![Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2003 No. 25 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was sense of the House that a commemora- ficing their lives so the rest of us can called to order by the Speaker pro tem- tive postage stamp should be issued in live in freedom. pore (Mr. BALLENGER). remembrance of the victims of the Bei- A stamp in honor of the Beirut peace- rut peacekeeping mission. I am cer- f keepers would not just serve to further tainly not the first to pursue this ef- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO fort to have the Postal Service author- mourn their loss, but to celebrate the TEMPORE ize a stamp in memory of our brave peace and the American spirit that was The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- peacekeepers. For 19 long years, embodied in the mission of these fallen fore the House the following commu- friends, families and comrades of the heroes. nication from the Speaker: Beirut victims have lobbied tirelessly Mr. Speaker, in these uncertain WASHINGTON, DC, to see this dream become a reality. To times we call upon the brave men and February 11, 2003. date, however, these efforts have been I hereby appoint the Honorable CASS women of the military to defend the unsuccessful. ideals that this great Nation was BALLENGER to act as Speaker pro tempore on Mr. Speaker, some of the astonishing this day. founded upon. One of my constituents, reasons that have been given for not J. DENNIS HASTERT, Charles Hall of Jacksonville, North Speaker of the House of Representatives. issuing the stamp include: We try to honor positive things. People want Carolina, was called upon 191⁄2 years f noncontroversial, pretty stamps; Bei- ago; and he served our country honor- MORNING HOUR DEBATES rut lacks significance in American his- ably in Beirut. He will be the first to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tory, and not enough people were tell Members that the war on terrorism ant to the order of the House of Janu- killed. began well before September 11. ary 7, 2003, the Chair will now recog- Mr. Speaker, I share those comments Mr. Speaker, in April the Citizens because this is what I have been told nize Members from lists submitted by Stamp Advisory Committee will con- has been said to those many people the majority and minority leaders for vene in Washington to consider stamp morning hour debates. The Chair will who for 19 years have been asking that proposals and make recommendations alternate recognition between the par- this stamp be created. These expla- ties, with each party limited to not to nations are scant justification for fail- to the Postmaster General. On behalf exceed 25 minutes, and each Member, ing to recognize those who have given of military families across the United except the majority leader, the minor- so much to our country. I can assure States, I urge the committee to do ity leader, or the minority whip, lim- Members that they amount to little what is right for those who made the ited to not to exceed 5 minutes. more than a slap in the face to our ultimate sacrifice. I urge them to re- The Chair recognizes the gentleman servicemen and their families. consider that a commemorative stamp from North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 I am not here today to begrudge be issued in remembrance of the Beirut minutes. stamp selections of the past, but fair is peacekeepers. f fair. If kittens, red squirrels, Daffy Duck, Chinese dragons, circus wagons, Mr. Speaker, I would like to close in AUTHORIZE STAMP IN MEMORY and communist artists are worthy of a certain way. I first ask God to please OF BRAVE PEACEKEEPERS IN commemoration by the Postal Service, bless the men and women in uniform. I BEIRUT then so are our fallen heroes from Bei- ask God to please bless the families of Mr. JONES of North Carolina. Mr. rut. the men and women in uniform. I ask Speaker, on October 23, 1983, the war on October 3 of this year will mark the God to please bless the House and Sen- terrorism began when a truck filled 20th anniversary of the Marine Corps ate that we might do what is right for with explosives detonated outside of barracks bombing in Beirut. The the future of this Nation. And I ask the United States Marine Corps bar- friends, family, and comrades left be- God to please bless the President of the racks in Beirut, Lebanon, killing 241 of hind by the Beirut peacekeepers will United States that he will lead this Na- gather once again to pay their re- our servicemen. Between 1982 and 1984, tion and this world to a better and 270 soldiers, sailors, and Marines from spects. This would be the appropriate peaceful world. 36 States lost their lives while serving time for the Federal Government to as peacekeepers in Beirut. show its appreciation. Honoring these Mr. Speaker, I close by asking three Mr. Speaker, I have recently intro- servicemen with a stamp is one way for times, God please, God please, God duced H. Res. 45 that would express the us to finally say thank you for sacri- please, continue to bless America. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H329 . VerDate Jan 31 2003 01:16 Feb 12, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11FE7.000 H11PT1 H330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 11, 2003 FIGHTING DISEASES AROUND THE flag,’’ and trying to solve the problem CONGRATULATING UNIVERSITY OF WORLD alone, he said. FLORIDA The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- The Global Fund is a public-private The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ant to the order of the House of Janu- partnership begun last year by U.N. ant to the order of the House of Janu- ary 7, 2003, the gentleman from Ohio General Secretary Kofi Annan, which ary 7, 2003, the gentleman from Florida (Mr. BROWN) is recognized during morn- draws contributions from governments, (Mr. STEARNS) is recognized during ing hour debates for 5 minutes. private corporations, faith-based orga- morning hour debates for 5 minutes. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, nizations and foundations. The Global Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, I come yesterday 1,100 people in India died Fund already shows signs that it to the floor to congratulate the Univer- from tuberculosis. Last month in sub- works. Government entities, in coordi- sity of Florida on its 150th year in op- Saharan Africa, 225,000 people died nation with nongovernment organiza- eration and of course to wish them con- from AIDS. Last year, more than 1 mil- tions, submit 5-year plans. Each plan is tinued success. It is a great privilege to lion people died from malaria around unique to each country, not a one-size- represent such a fine university. I am the world. fits-all design which traditional foreign proud to say that the University of The White House understands that aid programs have too often been. Florida ranks fourth in the Nation AIDS, in tandem with tuberculosis, is among public universities and 10th literally the most devastating epi- The Global Fund recognizes cultural among all universities in the number of demic the world has seen since the bu- differences. What works in Christian freshman National Merit Scholars in bonic plague of the 14th century. These Uruguay might not work in Moslem attendance. diseases have killed millions. They Bangladesh. No overriding, inter- Not only do I have the privilege of have their sights set on millions more. national political agenda is attached to representing the university, but also The President laid out the problem the Global Fund’s assistance. No lit- the city in which the university was well: nearly 30 million people have the mus tests, only a judgment by the fund formed, which also happens to be very AIDS virus in Africa; yet only 50,000 of in collaboration with local citizens and close to my hometown. In 1853, the them are receiving the medicine they health workers of what works best in University of Florida began as East need. The great Black Plague of Europe each country. Florida Seminary in Ocala, Florida. It killed 25 million people in the mid- The Global Fund demands quantifi- was created in response to a State deci- 1300s. Last year, there were an esti- able results. The money supports ac- sion which allowed public funds to be mated 42 million people living with tivities, including access to health care used to support higher education. It HIV–AIDS around the world. There is services and purchase of drugs. If a later combined with Florida Agri- little question that HIV, unless we country or an NGO fails to show results culture College, St. Petersburg Normal take unprecedented, dramatic action to within 2 years, the money is cut off. and Industrial School, and South Flor- both prevent further spread and treat Although 60 percent of the Global ida Military College to become the all those who require treatment with Fund’s money goes to HIV–AIDS, 20 University of the State of Florida, one antiretrovirals and other medicines, percent goes to TB and another 20 per- of four State universities.
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