POST VOL. IX. NO. 11 KENDALL PARK, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 16 1967 Not over 75 pot cont odvortisi NewsstanH IOC per copy OYMIs Record Set For Budget Passed ’ *ii r I * ’» Patten Is Guest Dissent Caused Ill’ll! fi| -lljj M,J At Banquet To By Change In Honor Greene School Taxes CooKraMinan Edward J. Pattm South Brunswick's record $1,- (D-lSth Diet J will ba the guest 961,715 municipal budget for 1967 speetor at a bamiiMt Saturday received final approval by a 4-1 honoring David Creene.SouQi vote of the Township Committee at Bruaewlck's ’’outetandliig young a public hearing Monday night. man of Minority member FrankChrlnko Tlcheta to the Jaycee-eponeored cast the only odposlng vote, not out alintr, to start at 8 p;m . In tha of opposition tq municipal expen­ Prlneeton Inn, Princeton, are still ditures, he said, but because of the available from Michey Hasson, 108, Inclusion of a change from* fiscal New Road, Kendall Perk. to calendar year school tax collec­ Mr. Greene, of 23 Woocblns' tions. Road in Kendall Park, was seleded Although he pointed out that the two weeks ago by a panel of Ova cost of running the municipal Judges for the annua! Jayces government had Increased about IBM Addition In Dayton Progresses award. He is a lawyer with the. 100 per cent over last year, Mr, steel fraine construction engineering building and the na­ some to be transferred from David M, Greene tew firm in Chrlnko said "I feel every Item In New Brunswick and has been neared completion this week on tional headquarters for the com­ other IBM operations In New the budget is necessary." the new additions to; the IBM tlw township attorney since early CommltleemamHer^rt Wright, facilities In Dayton. The addi­ pany's information Records Di­ York. The 144,000 s<iuare foot test year. Goal Is 200 Pints For Blood Drive citing the township’ s "Cadillac ap­ vision, Nearly 600 employees addition is e4 >actdd to bo com­ He was setected from nlnenom-' Peter Burke of 4 Hodge Road petite and Ford Income," offered tion, which was started in Octo­ between 10 a.iii. and 3;30 p.m. the pharmacy. He said persins ber of last year, will house IBM’s win work In the'new facilities. Inees by Judges John J. Dlneen, In Kendall Park does a double- the only argument against the pleted In September, In the high school. The chair­ between 18 and 39 who are In 4- Jemss D. Jones (test year’s out­ take at a sign advertising the up­ large Increases. He said some of standing young man), Joseph S. coming South Brunswick Com­ man of this j'ear’s blooil^Jjank, good health are eligible to give the appropriations could have been Attempt By Utilities Authority To Squash Kimson, Andrew s . Johnson and munity Blood Bank drive posted Marvin Charen, announced this blood and each donor will re­ shav^, but voted for the budget’ s Abraham Dobin. His selection was in the window of the Kendall week that a goal of 200 pints ceive a card indicating his blood approval. based largely on civic activities Park Pharmacy. The drive is has been set and that, applica­ t>-po and the date of the dona­ Mayor Dan Horgan thanked the during test year. slated for Saturday, April 8. tion blanks are now available at tion. members of the Towmship Com­ Westbrook’s Suit Fails in Superior Court Other Speakers at the <^k>n- -4* mittee, township administrator A. a l-d ress banquet will be Eugene Louis Hayward and others who as­ An attempt by the South Bruns- i resolution for Project lA. that the contract be decided In' a O^Lsary, state Jaycee representa­ Grade School sisted In the preparation of the wick Municipal Utilities Authority! In addition to the suit, Pro­ referendum to be held April 14. tive; Dan Horgan, mayor of South eon Park budget and noted there had been to gain an early, favorable ruling | ject lA is tangled In a contro­ Even If the aythorlty success­ Brunswick; and Edward Picone, "less haggling than In the past." on a suit against Project lA . filed; versy over a service contract fully defends Itself against the suit past president of the South Bruns­ Students To Explaining his opposition to the by one of Its members, failed Inl between the authority and the and the service contract is up­ wick Jayeees, school tax change, Mr. Chrlnko Superior Court Friday, i Tow'nship Committee, upon which held at the polls , the entire Pro­ The Invocation will be given by ing Is Today said there was a "windfall" of The denial by Judge Davtd Fur- ! bonding costs were estimated. ject lA financing will probably the Rev. Dwight Huseman, pastor Visit Forest $888,000 which had been raised man of the authority’ s bid for a! A petition signed by 620 town­ have to be done over, since bid of Christ the King Evangelical by school ta.xes (deferred school sumniary judgement on the suit i ship property owners has requlredl deadlines will have tieen passed. Lutheran Church In Kendall Park, A delegation of South Bruns­ park's present delineation and the More than 2 30 fourth, fifth and tax) and would now go Into the was because.^:!Id the judge, thei and the toastmaster is Roger wick officials is going to Trenton deed dedication of strips of pro­ sixth grade students from four township account. authority failed to fully answer | Craig of Kendall Park. today, March 16, for a long-awaited perty in the park adjacent to town­ ■South Brunswickschools wlUs_pend The committee previously The presentation of the award meeting to discuss the proposed ship roads. next week at Stokes State Forest pledged to turn half the amount all points raised in the suit. [ Officers Elected^ Activities The suit was filed by John W est-; will be made By E.T, Kornegay, state park in the township with Mr. Stein noted that It had taken for a concentratedstudylnthefield of the deferred school tax over to brook, an authority member who! president of the South Brunswick "the top man.” five or six months to arrange of conservation. the Board of Education and to use opposes the proposed Project lA,j Planned By Youth Council Jayeees, and the dinner closing At 11 a.m.i representatives of tne meeting with Roe. Another The trip is being coordinated by- the other half as a reserve fund. and Willfem Nelson, who is ai will be given by Thomas Waldron, the TownshlpComriilttee, the Plan­ Plamiing Board niember, Herbert Ed Kiess, the outdoor education But Mr. Chrlnko claimed there ning Board and township admtn- coordinator and administrative as­ were no assurances that the money nvember of the Planning Board.' During two recent meetings, the jer. The membership chairman banquet chairman. Wright, said that Mr. Hayward istr.ator A. Louis Hayward will had c;tlled the commissioner's of­ sistant to the superintendent of would actually lie given to the The suit has stalled Project lA,j newly - formed South Brunswick jls Lila Pizurro and the puUiclty Nearly 130 persons are expected meet Robert Roe, commissioner fice nearly every day for months schools for the Board of Education, board. He said he thought the board an extensive plan designed to cor- ; Youtii Council electeri officers, ichairman is Barbar.i Jeffrey, to attend the banquet. The dinner 'or the State Department of Con­ requesting the meeting. Students from Dayton, Monmouth might have to borrow money to rent the Kendall Park sewerage! ptumed a constltulion ami made ; Kathy Leary was appointed to head .program will be folldwocl bydanc- servation and Economic Develop­ Previously, the commissioner Junction, Cambridge and Constable meet eiypenses. treatment plant odor problem and! other plans. |a special Committee to draft the ing, with music provided by the ment. has sent subordinates to talk with Schools will make the trip. Green- Mayor Horgan agreed there was to provide water and sewer ser­ The new officers, elected last I constitution. Rhythem Masters. At the Planning Board meeting township officials. The officials brook School students went last vice to several p;irts of the town­ month, are Cheryl Neach, presi­ ! The creation of the organization In two respectsi Mr. Greene (See BUDGET, page five) Tuesday, chairman Jack Stein said have become increasingly unhappy fall. They will travel by bus to ship. dent; James Phelps, vice pres­ I was encouraged by the Community will be on the receiving end of the township’ s delegation would be about meeting subordinates be­ the New Jersey State School of -0 - Mr. Westbrook an engineer, ad- ident; Diana Bednai, secretary; Center Advisory Committee to services he at one time or an­ meeting Roe to try to resolve pro­ cause they lack the authoritv to Conservation at the forest, leav- , vof ateS his own plan lor correcting and Tad Wacker, treasurer. assist in the planning of teenage other performed. In 1961, as a blems that will be caused by the make any decisions. iriB Monday morning and returning the odor problem, by running a line At the election meeting, Mrs, facilities in the proposed township Jaycee member himself, he was Coloring Contest park. The park’ s proposed lo­ ALSO at Tuesdtty'.s meeting. Friday. from Kendall Park to existing lines Wingate Froscher, chairman of the community center. the chairman o f . an outstanding on the other side of Route 1. The >-oung man banquet in New Bruns­ cation Is In the Pigeon Swamp Woody Jarmer of Gershln Asso­ sixteen juniors and seniors from Community Center AdvisoryConi- The council is presently In­ area.
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