/ #1 1976 edition Steven Beatty / 303 Welch #6 / Ames, IA.. 50010 / USA — please note change of address Price: 600, 6O0Can, 50^» 35P» or 3 International Reply Coupons, Double justce for overseas airmail. Checks and stamps are accepted. Also available for trade. This directory is a bibliography, international in scope, of amateur publica­ tions in certain subject fields, including science fiction, fantasy, comix, movies, and wargames, as well as other overlapping interest areas. This is; not the place to define ’fanzine’ or explain fandom. That has been done well (for sf fandom) in The Neofan’s Guide and The Fillostrated Fan Dictionary. This is only a comprehensive listing of fanzines that were published during 1975* I have operated on the principle of when-in-doubt-put-it-in. Thus many magazines are listed with the notation ’semipro,’ The directory is not limited to publications I have seen a copy of. I am well aware of the reasons for limiting a bibliography to items that the compiler has seen, but in the interests of completeness I have included information gathered from fanzine reviews and other sources. The fanzines that I have personally examined are designated by an asterisk at the end of the entry, to indicate that that information is probably more reliable. Apas (amateur press associations) are not listed here, because that field is already covered in South of the boon (now edited by Andrew Sigel, ^2^ Greenleaf St, Evanston, IL 60202). Individual apazines are listed only if they are regularly circulated outside the apa, or if they are distributed in more than one apa, or by mistake. Libertarian publications are not listed unless they have an appreciable circulation in sf fandom. The format for each entry is as follows: code NAI-IE OF FANZINE (numbers of issues published in 1975» status at end of 1975) mailing address (price and other availability) avg pagecount pagesize/method of _ reproduct ioijc'.(editor and^publioher if-hot given* lin'address; other-bibliographic notes; brief statement of contents, format, or coverage) For booklets and oneshots, the author’s name is given before the title. Frequency of publication is not given, because the number of fanzines that stick to a regular schedule can be counted on the fingers of one mutilated mutated hand. An estimate can be obtained from the number published during the year. Fanzines which ceased publication in 197^ have only that fact listed, When the same editor publishes more than one title, his address will be listed under one and a cross-reference will be given in the others. If there is no cross-reference, check the index for other titles from the same editor. The main listing is followed by an index of titles, former titles, abbreviated titles, co-editors, and sponsoring organizations. After that is a list of zines that came to my attention after the main listing was typed, then abbreviations. Please note this correction: unstarred British zines whose page size is given as q are actually s. Where no size is given on starred zines, it is s. Corrections and additions are desired. A supplement containing corrections will be published about October.and will be available for a SASE or information. It is planned to publish the Fanzine Directory annually. The 2nd edition will be published February 1977* I have already decided several things that will be done differently. Constructive criticism will be given careful attention. Emotional tirades from people who didn’t bother to read this page will be slowly composted in my correspondence file. Thanks are due to Fred Burkhardt, Donn Brazier, Steve Sneyd, Lester Boutillier, Kurt Erichsen, Jim Meadows, lark Bernstein, I-ark IlcGarry, lark Ilontchalin, and Rick Loomis for providing information. The directory would not be nearly as complete without the fanzine reviewers who brought new zines to my attention in their col­ umns: Ned Brooks, Roger Sween, Don Iiiller, Darroll Pardoe, Peter Roberts, Ileade Frierson, Claude Plum, Eric Batard, and many others. ********Bif»dst publication 7/I58 L*~J - Al THE A. H* P* (tent?) Lee ELlickson/25052 Maw son Dr,, Laguna His, GA 92653 (16/^6 ,50) ('Alfred -Hitchcock) AB19 ABBA ZABA (3-4) Simon Agree/6001 Reseda Blvd #317/Reseda, GA 91335 (10/, usu) 8h/m&o Cmisb, ’’broadside”) * AG47 ACIETRON (on) Beth Adams ADI AD ('?) Adelaide- Lniv SF Assn/Students Assn Office, Adelaide Univ'/N Terra.ce, Adelaide 5001/Australia ('ed Paul Stokes; club) AD173 Adams, Fred G, THE SPOOR DIRECTORY OF HORROR/FANTASY PUBLI­ SHERS see SP66 ((50/) I!2s/m- AD38 ALFA NEWS ('?) David Sutton, 194 Station Rd,. Kings Heath, Bir­ mingham Bl4 7TE ('4/50p, 4/$l) (BFS newsletter, Derleth f sy awards) AD82 ADRENALIN ('cp) John Carl AD83 ADRIFT (1-?) Wayne Ja.ckson/Box 76/s Maripo sa, Ont (40/, usu) 34/m (Starlost; " " ’'5 a hoax) AD96 THE ADVENTURESS (?) A. S. Turner/see H432 ($f) (pub Gomics Heroine Fan Club) AE82 AERIAL PHENOMENA PERSPECTIVES (?) Box 388 Main PO/Atlanta, GA 30301 lO/o AF89 AFTER MIDNIGHT (?-4) Reg Smith/1509 Mar-Les Dr/Santa Ana, GA 92706 (EOD) 10/m (Lovecraft &c) AF895 AFTER' THE FLOOD (1-10) David Grif^in/83 Maple Rd/Horfield, Bristol BS7 8RF (??p, trade) 16/m ('text in English & Swedish; incl Swedish fanzine reviews) AG14 AGAINST THE WALL (so) Bill George/PO Box 444/Westfleld, NJ 07090 (25/) 2O/o (libertarian) * AL12 ALARIMS AND EXCLUSIONS (1-?) Barry & Lee Gold/2471 Oak St/ Santa Monica, GA 90405 (Dungeons & Dragons) AL23G Alderson, John. J, THE GALACTIC WINEMAKER see 0364 ((A$l) 20/m (toll of essays & articles) AL25 ALEPH NLLL (tent) Patrick Hayden/see T329 ('gen) AL35 ALGERNON (?) ?/Norway 100/? ('gf sercon)' AL38 ALGOL (24-25) Andy Porter/PO BOX 4175/New York, NY 10017 (US, Can$1.50, 6/^6; Aq>l-»20, 6/A§5, Space Age Books/305 Swanston St/ Melbourne, Vic 3000/Australia; 60p, 5/l«2, Ethel Lindsay: DM4, 6/ DM14, Waldemar Humming) 52/t (sf sercon; ISSN 0002-5364) * AL42 .ALIEN APATHETIC (unnum) Jim Khennedy/see AR69 ('Organized SF’ Fans.of Az) 3/m (club; formerly Ossfa News) # AL74 ALPHA ('?) Darryl Bird/Michaelmasr Hse, Main Rd/Hoo, Rochester, Kent ME3 9HG (3/^Ou) 8/m (comix) AL79 ALTAIR (1-?) Terry Whittier/3809 Meramonte Way/N Highlands, C.A 95660 (50/, usu) 28h/o.r (sf gen)' AL792 ALTERNATE REALITY (?) Ron Melton/694 Broadway/El Centro, CA 92234 (12/|3) 16h/o (wargames; incl The" Briefing Room, ed Mike Rj t1 er) ALT1? 4 ALTERNATE UNIVERSE (?) Shirley S. Maiewski/481 Main St/Hatfleno. MA^01038 ($2) (Star Trek) AL796 ALTERNATIVA (?) Pier Giorgio Nicolazzini/via San Rocco 6 bis/ 23026 Omegna (Novara)/ltaly (sf sercon) AL79i.‘ ALTERtMTIVD' (1~?) Dave Shockley/149 EVergreen Cir/Hendersonvl, TN 37075 ( sf ) AL87 ALVEGA (1-?) Alyson Abra.mowltz/Box 3-0-4, 1060 Morewood Ave/ Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (50/, usu) 28/o (sf gen) AM18 AMBROSIA (cd) Alan D, Gulletts , AM35 AMERICAN DREAMER (3) John Robinson/1-] 01 st St/TTby, 'NY 12130 4/m (hers) * '• ' AM354 AMERICAN PETER CUSHING CL LB JOLRNAL (?) Debbie Bennett/153 Plymouth Blvd/smithtown, NY 11787 AM67 AMON DIN (cp) Steven Porter AM675 AMON HEN (?) Tolkien Soc, Nirs Vera Chapman/21 Harrington Hse, 4 [3] Stanhope St/London NW1 3RB (Tolkien Soc) 24/m (ed Stuart Clark) AM68 jAMOR (?) Sugan Wood/Dept of Eng, Lhiv of Brit Col/Vancouver, EC V6T 1175 Carr) 29/m AMTS ADRA (?) George/ H. Soibhers/Box 8243/Philadelphia, PA 19101 (75/, 10/16) 20 Zo (sSc; nub ‘Hytop:^Lureun Legion; ISSN 0044-8168) AN14 ANARCH (?) Dieter S>achss/62 Wiesbaden/Am Melonenberg 16/West Germany (DM3) 54/ ('’Das :Li____berarisch^Satirlsone Magafcin’1) AN29 ANDRoMt-DA (?). Alfred______ Najchar/?___ /. ' IA6/0lt6/< • •’ - ’ • West German■y’ (pub Science Fiction Club Deutschland; sercon) AN293 ANDROMEDA-NACffiMlCHTEN (?) Frank Flfege/see AN29 (pub SFCD; news) AN297 ANDURIL (?-5) John Martin/101 Eskdale, Tanhouse 5/Skelmersdale, Lane s. W8 6EB (30p.(3 §1, usv)usu) 3b/o56/o ('S&s,(b':ss fie) AN77 ANNIE LAIRIE STARRR (?) ? . AN78.. ANOMALY (2) Ed Slavinsky/100 York St/New Haven , CT 06511 (50/„ usu) 38/m (pub Nw Hvn SF&F Assn; club, gen) * AN735 ANOMALY (?) ? (oomix) AN863 ANTARBAN ARCHIVES (unnvm) Beth Robertson/198 Adams St/Delmar, NY 1.2054 (<1?) ^4/ra (bub A'lIET; fie, cl.no) AN865 ANT AHL’S (?) Sezar Erkin Ergin/ PK 56, Bakanliklar/Ankara/’Tur- key (usu?) 32/o (flc: text in Turkish,9 letters in English)~ AN867 ANTARES NEWS (?) ? AN87 ANTI-MATTER (?) Carol Lee/91-46 80th St/Woodhaven, NY 11421 •' Tr ok) AN875 ANTITHESIS (cp) Chris Sherman.____ * AP26 (title not known) (?) Apes/141 Urban Ave/N Providencei, HI 02904 (12/§2<,50 incl mem) (Official Planet of the Apes ulubCiti Bulletin) AP31 APHELION (1~?) Alan Hanna/350 Carlton Ter/Athens, GA 30601 * 4/or (pub Univ of Ga SF Apr-reolation Club; gen,, club) AP48 APPENDIX (tent) Phil & Marol Helmg/see S0577 (pub American Tnl VI pin AP52 APPL1G ARTH? S FOLLY (1-?) ? AR15 AR&ZIA (?) Mark Montehalin/5825 SE 17th Ave/Portland, CR 97202 (25/) (f sy, comix, movies, music) AR21 ARC (?) Andy Northern/? AR28 ARDEES (1”?) Andrew Dmlop/34 John Grundy Hse, Howard Pl/ Hyde, Ches SX14 2TB (usu) (pars) AR37 ARGENTINE SCIENCE FICTION REVlW second series (?) Hector R. Pessina/Oasi/r* 5869, Cor Cent/Buenos Aires/Argentina (ISSN 0004~10o4) AR48 ARK (?) Susp & Roni Clarke/see K76IT ' / •’ 1 . ; • •: 1 (A75/) (gen) AR485 THE ARK'S BRIDIE (?) Polly Martin/23400 Brooklyn St/Detroit, MI 48076 (60/, usu) 50/o (Starlost; " n . hoax) AR54 ARMAGEDDON (?) Ian Penman/? (comix) AR545 ARMCHAIR DETECTIVE (?) Allen J, Heibin/3656 Midland/White Bear Lk, MN 55110 (4/|6) (ISSN 0004-217X) AR69 ARRAKIS (?) Jim Khcnnedy/1859 E Fairf ield/Mesa, AZ 85203 (fsy) AR75 ____________ART & STORY (1) James_____ D.
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