
This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu2022248':62 11/16/ 9 3 13:26 SENATOR DOLE SH-141 -. Ld!CHITH t'10 . 729 GJ0 1 -- .. .... -- · - ··- - ~ -- ... -···- ... THE BOSTON SUNDAY GLOBE • NOVEMBER 14, 1993 --------------~-------. .. - ··----·--- Romney vs ..Kennedy By John H. Kennedy GLOBE STAFF Since W. Mitt Romney came to Massaclm- setts more than 20 years ago he has attained notable success in business, most recenUy help- ing to reverse the flagging fortuneg of promi- nent management consulting firm Bain & Co. But in the back of l..:$1 mind he's also been thinking about Edward M. ·Kennedy. "Probably since a yea:r or two after I got here,'' says Rom- ney, smiling. Now Romney, the 46-year·old son of fonner Michigan governor George Romney, is making plans to challen~e the US senator ne..\t year. Long shot? To be sure. Suicide mission? Some would say. It doesn't seem to daunt Rom- ney, a political novice but respected. business- man who helped right Bain & Co. r~ently and earlier helped launch Bain Capital Inc., a sepa- rate venture capital firm. Taking risks, says Romney, has been a part oC his. professional portfolio for years. "lt's what I do," he offers from across a conference table • . G\.OOE srm PHOTO I DAVIO L.. ~N< in his Copley Place oftke. Ronmer. Eag~r to distinguish ~~eUfr~m Se1:1· Kennedy. Although he has made no formal announce- men t, Eomney has hir~d pollster Richard Wuihlin. confen-ed with Republican officials in Boston and Washington, and even put hi3 86- year-old father on the telephone with state Re-" publiea.h Committee members. R01\1NEY FOR U.S. SENATE contact: Tom Valle 617-891-3676 Page 1 of 120 If/16/93 13:26This documentSE NATOR is from DULE the collections SH- 141 at ~the W DoleICHITA Archives, University of Kansas t'-J IJ . 729 GJ02 Bain' s W. Mitt Romneyhttp://dolearchives.ku.edu is making pla~~_}o challenge Sen. Kennedy uI realize the long o<lds," snid Romney. "I want to make sm•e that this time Ted has a very articuJat.e, 'agg<eF.sive, well-flnanced opponent who provides 11 real choice." .:. Although both Kennedy and :Romney come with political pedl- · :grees, Romney's supporters are al- ready contrasting the bu~inessman, ·n squeaky-clean Mormon family man, "Y.ith Kennedy, whose rRkish image h~ only recently been t1oft,..· ened by a second marriage. "He was always someone you would say, 'W'ny cnn't we have some· one like that In politics?' 11 says Chlp Baird, a former Bain partner, friend and Investment partner. "He comeis across M too goOd to be true, and it's true,'' Baird says. "And thi'.lt's what makes him an interesting contrast." Romney, who followed his high school sweetheart to Brigham Young .. University and remains a leader in the Mormon Church, has no short- age of friends, ro\leagues and even competitors to sing hia praises, Says George Bennett, an early Bain & Co. principal who now heads Symmetri..'<, a rival consulting ~omy <;1.Ql;I $Al- '. l'ttOIO/OAVIDL. pany: 1'I have nevet heard anyone Romney: "I rea.Hze the Jon& odds. i want to make sure that thJs time say anything derogatory or mean Ted has a very articulate, aggressive, well·flnaneed opponent." apbit.ed about Mitt Romney. I can't say that about many of my competi- from J, Willa.rd Marriott Sr., the late in 1970, only to lose lo Democrat tors.'' foUl'lder of the hotel chain and friend Philip Hart. That certainly will change, to his father. The Mitt comes from The rather imparted some advice should Romney take the full plunge Mitt Romney, late cousin to hie !a- about . public Qffice: Ru.n. after yo_ur Into the rough-and·tumble world oC ther and star athlete at the Universi· children are old enough to hnnctle Massachusetts politics. And ·two ty of Chic:igo. (The late Mitt Rom- the loss o( priYacy and after you questions arise, aside from his posi· ne~· aho had two brothers, Att and have achieved financial stability. tions on specific issues: ls his skin Ott.) ''And three, you've got to feel that thick enough? And, is he prepared Mitt WB.3 15 by the time .his busi- there is a res.l need for the contribu- for the prospect of failure? ne88ma.i f alher fin1t ran for gover· tlon you can make," says the son. Businessmen with little or no po· nor in Mkhigan in 1002, becoming Another \~on he learned by litlca.l experience have not fared well the first Republican chief executive . watching. In Musachusetta politics in recent for several years. Romney wa.s ree· Al> early returns !n the 1004 elec· years. Rarely has a business person lected. ln 1%4 and 1%6. tlon trickled in, Barry Goldwater at gained a top statewide office, or spot "By the end of the le.st campaign. the top of the Ucket was getting In the M8.88Ach\la€tta congressJonri..l for governor, I think I visited close trounced by Lyndon Johnson. Gath- delegation. to all 62 counties In Michigan," the ered in a Detroit hotel suite, the "It's not what you call a launch- son sayl!. '"To get rtd of the candi- family heard the poUeter say it was ing pad," z.ays R.ep~blican s~~~t date's son, they gave me a pahel over for gubernatorial candidate Todd Domke. · truck with signs painted on the eide Romney as well. ·and I would go to the count)' fairs, "He wasn't dht.rauiht, he wasn't Willard Mitt Romney, tile young· set up a booth and hand out but· deetroye<l.,'' the son says now. "It est or four children, waa born and tons." was like, 'l did this for what I could raised in Michigan, where he attend- He later would stump for his . contribute. U I don't win, f'ine.'" ed public elementary school& and a mother, Lenore. who gained the Re- Ge o r~ Romney ended up win· private high school. WilUi.rd comes publlca..'1 nomination for US &Ina~ ning that race, but failed in a bid to ----- -- " ----~- ·-·- ·- ---- Page 2 of 120 11/16/ 93 13:27 This SENATORdocument is DOLEfrom the S collectionsH-1 41 ~ at WICHIthe DoleTA Archives, University of Kansas N0 .729 [;103 http://dolearchives.ku.edu gain the Republican nomination for ed ma.;:;i,·e debt, in part fr om a buy- more than 10 percent each of the president in 1968. And the son out phm Bain an cl some senior pan· pa.st two \'e ars, and the comoam· lea.11'le<l the lesson. "That old quote ners put together. This problem was projects a ·15 to 20 percent inc1: eas~ from Teddy Roo!levelt. something to compounded by a slumping economy next •:ea1'. sav; Lord. the efCe<:t, 'I ~alute those that get th:n failed to produce the expected T~.rcu2:-t ft all, ~enior executh·es into the fight. get bloody, sweaty :md 1·e,·enue .;t:eam and the firm·5 hea''Y held ~<; to a ::et of 1,:al ui:;s and JovC<l- \\in or lose, they were in the right.' " dependance on too few clients. Part- ty to the company and its clie~t.>. ner~. diogr.mtled '"ith Bain and the says Orit Gadiesh, now chairman oi \Yhen Romnev left Har·:ard in ~low t.ran::i1ion to a next gene1-ation the board of Bain & Co., and one oi 1975 \'Yith degree~ in law and busi- . of leude1-snip, began lea\·ing. the 15 who committed to remain dur- ness administration, he joined the Romney was asked to step in ing the tough times. "I think we haYe Boston Consulting Croup. '1\vo yeru-s temporarily to help restructure the a true north,'' she says. later he jumped over to Bain & Co. company. "At the time, the odds after a Saturday morning interview looked long," he says. "I was ner· Romr.ey, who lives in Belmont. with Willia.ro Bain Jr., cofounder and You~ ... One banker :mid chances for has \\.Tit"~:-: Republican activists say- ...,.. a legendary presence in manage- success wei·e 10 percent, according L"lg he pla.~ '° n:in. Thw"Sdav he was rnent consulting. to Romnev. and another admitted he in Wnshir.g--.on to visit pollster Ridi- "He sort of immediately l<!diat'ed hnd nev~ ~een a professional ser- ard \V!rc'.'! ii :i. and hnd an i:>5ues " intelligence," Bain says now. "At vices firm successfully come out of a briefi.'1g w~~h Republic:.i.n Senatorial ··that time, he seemed a lot older than workout. Committee ...bd Friday night he at- he was." Rornr:ey was seen as the perfect tended ~ ?.~· publican Party func~ ion Romney became a vice president pel"$on for the job. He was familiar in Boston for Jack Kemp, former in 1978, but co-workers were struck v.ith. Bain & Co. and was trusted by Housing and Urban Development by the balance he maintained be- the splintered factions at the trou- secretary. tween job and family. In a business bled company. So Romney "left a He .says he isn't ready to detail where travel and long hours are rou- very cozy situation to jump into a his political positions, but w·as ea.ger tine, Romney felt it imporl.ant to swamp filled with alligators," says to d~ting<ili;h himself from Kennedy.
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