TUESDAY, MARCH 11, IM i V iUmtclrrBter i^i^raUt iDMbrNMPkms! Tlia Mw. K«HMlh StMM, aa- The muaic comnvUbee of Trln- About SO atudenta of Mrs. Kar­ ' ■ocO«r>a pM tor Oanter Ooncre- Ky Covenant Church will meet en W. P e a il and Mrs. LoUbi Donations Made The WeaUter ffm Town ot SAVE STAMPS! SAVE MONEY! M enlifi. 1669 |Mtkw^ Camirah, will dioeuas tomorrow at 1 p.m. at the home Roolas^ei at ttts Wemer Plano, lUPtllt Oburdi Ftor, wtadly ead i "M chote and Aiwcandra” at a of Mrs. Patterson Chaffin, 104 Organ and Vocal Studio will By lions did) eoM OiHwgli Tiranifiy. Leer io- <«*dl mMft to­ Book Samtaar temowruw at 10 Pine Knot) Dr., Wappliig. give the fin t in a oertoB at mid- SIGN UP NOW! rn TavIhBvm- Harold Parks, president of the 1 5 ,4 7 6 night In teoM . High trauonrow ajn. at tlia otauMh. Tfie event season rscitals Sunday at 8 Manchester Lions Club, pre­ in Me. ia open to the public. The Greater Hartford Branch pjm. In the chapel at South Unit­ sented checks recently to the 8imneheUer—^4 CUy o f Filh if* Charm ed Methodtot Chuich. The event For Boland Oil W nRy Covenant Church Di- of Transatlantic Bridea and Luts Junior Museum, the Man- The Adult Study Claaa of Parents Aasodation will meet is open to parents, (rtends end VOL. LXXXVm , NO. 187 (THIRTT-SIX PAOBS—fW O BtCTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WffMMhDiiT, MARCH 11, I f f ! UMMU and C talitlan aduasatlon ch ester Scholarship Founda­ ComiNiBy’t Adfwltotog a m 'rm f iS ) PRICE TEN CENTM South United Methodiat Church tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at the aU those interasted. Sba. Pearl tion, and the Manchester Fine b M l wW meat toniclit a t T;S0 wUt meet tomorrow at 9 :S0 a.m. Veterans Memorial dubhouBe, and Mrs. Wemer are members Art Association. The gilts re­ at Ska ctaonh. in Sunmnah Weeleiy Hall ot the of the Connecticut State Mualr Sunset Rl<^e Dr., Ekiat Hart- presented money raised by the church. The Rev. Ceri Sanders Teachera Aesoctatton. AUTOMATIC Am y Spec. 4. Donald S. Ho- .ford. After a short program, Uona Club in their anmial Fine wSl toad a dtocuoalan of ''De- there will be an auction. Arts Show held in October. VC Attacks News Conference Friday Fr.'19[^urgit fieads — no. aon at Itr. and Mis. Paid ctolona In ChantgliM Ttm ea." Konnoa at SO WeMa S t, la aerv- First Church of Chrfat, Scien­ Checks for $600 each were ac­ DELIVERY QtU Rif^tfi tJiiit tB|f os s oonumiiSaatians center Martha Circle of Emanuel Lu­ tist will have tts Wednesday ' cepted by Mrs. Eleanor Gowan, WASHINGTON (A P) ^ — llBt wtUi the Am erican Dl- Community Baptist Church theran Church win meet Th'ura- E>venln(g Testimony irveetlng to­ president of the schotanhlp OH Sharply^ OET Nixon Again Delays — PrasUlent Nixon today v M s tS ISSIh L lcbt UnSantry will have its quarterly buelnees dajf at 2 p.m. at the church. morrow at 8 p.m. at the church, Foundation; and Dr: Paul Nor­ New Splashdown Site 447 N. M ato St. named the Rev. Theodwe BMgada near Oba liat, Vtohiam. meeting tonrorrow at 7:80 p.m. Mrs. Hedwlg Elam wiO lead de­ man, president of the Lutz to Fekcwahlp Hall of the votions. Hosteeses are Mrs. Martin HSSburgfa, praoldent board. Pause Seen church. Henry Anderson, Mrs. Gustave of the Uhlversity of Notre Center Cengiagatioesl Church There wrlll be a midweek In accepting a $175 check, Gull and Mrs. Elvira Anderson. prayer servioe tomorrow at SAIGON (AP) — The I^et On ABM Decision Dame, chairman of the U.8. ways end means committee wlU Mrs. Terry Ronaon, treasurer of Commisaion on Civil Righta. The CbnfIrTnatlon dans of 7 :80 p.m . at Calvary Church. nocket and mortar at- meet tonlcht at 7:80 at the the fine att grouii, said the WASHmaTOIf (AP) — Presi­ late tonight from South Vlehiam, Father Hesburgh, 31, has church. North United Methodtot Church Hillstown Grange will sponeor tacka dropped off ataarply today, mcney would become part of a 1500 dent Nixon will dtocuaa the anti- oouM prepare a report on Ms tn- been a member of the com- wtll meet tomorrow at S:1S p.m. a Monte Carlo whist game to­ but American offleert —M it balltotic missile oontroversy The property cnmmittea of- 4-H Camp Aide scholarship package awarded . A WHOLE BOOK FULL epeetton tour of the war sons tor mission since March 1966. Jls at' the church. night at 8 at the Grange Hall, Center Congregational Church might be only a paiuw in the en- with Republican and Democrat­ in Bahamas The Hockanum' Dog Cklb, through the Manchester Scholar­ Stamps Issued after paymrat for first delivery. the oounofl. replaees Michigan gtata Unl- 617 Hills St., Elast Hartford. emy’B 18-day-old apring offen- ic leaders of Congress Friday, Mk ., w n meet tomorrow at 8 will meet tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. Norman Allard of Danielson ship Foundaticn. alva. Ziegler said Vietnam Would be veMty Praetdent John A. High and low prizes will be at the church. The Senior Choir has been named Tolland-Wkid- DOUBLE STAMPS than hold a televtelon-radio p-m. liT the B ut Room, of W<4>- The Daughters of Itie Ameri­ U.S. aourcea pointed out "otw ot the key toptos of Intor- Hannah. plBg OomsnunMy Oburdi. Sal can RevolutiDn, Ortord Parish, awarded. Refreahments will be win have n social at 9 p.m. at ham County 4-H Camp director If delivery to paid for In full within 10 days for amount news conference the same day. eat” a t the, NBC meeting. served. The event is open to the churdi. for the 1969 campaign season. o f bUl. the Communtot command ■nw the $th4te Houae, amouncing A native of Syracuse, N.T., VanMHo, a prof tael onsl hand- will meet Thursday at 7:80 p.m. When you thbik of The Mparttoan congrenslanal the pitbUc. Allard teaches science at haa thouaands of troop* (t hqa thto today, would not aay flatly Father Hemniigb hoe been With Change, tor, wW demonatrate anddto- at the home of Mia. Pierre J. not committed to the offenaive M O era will meet with Nixon on president of Notre Dame Midweek services will be con­ KiUlngly High School and to T Y p e w R n a s REGULAR STAMPS that Nixon would be ready by CUH the handkng of doga for the Mtarteney, 218 Hackmaitajck St. if delivery to paid for by tbe 10th of following mogtli. yet. They eald a new wave of at- tbs ABM at 8:80 a.m. EST Fri­ sines ll8g. abdw itog. He will use a St. DTh and Mrs. WlUlam Stover of The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ekhvayd ducted tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. coach of varsity athletics. Mrs. Friday to dtorlose hto declrtoo day. Allard will serve as camp TMnk of YIAUE taetto could come any day and on whether to de{doy the hotly Apollo Skips Beriwnd to his demonstration. West Hartford will speak on J. Reardon of St. James’ Chtueh at the Church of Christ, Lydall TYPHWMTKB SBHVaCB The president spent much of secretary emd treasurer. New Low Priee tluit the reat of tUa week to a debated Sentinel ontiballtotic Theta will be a quaoUcn and an- “Life on an American Indian wm speak to a Joint meeting of and Vernon Sts. The adult group •49-48M 2 4 -H O U R critical period. (hto morning dtoousring the aiaer period. The event to open Reservation.” Hostesses are the Oolumbiettes, Ladies of win begin a study in the life of Camp will be held at thb 4-H 42 8. Adams St., Mancbester mtoafle Shield. same silhleat with security od- Jesus. Allied epokeamen report^ 20 All that preas eecreary Ron- Stormy Seas to all thorn irrtereated. Mrs. George Thurber, Mra. Ocdumbus, Daughters, of Isa­ Outdoor center In AUngton. SERVICE rocket and mortar attaoka m al­ vtoer Henry A. Kisringer and 1 7 * * G O oii aM L. Zlegtor ■would aay was Daniel FTlnt EH, Miss Margaret bella, and the Knights of Colum­ There will be eight one-week lied baees and towna during the other staff aides. $ $ Sought SPACE CENTER, HoiMton Call Anytime 200 OaK or More that Nixon still expects to an- Atty. hTWam M. BronetB, of Ktomglebel, Mkw. Richard bus, Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Lt. Col. George P. Lutirtsema, periods beginning June 22 and night, oompared to about 60 the The President will meet with (AP) — Although eager to come mxinoe a deoialon (hto week. MAnchenter has been admitted Niese, Mrs. James Puia and KofC Home. Msgr. Reardon will son of Mra. Hazel G. Luurtsema flntohing Aug. 16. Each period night before. U.S. headquartera Laird Thursday. home, the Apollo 9 astitxiauts Obvioualy, the ABM controv- to practloa before the Federal Mrs. ETeston Sage. discuss aid to parochial educa­ of 108F Bluefletd Dr., is serv­ will begip on Sunday afternoon eald caaualtiea were llgti^ Ziegler was aMted why Nfaoon today enthusiastically approved eray will figure prominently in T o Battle Court llor the Second Dtotrict. tion and the problems facing the ing a s a na'vigBtor with the 89th and close Friday night. Five more ground fighta Tuea- had delayed amounoement of staying in apace an extra orbit Hs wan ana at 10 attorneys ad­ Emanuel Lutheran Church ■parochial system today, and the Military Alrtlft Wing at An­ BOLAND OIL COMPANY day were reported, reaulttng in the newe conference, to Ire held an ABM deototon, which the Thursday to escape a rough mitted at ceremonies over evangelism committee wlll purpose and duties of the or- drews AFB, Md., which recent­ A LesAen Vespess Servioe will ESTABLISHED 1936 the deaths of 126 Viet Cong and at noott E8T Friday to the East President origfaisRy bad pntn- landing in storm-lariiad aess wMoh Judge J.
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