Library.Anarhija.Net Essays from Species Traitor Kevin Tucker Kevin Tucker Essays from Species Traitor Retrieved on February 20th, 2009 from www.insurgentdesire.org.uk lib.anarhija.net Contents Towards Autonomy 4 Case Studies on the Dualistic Nature of the Totality: Tech- nology. The Allegory of the Accident. 6 Against Cities 14 Pacifism as a Deterrent to Peace 22 The Witch and the Wildness 24 Discontents in the State of Inequality: Noble Dependents 35 Sticks, Stones and Nursery Homes 43 The Reproduction of Production: Class, Modernity and Identity 54 Collapse 63 The Message and the Messenger: FC, Ted Kaczynski, and the Resisting the Technological System 82 The Significance of FC .................... 84 The Significance of Ted Kaczynski . 88 Artifacts and Anarchy: the Implications of Pre-History 98 An Interview with Anarcho-Primitivist Archaeologist, Theresa Kintz ..................... 98 2 Closing comments. 124 Anarchy and Anthopology 126 Outsiders Looking In and Away . 126 Creating Reality . 128 Cataloguing Conquest . 130 Revolutionary Potential . 132 And the Spectacle Goes On 134 Theses on the Fall of Civilization or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace the Coming Collapse 140 What is the Totality? 145 It’s Time to Disorganize! 148 3 the two-faced realities of those disposing of empty rhetoric. It has not and will not get us anywhere. If we do truly desire an end to the civilized social order, we can only do so by enacting insurgence and revolt by means that keep no aspect of the current social order, or push for a system that mirrors Towards Autonomy this. The only hope we have is for spontaneous acts of revolt to come from the passions and rage of individuals. No top down orders Our culture suffers from an extreme personality disorder. It or ‘plans for action’ can wake the insurgent drowned out by the seems that it is wearing so much armor, that it forgets it’s even totality of civilized thought. connected to its’ body. The face is so preoccupied with make up The only true and successful revolution will not be brought about that it forgets to look down. by predetermined games of give, give, borrow, silent marches and We’re built ourselves up so high that we forget that we need our banners, and especially new hierarchies. It will come from the foundations to stay afloat. We just say, “Here we are, now let’s deal hearts of those who bear the blows of civilization (which is all of us, with it.” Nowhere else can this be clearer than in our ‘race for the including non-humans). Those whose dreams are shattered, those cure’ approach to life. who will never life autonomously, unrestrained from the totality of It surrounds us. It is BP selling stuffed ‘endangered animals’ toys the civilized concrete cages we are born into. Those who have been with fill ups. IT is Phillip Morris out to find the cure for cancer. shut off at birth from their birthright to flourish as individuals and It is Weyerhauser protecting the wilderness, and Police protecting a community, and from the community of Nature that would offer urban youth from violence. It is Monsanto feeding the staring ‘third them more love than we can conceive in our current downtrodden world’ children, and Channel One teaching ‘first world’ children. state. The failures of all hierarchies are becoming clearer daily. The This is it, the dichotomy of good and evil (life and survival, constant collapse of the social order from it’s overbearing weight damnation and salvation, dictator and leader, take your pick), which will draw more to find their catalyzing points, and thus to their underlies the conquests of ‘progress’, comes down to public rela- own revolts. Insurgence is rising, and civilization is falling. Give it tions. the final shove by using your own words and actions. Breaking the Sink or swim, has been changed to float with us and you’ll worry spell of civilized order is the only way to finish off Leviathan, and no more. We plunge into “It”, the undying, righteous, creator/sus- everyday is bringing us closer. tainer. You can live forever, but the fine print is getting harder to read as we drag on and lose our vision to the luminescent glow of TVs, in-store track lighting, computers, and streetlights. We want more than anything to never die. This constant search for limbo permeates our lust for life, since pure freedom doesn’t have the catchy jingles that its’ zombie replacements willingly offer. The dying desperately grasp to the life they’ve never had. 4 149 Obsessions with the progression into a future of such techno- logical magnitude that we need never even breathe for ourselves, compressed with an over-reluctant ness to push the ‘past’ further behind (onto ‘e-history bookshelves’), has placed us into a ‘might is right’ corner where ‘the Ends’ (progress and growth) have presump- It’s Time to Disorganize! tuously justified any ‘means’ which may arise (bio-devastation or avoidable diseases, perhaps). from Species Traitor And where does a cure fit it? The search for cures is a part of the unquestioning ideology of If there’s anything that the failures of the left, particularly the civilization. To search for a cure is to ‘level the playing field’, so unions (from the UAW, AFL-CIO, to the IWW), it’s that any ‘rev- to speak. A cure presumes one is needed, that the problem is natu- olutionary’ theory that doesn’t question the key elements of civi- rally occurring. This turns cancer, retardation, and stupidity intoa lization is going to do nothing more than shift the social order to natural genetic ‘mishap’, rather than what they are, results of the a slightly ‘modified’ version. That is if they work at all. We canno ‘means’ to a non-existent ‘end’. The search for such is digging our longer look to any kind of reform for an end to the death machine own graves. The cure for one problem is the cause for the next,and that is civilization. It has long been an embedded idea in ‘revolution- as long as we isolate each problem, the cycle is self-perpetuating. ary’ strands that success requires organization. The age-old calls of What we need is solutions. We can’t turn a blind eye to the foun- the Wobblies, “It’s time to organize!” are ringing hollow as the leftist dations of civilization, and we must ask ourselves if this is really milieu grinds them into the pages of dead social movements in rad- what should be occurring. The reasoning for the entire social order ical history. What has our past of ‘organization’ brought us? We must be brought into question. can say that it has brought us some success because those at the Only when this is done can we stop sacrificing for the future, and top of the newly created social hierarchies tell us we have. Orga- start living now. nization pushes us back into the same top-down hierarchies that we are trying to revolt against and erase. What will this bring us? Goodbye old boss, hello to the new, any difference? Maybe there’ll be a mild greening (or Redding more likely), but it’s still the same social order, which generally is unquestioning of destructive civi- lized lifestyles. But even in the short run they offer little more than pushing forward new leaders to tell us how and when to act out and how and when we’ve won. It’s getting us nowhere. Little, lefty reformist games comprised of a lot of talk and no action. ‘Consen- sus’ meetings held behind closed doors by chosen or predetermined delegates will layout the guidelines of how much reform the masses will stand behind. We have no choice in the matter and don’t realize 148 5 It is what makes devastation seem not so shocking. It takes you through the day. It dulls you out at night. It gives you nightmares, it gives you dreams. It is your feeling of not having of not having accomplished enough. It is your desire to have a child to complete yourself. It is the physical and mental barriers of civilized life. It is Case Studies on the Dualistic civilization and it has become you. It is a mindset. It is power. It is physically reinforced to block off the reality of itís powerlessness by Nature of the Totality: mediating human existence from the natural world. It is the feeling of superiority, which supplies the reason to destroy all else. It is Technology. The Allegory of unnatural. It will fall, but will you fall with it? It is personal and it is individual. It is defeatable and itís defeat is needed for our liberation, the Accident. as well as for that of all else that human kind has set out to conquer and overpower. Freedom is only a thought away. Liberate the mind At 2:15 A.M., a miracle occurs in the emergency room of Kennedy and the body will follow. Memorial Hospital. It played out like this: 11:23 P.M.- Dan and friends are finishing off their weekly ritual of getting plastered in celebration of another week of work down the drain. Working for the past 13 years in a fast-paced assembly line, Dan and friends now require excessive alcohol consumption at least 2 nights a week to help pass away the time till retirement. 11:31 P.M.- Amy, who is 7 and a half months pregnant and a soon-to- be single mother, departs from her parents house.
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