
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2017 No. 96 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was securing the beachhead. The countless Finally, in March 2016, after 64 years called to order by the Speaker pro tem- heroes who stormed the beaches of Nor- and extensive recovery efforts, Staff pore (Mr. BERGMAN). mandy on that fateful day 73 years ago Sergeant Van Fossen’s remains were f will never be forgotten. confirmed found and returned to his I had the honor of visiting this hal- home in Heber Springs, Arkansas. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO lowed ground over Memorial Day, and I would like to extend my deepest TEMPORE while I was paying tribute to the brave condolences to the family of Staff Ser- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- soldiers who made the ultimate sac- geant Van Fossen and hope that they fore the House the following commu- rifice at the Normandy American Cem- are now able to find peace that he is fi- nication from the Speaker: etery and Memorial, an older French- nally home and in his final resting man by the name of Mr. Vonclair ap- place. WASHINGTON, DC, proached me simply wanting to honor June 6, 2017. CONWAY BIKESHARE PROGRAM I hereby appoint the Honorable JACK his liberators. He said that he just Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, last month BERGMAN to act as Speaker pro tempore on wanted to thank an American. He was we recognized National Bike Month this day. 10 years old when D-day occurred, and and the many bicycling benefits that PAUL D. RYAN, he will never forget how the United we have as citizens. I rise today to rec- Speaker of the House of Representatives. States of America came to his and so ognize the city of Conway, Arkansas, f many others’ aid in the liberation of for its installation of their successful Europe from the Nazi menace. public bikesharing program and to em- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Mr. Vonclair’s love for America and phasize its leading example of advo- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- our GIs speaks volumes about the cacy for an active lifestyle. ant to the order of the House of Janu- goodwill and exceptional character of As a long-time biker, I am pleased to ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- our great Nation. It is a privilege to see the city work to provide an alter- nize Members from lists submitted by offer my sincere tribute to the brave native and convenient source of trans- the majority and minority leaders for men who laid down their lives in the portation for residents of Conway to morning-hour debate. defense of those French and American help relieve congestion and promote a The Chair will alternate recognition shared convictions of liberty, equality, healthier city. between the parties. All time shall be and fraternity. As a former board member of the Bi- equally allocated between the parties, RECOGNIZING STAFF SERGEANT ROBERT DALE cycle Advocacy of Central Arkansas, I VAN FOSSEN and in no event shall debate continue am glad to see Conway’s bikesharing Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise beyond 1:50 p.m. Each Member, other program as one more step on the path in recognition of one of Arkansas’ fin- towards fulfilling the mayor’s vision of than the majority and minority leaders est, Staff Sergeant Robert Dale Van a vibrant, healthy, and bike friendly and the minority whip, shall be limited Fossen of Greenbrier, Arkansas. On No- city. to 5 minutes. vember 22, 1952, a Douglas C–124A RECOGNIZING RICHIE ARNOLD ON HIS f Globemaster II took off from McChord RETIREMENT D-DAY TRIBUTE Air Base in Tacoma, Washington, head- Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise ed for Elmendorf Air Force Base near in recognition of a great Arkansan, a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Anchorage. Staff Sergeant Robert Dale long-time Conway resident, and one of Chair recognizes the gentleman from Van Fossen, along with 51 others, was the pillars of the Conway Corporation, Arkansas (Mr. HILL) for 5 minutes. onboard. And near Middleton Island, in Mr. Richie Arnold. Mr. Arnold is retir- Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today the Gulf of Alaska, the plane dis- ing from his post as CEO after 39 years in honor of the bravery and courage of appeared. with the company. He hails from Har- so many men who sacrificed everything Eight days after the plane’s dis- rison and is a University of Arkansas on D-day. At 5:52 in the morning on appearance, part of the wreckage was graduate with a degree in accounting. June 6, 1944, in a position about 4,000 located some 50 miles east of Anchor- He joined Conway Corporation as a yards from Omaha Beach, one of the age. Unfortunately, a week into the manager of data processing before be- oldest ships in the U.S. Navy, a World search, the recovery team had to call coming manager of finance and ac- War I battleship, the USS Arkansas, off the effort due to weather condi- counting and then ultimately the chief opened fire on German positions at tions. The families of the victims were executive officer in 1998. Omaha Beach in support of more than notified they would not have any re- During his tenure at Conway Cor- 30,000 American soldiers tasked with mains to bury. poration, he always worked to keep the b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4625 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:36 Jun 07, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JN7.000 H06JNPT1 H4626 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 6, 2017 company ahead of the curve and was $200,000 in scholarships for local com- Economic growth has three essential responsible for transitioning the util- munity college students. She diversi- aspects: tax reform, regulatory reform, ity to full computerization. Mr. Arnold fied the students, faculty, and staff and a balanced budget. The REINS Act was instrumental in assisting Conway populations to better reflect the com- and the upcoming vote on the CHOICE Corporation in leading a path to diver- munity and implemented award-win- Act will start this process on the regu- sifying services by adding new services ning STEM programs to prepare stu- latory side, which will revive the abil- for the citizens, such as digital cable, dents for the rapidly changing 21st cen- ity of community banks to support internet, telephone, security services, tury workplace. local economies and advance infra- and water. In keeping with her desire to equip structure investment that puts Ameri- Mr. Arnold recently earned a na- her students with the skills they need cans back to work by rebuilding roads, tional recognition after being listed in to compete in the modern workforce, schools, bridges, as well as our IT in- the ‘‘Regional 50’’ in Cablefax maga- Dr. Carberry successfully opened a frastructure and the electrical grid. zine. My congratulations and best 72,000-square-foot campus in downtown The other critical component is tax wishes for Mr. Arnold’s future endeav- Worcester dedicated to the college’s reform, and we owe it to the American ors. healthcare program, which not only ad- people to get this done. I call on my IN HONOR OF THE 100TH BIRTHDAY OF MR. dressed the needs of QCC students, but good colleagues from both sides to put HERMAN HIGGS reinvigorated a large portion of down- politics aside and do what we were sent Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today town Worcester. here to do, and that is to stand up for in honor of Mr. Herman Higgs, a World As a result of Dr. Carberry’s leader- hardworking families and unleash the War II veteran who celebrated his 100th ship, QCC has become a leading institu- power of the American economy. birthday last month. Born in Calhoun tion of higher learning in Massachu- TYPE 1 DIABETES County, Arkansas, Herman was drafted setts. This year, QCC graduated almost Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, into the Army and served the entire double the number of students it did over a million Americans, including span of World War II, including as a only 10 years ago. Dr. Carberry has ex- 200,000 young Americans, are living POW in the last year. He was a platoon ceeded fundraising goals and has in- with type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune sergeant of a transportation convoy creased enrollment by nearly 40 per- disease in which a person’s pancreas that was captured in December 1944 cent. stops producing insulin. This disease is Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the city of during the Battle of the Bulge. fatal without strict adherence to a Worcester, on behalf of the people of In the spring of 1945, Patton’s army regimented schedule of multiple daily Massachusetts, and most importantly arrived, and Herman was freed, along insulin injections or continuous pump of all, on behalf of the students she has with other American GIs and the Jew- infusions, along with close monitoring helped to achieve their dreams, I want ish prisoners who had survived the of blood glucose levels. to say thank you to Dr. Gail Carberry. atrocities of the Third Reich.
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