22 AINSTABLE. CU~1 BERI.lAND. [KELLY'S .spil, clay. sand Ql' ~vel; hard and soft freest{)neo are Publia ElilII\entary School (mixed), -lI'ebuilt in 187.... t flJund in the parish. The area. a ~73 acres; rateable endowed in 1743 with £14 yearly, Bnnng from 4 b val~, £-.,5 26 ; tha population in 1901 was 4,034. acres of land. In 1874 the endowment was s Id, t the school hous" & master's residence were erected RuCkcroft is a. lnnall straggling village in the High from the proceeds. It will hold 90 children; Bver­ ( Quarter of Ainstable, 10 miles north-east from Penrith. age attendance, 641 John Herbert Muschamp, m8rl~r- Post Office.-Mrs. Eliza Collingwood, sub-postmistress. The school is under the control of six managers ;Arth r­ Letters received from Armathwaite S.O. at 6.40 a.m. ; Burne, Culgarth, Carli81e, correspondent diBpatched at 6.50 a..m. &; 4-10 p.m.; no sunday de­ Goods 8hould be addressed to Al'IIlathwaite statiou.. livery of letters. Armathwaite is the nearest money Midland Railway order &; telegraph office Carri0r.-To Carlisle, Thomas Sisson, 8at. &. to Penrith tues. AI~STABLE )llGB QUARTER. AIXSTABLE LOW QUARTER. IHodgson Joseph. frmr Vicarage fnn Ma.rked thus ,. latters through Kirk­ I..ette:-s through Armathwaite S.O. ~ Hoggarth Margaret (~1rs.), farmer. ogwald S.O.. Brckbrow PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hope Thomas, boot &: shoe mal..er COMMERCIAL. Buck Miss, Townhead house Hope Willi'lm\ black@mitb Bowman Thomas, farmer, Bramery Wilford Rev. Lionel Marshall M. A.. [ndepemlent Unit.edOrde--r of Mecban cs. Bowman Thomas, farmer, Slack Vicarage (Ain,table lodge) (Thos Scott, sec BDyle James, farmer, Farrshield Kendall James Wilham, blacksmith Dixon George Joseph, farmer,Nunnery COMMERCIAL. Little Thomas, shopkeeper Dodd )fary A. (~rs.), farmer, Dale Atkinson John, farmer, Towngate Little William, farmeT, Red hill Fisher Edward, farmer, Dale Bird Peter, farmer, Townhead house Mnschamp John Herbert, schoolmasteL . *G~aha.m Joseph, farmer, Longdales Chaplow John, yeoman, Bell house &; assistant oversee-r IIdfrison John, yeoman, Bllrugh Clark George, farmer, CaIT holm ·Richardson Albert P C. Red Lion Hodgson Alfred. farmer, Dale C'lllingwood Eliza (Mrs.), postmistress hotpl, hon. sec. Con.prvative As.o­ *Hoggarlh Hobert; farmer, Beck Dickinson John Robert, gamekeeper to ciation (Ainstable dIstrict &; agpn\i "\Vatson Thomas, farmer, Cross house 'ViUiam ~lurray esq for Crown Insurance Co "\Vil~on Thomas, farmer, Highfield Dixon haac, fal'mer, Common edgfl Rickerby Rnbert Lambert, farmer & Dodd Jsph. yeoman frmr. Bascodyke HascodYke~ head RCCKCROFT. Elliott Irving, farmer, Bank Robinson 'Vm. brmer, Channel pool Ba"{ter Hannah (Mrs.), farmer 'Ellwood Thomas, butcher, Row Foot Scott 'rhos. yeoman &; farmr. HarrK8­ Di~on John C. C. yeoman &; farmer Gill haac, builder & stone mason Scott William, farmer, OMlands Elliot David, gamekeeper to P. W. Gill W:lliam, farmer, Towngate Sissons Thomas, Orown P H. &. carrier Parkm esq Goodfellow Robert, farmer, Bank Foot Thomlin..~(1n Thos. frmr. Ain.table hall Greenwood Thomas, Crown P.ll Graham Joseph & "Matthew, farmers, Wa,t.;;on Henry, farmer, Street h use Porthouse Sarah Elizh. (~iss), falmer Long-dales Watson "Mary (Mrs.), grocer Rowntree Matthew A. falmer Harrison William Graham & Thomas, Young .Tsph. yeoman &. frmr Aim bk. Wil~Qn Sarah (Miss), farmer joiners &c ALLHALLOWS is a parish, township and straggling tion, which is now very indistinct, rnns thm:­ village, on the north bank of the Ellen, with stations "Lancelotus 8alkeld Filius Thomae Salkeld, hoe fien at Baggrow and Mealsgate, on the Maryport and Car­ fecit 1589'" ThE> house was restorpd by the late li8le railway, and is 4 miles east fNl'm Aspatria, and George Moore esq. in I~6I, and is now the property­ 6 south-west from Wigton, in the Mid division of the and residence of WilliBm Parkin-Moore esg. J.P. The­ county, below Derwent, ward and petty sessional divi­ mill at Harby Brow is now converted into an electTic Ilion, union, Ilnd Cl1un ty court district of Wigton, arch­ generating station for supplying light t{) the Hall deaconry and diocese of Carlisle. The church of All Harby Brow is an ancient residpnce, and includes a Saints i8 an anciNlt edifice of stone in the Norman pele tower 30 feet square and 60 feet high, but now Ityle, consisting of .small chancel, nave, south porch, in ruins. Lord Leconfield and Sir Wilfrid Lawson bart. and a westffln turret, containing 2 bells; attached to of Brayton, Carlisle, are the joint lords of the man r, the church is a mortuary chapel, originally belonging and the principal landowners. The Iloil is of a shllrp­ to the Salkeld family, and now containing marble tab­ gravelly and loamy nature; subsoil, variou8. The lets to George Moore esq. d. 18]'6, and his two wives, chief crops are wheat, oats, potatoes and turnips, with. and t{} Mrs. Parkin-Moore. There are II2 sittings. The some good pasture land. The area is 1,6911 acre8 ~ church of Allhallows, built in 1897-9 by the late Mrs. rateable value, £4,417; the population in 1901 WQ&. Parkin-Moore, was consecrated 30th Aug. 1899; service 794· ill held in the old Church on one Sunday afternoon in each month during- the summer. It is also used for BAGGROW is a pleasant village, 2 IDlle­ ea-t fr Il) funeral services. The registers date from the year Aspatria, on the north bank of the Ellen. 1666. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value, £486, with residencCl, in the gift of the Bishop of Carlisle, FLEI'C"ij:ERTOWN, close to Mealsgate otation. C D­ and held since 1'893 by the Rev. John Wordsworth. sists principally of cottages for the men empl yed in The George Moore Memorial Hall, erected in 1879, at the colliery. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected I~2S a cost of about £1,300, as a memorial to George Moore The village is supplied with water by HIP Aspatria and' esq. merchant and philanthropist, is a building of stone 8illoth Joint Water Board, from their reservoir in th in the Gothic style, and conta.ins reading and recreation parish of Irby. Tooms, a large lecture hall and a library containing Post &; M. O. O. &; 8. B. & A. &, 1. Office.-Samuel upwards of 600 volumes. Mrs. George Moore, Mrs. Mary Barnes and Thomas Moore esq. bave bequpathed Tate, sub-postmaster. Letters from Mealsgate S.O. arrive at 9 a.m. & are dispatched at 5 p.m. Lette~ legacies to this Institution. President, William Parkin­ for callers only at 5 p.m.; no dehvery of letten; Mool'e esq. J.P. of Whitehall; hon. sec. William Par­ Mealsgate is the nearest telegraph office kin esq. FletcheTtown, Mealsgate 8.0. Ritson's charity • of £r yearly is for distribution in money. Thomas Public Elementa'ry School (mixed), ert'cted about I85S, Moore, of Whitehall left £250 in debentures producing &; enlarged in 188o; it will hold about 300 children; £8 I2S. yearly for the poor. Coal is found in av€'rage attendance, 194; Wilfred Bmhby Hews n.. abundance in this parish, also freestone. White Hall master, LeoHigg was the man.sion and manor of a younger branch of the rSalkelds of Corby; a portion of the house still Railway Stations. remains, and bears the arms of that family, carved Mealsgate, Jonathan Ostle Penn. statlOnmaster­ or; a stone over the entrance, dated ]589; the inscrip- Baggrow, John Alexander Stewart, stati nmaster Little James, farmer, Upmanby Market thus * receive their letters COMMEJ,iCIAL. through Brayton 8.0. Nixon William &; Son, farmers Allerdale Coal Co. Limited Oglanby &; Sons, frmrs Fletcherto1l'D *Mitchell John J_. J.P. The Knowe, RarnM John, farmer, Harby brow Parkin William, tailor, Skiddaw Yl!'W, Baggrow Blacklock Thos. shopkpr. Priestcroft F1etchertown parkin-Moore William D.L., J.P_ George- Moore Memorial Hall (Wm_ Pattinson Thomas, fanner, King gate Whitehall Parkin, hon. !lec) *Ponton William Smith,assl"t.ant OTer­ *Thomson James, Bagqrow hnustl Gloog John Grainger, frmr. Upmanby seer &. rate collector, Watch hill Worrlsworth Rev. John, The Vicarage Laidlow Thoman, ffll'Illi!T Raven Leonard. farmer, Priecteroft Lattimer Wm_ joiner, Fletche.I'town "Smithson William, gFQCer, Baggrow.
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