...THI QUAMICHAN HOTEL THIS SPACE IS OPEN DUNCANS Now Open. Re-built and FOR Re-furnished. Heated by Hot Air. Sample Room ADVERTISEMENT • for Commercial Travelers. ATA Boats for Fishing. SPECIAL RATE F. NELSON, - PROP'R Crofton Gazette AND COWICHAN NEWS Devoted to the Mining and Agricultural Interests of Vancouver Island, Texada Island, and Coast Mainland Districts. VOL. 1. CROFTON, B. C, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1902. NO. 20 MOUNT SICKER NOTES. A tunnel is being driven steadily through fair-sized ore bodies, and in a very short time shipments can begin. HE Mount Sicker mining district hids fair to become one Ou the Key City, Capt. Wasson is using his new of, if not the most, important in the whole province. machinery, and active developments are proceeding. T It is a scene of daily increasing activity. Claims The Richard HI. claim, adjoining the Tyee, has been hitherto neglected are having development work commenced bonded to a syndicate, who have pumped out the shaft and upon them, and upon the established mines the progress of are installing a steam hoist, with a view to resuming develop­ operations has been very extensive. ment work. This is perhaps the most important news from The Lenora-Mount 'Sicker mine is an even busier scene the district this week, as it shows the interest that is being than it was a few months ago. New machinery, including a taken in the neighbouring properties to the proved Lenora and compressor plant and ore belt conveyor, has been installed, Tyee mines. Rumour has it that other claims in this mineral and mining and development work are proceeding together belt will also shortly be bonded to capitalists who will work very satisfactorily indeed. thmi, and every indication points to a great revival of mining On the Tyee mine a new strike 24 feet wide of high-grade industry. Indeed, the influx of miners already to work in ore has been made at the 100-foot level. Seven hundred feet the district has created a demand ifori increased house room of drifting through solid ore bodies has now been done here, in the Mount Sicker townsite, and it is a necessity for this to and the ore is looking better every day. Development work be met without delay. There is here a tempting opportunity has been so thorough and systematic on this mine that esti­ for profitable investment. IMr. Bebeau's new Mount Brenton mates give an actual body of ore in sight of at least 100,000 Hotel is an effort in the right direction, and both this and the V \.V.\\i \v Q v.) a TO An CO c\? Li,, -.J 0 ;' • y t V. 7 ' I / HEAD OF SHAFT ON THE RICHARD III. tons. To treat this alone the smelter now being erected at Mount Sicker iHotel are invariably well filled with visitors. •Ladysmith for this company will have work for three years. The completion of the sampling works in connection with The aerial tramway connecting the mine with the Esquimalt the Crofton smelter is an event of incalculable importance to & Naraimo Railway will be completed in about a fortnight, the whole district. The Mount Sicker Railway is available and then shipments of ore will be actively prosecuted. All for direct shipments, and extensions can immediately be made prospects are very bright, and shares of the Tyee Mining Co. to connect with any mine in the neighbourhood. Thus the have lately changed hands in London at 23 shillings. want which has retarded the progress of the country is already Another mining property which may now be said to be filled, and the marked increase of mining work on and around firmly established is that of tlie Mount Sicker & Mount Bren­ Mount ISicker even now indicates that the institution of the ton Company. Mr. W. Lewis, the local manager, has pushed smelting industry on the Island, both at Crofton and Lady­ development work with most favourable results, and this mine smith. tends to make this mining camp one of the most im­ premises to become one of the richest properties in the district. portant in the province. THE CROFTON GAZETTE AND COWICHAN NEWS. MINING NEWS. SOOKE MINES. The lucky syndicate which is operating the Sooke copper mines are actively developing their properties. Four men IRON DEPOSITS ON THE ISLAND. are at work sinking. Tlie shaft is down about 60 feet to date, and already a large amount of ore is in sight. Some R. IJAD1), the original owner of the iron deposits at of the samples of ore taken out are admittedly as line as M Set-hart, has recently disposed of his interest in the anything yet seen in the country. The average assay values Pacific Steel Company. The company is operating at nn about 2G per cent, copper, as well as values in gold, and the highest assays have been made at the greatest depth. Sarita, Copper Island and Sechart, on Barkley Sound, and on Tho formation of the ore encountered on these claims, says Texada Island. The supply of ore for the Irondale smelter the "Colonist," are most unusual —in fact they are hitherto is being taken from Texada at present, but it is the intention absolutely unknown in mining. The ore is found in what may be called large pellets, or lumps, having on their surface to ship from Barkley Sound as soon as proper transportation nothing to indicate what is inside, but on breaking these and shipping facilities are provided. lumps it is found that they are solid ore, and, as stated above, At 'Sarita it will be necessary to build a narrow-gauge run about 26 per cent, in copper. Then, again, there are railway from the mine to the sea, a distance of two miles, huge crystals of chalcopyrite, measuring five to six inches across. These large crystals are formed of the smaller and a large wharf and ore bunkers will also be erected. crystals of chalcopyrite, and show absolutely regular cleav­ Development work is being done at iSarita, Sechart and ages. In fact, in the iSooke mineral claims, as thus far de­ Copper Island, and several thousand tons of ore are on the veloped, are found many unusual features, but the ore values dumps ready for shipment. remain extremely satisfactory. The furnace at Irondale is working to its full capacity, 50 tons a day, and turning out an excellent quality of pig iron, DUNCANS MINING & DEVELOPMENT CO. which is in good demand in the Pacific Coast market. 'Mr. Ladd said he had used every effort, before disposing This company is now hard at work on its Cowichan Lake of his interests at .Sechart, to induce capital to establish iron properties, which are proving very satisfactory indeed. A contract has been given out for 200 feet of drifting on the smelting on Vancouver Island, but he could not convince the lower level. A tunnel has already been driven nearly 70 feet moi.eyed men of the East that there was a market (for the on the ore body. output. He considers that the Irondale smelter will demon­ strate that there is a market in the Pacific Coast states for THE YREKA COPPER COMPANY. a very considerable quantity of iron, and that when that market is fully supplied (by local furnaces, the managers will We understand that the Yreka Copper Company has so much work on its hands up at Quatsino iSound that work on naturally desire to extend their business further afield, and the Yreka mine, on (Mount Richards, has boon temporarily invade the markets of China, Japan and Australia. When closed down. that day arrives when it has been proved beyond question that British Columbia iron can compete successfully with Mr. H. (Collinson, late assayer to the Van Anda smelter, British, United States and iCape Breton iron, capitalists will has just started an office in Victoria, at 46 Langley Street. be eager to establish plants oil Vancouver Island. He is one of the few provincial licensed assayers in the town. VANCOUVER ISLAND MIMING. THE COWICHAN VALLEY RAILWAY ROUTE. Mr, Corrigan, of the Irondale smelter, recently expressed Capt. Braden, who formerly owned the Sarita iron mines, his opinion of the mining future of the Island, founded on no the West Coast, has traversed the whole country from Barkley 'Sound to Duncans, and has recently been giving his the experience of his company with the iron ores of the opinions about the advantages that this country offers for the West Coast and Texada Island, and it would be cheerful construction of a railway. After referring to its enormous reading if our capitalists would only "wake up." "You timber limits, its promising mineral outcrops, and its ideal people across the line," IMr. Oarrigan is reported to have snid, agricultural areas, ©apt. Braden confidently states that, judg­ ing from his own experiences in travelling through the country, "should be pleased to realize that you have some of the rich­ there would be no difficulty at all in the construction of a rail­ est iron deposits known to the world. The ore from which way from east to west of the Island. As for grade, he him­ this particular lot of iron was made comes from Texada self was only aivare of having crossed the divide by noticing Island, and it is of excellent quality, but we consider the the flow of the streams. A railway from Duncans to Barkley Sound by way of tho Cowichan Valley could be easily and Sarita ore on Barkley Sound to be even better. We will cheaply constructed, and there was water-power enough on the begin shipping from our lately acquired mine, the iSarita, on west side to operate the entire road by electricity.
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