RECORDS OF GERMAN FIELD COMMANDS: CORPS (Part VI) XLI. Panzerkorps (XLI Panzer Corps) The XLI. Armeekorps was formed in February 19*4-0 in Wehrkreis Dukhovshchina areas and in February it participated in Opera- IV, Breslau, and transferred to Limburg in preparation for tion "Buffel" (withdrawal movements in the Rzhev-Vyazma area). Operation "Gelb" (invasion of Luxembourg, Holland, and On February 27, 19^3, Korps Rothkirch was formed from parts of Belgium). On May 10, 19^0, the Corps invaded the Low Coun- the XLI. Panzerkorps staff and from the 57., 255., and 332. tries and then participated in offensive engagements from Infanterie-Divisionen. Korps Rothkirch was then transferred St. Quentin to Besancon via Bethune, Rethel, Bar-le-Duc, and from Bely to Romny via Orsha, Gomel, and Bakhmach for an of- Chaumont. By June 23, 19^0, it had moved to La Rochelle. In fensive in the Lebedin-Sumy area. On March 8 it became sub- March 19^1 the Corps was transferred to Kecskemet, Hungary, ordinate to the LII. Korps. In March 19^3 the Corps took in preparation for the invasion of Yugoslavia. During April part in defensive engagements in. the Smolensk, Kromy, and Bry- 19^1 it took part in the conquest of Yugoslavia. Upon comple- ansk areas. During April it was transferred to the Orel area tion . of this campaign the Corps returned to the Kecskemet and participated in defensive operations in the Sevsk, Trub- area and was then transferred to East Prussia in preparation chersk, and Ponyri areas. In July it prepared for and partici- for Operation "Barbarossa" (invasion of Russia). On June 22, pated in Operation "Zitadelle" (offensive in the Kursk area). 19^1 it invaded Lithuania from the Memel area and advanced Upon completion of Operation "Zitadelle" Gruppe Harpe, composed through the Baltic States to the Leningrad front. In October of Gruppe Greiner and the XII., XLI., LV., and LVT. Korps, was 19^1 the Corps was transferred to the central sector where it formed with the mission of defending German positions against advanced toward Moscow via Vyazma, Bryansk, and Kalinin to Russian counteroffensives in the Kirov, Pochunok, Mstislavl, the Moscow-Volga Canal. In December 19^1 the Corps withdrew Roslavl, and Khislavichi areas until October 2, 19^3- The to the Gzhatsk, Zubtsov, and Rzhev areas. During 19^2 it Corps participated in defensive engagements from the Chausy- participated in defensive engagements in the Zubtsov, Smolensk, Slavgorod area to the Bobruisk area from October 19^3.through Bryansk, Kozelsk, Zhizdra, Bely, Nikitinka, and Lomonosovo March 19^. /According to information obtained from the Pots- areas. On July 7, 19^2, the Corps was redesignated XLI. Pan- dam Catalog remnants of the LIII. Armeekorps were redesignated zerkorps . On the same date Panzerkorps Harpe was formed from Gen. Kdo. XLI. Pz. K. z.b.V. (XLI Panzer Corps for Special components of the XLI. Panzerkorps with the mission of pre- Employment) on August 13, 19^» The XLI. Korps was under the venting a breakthrough of encircled Russian forces at Bely; command of General der Panzertruppe Hans Reinhardt, Feb 1^, it was disbanded on July Ik. During January 19^3 it took part 19140 - Oct 5, 19^1 and General der Panzertruppe Josef Harpe, in antipartisan action in the Nikitinka, Yartsevo, Vyazma, and Jan 15, 19^2 - Nov U, Item Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame la, Qu., Erfahrungsberichte, Versorgung Frankreich. Combat experience reports of the XLI. Armeekorps and reports concerning supply problems of the 6. Pz. Div. during the invasion in France. Jul 20 - Sep lU, 19l|0 E 172/1 978 la, Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen, Frankreich. War journal relating to the activation of the Corps, Feb 2, 19^0, in Breslau, its transfer to Limburg, Mar 6 - 22, 2 XLI. Panzerkorps Item Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame preparation for and execution of Operation "Gelb" (invasion of Luxembourg, Belgium, and Holland) on May 10, 19^0; its offensive engagements in the St. Quentin, Bethune, Rethel, Bar-le-Duc, Chaumont, and Besancon areas in France; the Corps' advance to La Rochelle by June 23, and its transfer again to the Breslau area in July. Also, register of officers, casualty report, and maps (1:300,000) showing the location of German forces during various periods in the western campaign. Feb 2 - Jul 8, 19^0 E 291/1 978 92 la, Kriegstagebuch. War journal covering the unit's transfer to Kecskemet, Hungary, preparations for the invasion of Yugoslavia, and daily progress of various sub- ordinate units during the conquest and occupation of Yugoslavia. Also, register of officers. The Corps was subordinate to Panzergruppe I. Mar 28 - Apr 20, 19*4-1 E 291/2 978 26l la, Gen. Kdo. XXXXI. Pz. K. Komm. General, Ausfuhrungen des Generals der Panzer- truppe Reinhardt uber den Maasubergang , 13 • 5- - 15 *5 .19^0. Narrative accounts by General Reinhardt and letters from General Reinhardt to Major Staedtke of the General Staff and to General Haider, dated Jun 5> 19^1? and Nov 8, 19^1, concern- ing the just credit due to the XLI. A.K. and its divisions during their crossing of the Meuse River, Holland, in May 19*4-0 and advances in the Kalinin area of Russia Jun 5, 19^1? during the autumn of 19^1. Also, a letter of transmittal to the Heeresarchiv Nov 8, 19^-1 and Potsdam, May 23, 19^3- May 23, 19^3 E 291/3 978 338 Qu., Kriegstagebuch. War journal covering unit's activities during the invasion of Luxembourg, Belgium, Holland, and France. Mar 3 - Jul 7, 19^0 W lU69a 978 358 Qu., Anlagen z. KTB. Order of battle and personnel strength reports of subordinate units, supply and munition reports, and special supply directives. Mar 8 - Jul 2, 19^0 W l^-69b 978 Qu., Anlagen z. KTB. Special supply directives and situation maps on fortifica- tions in France. Mar 8 - Jul h, 19^0 W lU69c 979 la, Kriegstagebuch. War journal relating to the Corps operations during the trans- fer from Kecskemet, Hungary, to East Prussia, preparations for Operation "Barba- rossa" (the invasion of Russia) ; the invasion of the Baltic Countries from the Memel area, the breakthrough of the Russian border fortifications in Lithuania, the tank battle at Raseiniai, offensive engagements in the Daugavpils, Pskov, and Luga River areas, the advance to the Leningrad front, the siege and attempt XLI. Panzerkorps Item Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame to encircle Leningrad, the transfer to the central sector, the advance toward Moscow, offensive engagements at Vyazma and Bryansk and northward to the capture of Kalinin, then the thrust to the Moscow- Volga Canal, and withdrawal to the Lama and later to the Mormyli positions in the Gzhatsk, Zubtsov, and Rzhev areas. Also, register of officers. The Corps was subordinate to Panzergruppen 1* and 3, respectively, -under the command of Gen. Lt. Friedrich Kirchner until Oct 25, and Gen. d. Pz. Tr. Walter Model, Oct 26, 19^1 - Jan 15, Apr 21 - Dec 31, 19*H 187^1/1 979 230 la, Anlageriband I z. KTB, Vorbereitung der Operation, Studie Barbarossa. Orders and correspondence of Panzergruppe U and subordinate units relating to prepara- tions for the invasion of Russia from the Memel area. Also included are order of battle charts and maps. Apr 20 - Jun 20, 19!*! l87*H/2 979 1056 la, Anlagenband II z. KTB, Geh. Kdos., Chefsache v. 2.5.1*1. Orders, march and battle instructions with operation maps and order of battle charts of Panzergruppe 1* and other Panzer units relating to preparations for the invasion of Russia in the area of Lithuania. Also included are a movement schedule and special regulations for the Air Force, supply, signal communication, and assignment of engineers. May 2 - 22, 19*4-1 1871*1/3 980 la, Anlagenband Ila z. KTB, Der Vorstoss auf Leningrad. Orders and reports of Panzergruppe 1* covering the advance toward Leningrad. Jun 22 - Jul 12, 1871*1/1* 980 72 la, Anlagenband lib z. KTB. Reports and correspondence relating to unit's military operations in the Pskov area. Jul 3 - Aug ll*, 19l*l 1871*1/5 980 263 la, Anlagenband lie z. KTB. Daily operation reports and orders with overlays (1:50,000) covering the Corps' advance in the Leningrad area. Also, notes on General Hoppner's conference on the progress of the siege of Leningrad and the cooperation of the German Air Force. ; Aug 15 - Sep 9, 187^1/6 980 1*1*0 la, Anlagenband lid z. KTB, Der Durchbruch durch den leningrader Festungsring und die Einschliessung von Leningrad. Daily operation reports and orders relating to the breakthrough of the Leningrad outer defense perimeter and the encircle- ment of Leningrad. Sep 9 - 19, 191*1 1871*1/7 980 613 XLI. Panzerkorps Item Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame la, Anlagenband III z. KTB, Marsch und Versammlung fur die Doppelschlacht von Wjasma und Brjansk. Reports, orders, and correspondence covering preparations for the anticipated battle at Vyazma and Bryansk. Sep 20 - Oct 1, 19la 187^1/8 980 678 la, Anlagenband IVa z. KTB, Der Vorstoss auf Kalinin. Reports, orders, and cor- respondence relating to the advance toward Kalinin, the breakthrough of enemy fortified positions in the Dnieper area, and the capture of Kalinin. Oct 2 - 9, 187^1/9 980 765 la, Anlagenband IVb z. KTB, Verteidigung von Kalinin. Operation reports and orders relating to the defense of Kalinin after the capitulation of Russian units in that city. Oct 15 - Kov 20, 19^1 187^1/10 980 850 la, Anlagenband V z. KTB, Der Vorstoss zum Moskwa-Wolga Kanal.
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