j Road work nixes Rotary Grosse Pointe Run By Brad LIndberg "ff 9t 1\{nTn" find Lake"horl" In lems fall," he said Rather than holding what Staff Writer the Farm., Due to an ongomg "We had a lot marl" coordma- (r'V\tewere better Orgamzers of a local foot multl-mllhon dollar sewer !>ep. tlOn Issue!> In the Park than we Flynn called a "half-successful" race, he and hIS colleagues race have, m the parlance of amtlOn proJect In the Farms anticIpated," saId Rotary memo served to set it up deCIded to scratch the contest long distance runner!>, hit the that threatened to turn the ber Chns Flynn untl1 next year for next year in wall road race IOta an obstacle Accordmg to Steve BaSile, ThiS year's versIOn of the course, Rotary sponsors tned another Rotanan, organizers "We were better served to set It up for next year In the Farms the Farms where popular Gros~e Pomte Run unsuccebsfully to carve out an looked at startmg the race In where we've done 1t for years," sponsored by the Grosse Pomte alternative caUl se Incorporat- the Village shoppmg distrICt we've done it for Sunnse Rotary has been can- mg Wmdmlll Pomte Dnve m and runmng mto the Farms said Flynn BaSile saId, "We are celed due to Stl eet construc- the Park "Both locatIOns have con- years." extremely dlsappomted to be tIOn As III the Farms, the effOlt ~tructJon projects eIther run- Chris Flynn The event normally kicked gave way to loglstlcal prob- nmg or !>cheduled starts for forced to make thiS dec1slOn " Sunrise Rotarian Sidewalk Library survey WEEK AHEAD sale Friday, Friday, July 28 Saturday shows need The Grosse Pomte Village in Village AsSOCIatIon holds its 23rd By Jim Stlcldord for expansion annual Sidewalk Sale, begm- Staff Writer mng at 5 30 p m From 6 30 By Bonnie Caprara that they'd hke to see faclhtIes The Village shoppmg dlS- to 8 30 pm, the Balduck Staff Writer and c.ollectlOns expandeu at the tnct 10 the City of Grosse Mountain Ramblers w111per- The advent of the Internet hbranes Pomte IS geanng up for ItS form at the corner of and mega bookstores and a "I notIced that people saId annual summer SIdewalk Kercheval and CadIeux need for more room and park- they dIdn't use the hbranes sale lng have forced the Grosse because of the Internet espe- The event starts on Fnday, Pomte Pubhc L1brary to adapt clally, ~ said hbrary director A ServIces for Older July 28, from 5 30 to 9 30 p m to changmg t1mes, but how? Vlckey Bloom "A lot of them CItIzens-sponsored dIsc Jock. The sale starts up again on The hbrary asked, aild reSl- saId they didn't use the ey wdl play tunes at the cor. Saturday at 9 30 a m and dents responded hbranes but dId support ner of Kercheval and St. ends at 5 30 P m In m1d-Apnl the hbrary sent them" Clair between 6 and 930 Village ASSOCiatIOn preS1- a survey to every res1dent In Respondents rated the adult p.m dent MIchael Kramer saId the library dlstr1ct askmg book collectIOn, story times and that m addItIon to the bar- them to rate 47 current ser- qUIet study areas !>s the gams that can be found, those The sale picks up agam on vices or semces they would hbranes top eXlstmg semces attendIng the event can enJoy Saturday at 9 30 a m and like to see In theIr hbranes on or servIces they wanted ends at 5 30 p m For more the musIc of the Balduck a scale from 1 to 5 WIth 1 bemg "I'm not surpnsed to see mformatlon, call (313) 886- Mountam Ramblers at the the hIghest rated or most books on top, but qUIet study 7474 corner of Kercheval and St requested and 5 bemg the low- areas are somethmg we don't Clair est rated and least requested have," saId Bloom There Wlll also be a dIsc While the Internet and book- Some of the most frequent Jockey playmg musIc from 6 to stores hke Borders and Barnes comments dealt With the 9 p m Fnday, Kramer said and Noble were the mam rea- expansIOn of the hbranes at Tuesday, Aug. 1 "ThIS 1S the first year that sons many respondents said one or more branches we've been able to have they dId not frequent the three Jacobson's mvolved," Kramer branch hbranes, many dId say See LIBRARY, page 2A Grosse Pomte Memonal saId "We're very eXCIted Church 16 Lakeshore m about that Serv1ces for Older Grosse Pomte Farms, hosts a CItIzens WIll be selling food to free outdoor concert by raIse money for theIr pro- Jimmy and Kevin BeDllett of GI'OfJ8ePointe Woods Top 10 library features Canllon students and volun- grams. Buster W111y's Wlll be certainly enjoyed coming out for last year's Vlllage teers The show starts at sidewalk sale. This year's sale promises to be Just as 1. Books for adults 1.36 sellmg food as well as an out- 2. Story time 1.94 7 15 p m and after 1t 15 com- s1de vendor provldmg food e%c:ittng. pleted, patrons may chmb semce" The sale starts on Friday at 5:30 p.m. and continues 3. Quiet study areas 1.95 the church tower and Vlew The sale, saId Kramer, on saturday. The Balduck Mountain Ramblers will per- 4. Additional parking 2.06 the 47-be11 canllon serves two purposes It allows form Friday Digbt and the Grosse Pointe Animal Adop- 5. Books for children 2.07 tion Society and the Michigan Humane Society wW be stores, especially clothmg 6. Soft seating area for reading 2,19 For a small fee, at 6 15 there as well to promote pet adoptions, stores, to clear theIr shelves 7.Adult programs 2,24 pm, a plcmc supper IS pro- of spnng and summer mer- Vlded For more mformatlon, chandise to make room for fall fit, Kramer s81d a tradItion I've been m the 8. Children's programs 2,26 call (313) 882-5330 and wmter merchandIse "ThiS has evolved mto qUIte VIllage for 18 years and the 9. Internet training 2.33 Consumers enjoy excellent a commumty event," said sale goes back farther than 10.Computer study area 2.39 shoppmg at bargam pnces Kramer "People get to see thiS We encourage everyone and store owners get the room acquamtances at the sale that to come out and VlSlt You they need for fall and wmter they m1ght not see any other never know what you m1ght Thursday, Aug. 3 But there IS a second bene- trme of the year ThiS IS qUIte find" 10 lowest ranked features 38.Compact discs 3.19 RICk K and Brazil perform 39. Meeting rooms" 3.26 at the weekly MUSIC on the 3.34 Plaza concert sponsored by 40. Tools Bon Secours-Cottage Health 41.Audio cassettes, music 3.36 ServIces 42. Coffee/snack area" 3.44 43. Used book sale room" 3.48 The show starts at 7 p m 44. Used book sale cart 3.54 at the corner of St Clair and 45. Large print books 3.60 Kercheval and IS free 46. Friends gift shop" 3,92 47. Art prints to borrow 4,45 For more mformatlon, call (313) 886-7474 Respondents were asked to rate eXisting or proposed serv~ces on a scale from 1. 5 Items marked With an asterisk (*) are features and services not curren/l) offend at the hbrarle~ Opmwn .. ..6A Sentors . 8A Autos . 9A Schools lOA Obltuarzes 13A Busmess 16A Entertamment 6B Sports .lC Classl{ied ads ... 3C 2A July 27,2000 News Grosse Pointe News 50 years ago this week ~esterda~'s headlines 50 years ago this week - WIth the opemng thIs DetroIt across from the old • Fallout from a labor stnke week of eight new tennIS courts Sears bUlldmg at Mack and at a chlOrine company means at Lakefront Park m the Moross WIll have to walt officials might have to close the Woods, work WIll shIft to the The proJect, whIch would sWImming pool at Lakefront new sWImming pool and bath- have eaten up 200 homes In Park In Gros!>€ Pomte Woods house the DetrOIt neIghborhood, has WIth chlOrine m short supply been put on permanent hold due to I atlOmng (water treat- 10 years ago this week after the developer faced tough ment plants have priorIty), • Grosse POinte CIty officIals questIOns from members of the park officials may not have are consldenng an ordmance to DetrOIt cIty council I enough of the chemIcal to pun- I t I I I "We don't want deve opers to Iml po Itlca SIgns on awns run roughshod over stable fy pool water In the meantime, Although no abuses concern- neighborhoods in the CltV.~said Clt) \' ()rk('r~ 'lrn mstal!ln.g:l lng p0htl.::al "!gU:> lunl:' Ot:tlll new dlvmg platform at the ted be f h long-tIme DetrOIt councIlman repor ,a mem rot e city Mel RaVItz park councIl wants to prevent abus- h 1 • Cottage HospItal has • The Grosse Pomte sc 00 b h f es, not prevent free speec h board IS consldenng a pohcy to begun dlschargmg a atc 0 • A petitIOn dnve to stop allow the use of Breathalyzers premature babIes constructIOn of a proposed drug f La!>t month the hospItal store on Mack In the Woods has to catch students suspected 0 nursery hosted five premature all but died The Woods cIty drlnkmg or being drunk on babIes The first to be dls- attorney saId the store has met school grounds Younger generation helps produce future beauty charged went home thIS week mUnICIpal zoning requne- • Grosse POinte Park may Of the two who remam under ments have had Its fill of banners The children oC the Vacation Bible School DC the Grosse Pointe Congregational doctor's care, one weighs three "The cIty has no legal nght strung across Jefferson Church chose as their community project the purchase and planting oC three flow- ounds, the other a hefty 4 to t t t ~ h d Avenue P s op cons ruc Ion.
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