REVISED FINAL FINDINGS AND DECISION BY THE DESIGN COMMISSION RENDERED ON October 6, 2016 CASE FILE NUMBER: LU 16-195933 DZM PC # 16-171940 Oregon Square (phased) BUREAU OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF: Staci Monroe 503-823-0624 / [email protected] This revised decision supersedes the Final Findings and Decision mailed on October 21, 2016. The purpose of this revised decision is to correct a condition of approval to reflect the record. GENERAL INFORMATION Applicant: Kyle Andersen | GBD Architects | 1120 NW Couch Street Suite 300 Portland, OR 97209 Owner: Jerry Gammieri | AAT Lloyd District LLC | 11455 El Camino Real #200 San Diego, CA 92130-2047 Site Address: Block bounded by NE 7th, 9th, Holladay and Oregon Legal Description: BLOCK 90 INC PT VAC ST LOT 5 EXC PT IN ST INC PT VAC ST LOT 6-7 INC PT VAC STS LOT 8, HOLLADAYS ADD; BLOCK 90 INC PT VAC ST LOT 1 EXC PT IN ST, HOLLADAYS ADD; BLOCK 91 LOT 1-3 EXC PT IN ST INC PT VAC ST LOT 4, HOLLADAYS ADD; BLOCK 91&102 TL 200, HOLLADAYS ADD; BLOCK 102 INC PT VAC ST LOT 5 LOT 6-8, HOLLADAYS ADD; BLOCK 103 INC PT VAC STS LOT 1 INC PT VAC ST LOT 2&3 INC PT VAC ST LOT 4 EXC PT IN ST, HOLLADAYS ADD; BLOCK 103 LOT 5 EXC PT IN ST LOT 6&7 INC PT VAC ST LOT 8, HOLLADAYS ADD Tax Account No.: R396204710, R396204750, R396204790, R396205680, R396205720, R396205760, R396204670 State ID No.: 1N1E35BC 01600, 1N1E35BC 00300, 1N1E35BC 00200, 1N1E35BC 00100, 1N1E35BC 01700, 1N1E35BC 01800, 1N1E35BC 01500 Quarter Section: 2931 Neighborhood: Lloyd District Community, contact Cassidy Bolger at [email protected] Business District: Lloyd District Community Association, contact contact Brian Griffis at [email protected]. District Coalition: None Plan District: Central City - Lloyd District Zoning: CXd – Central Commercial zone with Design overlay Case Type: DZM – Design Review with Modifications Revised Final Findings and Decision Page 2 Procedure: Type III, with a public hearing before the Design Commission. The decision of the Design Commission can be appealed to City Council. Proposal: The applicant seeks Design Review approval to phase a previously approved project known as Oregon Square in the Lloyd sub district of the Central City plan district. The original approval for the Superblock development occurred on November 5, 2015 (case file number LU 15- 156716 DZM) and included four towers organized around a large public plaza that included a water feature, art, storm and waste-water treatment facilities, and stair and elevator pavilions. The applicant is requesting to phase this larger project to develop the western half of the Superblock first (Phase 1) and then the eastern half (Phase 2) within approximately five years. The components of each phase are as follows: PHASE 1: • Block 91 (NW corner): 11-floor mixed use building with 190 residential units, ground floor retail and loading bay access on NE 7th Avenue. Changes since the previous approval include minor shifts in windows and storefronts and revisions to the canopy design. • Block 90 (southwest block): A 24-floor mixed use building with 429 residential units, ground floor retail and loading bay access on NE Oregon Street. Changes since the previous approval for this building includes 3 additional floors atop the tower, extension of the 6-floor podium along the north side, addition of ground floor residential units, and a garage entry off NE Oregon adjacent to the loading bay. The total height of the building is 251-10”’ to the top of the parapet and 259’-10” to the top of the rooftop enclosure, which is above the 250’ base height limit. However, the building qualifies for an additional 45’ of height via bonus FAR earned for the residential component per Section 33.510.210.C and D. • 169 below-grade parking spaces within the western half of the Superblock. • Three portals (north, west and south) that access a public plaza that is reduced in size and number of features from previous approval. • Landscaped promenades between two existing buildings on the eastern half of the Superblock (4th/east portal) that will remain during Phase 1. PHASE 2: • Block 102 (northeast block): An 11-floor mixed use building with 163 residential units, ground floor retail and loading bay and garage entry access on NE 9th Avenue. No changes are proposed to the previously approved design. • Block 103 (southeast block): A 30-floor mixed use building with 347 residential units, ground floor retail and loading bay accessed on NE 9th Avenue. Removal of the garage entry on NE 9th is the only change proposed to the previously approved design. • Addition of 467 below-grade parking spaces in three trays. • The east portal and the eastern half of the public plaza. The following previously approved reviews and elements of the project remain a part of the current proposal: • For Block 103, the 250’ base height limit is increased to 295’ via the 3:1 bonus FAR earned for the residential component. An additional 30’, measured to the top of the building parapet, is requested through the housing height bonus of PZC Section 33.510.210.E for the proposed 325’ tall building. • The proximity of the northern loading bays and garage entry to the light rail alignment in Holladay (within 75’) and the number of parking spaces dedicated to retail uses on the site Case Number LU 16-195933 DZM – Oregon Square (phased) Revised Final Findings and Decision Page 3 (more than 60 spaces) both require a Central City Parking Review (case file LU 15-190239 PR). The Central City Parking Review (CCPR) approval from November 10, 2015 and the condition of approval remain in effect. • The following Modifications: 1. Bike Parking – Reduce the required bike space width from 2’ to 18” and the required maneuvering area behind the bike parking from 5’ to 4’ for the vertical rack system proposed for the long-term bike parking throughout the project (PZC Section 33.266.220.C.3.b). 2. Loading – To allow the loading facility for Block 91 (northeast block) to be accessed in a reverse motion from NE 7th Avenue, which contains a Streetcar alignment (PZC 33.266.310.F.2). 3. Building Height – To allow rooftop elements for Block 103 (southeast block) including mechanical rooms, roof access, cooling towers and roof screen, to exceed the 325’ height limit by 18’-6” at the highest point of the roof screen (PZC 33.130.210.B.2). Approval Criteria: In order to be approved, this proposal must comply with the approval criteria of Title 33, Portland Zoning Code (PZC). The applicable approval criteria are: . Central City Fundamental Design . PZC Section 33.825.040 – Guidelines Modifications Through Design Review . Lloyd District Design Guidelines ANALYSIS Site and Vicinity: The site is located within the Central City Plan District, more specifically, the Lloyd Sub-district. The site is considered a “Superblock” as it is made up of multiple blocks with vacated streets – specifically for this site, four typical 200’ x 200’ blocks with two 60’-wide vacated streets (NE 8th Avenue and NE Pacific Street). The northern boundary is NE Holladay (Regional Transitway and Major Priority Street, MAX Line, Central City Transit/Pedestrian Street), the southern boundary is NE Oregon (City Bikeway), the western boundary is NE 7th Avenue (Streetcar Line, City Walkway, Transit Access Street, City Bikeway), and the eastern boundary is NE 9th Avenue (City Walkway). The site consists of four two-story buildings with associated surface parking. It is currently a significantly underdeveloped site. This 4-block site is part of a string of Superblocks between NE 7th and 9th Avenues owned by the owner of this site, American Assets Trust (AAT). Phase 1, Hassalo on 8th, is immediately to the north and is a comparable development currently under construction. Further north is a 6-block Superblock with a 1970’s office tower and a substantial parking area for the remainder of the site (AAT owned). To the south is the State office building abutting Interstate 84 to its south. Across the site to the northeast is Lloyd Center, a substantial indoor shopping center with large anchor tenants. Across NE 9th is a large hotel user on a 4-block Superblock. Three blocks to the west is the Oregon Convention Center (OCC). And just northwest of the OCC is the Rose Garden Complex – the Rose Garden Arena and Memorial Coliseum. There are ample redevelopment and/or infill opportunities on various large properties surrounding this site, similar to the current state of the subject site. Approximately 5 blocks to the east and 6 blocks to the north are established residential neighborhoods. Zoning: The Central Commercial (CX) zone is intended to provide for commercial development within Portland's most urban and intense areas. A broad range of uses is allowed to reflect Case Number LU 16-195933 DZM – Oregon Square (phased) Revised Final Findings and Decision Page 4 Portland's role as a commercial, cultural and governmental center. Development is intended to be very intense with high building coverage, large buildings, and buildings placed close together. Development is intended to be pedestrian-oriented with a strong emphasis on a safe and attractive streetscape. The Design Overlay Zone [d] promotes the conservation, enhancement, and continued vitality of areas of the City with special scenic, architectural, or cultural value. This is achieved through the creation of design districts and applying the Design Overlay Zone as part of community planning projects, development of design guidelines for each district, and by requiring design review. In addition, design review ensures that certain types of infill development will be compatible with the neighborhood and enhance the area.
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