me- THE CHATHAM PRESS VOL. XX. NO. 42 CHATHAM, MORRIS COUNTY, N. J.. OCTOBER 14, 1916 PRICE, FIVE ORNTB son yesterday afternoon with the West In Justice to Dr. BANQUET OF Orange team at West Orange. The first ! APOLLO QUARTETTE It has been brought to our at- HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION home game will be playefl on the Pas- tention that an article In last week's THE MEN'S CLUB sale avenue grounds next Friday after- NEXT WEDNESDAY paper copied from the Newark Sunday We Stand First for Efficient Parenthood noon, when the'locals will entertain Call, might possibly be construed as a Summit. The schedule for the season reflection on Dr. Eklngs' professional WE STAND NEXT FOB CO-OPJBBATION WITH THE SCHOOL An Excellent Affair Held at is as follows: ability and carefulness. The Article In October 20, Summit at Chatham. First Number of the Public question told of the death of a colored October 23, Springfield at Chatham. man while in the dental chair having "What It Means to be Autumn." Mrs. J. Lin ton Engle, Haddonfleld, not the Methodist CTurch on October 28, Alumni. School Lecture Course a tooth removed. We deeply regret Heaven is here and now. How can later than November 1st November 1, Bernardsville at Chat- that anyone should have placed such we expect to find it above the blue The D. L. & W., from Hoboken, at Thursday Evening ham. a Musical Number a construction upon this article and somewhere or hope for it after death, 8.55, 9.37 and 10.51 a. m. This line November 7, Irvlngton at Chatham. hope that none did." The story was when the earth and autumn are all oes not go to Upper Montclalr, and n November 11, Summit at Summit. ' printed as an example of an aDfOT.\ O'ory and joyous these very daysT Oo rsons arriving by it can reach Upper MUSIC AND SPEECHES November 24, Roselle Park at Roselle AN EXCELLENT PROGRAM tunate happening, a novelty of Its kind, \'° a high ;'/f"r' look out and aw"v dontelair by Jitney bus or trolley. Park. in which we felt our local people whcre the *un hares the vivid b>'autV From Paterson a bus line leaves the Candidates for the teanj are: Fred would be interested because a Chatham !of mountain <"»' vallry aflame with ity Hall on the even hour and half The second annual banquet of the Sayre, center; T. Llndenian, F. Van The public school lecture course for man was Involved, and no thought of , !"""<"'ous Mendings in browns near-to our, connecting with the Upper Mont- Men's Club of the Methodist church on Wert, Willard Saunders and Ralph the season of 1916-17 will start next doing any injustice to Dr. Ekings en- "'<ls' briBht yellows—neighbors to pale air trolley. Tuesday evening was a grand affair, Ford, guards; T. Brown and P. Trow- Wednesday, when the first number will tered our mind. greens, where maples and poplars. Resolutions Committee: Mrs. Reuben rivalling In every particular that of brldge, tackles; P. Munn, S. Marek, be given by the Apollo Male Quartette. birches, sumacs and hickories and . Corry, RlveHon; Mrs. S. H. Voor- last year, and setting a new standard and Leigh Waud, ends; S. Brown, quar- This musical organization is one of the Club Member* •pines are glorious. The sassafras with ees, 943 Madison avenue, Plalnfleld; terback; K. Molitor and N. Miller, half- of excellence for others. beRt known In muRical circles In New- Don't forget the masquerade dance at '°'Ors '"U!'ht from "" is d0"r '" °1ow~ Irs. Robert Hoe Dodd, Upper Mont- backs; and G. 1). Hyncs, fullback. The Urr loitn: n0 t0 1 1 About eighty men sat down to a ark, and their work is not unknown to the Fisli and Ciaim- Club,, KridiKridavi ; Oc- '"" " ""' P'"' ' whi're air; Dr. Clara K. Bartlett, 4301 At- team is being coached by Rev. J. W. molt excellent repast served by the scores of Chatham people, who have toner 27. Tickets $1.00 i-ach. Come """"' riotuous picture songs will make ntlc avenue, Atlantic City, chairman, ladles of the church, excellent in every Moore. attended their concerts given In New and bring your friends. you glad. ill resolutions must be In the hands detail from oysters to coffee, and the Providence and elsewhere. And then look near where you are f the Committee by November 1st In enjoyment further enhanced by the The company Is composed of J. walking beside the old snake fence rder to be considered. handsome table and wall decorations. TO FORM A Franklin Thomas, first tenor; Lester CHATHAM BOYS IN spared to lichens and woodbine draped Nominating Committee: Mrs. Arthur A whole column might be filled with A. Palmer, second tenor; Roland F. as a plaything for the wind. Collins, Moorestown; Mrs. Elmer D. descriptions of this gastronomic feast, Randolph, first bass; Arthur G. Bal- Because the blue will never be bluer, [ulford, Brldgeton; Mrs. J. William but It will have to be sufficient to say BRASS BAND com, second bass, and Miss Mabel L. HOLY NAME PARADE look up. and because the land will latt, Chatham; Miss M. T. Vanderbllt, that It was excellent, and then some. Baldwin, pianist. All are artists, and never be lovlicr. look down. See care- rinceton; Mrs. J. Lawrence Llppln- When the dishes had been removed I their quartette work Is an artistic tally the same blue in the wayside ott, Rlverton, chairman. W. Holland Kelley, president of the Initial Steps Taken at a Meet* blending of harmonious tones. They Annual Demonstration Held chicory. Bee a scrap of cloud come Suggestions for nominations should club, thanked the members and guests will give their program entitled down to the milk irecti stalk and its • sent to this Committee by November present for their attendance and inter- ing at the School House "Songs that Touch the Heart," which at Madison Last Sir-lay burst-open pod. dandling a light load st. All terms of office expire at this est, and then turned the gathering will be composed of the following num- ot glistening floss and seed. me. over to Rev. Dr. J. H. Egbert as toast- Wednesday hook beside it. sec the purple aster A reorganization of the Finance master. bers: Afternoon One Sacred Song: trith a dallying late, brownish-red mon- ommittee being necessary, the Treas- Dr. Egbert proved himself a past "Lead Kindly Light" Buck nnh butterfly, lihuk threaded and the rer of every Association, or her rep- master at the art, and his humorous TEMPORARY ORGANIZATION One Patriotic Song: two. little, spotted scent-pockets for sentative, Is requested to attend the Introductions and real puns kept the AN IMPRESSIVE AFFAIR "March of Our Nation" Geibel attracting his mate, fiftc (s here too. usinesB meeting on Saturday morning gathering in real good humor. hanging upside down on the purple Two Reminiscent Songs: it 9 o'clock. Rev. Laurens H. Seelye, pastor of aster bent over. Near, hung stoutly There is on foot a movement to or- a. "Ben Bolt" Engllsh-Knease With more than 1,500 men in line, in- Accommodations for visitors may be the Congregational church, was the and carefully in the dying stalk of ganize a brass band' for Chatham, a b. "Love's Old Sweet Song" Molloy cluding about 100 from St. Patricks' lecured at reasonable rates from ap- first speaker, and after expressing the golden rod. sec the egg-sack 0/ a spider. movement which will have the hearty k'iano Solo: Holy Name Society of Chatham, and llcatlon to Chairman of Bureau of regret he felt at- Mr. Schatzman'B dead, but having first made perfect upproval of many. The plan was ex- "Rondo Caprlccloso" Mendelssohn more than twice as many spectators, nformation by November 1st. leaving Chatham, he went on to plead provision for perpetuating the species, plained to a group of interested men Two Songs of Devotion: the annual Holy Name Society demon- Luncheon will be served both days in for an even more co-operative spirit just as the plants are doing with seeds in the school house, Thursday evening stration was held in Madison last Sun- he Sunday School room for 25 cents among the churches of Chatham. a. "Sweet Genevleve" Tucker equipped with parachutes. burrs, by Mr. Lawrence M. Matt, former b. "Lll' Gal" Parks day afternoon. After a short march Bach. Rev. William ('. Patterson, rector of spring coats, what not device for trans- bandmaster of the 22nd Regiment In Vocal Combat: > around tht prlnclp&l Madison streets, Mrs. Wellington Bechtel, President, St. Paul's Episcopal church, was the portation to new places? Bets hurried band, Brooklyn, a man who is a born Balfe's "Then You'll Remember Me" the marchers dlsl»nded in front of Haddonfleld, N. J.; MrB. A. F. Meseh- next speaker, and In a few • well ly gather a late store, leith no interest leader and instructor. Knight's "Rocked In the Cradle of the reviewing stand on the St. Vin- er, Corresponding Secretary, Wood- chosen remarks happily expressed his in squirrels on the same mission. All Mr. Matt went to New Providence the Deep" Arranged by Buck cent's Church grounds, where the ad- mry, N. J.; Mrs. Theodore T. Dortnan, pleasure at being present, and his life is intent on the same purpose last March and organized a band (Sung Simultaneously) dresses and Benediction of the Most 'hairmun Bureau of Information, Up- wishes for the success and usefulness vigorously, joyously, in obedience to among the young men there, and in Three Plantation Melodies: Blessed Sacrament were given.
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