<tongrrssional Rrro.rd th United States PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 84 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION of America ragna, having been presented to the ONE HUNDRE!::> PERCENT OF PARITY SENATE President of the United States on June ON WHEAT-RESOLUTION 23, 1955, and not having been signed by WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1955 him within the 10-day perioC: prescribed Mr. LANGER. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to have printed in The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown by the Constitution, has become law without approval. the RECORD a resolution adopted by the Harris, D. D.. offered the following Beulah Farmers Union Elevator Co., of prayer: Beulah, N. Oak., favoring the enactment of legislation to provide full 100 percent Most merciful God, the unfailing ref­ AUTHORIZATION FOR COMMITTEES uge of all who turn to Thee for help, the of parity on wheat. source of all wisdom and goodness, save TO FILE REPORTS There being no objection, the resolu­ us, we pray Thee, from judging Thy ways Mr. CLEMENTS. Mr. President, I ask tion was ordered to be printed in the by feeble sense, and measuring the long unanimous consent that during the re­ RECORD, as follows: miles of Thy fair horizons with today's cess or adjournment of the Senate, the BEULAH FARMERS UNION ELEVATOR CO., inches. As the years tell us that again Committee on Agriculture and Forestry · Beulah, N. Dak., July 1, 1955. and again even the wrath of men hath and any other standing committees may Senator WILLIAM LANGER, praised Thee, open our eyes to the eman­ be permitted to file reports. Washington, D. C. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ MR. SENATOR: At the regular annual meet­ cipating truth that even "the clouds we ing of the stockholders of the Beulah Farm­ so much dread are big with promise and jection, it is so ordered. ers Union Elevator Co., Beulah, N. Dak., as­ will break in blessing on our head." In sembled at Beulah, N. Dak., on Friday, July 1, this forum of deliberation, with all its 1955, the 578 members urged adoption of the tangle of human relationships, may there LIMITATION OF DEBATE DURING following resolution and adopted same as ever be lifted an altar where a constant MORNING HOUR follows: sense of the eternal may save us from "Whereas there is unquestionably an un­ spiritual decay, from cowardly expedi­ Mr. CLEMENTS. Mr. President, under fair discrimination against the wheat farm­ the rule, there will be a morning hour er in that he complies with curtailed acre­ ency, from moral surrender, and from for the presentation of petitions and age and is to receive only 76 percent of any betrayal of the highest public good. memorials, the introduction of bills, and parity: Now, therefore, be it hereby We ask it in the dear Redeemer's name. the transaction of other routine matters. "Resolved, That the Congress, the Presi­ Amen. dent of the United States, and the Secretary I ask unanimous consent that any state­ of Agriculture are hereby urged and re­ ments made in connection therewith be quested to take all necessary and appro­ THE JOURNAL limited to 2 minutes. priate steps to provide full 100 percent of On request of Mr. CLEMENTS, and by The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ parity; it is further unanimous consent, the reading of the jection, it is so ordered. "Resolved, That the secretary of the Beu­ Journal of the proceedings of Tuesday, lah Farmers Union Elevator Co., Beulah, N. July 19, 1955, was dispensed with. Dak., is hereby directed and instructed to forward properly authenticated copies of this EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS resolution to the following: President of the The Vice President laid before the Sen­ United States Dwight D. Eisenhower; Secre­ REPORT OF A COMMITTEE SUBMIT­ tary of Agriculture Ezra Benson; Members of TED DURING ADJOURNMENT, ate the following letters, which were re­ ferred, as indicated: Congress from North Dakota; general mana­ Pursuant to the order of the Senate ger of Farmers Union G. T. A., M. W. Thatcher; president of National Farmers of July 19, 1955, Union, James Patton; president of North Mr. HAYDEN, from the Committee on Dakota Farmers Union, Glenn Talbott." Appropriations, to which was referred REPORT ON BUDGET AND ACCOUNTING ERNEST R. HAFNER, the bill <H. R. 7224) making appropria­ Secretary. tions for mutual security for the fiscal The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the year ending June 30, 1956, and for other Senate a letter from the Chairman, purposes, reported it favorably, with Commission on Organization of the Ex­ RESOLUTIONS OF WESTERN STATES amendments, on July 19, 1955, and sub­ ecutive Branch of the Government, LAND COMMISSIONERS ASSOCIA­ mitted a report (No. 1033) thereon. transmitting, pursuant to law, a report TION of its task force on budget and account- . Mr. LANGER. Mr. President, I ask MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT ing in the United States Government, unanimous consent to have printed in dated June 1955, which, with the accom­ the RECORD a series of resolutions adopt­ Messages in writing from the Presi­ panying report, was referred to the Com­ ed by the Western States Land Commis­ dent of the United States were com­ mittee on Government Operations. sioners Association at their annual con­ municated to the Senate by Mr. Tribbe, vention held in Rapid City, S. Oak., in one of his secretaries. June of this year. REPORT ON DEPOT UTILIZATION There being no objection, the resolu­ ANICETO SPARAGNA-MESSAGE A letter from the Chairman, Commis­ tions were ordered to be printed in the FROM THE PRESIDENT sion on Organization of the Executive RECORD, as follows: RESOLUTIONS OF THE WESTERN STATES LAND A message in writing from the Presi­ Branch of the Government, transmitting, pursuant to law, that Commission's sub­ COMMISSIONERS AsSOCIATION dent of the United States was communi­ The Western States Land Commissioners cated to the Senate by Mr. Tribbe, one committee report on Depot Utilization, Association, representing Arizona, California, of his secretaries, in which it was an­ dated June 1955 <with an accompanying Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, North nounced that on July 5, 1955, the act report); to the Committee on Govern­ Dakota, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, <S. 432) for the relief of Aniceto Spa- ment Operations. · South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and CI-692 11003 11004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD·- .SENATE July ~o WyomiJlg, ln convention assembled at Rapid •'.RESOLUTION 7 There being .no objection, the resolu­ City, s. Dak., on this 18th day of June 1955, "We cordially welcome the attendance of a tions were ordered to be printed in the do -hereby adopt by unanimous vote the fol­ representative of t:tie great State of Nebraska, RECORD, as follows: lowing resolutions: Mr. Robert Hiatt, secretary, board of educa­ tional lands and funds, and extend a hearty RESOLUTIONS OF OREGON RURAL ELECTRIC CO• "RESOLUTION 1 OPERATIVE .AsSOCIATION ADOPTED JUNE 21, invitation to Nebraska to become a member 1955 . "We propose that the Federal Government of our association. add metalliferous ores to the category of oil COLUMBIA INTERSTATE COMPACT "RESOLUTIO~ 8 and gas (mineral leases) on the public do• Whereas the Columbia Interstate Com­ main and all other federally controlled land, "We express our appreciation- pact Commission on May 26, 1955, refused and pay a percentage to States on a basis "To J. Stuart Watson, president of our to remedy the numerous deficiencies in the comparable to present distribution of Fed­ association, for his vigorous efforts in pro­ 1954 compact draft and decided instead to eral mineral leasing. moting the welfare of our association and sponsor a seven-State publicity-drive to sell "RESOLUTION 2 all of its member States. the 1954 draft: Now, therefore, be it "To Roger Ernst, secretary of the associa­ Resolved, That we reaffirm our opposition ·"Be it resolved by the Western States Land tion, for the prompt and efficient recording Commissioners Association, That the laws of to any interstate compact which proposes to of our proceedings and thoughtful prepara­ allocate or control electric power. the United States and the regulations of the tion of conveniences to its officers. Department of the Interior oe amende~ and "To Arthur Wilson, treasurer of our asso­ PARTNERSHIP modified to provide that in those cases in ciation, for prompt and businesslike conduct Whereas the evidence is overwhelming which a State may select land in lieu of a of our financial affairs." that the partnership plan of development numbered school section, such State shall be Done at Rapid City, S. Dak., this 18th day of our rivers will result in turning them over permitted to s~lect lieu lands which are min­ of June 1955. to private-power monopolies, to destruc­ eral in character in place of lands which are J . STUART WATSON, tion of the people's preference in access to known to be mineral in character, title to President. the power from such rivers and to the loss which cannot vest in the State; be it further Attest: of the concept . of full development of the "Resolved, That the laws of the United ROGER ERNST, rivers for the benefit of the Northwest: States and the regulations of the Depart­ Secretary. Now, therefore, be it ment of the Interior be amended and modi­ Resolved, That we recognize the partner­ fied to provide that the State may select ship idea for what it is and condemn it as mineral lands in an amount equal to lands RESOLUTIONS OF OREGON RURAL a scheme to turn over the rivers of the contained in a reservation or withdrawal, to ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCI­ Northwest to private monopoly so that the which the State"s title is inchoate or con­ people and the region cannot enjoy abun­ tingent because of the reservation and the ATION dant and cheap power.
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