Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC August 1995 Daily Egyptian 1995 8-31-1995 The Daily Egyptian, August 31, 1995 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_August1995 Volume 81, Issue 9 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1995 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in August 1995 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Inside: Mass Transit Advisory Board adapts transit system - page 3 August Thurs9'J Daily Egyptian 1995 ..-, Southern- Illinois University at Carbondale Vol. 81, No. 9, 20 pages NATO forces punish Serb positions l~ Angeles Times centers across Bosnia­ U.N. officials vowed 10 continue long time ago," Bosnian President forcing the Serbs to sue for peace. ZAGREB. Croatia-In a new Herzegovina Wednesday in the punishing the nationalist Serbs Alija Jzctbcgovic said. Among developments phase in the Balkans war, wave largest military operation in until they no longer threaten the With the tna'5ive show of force, Wednesday: -Lt. Gen. Bernard after wave of American and NATO history. Bosnian capital and other civilian the West. after nearly four years Janvier, commander of U.N. European warplanes bombed As the beleaguered residents of enclave,. of impotent humiliation in the for• troops in the Balkans, said dam• Bosnian Serb missile balleries, Sarajevo cheered and allied air­ "The world has finally done mer Yugoslavia, is hoping to air-defense radars and command craft buzzed overhead. NATO and what it ,hould have done a long, restore its eroded credibility while see BOSNIA, page 7 ·USG:'Seflat~idiscusies; ··.,. Third graders show support for Moro By Carey Jane Atherton Mike Rohling of Southern and Donita Polly Illinois Regional Social Daily Egyptian Reporter.. Services gave pamphlets and ~•ng advice lo the parents about By'Wendy J. Allyn A parent counseling ses­ what to look for if their chi I• Daily Egyptian Repoftef sion Tuesday night and a rib­ drcn should have problem.~. bon ceremony Wednesday Rohling told parents a afternoon are ways parents delayed reaction lo the kid­ Expenditures of Undergraduate Student and Giant City School stu­ napping is not unusual and he Govc:mmcnt oflicials received dents are trying lo come to encooraged parent~ lo let their support and criticism from grips with the abduction of an kids 1alk about what hap• USG senators Wednesday at 8-ycar-old student. pened. the mpniz.alioo's first meeting Demetria Moro. a third "The two most common of the fiC1TICSlcr. grader at the school. was reactions for kid~ is fear and US.G President . Duane . allegedly kidnapped at gun­ guilt," Rohling said. "Don't Sherman presented the 5Criatc point by her father. John D. let the kid~ take responsibility with an operating budget for Mom. while in clas.~ Monda) for this. Lei them express fiscal year 1995, which tells al approximately 2:30 p.m. them.sclves in any way they how much the organization Chris Rigdon, Giant City can. plans to spend during the year superintendent and principal. "Parent\ need lo help their and the dollar amount they told parent~ what happem.-d kid~ talk about what they saw, have to work "id1. Monday when they expn:s.<oed hcanl. fell and smelled. You Senator Robert Irl>y said be com.-cms Tuesday night The need to help them through all did not think the budget Wl!S ~ parents ,aid they were nol of the scn50ry experience.~." detailed as it should have beat.· sun: what actually occurred. Rohling said children may "It seems kind ofsimple (the Rigdon said Mom claimed \tnell or hear 50mething later budget)," Irl>y said. · . • 10 be a ~1uden1 from SIUC that remind~ them of the inci­ Irby said with some 'of the and Iha! he wa.~ there to talk dent and they need to he pre­ criticism and controvasy sur• Ill the libr.irian about one of pared for that remembrance. rounding Sherman's summer his college cla.\SCS. Rohling told parents the cxpcnditures, it was n:ason.ible to ask that the president supply. ··1 look him to the librJJ)' children need lo get back 10 the entire senate with a list of and when I saw him talking their regular routine bccau.,;e the money Shaman spent dur· to the librarian, I lef1:· doing so provides the nonnal• ing the summer term. Rigdon said. "When he left cy they net.-d. Shennan used USG funds the library. he asked some '"Get kids back to school as over the summer to travel to kids where the third grade ...:xm a.~ possible Ix-cause ii is Washington D.C. for what be cla.o;.~room wa.\ ... a ritual they need," he said. Im said ~ a further investi­ Rigdon said according to gation of the United States Emma Jean Durr. the third see RIBBONS, page 6 Student Association. USSA is grade lc.icht.-r. Mom went into a student lobbying group the nx,m and said he wanted Gus Bode which students who voted in ll hi, daughter. spring 1995 referendum Rigdon said Durr stood agreed to fund so that USG between Mom and Demetria. could become a member. lbal is when Mom pulled the Sherman has said the gun and pointed ii al the stu­ Washington D.C. trip wa., jus­ dent, and the teacher. tified because be ~ able to "He pulkd the liule girl by gather valuable information to the ann, screaming:· Rigdon MAB OtmsnAN - The 0Ji/y E>:}pttan help dctennine the e:ittcnt of !-.11d. "Two l:U\todians hcanl USG's mcmbmhip in the lob­ her S4.-ream and one went up Members of tlte Giant City tltird grade class place a yelluw ribbo11 011 a tree i11 front of bying group. lo the guy. but he pulled oul tlte scltool Wed11esday i11 remembrance of classniate;Demetria Moro, w/,o was alleged­ Gus says We're all pulling ly days will see MEETING, page 6 hi, gun and said if he didn't abducted at gu11point tltree ago. Pltotograplts of the class a11d ribbons w back off. he·d be dead." for you Demetria. given to Moro's motlter. SI UC computer help desk future uncertain By Alan Schnepf regarding computer a.~sis1ance on Williams said IT rccei-.·ed numer• optic wiring, hardware, software "l think it's something that prob- Daily Egyptian Repor1l'r campus. OU.\ complaint\ about the inadequa- and furniture for the new facility. ably should have been discu.,;.<oed at Instead. the committee decided 10 cy of the help desk's services and Geoffrey Nathan, associate pro- greater length." he said "We simply meet again al the end of next month decided 10 shut ii down and start fessor of linguistics, said some help can't afford the best. -.1,e can't alTonl The SllJC Computing Advisory 50 they have time to explore the dif- over from scratch. wa.\ better than what the campus a Rolls Roya-_" Committee met yesterday lo discu.\s fen:nt options sugge.\led in a repon IT ha.\ already allocated almost has now - nothing - and "ishcd George Pnrlccr, as.,;cJCiate profes­ the future of the recently closed from IBM who studied SIUC com- $550,000 for a new facility. the more time had been spent deciding sor of mathematics. said although Information Technology help desk. puter facilities. Cu.\tomcr Service Center, in Lentz if all the equipment wa.~ really nee• but members made no decisions Executive Director C. Michael Hall. The money wa.\ used for fiber es.~. see MEETING, page 6 Campus Index Weather Tonight the Salukis SPC's Carnival of Op/Ed ••••••• page 5 Today:Sunny Tomorrow: Sunny take on SEMO in Craziness features Cl.usifieds • • page 15 the season opener. bands and fun for Gametime 6 p.m. everyone. Comia • • • • page 17 ~ ~ I Scoreboard . page 18 High .. 98 High •• 96 page 20 ii page 8 low ... 70 low .. 68 ]) NEWS Daily Egyptian Thursday, August 31, ~995 1 4- Correction @Jm's :IJface - TI1e advertisement for A. C. Reed's that ran in the Surf ot Turf Special Wed., August JO, 1995 edition of the Dail-y Egyptian Mix or March contained incorrect information. The copy should Rib Eye or Alasbn Salmon dinner Bosnia-Herzegovina Only $16.95 for both dinners. have read: $1.00 drafts on Friday, not $1.00 ATLANTIC ALLIANCE UNITY HELPED BY ATTACK - Good through Friday Aug. 31 BRUSSELS. Belgium-Whatever success lhc first Western military drinks . We apologize for any inconvenience we may Coupon Required air and artillery auacks in Bosnia-Hcm:govina may have in moving the have caused. 10 minutes N. on 51 stubborn war there toward the negotiating table. Ibey bad an immediate 867 - 3033 political impact in Europe, restoring the unity and credibility of the Atlantic Alliance after months of serious internal strains over the ~--·------- ----- I Balkans crisis. Among lhc North Atlantic Treaty Organization's 16 · member nations, backing for the auadcs was strong, especially among 1 key countries that have differed openly and sometimes sharply over tactics. Tensions within NAlO have been driven largely by U.S. frus­ i@/licn~ ; . tration over the inability or its European allies to resolve the first major I post-Cold War conflict in their own bade yard. Europeans have been ~ Lunch Buffet: $5.75 · Friday &-Saturilaj ~ •Prtr.. and~rf ; equally dismayed by what Ibey sec as the Clinton administration·s lack Llinner: '~~~~;::" &Uy DilDdlig_Slt~ of Icadcnhip and iLs dizzying policy 1.ig-1.ags. - • Lat••t St1,•I•• , 6pr,, and 8pm. : YELTSIN DENOUNCES NATO ATTACKS ON BOSNIA- 1 MOSCT)W-Russian President Boris N.
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