Ml the NEWS at SECTION BED B 4 N H and "Surrounding Town* rold Feartaaaly. and Wlthoot RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LX, NO. 86. RED BANK, N. J.; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1938. PAGES 1 TO. 12i Bertram Borden Blizzard Dinner Great Horned Owl Postoffice Staff Decides Speaks To Group Snowed Under By As Little Silver Dines and Plays Fellowship and Bertram H, Borden of Rumson, The annual dinner of the Red president of the Board of Governors, Bank poatofflco staff was held In the Monmouth Memorial hospital, was Ticket Requests Resident's Pet main dining room of the Red Bank guest speaker Monday at the first Elks club Saturday night. Over 30 To Pureli^se Land meeting of the newly organized As Rotary Club Amired of a Full Big Predatory Bird I'J "Leading members of the force enjoyed a fine Harmony Reign bury Park auxiliary. turkey dinner. After the dinner the Mr, Borden expressed his gratitude Home on SOth Anniversary the life of ReiUy" in a Wire guests, enjoyed bowling, ping-pong for the Interest shown by the Asbury of the Great Snow Storm of Pen on the Property of Rich- and cards In the recreation rooms of Park women In forming this group. ,ljtie club. For Larger Park He outlined plans for the hospital 1888. ard Sumner Hill. Those attending were Postmaster At Annual Affair which will Include a new solarium on Edward vonKattengell, Assistant 'ertlsing, $500; election, $300; as- Pavilion avenue and a gift shop to •The "Blizzard Dinner" scheduled Mike, a great horned owl, Is the Postmaster George R. Truex, Charles Ordinance Appropriating essment and collection of taxes, be managed by younger members of for Thursday night, March 11; at the unusual pet of Richard Sumner Hill E. Beck, Peder J. Olsleson, Robert TOASTMASTER Monmouth Boat Club Fit- 450; repairs to buildings and equlp- the Board of Governors. Red Bank Elks auditorium promises of Little Silver Point. Ensconsed C. Hance, Harold C. Ely, Albert E. $6,500 for Purchase of aent, $1,500; parking space, $1,441; to eclipse any similar affair ever held In a wire pen, with a largo wooden Snyder, Alexander B. Curchln, ponds, $14,590; emergency notes and at Red Bank. box for a home "he leads the life George O. Dennis, Harold Riddle, Jo- tingly Celebrates Wash' Wharf Avenue Property mpds, $1,000; interest on bonds, The dinner Is being sponsored by of Reilly." An unusual bird is seph P. Cooper, Edward E. Ottlnger, 903.50. Held On Charge the Red Bank Rotary club in ob- Mike with an unusual history, Robert Goodo, Walter W. Noble, ington's Birthday at Its Passed First Reading. Appropriations which have been servance of the EOth anniversary of In the spring of 1DS7 Harry Mor- William ' J. Sweeney, William F. ut and the amount of the decreases Of Sabotage Of the great sno.wfall March 11 and 12,ris of Farmlngdale and members of Baldwin. J. O. Holbrook, R. E. Me- Clubhouse. nclude poor clients, $8,000, and II- 1883. his family were searching for MayConnell, M, E. VanSauter, Arthur E. rary, $2,O00. The anticipated rev- The blizzard Is one Incident In the pinks or trailing arbutus when they Slattery, William Darby, Melvin P. nue this year from franchise taxes Freehold Movie lives of many Red Bankers that they happened to find Mike. Tho bird Stout, Walter A. Schroeder, Fred A. Decrease of $9,000 will never forget, and the Rotarlans was a small Infant with a covering Crlne, James A. Wise, Jr., A. S. Traf- $16,000 and the anticipated rev- f or nue from gross receipts taxes Is have planned a big night for these which looked like fuzz, bearing but A £' Reginald Pulley Leroy A. Lane, President Augustus ML George Roop, Red Bank Union Geor e HanCB 12,000. old-timers to come out and tell their little resemblance to feathers. Ev|jA. C Quackenbush « °- and Frederic S. Hayes. In Budget for 1938Interest due on bonds of $1,475 Official, Termt Conspiracy younger friends all about It dently a catastrophe had occurred Minton Toastmaster aa ordered paid at Monday night's Charge "Ridiculous" — Two at the home of the parents of -the ession. ' ' owl. At any rate the little bird lay Others Remanded to Jail. on the ground, Indicating that Its The Red Sank mayor and council father and mother had been driven Rabbi Hershon The 59th annual Washington'* Monday night passed on Brat read- George"Roop, secretary of the Bed away or killed and the neat wrecked. Birthday dinner given under the aus- ing an . 'ordinance . appropriating Assessor Named pices of the Monmouth Boat club at $6,500 to purc-hase and Improve a Bank local of the International Al- Mr. Morris took the bird home Presents Scroll liance of Theatrical. Employees and and endeavored to nurse It. His its clubhouse Tuesday afternoon was quarter acre ' of land on the west the most successful dinner the club aide of Wharf avenuel.Three houses At Sea Bright Motion Picture Machine Operators efforts were rewarded by success. union, was held for the action of the The little owl grew and becamu To Rev. Trembath has had in years, not only in tho are now on the property, which la grand jury under ball of (5,000, af- number of those who partook of a. owned by the Mainstay and Rod healthy and it was given to Mr. most delightful meal but also by vir- Arthur O. Axehon, Candidate for ter being apprehended Saturday Hill, a friend of Mr. Morris. Mike Presentation Features Father and Bank. Building & Loan associations. night on a charge of conspiracy In tue of the great amount of fellowship . The buildings will be razed and the Mayor Last November, Geti has not yet attained maturity, but and brotherhood manifested. connection with alleged sabotage at Is about the size of a parrot. The Son Dinner at Synagogue— property will be used as additional Appointment—Attestor Ordi- the Liberty theater at Freehold. The festivities were held in the park space and to ' widen Wharf bird's ability to Inflict Injury with Harry Goldhurit it Toait- jj nance Adopted. Mr.' Roop was apprehended - by Its claws is almost unbelievable. club's large banquet room on the avenue. Work will be started im- l! ' : ' master. second floor of the clubhouse. Large Captain Joseph Bray of the Red The head of a horned owl Is much mediately upon passage of the ordi- ii Arthur O. Axelson was appointed Bank police upon request of the framed, pictures of George Washing- nance and •will-be'cttmpleted before like that of a cat, although much assessor of. the borough of Sea Freehold police, who had earlier that Rev. W. Carman Tremb&th of the ton together with the National em- May 1. , * Bright at the regular meeting of the larger. ' Tho eyes arc as large as blem and festoons of the club colors day arrested Frank Fleming of Long those of an ordinary-sized dog and Red Bank Reformed church received AUGUSTUS M. MINTON The property la almost triangular mayor and council of that place fast Brunch and Howard W. Mericle of -ah-lnseribod—parchment- eoroll -with -President : af.-hlue unri whlte-made-up-the dec- in shape, having a frontage of 220V4 Thursday rHgntr~Mr.- "Axeisw war Newark on charges of damaging mo- y oratlve scheme. does not come out of his home much the seal of the Congregation B'nal feet on Wharf avenue. Ths' side tho Republican candidate for mayor tion picture projection machines at Israel Thursday night at a father Mayor Augustus M. Minton of Fair toward the river adjoins the prop- list fall. His namo was first pre- the Freehold theater. The men were during daylight, but Invariably at night ho walks or .flies about his and sons' dinner at the Riverside Haven, who has been president of erty of Frank P. Dlckman and sented for appointment in a motion specifically charged with breaking avenue synagogue. The flcroll wa& Sea Bright Is tho Monmouth boat club for more runs west 86 feet The" hypotenuso and entering and throwing sand In- pen. Stew meat is his chief food, but he also relishes rats, mice, presented by Rabbi Arthur Hershon years than many of the members can aide of-the property is 174 feet in to the machines. According to the In behalf of the Red Bank Jewish remember and who is probably • one! .. extent The properties on. which Freehold police, one of the men snakes, starlings, sparrows and var- Willing To Pay ious other creatures. His two horna Community Center lor Rev. Me. olf the best known yachtsmen In this named Mr. Roop- as the man who vicinity, was inanter of ceremonies. —two of the-houses-stand-sre-owned had engaged them for this work. HADDON IVINS by the Mainstay association and the. bonds of friendship between the Rent For Dock His seat was at tbe center ot the ta- The Liberty theater is said to be the ears of animals. He blinks his third Is owned by the Bed Bank eyes frequently and shows other Christian and Jew closer In this com- association. the only Monmouth county theater Rotarlan Haddon Ivlns of Union munity. The dinner was attended by which has failed to negotiate with City, editor and publisher of tho ovldoncc of not being at case when 175 persona. Offer is Made at Inducement for When the new • park addition is the -motion picture operators union. Hudson Dispatch, and a native son In the daylight completed the total acreage of the It is operated by Max Snider.
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