Madrigals to Present Annud Christmas Program Friday The Madrigal Singers of the Col- be accompanied by Gloria Grout lege of Puget Sound, under the di- of Olympia. rection of Dr. Bruce Rodgers, will The members of the Madrigal! give their annual Christmas pro- Singers this year are: Sopranos gram on Friday, Dec. 12, in the Sylvia Funk, Beatrice Horn, Caroll Recital Hall of the Music build- Mikesell, and Carol Sandford. Al'. ing. The program will begin at tos, Carolyn Cross, Florence John. 8:15 p.m. Their program includes son, Carol Jo Nelson. Tenors, traditional Christmas carols and Richard Dossett, William Whin.. unusual settings of Christmas mu- ery. Basses, Richard Koehler and sic of other lands. J. D. Nichols. The same program will be given The Madrigal program is as fot. by the Madrigal Singers in Olym- lows: pia for the Kiwanis Club of Dec. "A Joyous Christmas Carol, 10, and again in Olympia for the Bright; "Let Carols Ring," Folk Capitol Music Club on Dec. 16. Melody from Sweden, Arr. Black; Appearing on the first half of "Ya viene Ia vieja," traditionaL the program are three outstand- Spanish, Arr. Parker-Shaw. ing music students of CPS. Shar- "While Shephers Watched Their. lene Armitage, pianist from Brem- Flocks," XVII century, arr. Jungst; erton, will play the First Move- "Hodie, Christus natus est," Wil- ment of the Third Concerto by Ian "Fum, Fum, Fum," arr. Par. Beethoven. The orchestral reduc- ker-Shaw; "The Three Kings," tion will be played on the piano Willan; "O'er the Solemn Hush of by Dorothy Stock McPhaden. Midnight," Maxwell; 'Angels We Fran Macdonald, violinist from Have Heard on High," Grundman; Calgary, Alberta, will also be "Bring a Torch Jeanette," Grund- heard, as well as William Wohl- man; "What Child Is This?" macher ,clarinetist, a graduate of Grundman. MADRIGAL SINGERS prepare for their annual Christmas program, which will be held Friday, Dec. 12 at 8:15 p.m. Stadium high school of Tacoma. "Ase Lately We Watched," arr. in the Recital hail of the Music building. Mr. Wohlmacher will play Sonate, Black; "Go Tell It on the Moun. Opus 167 by Saint-Saens. He will tam," spiritual, Worl Dave Beck Brings lVotoriety to Tacoma By PAT DANFORTH vestigation. An important note is I L Another chapter in the life of h a t borrowed or embezzled THE OFF IC IAL P DF ASSOCIATED Dave Beck is being written. The money is not taxable. F PUGET SOUND chapter might well be called, "Oh In 1942 his net worth was $62,- STUDENTS OF TH Where, Oh Where Did That $240,- 227; in 1949 it was $189,819, and 000 Go?" by Dave Beck. During in 1951 Beck has confessed he was the past month newspapers in the worth a million dollars. United States have been carrying The prosecution's case, con- 1958-59—Number 10 Tuesday, December 9, 1958 Tacoma, Washingtott page one stories datelined Ta- ducted by Assistant U. S. Attor- coma. Ex-Teamsters boss Dave ney John S. Obenour, has consist- Newman Club to Me&, Beck has brought considerable ed mainly T-Man Watson's testi- Loggers Lose to Viks 56-53; notoriety to Tacoma with his in- mony concerning his involved 445 Invites -All Catholics come tax evasion trial. page report on Dave Beck. A pa- Beck's monetary troubles began rade of other witnesses including The CPS Chapter of the Nation- Crushed by Bakers 80-3 8 Jan. 6, 1954, when Claude Watson, fuel oil firms, landscaping and al Newman Club Federation for special agent for the Internal Rev - Saturday evening, the Loggers ern center, calmly sank two fre plumbing companies, s h o e m e n, Catholic Students will hold its throws with a second remaining enue Service, began probing into suit salesmen, Beck's personal ran into the Northwest Bakers in the union leader's involved finan- first meeting Thursday, at 8 p.m. the finale of the Tacoma Athletic in the regulation play to throw physician, interior decorator and in the SUB lounge. the first game of the TAC tourna. cial empire. Out of the investiga- more recently, ex-grid stars have Commission's Invitational tourna- tion came the conclusion that The Newman Club receives its ment at the Wilson High gym. ment into overtime. Western went told of their dealings with Beck on to turn the CPS 56-53 before Beck had grossly understated his during his indictment years. The Loggers held the powerful taxable income. Three investiga- name from the noted Catholic Bakers to just an 8-6 lead after a near capacity crowd at Wilsoa tions had been made prior to the VIP's Involved scholar John Henry Cardinal New- six minutes of play. The ex-col- High gym. all-out probe and no evidence of Several VIP's have been sub- man and draws its ideals from his lege greats began to find the Both CPS and Western Wash.. poenaed to testify concernrng fraud was found. However, a bill woxks. range and moved quickly to a 38- ington were hampered by the first was brought on back taxes. their dealings with Beck. Among 22 lead at half-time. game jitters. CPS made only 11 Figure In McClellan Fearings them are John F. English, of These ideals and the objectives In -the second half, the Bakers shots out of 61 attempts for a .279 In 1957 the illustrious Mr. Beck Washington, D.C., secretary-treas- of the Newman movement as well moved out in front to stay. In the percentage while WWCE hit just found himself a central figure in urer of the Internation:l Brother- as the organization of the CPS first 10 minutes of the second half 13 out of 55 for a .236 average. the McClellan Committee hearings hood of Teamsters; William Mack- club will be discussed at the meet- the Maroon and Whites picked up The Vikings won the game from into labor management problems. ie, president of Sick's Rainier ing. only 4 points to the Bakers' 20. the free throw line, connecting 30 Since this time Beck's name has Brewing Co.; Emil Sick, owner of All Catholic students are invit- There was no stopping the easy out of 43 attempts, to CPS's 19 hit the newspapers incessantly. (Continued on Page 4 ed to attend and participate. going semi-pros. out of 31. The tax evasion trial eventually Jack Allain, the big 6-9 center CPS was tied with Western with began Nov. 11 after much delay from Idaho State, and Roland just seconds remaining in the con'. caused by motions filed by Beck's Todd, 6-4 forward from Fresno test. Then with just two seconds attorney, Charles S. Burdell, who Appikatious Available State, led the breadmen with 12 left, Isadore Washington popped is one of Beck's many attorneys. points each. Dick Stricklin, former in a driving hook to give the Log. The motions for delay were based Seattle University ace, also fin- gers a 50-48 edge with just a sec. on Initiative 202 publicity prior ished in the double figures with 1 L ond left. But in the process, Wash. to the election and a book written Now fori! Nnth Model UN points. ington fouled Western's Thomp. with a chapter titled, "The Fall Applications for the CPS dde- a fascinating and enlightening The Loggers, if nothing else, son. The mechanically working of Dave Beck." gation to the Ninth Model United process," he added enthusiastical- gained the experience of playing pivotman quickly notched the Beck is charged with evading Nations are now available, Al ly. against a very tough defensive score at 50 all. In the overtime $240,000 in income tax for the Gunns, 1959 delegation chairman, The nine delegates and several team. No Logger was able to Western made 6 free throws to years 1950 through 1953. announced t o d a y. Application alternates chosen will do work break into the double column. CPS's 3 to win the game. Man of Many Interests forms will be available at the equivalent to a two-hour college Boyd Lyle picked up 8 tallies to Thompson led all scorers with The trial has brought out the Jones Hall information window course in preparing for the mock lead CPS. The tall Bakers out-re- 23 points. He converted 17 out of fact that Beck is a man of varied until the Dec. 17 deadline. UN session. All regularly enrolled bounded CPS 41-28. 20 attempts from the free throw money interests which include The Model UN is a mock ses- CPS students are eligible to apply. * * * line and 3 field goals. Little BilL mortgages, real estate, contracting sion of the United Nations held Expenses for the trip, exclusive CPs Loses Two in TAC Bout Demick paced the Logger attack business, insurance, beverage and annually on the West Coast. It of transportation and incidentals, Big Ron Thompson, ace West- with 15 points. liquor business. Unfortunately for originated at Stanford University are paid by the associated stu- Beck, most of these were financed - nine years ago and is jointly spon- dents. Delegates will stay at the out of union money. Defense has sored from year to year by a host Alexandria hotel in Los Angeles maintained Beck borrowed or school and an agency of United during the conference. CPS dele- Intramural Schedule Announced, "used" Teamster money for in- Nations. Each school sends a dde- gates will travel to Los Angeles vestment purposes and now is gation to represent a specific na- by automobile. paying it back. He began repay- tion on current issues as faith- Press Convention Funds Passed ment a year after IRS began in- fully as possible.
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