NEWS CBK BROADCASTS DAILY WATROUS Trans-Canada Nelwork: (Trans-Canada Network) 8:00,9:00 a.m. 1:00. 6:30, 540 Kes. 9:00 p.m. )2 Mldnl~ht cue Dominion Network: Prairie Region 10;00 p.m. Transmitter Times given in this Schedule are Central Standard DATE OF ISSUE, OCTOBER 13, 1945. PRAIRIE REGION W uk of October 21 st, 1945 612 Telephone Bldg., Winnipeg, Conedo Northern Messenger to Broadcasts Oct. 27 CBC's News Roundup Venerable Haylofter Resume Novfmber 2 Returns October 22 Messages sent free to residents oj CBC's News Roundup will return North to the air over the Trans-Canada network on Monday, October 22, at The new winter season brings with 9: 15 p.m. for the daily (Monday to it the return of CBC's popular North­ Friday) coverage of Canada's peace ern Messenger Service, the first time scene. broadcast of which is scheduled for Byng Whitteker, back from his Friday, November 2. Broadcasting I wartime assignment on the North time will be announced in next week's American Service of the BBC, is to schedule. Through the Northern be CBe's reporter at the program's Messenger traders, trappers, miners, key point of Toronto, and from missionaries, government officials, there the roundup will swing across and other inhabitants of the North­ the Dominion and overseas to bring west Territories and the Canadian listeners repOrts of the news high­ Arctic will hear messages from their lights. families and friends at home. This is Matthew Halton, CBC's European a free service available to anyone correspondent, will be a regular con­ who wishes to send a message to tributor. covering highlights in the these regions. United Kingdom and the continent. ( j) Address all messages to: It will be his reports that Canadians Nor the r n Messenger, Canadian will receive from Nuremberg, where Broadcasting Corporation, 354 Jarvis the first group of top Nazi war Street, Toronto, Ontario. criminals goes on trial around POP JOHNSTON may be no spring chicken, bu~ when it comes to fid­ (2) Messages must be of a strictly The president of the United states, November 15. dling a jig, he's as spry as the next personal nature, written in simple HARRY S. TRUlIolAN, will be heard in a A. E. Powley, chief of CBC Lon­ one. 11~ fact, his fifty-year partner­ language, either English or French, broadcast address carried by the don bureau, and other members of ship with that fiddle spells experi­ and must state the occupation of Trans-Canada network Of the CBC's overseas staff will also ~ esc ence, the flLll benefit of which is felt the person to whom it is addressed. at 12:30 p.m., Saturday. October 27. heard. Blair Fraser's Ottawa news by visitors to the Hayloft Hoedown (3) Code messages will not be ac­ His address will be ,given in connec­ from Parliament HUl, and Bob Bow­ (Dominion network, Saturdays, 9:30 cepted under any circumstances. tion with the Navy Day ceremonies. man's coverage of the Washington p.m.) (4) Messages should not be longer scene, are likewise included as regu­ than fifty words, or about four type­ sufficiently heavy to warrant this lar features. written lines; the cac reserves the action. News pick-Ups from Canada's CBK Program News right to strike out words or phrases, (6) Messages cannot be accepted chief cities will be emphasized in the should the volume of traffic be heavy. for transmission to any point which new Roundup, and Canadian news Is Valuable Service (5) In order to serve the greatest is already served by any recognized will be given paramount place in Every day except Sunday, a brief number of northern listeners, the commercial or government system of keeping with the program's aim to program called CBK Program News cac will limit the number of me')­ electrical communication, such as cover the news of the day for Cana­ goes on the air; it·s at 11 :30 Monday sages for any person in anyone telephone, telegraph, radiophone, or dians and from the Canadian point to Friday, inclusive, and at 12: 10 broadcast, whenever the trafllc is radiograph. of view. Saturday. Prepared by the Press and Information Depal'tmcnt in Winni· Mother's Business peg and broadcast from CBK, Wat­ New Show Swings Across Canada rous. it is of value to prairie people Turns Father Gray All CBC Regions Contribute Broadcasts to "Pa­ in helping them plan their radio The anxious father fidgetted un­ listening. happily on the edge of his chair in norama" in a series of Close-ups of Canadian Life CBK Program News makes no at­ the waiting room. "My wife ..." he A series of lively entertainmcnts tempt to cover the complete listening paused to light a cigarette with shak­ from the five regions of the cac is called Our Pacific Region. It's of broadcasts for the day. Rather it ing fingers-"it's her first; I hope make up the new show Panorama, scheduled for Thursday, October 25, picks out and directs attention to the she'll be all right." He ground out beginning this week. The first broad­ at 9:30 p.m. over the Trans-Canada highlights - new shows, familiar the cigarette and fished deep in his cast comes from Vancouver; follow­ network. In music and drama the broadcasts beginning a new season, pocket for his pipe. "She was pretty ing programs come from Winnipeg, program takes listeners on a tour of items about what's planned fOl' the nervous; it's her first," he repeated. Toronto, Montreal, and Halifax, in British Columbia and the Pacific next broadcast of a series. In n moment he jerked still far­ the order named. Then back to Van­ ports. CBK Program News is also help­ ther forward in his chair. He tensed couver, and across the country again; The second broadcast is a comedy ful to listencrs when last minute as a sound was heard. Suddenly his each region will produce five pro­ drama from Winnipeg-"You Can't changes of programs are made, too eyes lit with.pride-he hitched his grams in the total series. Pigeonhole the Prairies," in which late to be announced in the Program chair closer to the loud speaker as The idea is to give an entertaining writer Jean Hinds introduces the Schedule. Its aim is to keep listeners the voice of his wife. easy and na­ picture of life and people in Canada. variety of prairie Hie. inIormed of these changes and of tural, came over the air, telling about No doubt an element of competition The series has been plalU1ed as a last minute news about impOrtant their children and the way they will enter thc series-with each re­ changing pattern of radio sketches broadcasts. made their home. She was giving a gion striving for a show that's tops through which Canadians in one pan CBK Program News helps listeners talk in the series Mother's Business in entertainment. of the Dominion may receive an au­ pick their programs; rcminds them Continued on page 2 The first program from Vancouver, thentic close-up of the other parts. of shows they want to hear. Page 2 CBC PROGRAM SCHEDULE Prairie Region Garbovitsky Conducts IThe Prairie Gardener I -1IJL-_SU_N_D_A_Y_I_O_c_t_ob_e_r_2_1_st_1_19_4_5_[0- Vancouver Symphony Summary 01 Broadcast 01 October All times given art. Central Standard, JOT Mountain Time deduct one hour. A west coast conductor, Gregori Garbovltsky, will lead the Vancouver 14, 1945 STATION CBK, WATROUS 10:00 CBC NEWS AND COMMENT­ Symphony Orchestra in its second Cotoneaster Hedges: ARY (15 Mins.) broadcast concert of the season on For medium growth, sun or shade, 10:00 CBC NEWS 10:30 DOMINION SPECIAL Sunday, October 21. Beginning at the contoneasters, both red and black 10:02 NEIGHBORLY NEWS FROM (30 Mtm.) 5:30 p.m., the hour-long program fruited, are one of the best groups of THE PRAmIES will be carried on the Trans-Canada. shrubs for low hedges. Their normal 10:15 THE PRAIRIE GARDENER network of the CBC. Annabell Ed­ height Is 3-4 feet with an equal will 10:30 TO BE ANNOUNCED wards, Vancouver soprano, be spread; but they may be trimmed guest artist on this occasion. lxl 11:00 BBC NEWS and confined in hedgerows to Orchestral numbers included in the foot, 2x2 feet or 3x3 teet according 11:15 CANADIAN YARNS WASHINGTON COMMENTARY . (1:04 p.m.) program are: Symphony No. 102, in to the desire of the gardener. The 11 :30 NBC CONCERT ORCHESTRA B flat major (Haydn) ; Valse Fantas­ red·fruited cotoneaster Is the most 11:59 DOMINION OBSERVATORY The commentator for this occasion ttque (Glazounov); and Capriccio popular. Its shiny green leaves In OFFICIAL TIME SIGNAL is Charlie Michie. Espagnol (Rimsky·Korsakotf). MIss summer, Its fiery autumn follage, 12:00 MUSICAL PROGRAM Edwards wUl sLng two arias: Ave and Its ornamental red berries in 12:15 JUST MARY SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT Maria, tram Otello (Verdi), and Dich early winter make it partiCUlarly (1 :15 p.m.) 12:30 CHAMBER MUSIC Teure Halle, from Tannhauser attractive. 1:00 CBC NEWS Real people and real places as (Wagner) . Care 01 House Plants: 1:04 WASHINGTON COMMENT- seen through the eyes of the well· (8) Indoor gardening requires the ARY known Montreal tree lance writer and former edItor of the Air Cadet Library No Rest Home same skills and knowledge as out­ 1:15 SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT Magazine. Hugh Kemp, are being door gardening. Plants are living 1:30 RELIGIOUS PERIOD brought to radio in this series of Declares CRC Speaker thJngs and must be treated as such.
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