I I I Proceedings I of the County Board I of Supervisors of I Winnebago County Wisconsin I ADJOURNED SESSION Tuesday, April 18, 1995 Tuesday, May 16, 1995 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS SESSION Tuesday, June 6, 1995 I ADJOURNED SESSION Tuesday, June 20, 1995 Tuesday, July 18, 1995 Tuesda~AugustI5, 1995 I SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS SESSION Tuesday, September 5, 1995 ADJOURNED SESSION Tuesday, September 26, 1995 (/ Tuesday, October 17, 1995 I ANNUAL SESSION Monday, November 6, 1995 ADJOURNED SESSION Tuesday, November 21, 1995 I Tuesday, December 19, 1995 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS SESSION Wednesday, January 3, 1996 ADJOURNED SESSION Tuesday, January 16, 1996 I Tuesday, February 20, 1996 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS SESSION Tuesday, March 12, 1996 ADJOURNED SESSION I Tuesday, March 26, 1996 P~EDBYAUTHORITYOFTHECOUNTYBOARD I Joe Maehl, Chainnan Linda Wolfe, County Clerk I Rogers Publishing, Inc. I I I Proceedings I of the Board of Supervisors I of Winneb"ago "County I . ADJOURNED SESSION COUNTY BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1995 I Chairman Joseph N. Maehl called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. in the Supervisors' Room, Fourth Floor, Courthouse, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. I The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and an In­ vocation by Supervisor Wagner. Roll Call: All present except Supervisors Egan, Finch, Metzig, Barker and Griesbach. I Supervisor Lauson moved and it was seconded to accept the minutes of March 7 and March 21, 1995. CARRIED BY VOICE VOTE. Supervisor Planalp moved and it was seconded to approve the agen­ I da with the c~ange that Motion 258-495 be acted on before the Zon­ ing Reports and Ordinances. CARRIED BY VOICE VOTE. I COMMUNICATIONS, PETITIONS, ETC. Notice of Claim from Lisa Urban, Special Administrator of the Estate of David Urban, deceased, regarding wrongful death in Win­ nebago County Jail was referred to the Personnel & Finance Com­ I mittee. Notice of Claim from Amy Krueger regarding damage to a tire on her car when driving on Midway Road in Menasha, Wiscon­ sin, was referred to the Personnel & Finance Committee. Notice of I Claim from Steven C. Lawler regarding injuries sustained while in­ carcerated in the Winnebago County Jail was referred to the Person­ nel & Finance Committee. Petition for Zoning Amendment from Stephen P. Jansen for change I from A-2 to R-2 for development into single family residential plat was referred to the Planning & Zoning Committee. I I I I 2 Adjourned Session (April 18, 1995) I A notice of an educational seminar from the Wisconsin Counties I Association entitled, "Update on Family and Medical Leave Act, in­ cluding the New Federal Leave Act", was read. A letter from Sen. Ellis regarding Resolution No. 231-395, "Endorse Repeal of Wiscon­ sin Statute 103.10: Family or Medical Leave", was read. A notice of I a mini-conference sponsored by the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and the UW-Extension Offices in the East Cen­ tral Region on "WatershediStormwater Management", was read. A I letter from Senator Ellis regarding Resolutions No. 238-395, "Support Assembly Bill 176 (Change Wisconsin's Current Property Tax System on Agricultural Production Land)"; No. 239-395, "Oppose Raising of Fee for Birth Certificates"; and No. 250-395, ''Support State-wide Land I Use Planning", was read. A letter from the Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations regarding Resolution No. 195-195, "Op­ pose ILHR 83 Code Revision (Governing Private Sewage Disposal)", I was read. COMMITIEE REPORTS Supervisor Rankin told the Board that the agricultural clean sweep I that took place on April 11 was very successful. They had approx­ imately 90 volunteers and collected over 11,000 pounds of waste. Supervisor Albrecht reported that Wittman Airport recorded 847 I passenger enplanements in March, making this the best March since 1992. Because aircraft arriving from and departing to O'Hare have been full, United Express has announced an upgrade in service. Begin­ ning May 1, all but one daily flight will be operated with new I 30-passenger Brasilia aircraft. He told the Board that Oshkosh has become one of the most productive markets on Great Lakes Aviation's routes. The Airport Department and the Wisconsin Bureau of I Aeronautics conducted a meeting and public hearing on March 16 regarding the environmental impact of proposed airport development. No one spoke against these projects at the public hearing. The Air­ port Director has scheduled an informational session for airport I neighbors on the airport's Master Plan implementation on May 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the Nekimi Town Hall. The County Board Supervisors will be given this information during their annual County Board Tour. I On April 4, the Wisconsin Council on Aeronautics presented Warren Basler of Basler Turbo Conversions with its "1995 Lifetime Service Award". The Aviation Committee has accepted a bid to sell a house I recently acquired at 2848 Knapp Street Road. Offers to purchase other properties are pending and several other property acquisitions are likely this year. The Civil Air Patrol will be giving 240 cadets their first ten I I I I Adjourned Session (April 18, 1995) 3 I hours of flight training from a base at Wittman Airport this summer. Supervisor Albrecht told the Board that the National Transportation Safety Board and Federal Aviation Administration are investigating last Friday's mid-air collision of two single-engine aircraft at Wittman I Airport. He extended the County's sympathies to the families of the victims. The Aviation Committee has authorized the Airport Direc­ tor to accept bids for the construction of a commercial hangar. The I Airport Director will be an exhibitor at a regional air cargo conference in Rockford, Illinois in mid-May. PUBLIC HEARING I There were no comments from the pUblic. COUNTY EXECUTIVE'S REPORT I Executive Steinhilber told the Board that he had just returned from a reception honoring Yvonne Frank. She is a citizen of Winnebago County and serves on the Community Programs Board. She was given a national award by the U.S. Department of Health and Social Ser· I vices for outstanding volunteer work. This award is one of only nine awards presented nationwide. Executive Steinhilber extended his congratulations to Warren Basler I on his "1995 Lifetime Services Award" he received from the Wiscon­ sin Council on Aeronautics. Executive Steinhilber shared with the Board some good economic news on Winnebago County. Figures from Economic Development I News show that February unemployment rates in Winnebago Coun­ ty were 3.2%, which is lower than Wisconsin's rate of 4.5% and the United States' rate of 5.9%. Employment in Winnebago County was I at an all time high of 89,900 for the last six months. Executive Steinhilber told the Board that the Human Services Center-Oshkosh project is slightly behind schedule. WIC moved in­ to the building on April 24. The Department of Community Programs I is scheduled to move into the building on May 31. Social Services should be moved by the end of June. The Huber facility is on target and scheduled for completion by July 1. Bids for the new Highway I Department facility have come in within the budget. A completion date is set for mid-December. Work is continuing on Phase III (con­ version of the present Social Services Building to an administrative I office building). All departments concerned are being consulted to assure that there will be ample space for current and future needs. A meeting with the Property Management & Maintenance Commit­ I tee will be scheduled to go over the proposed plans for Phase III. I I 4 Adjourned Session (April 18. 1995) I On April 27, the Solid Waste Management Department is having I visitors from Thailand. They are coming to study our methane gas conversion system. Executive Steinhilber stated that he is "less than enthusiastic" about Motion No. 258-495, "Reconsider Resolution No. 255-395". He feels I that more study on juvenile justice is needed before a decision on this resolution can be made. He recommended that the Board layover this Resolution until a future date. I Executive Steinhilber told the Board that a $9 Million reconstruc­ tion project is beginning at the U.S. 41 and 45 interchange. This in­ terchange will be closed starting this week until completion in October. I COUNTY EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS ADVOCAP BOARD I Executive Steinhilber reappointed Supervisors Muriel Crowley, Dorothy Schwartz, Helen Savas and Jacquelyn Wagner to two-year terms on the Advocap Board. Their terms would begin immediately and end April 15, 1997. I PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING BOARD Executive Steinhilber reappointed Supervisor Stephen Rankin to I another two-year term on the Public Safety Building Board. His term would begin immediately and end April 15, 1997. COMMUNITY PROGRAMS BOARD I Executive Steinhilber reappointed Supervisor Dorothy Schwartz, and citizens James Hanseder and Yvonne Frank to three-year terms on the Community Programs Board. Their terms would begin immediately I and end on April 21, 1998. WINNEBAGO COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY COMMISSION I Executive Steinhilber reappointed Gerald Wagner to another five­ year term on the Winnebago County Housing Authority Commission. His term would begin immediately and end on April 18, 2000. I AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMMISSION Executive Steinhilber reappointed Supervisors Nancy Barker and I David Metzig and citizen Mary Koepp to three-year terms on the Af­ firmative Action Commission. Their terms would begin immediately and end on April 21, 1998. I I I I Adjourned Session (April 18, 1995) 5 I SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD Executive Steinhilber reappointed Supervisors Ken Robl and James Lauson and citizen Franklin Moore to three-year terms on the Solid Waste Management Board.
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