V' '■ • V ai'Nazatehe Church Tuesday', 10:45 a* m. to 6:30 p. m. ATerage Dafly Net Press Ron : The Weather For Uw Week Boded Foreeoet of V. S. Weotber Boieoo Mweh 18, U6S Fair and oootor with enheldhn wluda tonight. Low In the Me. Tueaday Increnalng doudlneaa and 13,966 cshanee of anow or rahi. SBgh hi Member of the Audit the 40H. Bureeu of Clroolstton Mmieheater-^A City of Village Charm (Olaaalfled Adrertlaing on Page U) VOL* LXXXn, NO. 142 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, (X)NN., MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1963 PRICE FTVE CENTS - h Brazil Asks State News JFK Clarify Roundup Tumultuous San Jose Flooded S fa tes Red Charge Allstate Ordered By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ^pattern for the winter leaeon’e BRASILIA (AP) — Presi­ To Explain Ads Heavy rains over the week­ last weekend. Spring starts at dent Joao Croulart has reacted 8:20 a.m. EST Thursday. angrily to U.S. assertions that HARTFORD (AP) — The end caused new- flooding in A snowstorm which swept Welcomes President the Ohio River valley as across areas in the Dakotas and Communists have infiltrated Allstate Insurance; Ckimpany stormy, weather pounded Minnesota, dumping up to 16 Inch­ his government. has been asked to explain why es of snow in Rapid City, S.D., Goulart demanded that Presi­ it used “a completely decep­ broad areas of the liation. dent Kennedy personally clarify The fresh floods which hit sec- tapered off as it moved east­ tive advertisement” in connec­ ward. Only light snow or flurries the charge made by the State De­ tlorw of Kentucky, Vlijglnla and partment in a published statement tion with the Norwich flood West Virginia were the second fell across northern areas in the Chiefs Seek eastern third of the nation. to the House subcommittee on A letter by Insurance Commis­ within a week and came as many Latin-Amerlcan affairs. sioner Alfred N. Premo askn Bai­ communities were cleaning up More snow fell. in northern sec­ The President issued an order ley M. Barrett, West Hartford re­ from last week's destrucUve over­ tions of Nevada, - Arizona and to his finance minister, Francisco gional manager, to explain why Fast Check flows. Flooding also was reported New Mexico, while hall, rain and San Tlago Dantas to suspend his advertisements were run urging in parts of Tennessee and New snow hit Southern California negotiations in Washini^n for All-state policy holders whose au­ York State. areas. A man and three children more U.S. aid. Informed sources tos or homes had been damaged Snow, rain, hall and tornadoes were killed Sunday during a snow­ said, however, that Foreign Min­ by the disaster to report their loss­ On Castro made up the Inolemeht weather storm, near Flagstaff, Arlz., when ister Hermes Lima persuanded es to the company. the station wagon in which they The advertisements said a spe­ were riding skidded on an Icy Goulart to withdraw the order. SAN JOSE, Costa Rica Informants ssiid the decision to cial emergency staff had been as- (AP)—President Kennedy ar­ road and crashed into a bus. Nine permit Uie Washington talks to slgned to Norwich to handle such Israeli Agents inches of snow fell in Flagstaff continue in no why weakened claims. rived today for a conferencs and Williams, with falls up to a Goulart's determination to get The advertisements were decep­ of Central American presi­ foot in some areas of northern clarificaUon of the statement. tive, Commissioner Premo said, dents and was given a rip­ Reported Held Arizona. The president apparently was because damage to home by flash Tornadoes struck in Alabama, flood is specifically exempted from roaring welcome. Iowa and Georgia. influenced by powerful left-wing Crowds estimated by security naUonallsts among whom anU- coverage In all home insurance officials to total 250,000 lined th* In Kidnap Plot A twister lashed Centreville, in Amerlcan sentiment frequently policies. central Alabama, Injuring three capital streets, broke through po­ runs high. Publicly urging home owners lice lines, crowded around Ken­ By MICHAEL GOLDSMITH persons and damaging 66 to 70 The House report showed that with Allstate polides to file claims, houses and buildings. Tornadoes nedy's black limousine, and at BERN, Switserland (AP) — U- the Communist infiltration claim the commissioner explained today, times halted the cavalcade. swept three separate rural areas was originally made by U.S. Am­ would create the misleading im­ raell agents are believed to be in Iowa but no one was injured. Welcomed by President Fran­ waging a clo£U<-and-dagger opera­ bassador Lincoln Gordon, but the pression that Allstate offered its Twisters also hit three north State Department in Washington clients special advantages over cisco J. Orlich of Costa Rica as tion against European scientists Georgia areas but damage was a man who carries “the responai- and industries working on aims accepted full responsibility and others. I minor and no Injuries were re­ said it should not be attributed T consider your efforts to bility of the tree world” on hia for the United Arab Republic, In­ ported. shoulders. Kennedy got a fore­ formed sources said today. to Gordon. profit by this most unfortunate. The one bright spot in the Nevertheless, it appeared that disaster highly regrettable,” the taste of the welcome in The sources said two men commissioner said. come /When he stepped from a rested as Israeli agents by Sw,.... Lormy, watery weather picture Gordon's future usefujness in helicopter at La Sabena Airport. police earlier this month werfe was that mild air covered the ma­ Brazil had been seriously im­ The Allstate advertisements jor part of the nation today. Tem­ paired. The pipe-smoking former were brought to the commissioner's President Kennedy Is surrounded by a large crowd as he arrives at La Sabena airport in San Jose, To the cheers of several thoUr implicated in a plot to kidnap Dr. Coata Rica, today for meeting of the Central American presidents. (AP Photofax.) sand there, Kennedy declared tee Hans Klelnwaechter, a German peratures generally were above Harvard professor has been per­ attention Manch 7, he said, and freezing except for most of sonally close to Goulart and other an Allstate officer was telephoned three-day conference with six Cen­ missile expert. Maine, the upper Great Lakes re­ members of the Brakllian govern­ to have mention of homes exclud­ tral American presidents is de­ Dr. Heinz Krug of Munich, an­ signed "to strengthen our defenses other German scientist on the gion, most of the northern plains ment. His suggestions to Goulart ed from the radio script. Allstate and scattered sections of the have someUmes carried enough gave aussurances. Commissioner against the forces of foreign im­ same U.A.R. project, disappeared Premo said, that such advertise­ Byrnes Details *^ejects perialism.” last September. Rockies. Readings ranged from 77 weight to be issued as official re­ Swiss police informants con- in Laredo, Tex., to 4 above in commendations. ments would be discontinued im­ Then, with the president of Rrmed am Israeli radio report Houghton, Mich. Diplomats here were surprised mediately. 1 T» 1 IGeorgia borm Costa Rica at his side, Kennedy that the alleged agents—an Israeli In Kentucky, where floods last at Brazil's touchy reaction since But Premo said he was informed set out on the two-mile ride to and am Austrian—fell into a trap week drove thousands of persons the charge has fr^uently been the next morning "that not only In Kennedy Budget Of Unit Voting downtown San Jose. The weather set by the daughter of amother had these broadcasts continued, was warm but ash from last German scientist. (Conttnued on Page Thirteen) (Conttmied on Page Five) but that a large advertisement in week's eruption of Irazu volcano substantially the same language WASHINGTON (AP)—The Su­ filtered down. They were saUd to have been WASHINGTON (AP) — A Housel-makes a judgment on the tax bill preme Court ruled today that all furested March 2 after meeting appeared in .the Norwich Bulletin Kennedy drove through the flag- this morning (March 8)." Republican has laid down a blue­ it would like to “have some idea, votes in statewide elections must lined main street past crowds that Heidi Ooerke, daughter of Dr. some picture of where the ex­ have equal weight—thereby doom­ Jens Ooerke, in a restaurant in An Allstate spokesman said the print for cuts in the Kennedy ad­ dwarfed the largest previous Inclusion of the word "homes'' was penditures are going.” That will ing voting by county units. crowd in San Jose—a turnout of Basel, Swltzerlamd. Bamel is ministration's record budget, be- largely be up to the Appropria­ While the 8-1 decision specific across the borden from Loerramh, Mother Seton of U.S. accidental, and said efforts to can­ 100 .(XK) for a political rally sev­ cel the advertisement following ginning with a |8-billion' slash in ed­ tions Committee and its ranking | ally applied to Georgia, its lan- eral years ago. Germamy, where Klelnwaechter the - conunissicmer's first warning ucation and other nondefense Republican, Rep. Ben F. Jensen j guage was so broad that it clearly lives. Swiss police had been failed because of error a t the radio spending proposals. of Iowa, said “If we don’t cut applied also to the two other His hair covered with falling tipped off. A microphone was con­ station. "And I don't think that defense this budget by at least $8 billion' states, Mississippi and Maryland, confetti, Kennedy waved and cealed at their table and their Beatified by Church smiled broadly to the cheering is immune, nor is space,” Rep.
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