AGENDA ITEM No..-......a, ..... North Lanarkshire Council Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Transportation Committee Committee Date : 28'h June 2012 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 1 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 28th June 2012 Page Application Applicant DevelopmentBite Recommendation No No 4 11/01 184/PPP Mr Robert Proposed Residential Grant Binns Development of 14 Detached Dwellings and six Flatted Dwellings Land To The East Of Stirling Road Luggiebank Cumbernauld 15 11/01227/FUL Advance Removal of 7000 Tons of Request Site Visit Construction Tipped Material and Ltd Remediation of Affected Area, Forming Access TracWRoad to Site Land To North West Of Branchal Cottages Branchal Road Cam busnethan Wishaw 24 12/00102/FUL Mr William Formation of Cluster Request Site Visit and Chambers Residential Development, Hearing Comprising of 3 New Build Dwellings, 3 New Build Single Garages & Conversion of Existing Barn. 2 Allanton Holdings Mill Road Allanton 38 12/00159/AMD Bellway Proposed Demolition of Grant Homes & Existing Off ice Building Taylor Wimpey and Construction of Residential Development Comprising 24 Flats and 38 Dwellinghouses (Amendment to Existing Consent) Site Of Former Boots Factory Motherwell Street Ai rd rie 2 48 12/00284/FUL Harthill Wind Erection of 2 No. Wind Grant Limited Turbines (74.5m to Hub and 125m to Tip) Including Ancillary Transformers, Crane Hardstandings, New and Upgraded Access Tracks, Two Substations, Control Buildings and Underground Cabling and 1 no. 75 m Meteorological Mast NETHERTON FARM Westcraigs Road Harthill Shotts 78 12/00453/FUL lnchwood Erection of Dwellinghouse Grant Properties Ltd and Stables Site To East Of lnchwood Mews Kilsyth Road Queenzieburn 87 12/00501/FUL Cumbernauld Change of Use From Grant South Credit Community Centre to Union Financial Services (Credit Union) Community Centre 1 Lomond Drive Condorrat Cumbernauld Glasgow (P) 11/00993/PPP - If minded to grant, s75 required for financial contribution (Education) (P) 11/01 184/PPP - if minded to grant, legal agreements required covering a) transfer of land to Scottish Wildlife Trust with associated management plan and commuted sum, b) affordable housing and c) financial contribution (Education) 3 Application No: Proposed Development: 11/01184/PPP Proposed Residential Development of 14 Detached Dwellings and six Flatted Dwellings Site Address: Land To The East Of Stirling Road Luggiebank Cumbernauld North Lanarkshire Date Registered: 21 st November 201 1 Applicant: Agent: Mr Robert Binns N/A Luggiebank IIP Keepers Longfords Minchinhampton Stroud GL6 9AN Application Level: Contrary to Development Plan: Local Application Yes Ward: Representations: 004 Abronhill, Kildrum and the Village 6 letters of representation received. Elizabeth Irvine, Tom Johnston, Stephen Grant Recommendation: Refuse Reasoned Justification: The proposed development is contrary to policies HG1 and EN26 of the Cumbernauld Local Plan and policies DSP 1, DSP 2 and NBE 3A and NBE 1 A of the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan in that the proposed development will lead to the loss of an important area of open space/Green Belt which is of nature conservation value. If granted, the proposal would set an undesirable precedent for other similar inappropriate development. 4 11/01 ReprWced by permission PLANNING APPLICATION 184/PPP Produced by of the Ordnance Survey on Planning and Development behalfof HMSO @Crown Proposed Residential Development of 14 CWYnghtad eatabase Detached Dwellings and six Flatted Dwellings 2009 All rights reserved Orcfiance Survey Llce~enum~1~~Land To The East Of Stirling Road, Luggiebank Cum bemauld G67 1JW * Representations 5 Recommendation: Refuse for the Following Reasons:- 1. The proposal is contrary to policy EN 26 of the Cumbernauld Local Plan as it is considered that the proposal will not enhance existing levels of nature conservation and landscape protection on the site. Furthermore, the proposed development will have significant impact on the character and amenity of Luggiebank and to a key approach to the town of Cumbernauld. 2. The proposal is contrary to policy HG 1 of the Cumbernauld Local Plan as the site is not an appropriate infill site as is not within the built up area or an area identified for residential development in the local plan. 3. The proposal is contrary to development strategy policies DSP 1 and 2 of the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan as it would involve the provision of more than 10 units on Greenfield land without justification in terms of housing supply/demand and would not meet the criteria as set out in policy DSP 28, namely, maintaining the clearly defined urban and rural boundaries in the context of the Green Belt. Insufficient justification has been provided to argue that the site would be suitable for housing taking into account the above assessment factors. 4. The proposal is contrary to policy NBE 3A (Green Belt) of the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan and constitutes inappropriate development in the Green Belt which would significantly alter the character and amenity of the Green Belt and the existing settlement of Luggiebank, furthermore, no justification has been provided in terms of the required criteria for development within the Green Belt. 5. The proposal is contrary to policy NBEI A (Protecting the Natural and Built Environment) the Finalised Draft North Lanarkshire Local Plan as the proposal will result in a reduction in the existing levels of nature conservation value and landscape protection. 6. If approved, the proposal would set an undesirable precedent for other similar unacceptable and inappropriate development proposals within an area of identified open space and the Green Belt. 6 Backaround Papers: Supporting Statement submitted as part of the Planning Application. Flood Risk Assessment prepared by Kaya Consulting Ltd. Phase 1 Habitat Survey prepared by DoctorhAlisonC Hannah dated 2012. Phase 1 Site Investigation Report dated 15 May 201 2. Map showing extent of proposed land transfer to Scottish Wildlife Trust. Proposed Site Plan (For Illustrative Purposes) numbered 1816:Ol and dated 27'h April 2012. Representation Letters Letter from Mrs lrene Jenkins, 658 Stirling Road, Luggiebank, Cumbernauld received 11th December 201 1. Letter from Mr David Morrow, 656 Stirling Road, Luggiebank, Cumbernauld received 12th December 201 1. Letter from Mr James Gardner, 652 Stirling Road, Luggiebank, Cumbernauld received 10th December 201 1. Letter from R Gallacher, 654 Stirling Road, Cumbernauld, Glasgow received 13th December 201 1. Letter from Mr John Wilson, 650 Stirling Road, Luggiebank, Cumbernauld received 29th November 201 1. Letter from Mr Sorooshian, Tower House, Luggiebank, G67 4AB dated 6'h December 201 1. Consultation Responses: Traffic & Transportation dated 2gthNovember 201 1 , 1 lthJanuary 2012. 1dh May 201 2 and dhJune 201 2. NLC Head of Community Services dated gthDecember 201 1. The Coal Authority dated 23rdNovember 201 1. Scottish Water dated 6'h December 201 1. NLC Greenspace dated 22ndDecember 201 1 , 2dhand 30th May 2012. Scottish Natural Heritage dated gthDecember 201 1. Scottish Power Energy Networks dated 7'h December 201 2. Scottish Environment Protection Agency dated 25'h April 201 2. Geotechnical Team Leader dated 18'h April 201 2. NLC Education dated 31" May 2012. Contact Information: Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr Paul Williams at 01236 63251 9 Report Date: 1 lthJune 201 2 Note to Committee : If granted, the Decision Notice should not be issued until legal agreements required in connection with nature conservation, affordable housing and developer contributions (Education) have been completed and further protected species and nature conservation studies have been completed. 7 APPLICATION NO. 11/01 184/PPP REPORT 1. Site Description 1 .1 The site lies to the east of Luggiebank village on the site of a former clay quarry. It is bounded the north by the gardens of dwellings and to the west by the rear gardens of bungalows and cottages on the eastern side of Stirling Road and to the west by an area which bounds a tributary of the Luggie water and some spoil heaps which date back to the previous uses of the site. The site is bounded to the south by Glenhove Road. The development site has an area of approximately 1.8 Hectares. 1.2 The site is relatively flat, with the exception of the spoil heaps on its eastern side. Although having a former clay pit use, the site has a green leafy rural character. There are mature trees and shrubs within site as well as along boundaries. The existing vehicular access on Glenhove Road has a locked gate. The site is covered by grass in central area and is relatively flat with water course running (a tributary of the Luggie Water) running along eastern boundary. The site dips down into a gully on the eastern side which accommodates this burn. The site is covered by woodland to the north and also at its southern end. 2. ProDosed Development 2.1 The applicant seeks Planning Permission in Principle for a residential development of 14 two storey houses and one two storey block of 6 affordable starter flats, and has provided a proposed layout illustrating this. The applicant proposes to use the existing access albeit upgraded for access into the proposed development. The proposed house plots are relatively generous in area and similar in size and proportion to other existing plots within the village. The proposed block of flats is situated to the east of the vehicular access. 2.2 As the eastern half of the site forms part of a larger site designated as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC), the applicant has agreed in consultation with the Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT), to gift SWT a pocket of land to the east of the site to form part of a managed ’Green Corridor’ as well as a commuted sum of f28,000to go towards its management.
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