During ha1fti-mecthe'f1oat.:wi~,f.s,{ grade. These officers head Band Coun-. will be announced ..• '.,",- ' ,';,' " presented:- jltie-'qu~_~n will' have: Union .everydaybetween nand been selected Jrom over. forty 1. The""c6~,t.i~$3:50 lier .coiiple. 'Anita Smith, last year's' editor, < en, .the student governing body, ~The,'crowriing' 'gl~ty:' ,o(:th~ candidates.-M'ondaylhe ~:f-ieLd", and Nancy Beamer, the produc- < of .the Band. Each class has. a day wilJ ,be ,the"Homecoming tion manager, made it possible representative, as does e a c h Dance at.fhe Topp~,r:.~lub 'from was narro~ed :'to ten semifinel- . U:"C A" IF-I''- H for the book to ...get' 100 points Band, i.e.. Concert, Varsity, and 9 to 1. The Ral~,~"-Ma'r:terie and ists;' Tonighfth'e five finalists .nge.' I9 ,t more than the .neeessary 6100 'for Marching. Together. these repre- Land M Bandswi'll provide-the will 00 .chesen from that grou,p . ' ,_.' this rating.' Nancy is this year's sentatives plan various Band ac- music. At, 'this ",Hrrttt!le float in a closed judging. NemesOfficers editor so the Cincinnatian should tivities and act as administrators ' trophies win '-be ...awarded and Ti'~kyt~ Ior .the '.,dance are on Last .spring Angel Flight se- be, ,an~therout~t?nd~ng book. ;~;.. ~for;the sC,hool.year., * the queen and ti~r co~rt'will be. sale in' the;;-lobby"of the' Student .v'" ." .. " " .",' . " lected and announced its officers for the 1963-64 school year -.Serv- ing in the position' of Area, Com- .mander is Lt. Colonel Julie', Poin- I dexter. Her Administrative and Executive Officers are Marcine Dilling and Nancy Klein, respec- , ,ODK Mortar .BoatdLeadership Conf~renc,e,;wi~l,heheld tively. Kathy" Swormstedt is Area OCt. 25, 26, and ·27th at Camp Kern near Lebanon; Ohio. Ih(~~!ll(t~i~~ g~ffi~e.r. __ ,_ :-c': \ The local officers are headed The theme will be: "Is DempcraeyWorking?" The by Major Beth Vaughan, Local roster of speakers includeiDr, Waltzer-of Miami University Commander.~ Jean Lathan .and 0< Juuy Pryor ~re serving as Execu~ who will be discussing "What 'Is Democracy?", .r». John tive' and Administrative Officers, Whealwnof the- :A.C.L.U. discussing the, Role" of the ludi; respectivelY.~::Judy e- Hilsinger vts vidual, J osephHall of: the ~rhan' the ,.new 'Inforrnationc Officer of Ui~~local staff, and Dean Newi' "',League -and Bill Bowen of the , b~~iY'.,.'handlesvthe fin~llces 'a~ . N.A.A.C·,P.. discussing ' the'· Role Oofnptroller; . ,~ ' F C!of the Minority, Dr. Tom Bonner, . The' Angels were hostesses at ~1iead of the history department an 'Arnold "Air Society Smoker at' UC discussing the role of the Wednesday nigh tin the AirForce Majority, and a Peace Corps rep- Wing. They will be marching .in resentative discussing "Is Democ- the Homecoming Parade Satur-: racy Exportable?" _. day morning also. , This conference is open to up- :-;- per classmen only. Tne registra- tion fee is - twelve- dollars. This "SCHOLARSHIP' FUND~' includes five me a.l s and 'two Omicron Chapter of theSig- nights lodging in addition to the . ma .AIp-haMu' Fraternity an- privilege of hearing the above nounces that A Remembrance speakers.· Registration- fees must- "Scholarship Fund" has been be 'turned in by October 23, 1963. -establlshed. ' The initial gift was given by Mrs., A, B. Cohen-s-presented CINCINNATIAN, , at the Sigma Alpha M.u Moth- Registration 'for the Cintin- er's Club Donor Luncheon held nefian must be finished during last year. the of October 28. A sub- week Contributions. eommemerat- scrlpfien costs $1.:00 and can. in~f ,all occaslens .and memori- be secured by filling out a' card als are welceme and should be " along' with thepr~s~e!1tation_of '3ddre~fecl to Mrs. Nettie Blue- your 1.0. c'arcr:-'-StuClimts may stone or Mrs~ Arthu;r' can register near the grilla:-t noon. Gelder who have been appoint- 'Other collections will be "A Co-Chairmen of this fund. taken after section' change- and All contributions will' be aek- '\;iJf~iiii.i_tlin.:'~;<'''~'~..'po.V(!f!d9~~'~J~e'11C~l?i!':'t~ - ,Rcige1vi6 >UNlYERS4i[¥i OF 'C U)\rCl~!NA Tf,' NEWS:.RE<IORD i':,,[hursdaYr«)ctQb~ r· l7, ~i1963J(., • ....' . .. .' t'· ·>~A;I'···· .'..~.;. ····A· , :! •... ····t·· ~. ' C Intt~n"n~a)I'<~'Jwt<tI,m;n'I-':- SSO(·I'Olo·n "1:~:-;A'T'~ENTIOIN~~M,lisIU~S~U b£~~s We carry all musie mat~riat i,nclll~ing every make of band;and:~rchestra.Jnstrllrnents. ". ' RAY ,c". '.' L~MMEI.SMUS1C-" 'T.,. ...k··'-".'s ".O','·~.·.::'· ·"~.·.-."'.·.N.··~..'..·".·.·.:.·.····.·.·t> ..·"';.'. Ide T:' c'. ".' '.' . h.., ' .0 es, .n, '. «g' lonWI 'e, reue 610 Walnut,St. ~41.0200 Oh Yea, Guitar and Banio also. ,,_ ',.c<, ~ For the first time in its history, 'ing COIrtmitfe~~ ar,ea. · the University of CiIie inn a t i Strubboiisvalso president of . Dr. Taylor is immediate past -Alumni Ass-ociation has a nation- theUc Arts 'and' Sciences Alum- president of the College-Conserv- wide touch. ni Association and '.·of the .. UC atory' of Music Alumni Associa- Two of its 1963-64 officers live Boosters Club. tion. in other cities. Kelly Y. Siddall, Dr. Rieveschl is also regional Pressler' has been 'active in former vice president of Procter vice president of the association . the se University projects:" UC & Gamble now living in FtvLau- for the Detroit. area, and president Fund, Boosters Club, and "C" derdale, Fla. is the association's of .the UC Alumni Club in that .Club. new national president. pr~:ide~~o:~ep~:~=~s~~~i;r&~~~MajorGordon D. Bri'gham Detroit, is second vice president .', of the UC !Alumni Association. N . d A ...,"t '..t p' f Other officers, all Cincinna- ·ame .SSIS ·an .' .ro essor tians, are Richard F. Strubbe, ac- -, "- count ex~cutiv~ with ~estheimer Major Gordon D. Brigham, former assistant professor '·WO.RDS: -THEIR CAUSE AND CURE & .Co:, first VIce president; Dr. of speech at American University, Washington, D., C., has 'today let us take up the subject of etymology (or entomology, 'Elizabeth M.
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