?lPet. C.lI . •120 .596 1% .$21 G .510 ~% .5 10 _% ail Iowan .500 6 .{."O 8% S(1TV'ing the Ulliversity of Iowa and the People of Iowa Citu .451 81', .412 101', .40'1 11 1U --cenlS------ a copy ---------------------Anoclaled Press Leased Wlr~ and WII'ellh010 Iowa City, 10w_Tuellday, JUDe 13. 1967 II reSults} f ~d 0, first ~ rs 5-3) at Bo .. or Pele" lIOn ~3.0) . .• f'h'7f~~ .t Kanll$ Israelis· To Go It Alone ~ California, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS about their business normally after mas­ Baghdad, Iraq Amman, and Jordan Beir­ bustling with people shoppIng . For the first Prime Minister Levi Eshkol of Israel sive demonstrations over the weekend ut - had broadcast martial music, war time since before the figbting, soldiers warned the world Monday his nation alone belped persuade Nasser Lo reconsider his communiques and news bulletins. back from the front strolled through the will decide what fl'uhs it will keep in the resignation. shaded bazaars on brief leave. In Am­ s Blackout restrictions were eased for the In Damascus the radio eased off, but man, capital of Jordan, King Hussein 3p­ victOry over the Arabs in last week's six­ did not stop completely its virulent at· day war. first time in 10 days. Cairo radio said it pealed for calm. The streets were crowd­ would return to normal programs today. tacks on the West. Instead it praised the ed. Refugees from the israeli-occupied ns 1hus he served notice to the Soviet Un· Since the Mideast crisis began, Cairo army for its role in fighting [ rael. west bank of the River Jordan were con­ ion lha. stl'aLe&ic gains won at the cost radio - and stations in Damascus, Syria, The Syrian capital of Damascus was spicuous. pt in thre~ 01 Israeli blood and treasure will not be of them yielded at Lhe conlel'ence taoie. The Hus· slans have been demanding Israel's army re.uln to lhe lines it occupied before the three-lime ou,break of war. a 6-5 vic. "We alOne are emhled to determine the Clemson, ,"'lire 01 .oe VlLal In.,,res,s o. our COUD­ omen by II, ~ •• u now our lO~ereH' mu~, De secur­ Tampa Riots Spread; his third t.u, ".'I~O, .old .t'aruament in Jerusa- off series. 0:111. r - for lh'~ •.U!, lue Imel na.lOnai communily be in­ (orm~Q Lilal LOt! Shua,lon wrucn exJSLed on Colle"e unlll now Shall not Oe allowed to return. e openin ~ 'Ioe IIOI.·Uers 01 Israel are no longer a no Guard Brou·ght· In meet Ohio man's lana open 10 murUer and saoOtalle trom without. " Israel's aims were not spelled out fur­ TAMPA, Fla. (Nt - Rioters moved out When tbe guardsmen took over posts Crom the usual 150, patroled the street.. The riot ther, OUt it seemed sale to assume it will from the heavily guarded central Negro police, hundreds of Negroes poured into shattered hopes for a summer of "quiet De unW1Ull1g to &ive up these pomls: district Monday night, setting fire to bomes the deserted streets from their houses. negotiations" for Negro betterment In in Spanish sections, stoning police and But a double line of police, elbows linked, Florida. I t;ommand of the Gulf of Aqana, from N.. ,.... Angered which .l!.gypt barred Israeli shipping in an threatening to burn down the clty bus moved through ordering the Negroes to get barns. off the streets. Angered by a report that a Negro youth edJc~ that helped bring on the contliet. At fleei ng the scene of a bu rglary was shot the head of the gull lies Israel', oil-im­ And three miles away at Lake and 22nd Pollet Cars Stoned A FLORIDA NATIONAL Gu.rdsman ...m. to be happy with his wo,k •• h' pr.c:lleu Street, 400 Negroes smashed windows, in the back by a white palrolman, the mob porting port of EJa th. During the day Monday police cars were riot eontrol techniqu .. at the Guard Armory in Tampa. Th. Gua ..d wa. acllva : ~ throwing rocks at shotgun-toting polIce stoned and snipers fired at passing taxis. attacked and beat terrified whites, 0- I Strategic heights over the Sea of Gal­ Monday to man pori. Dn the .Ium .,.... h.~ N.. roes riD led. - AP Wlr.pho'D rushed to the area in paddy wagolll. [t was the second night of rioting which changed shots with pollce, and sacked and ilee, from wtticn Syrian guns have ahelled burned a block of white-owned .tores in a already had sent at least 15 perlOns to Israeli settlements almost from tbe day National Guardsmen, under order of Negro ghetto. Gov. Claude Kirk who was in the riot zone, hospitals. A deputy sheriCf suffered a fatal In the middle of a hot, muggy night, cloUi I Or the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 ended. held their tight bayonet·piked cordon on heart attack Sunday night during a gun ~ or unfur. Negro leaders' hopes of a peaceful summer I location. • The west bank of the River Jordan the central Negro district where a full battle with rioters. 01 civil rights gains exploded when Martin North Viet Air Force . : f.%lAR and the Old City of Jerusalem, lacred to hlock of stores was burned during Sunday One Negro in the riot 10:- ~ was wounded Chambers, 19, was shot and killed as he tile Jewish religion. night's rioting. by gunfire, ran from patrolman James R. Calvert. • Possibly the Gata Strip, from which "They're burning houses," radioed I ~ Arab commandoes staged terror raids into policeman from the Ybor City section, Police and sheriff's deputies had eUec­ Calvert said C)- ~ ~-')era and two other ti vely ended midnight riots Monday after youths had broken into a store and he fired Hit Hard, Still Strong Israel. Egypt had been administering the where many Cuban families live. about six hours of shoot 'lg, looting and only as "a last relOrt." Negro leaders dld Itrip. Another officer radioed from lOutheast SAIGON (Nt - The number o[ enemy nown over North Vietnam Sunday ere As Eshkbl spoke, his .government was arson. not question that the shooting was in the Tampa that a crowd of more than 100 More than 350 city police, instead of line of duty. MIGs d troyed or damaged by American two raid on the Uong Bi power plant 14 lurning to the problem of handling the 1.5 youths were moving on tbe Tampa Tr8lllit pilots stood al about 115 Monday - aa mil northea t of Haiphong. million or more Arabs they swept up in Company bus barns. many combat planes a5 North Vietnam Cmdr . Jack Monger, .1, Brawley, CaUL, their swift conquests in Egypt, Syria and "All the reserves we had were sent to had when the air war over the North an air wing commander on th carrieL' Jordan. Lake and 22nd," the police dispatcher started in February, 1965. Bon Homme RiChard, led the first attack, Food, Medlelne Sent radioed wearily. "We 'have 400 people mob­ Welfare Budget Voted; Reports from military spokesmen added He said bombs ripped throu~h the roof of able The U.N. Relief and Works Agency for bed there and it's uncontrollable. We bave up to T1 MIGs downed in aerial batlles the plant d. nrlbed as North Vietnam'sl Palestine Refugees announced in ' Beirut, no one to send." and 9 more probably downed. Unofficial largest in terms of eleclfl capacity ani. l£banon, that tood and medicine are be­ Gov.rnor In Ar.a reports of MIGa hit on the ground total " li terally blew It apart .. Ing sent to Arabs in the Gau Strip and 011 Gov. Kirk was in the original riot area about 30 destroyed or damaged, Railroad Attach.d the wesl bank of the River Jordan. Night 'Session Planned· supervising the troops he mobilized. But But U.S. officers say North Vietnam 's U.S. f1icr also reported hitting Ut r. i - The agency called for governments, vol· air Corce is nearly as big as it was 28 SheriIl Malcolm Beard was assigned by DES MOINES (Nt - The Iowa House spending authorization at $750,000 a year, road cars on Une between lIanoi and ~ed d untary agencies and private donors to Kirk to call the shots for police and troop., voted '29,895,000 a year Monday to the leaving only $250,000 for other child wel­ months ago because.the SOviet Union ha. China. ' send money or medical supplies to help About 100 guardsmen cordoned off the State Department of Social Wellare to run fare programs and for administration. been supplying replacements to keep It Ground action in South Vietnam coo- ', Aptt, the refugees. The agency said antibiotics, the ten-by·six blocks central Negro diI­ its programs of public assistance (or the Mrs. Lipsky and Mrl:. Doderer tried to at about 100 combat planes. linued at a lull. dreuings, tents, blankets and vehicles trict, keeping out everyone but law offi­ next biennium. get reconsideration of the over-all child The .S. Air Force said the Kep air base B52 bombers resum d raids over Quanq nhouse were urgently needed. cers. Other guardsmen 'n jeeps mounted The appropriation was an increase of $5 .1i welfare appropriation to restore $270,000 area northea t of Hanoi wa raided Sat· Tri Province after a month's interruption urday and Sunday for the eighth lime sin e The agency resumed relief for about with machine guns cruised the area •. million above Its present appropriation, but cut out by the committee, 80 that the total reportedly due to North Vietnamese sur­ e( April 24.
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